Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

the main heroine became a bad girl a little too quickly imo, but oh well..if someone can give a detailed summary of the recent NTR games would be great to read
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Somehow I got it working, but I have no idea how ><.

I tried the old nodvd cracks from previous games but since there's no created backup files, I doubt that's it. Anyways, as silly as it sounds, I got it working by spamming "Backspace" while the black screen was up (I have the .iso file running with daemon tools, but I have no idea if it made a difference).

Edit: Unfortunately it seems the game needs an /H code.

I can confirm that the backspace method works. I had the iso mounted on daemon tools and spammed backspace upon seeing the blackscreen.

Thanks snowpatrol !

time to go rage !
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Backspace method isn't working for me sadly.

Got it to work! I had to spam Backspace AND Delete though.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Hi guys.
I want to play this game ルネ Team Bitters] 魔法少女はキスして変身(かわ)る ~相手が彼以外の人だなんて……~
but I don't know what are the differences between the "complete version" and the dummy cut version.
Somebody can help me??
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Hi guys.
I want to play this game ルネ Team Bitters] 魔法少女はキスして変身(かわ)る ~相手が彼以外の人だなんて……~
but I don't know what are the differences between the "complete version" and the dummy cut version.
Somebody can help me??

It's doesn't make much of a difference. A Dummy Cut isn't a different version of the game, but is a version of the virtual game disk that has been has been cut to a smaller size. Meaning it'll take up less disk space than the original. In the case of 魔法少女はキスして変身(かわ)る the file has been cut down from 3.2 GB to 1.2 GB.
The way I understand it is that most games come with a lot of extra files and data that are completely unecessary for running the game itself, and are usually only there for padding and filling up unused disk space, and may occasionally be used as part of copy protection. To make them easier to download and store on your disk after they've been converted into iso files, people commonly remove these files and create a dummy cut version for the convenience of leechers everywhere.
There won't be any difference with the game itself, but as the file has been altered in such a way there is a small risk of some kind of technical issue. Such as the copy protection messing up, the nodvd working fine with the full file but not having any effect on the dummy cut, and there might be problems if the game needs updating and happens to check some of those padding files as part of verifying whether you actually own the game or not. Only happens in rare cases though.

It's your choice. If you've got lots of disk space and have the time and downloading speed to go for the complete version, then you might as well take it. If you want the minimum amount of time downloading and storage space then take the dummy cut.

Hope that helps you.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

魔法少女はキスして変身(かわ)る ~相手が彼以外の人だなんて……~ looks like a good game overall, but i don't know about the ntr part, and since i am playing many games at the same time it will be a while before i really understand it xD (that and i am SLOWWWWW)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

well from what i see the girl gets more powerful magic power if she has sex with love and not jut rape ( but doesnt work with the protag ofc) and idk some scenes if she pretend she love the partner or she really betray the profat, hasnt played much of it, but hopefuly theres a route that she end up NTR-ing the protag for good..
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


Initial thoughts on 魔法少女はキスして変身(かわ)る ~相手が彼以外の人だなんて: INCREDIBLY FUCKING STUPID. -_-

I hope others can enjoy it, but I can't help but think this is what happens when you have no decent ideas and just pander to the otaku base...
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

well bastard i agree with ya on the stupid part.. theyre using the NTR as a way to regen magic too much, not sure if theres any 'real'' NTR at all... would be nice if someone can summarize it
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


母、姉、妹、妻 NTR

Wow, combo!! NTR Mother, little sister, big sister and wife.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

The only thing I liked about 魔法少女はキスして変身(かわ)る was that you can pursue the slutty friend (the heroine was super annoying anyways), nice to have a slight change of pace from the submissive protagonist.

Otherwise, yeah, it was incredibly silly. Scenario aside, almost every side character felt superficial and pointless. The mom just randomly shows up sometimes and I still don't understand the point of the other magic girl. They also could have just combined the otaku/delinquent into one character as the NTR theme was exactly the same.

Probably the weakest Lune/TB release, and I usually like them =(.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

New Anim game in late April 息子の友達に堕とされて. The site will be updated in 3 days and we'll see if the game art is as good as it looks from the title image.

Wow, this is looking good, really like the sample CG on the character pages.

Waiting on crack, I can't believe it's bee 1 year since their last game.

Yeah, me either.

That one also had the plus of Gentle Sasaki' doing the art design =P. Definitely my favorite Atelier Sakura next to their 3rd game.

Totally agree. :)

I wanted the same artist for the new Gatenkei but 坂上海 art isn't half bad, here are the games he has worked on.

Yeah, I would have preferred that too. At least the new one is good. Definitely like the girl's design on that sample/front page image.

The ones with 有栖川千里 credited as well like エロティ課 誘惑研修はじまるよ~ しごいちゃうから覚悟なさい! (dat tokuten) look even better.
The girl is cute and I'm all for pigtails, fingers crossed for a good seiyuu.

This. I totally love the art in those Atelier Kaguya/Honky-Tonk Pumpkin games.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Talking about Gentle Sasaki, check this out, from Crossover, the makers of another GS fap fest, 美脚隷嬢優奈.
Easily my most wanted non-ntr eroge right now.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Jeez haven't spent hardly anytime on eroge lately, not even fapping to nukige, but I finally finished Wakazuma Mangekyou and someone wanted to know my thoughts on it so here's a review. Will probably also do a full review of Gakuen NTR provided I ever finish it and I'm able to remember the earlier parts of the game by the time I finally do.

Despite all negative initial reception for the new Lune Team Bitters I still plan on giving it a shot, downloaded it as soon as the torrent was up so might as well. After Gakuen NTR.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Talking about Gentle Sasaki, check this out, from Crossover, the makers of another GS fap fest, 美脚隷嬢優奈.
Easily my most wanted non-ntr eroge right now.
You have good taste :)
I'm also a fan of that franchise, and I wait eagerly their next release :bliss:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Jeez haven't spent hardly anytime on eroge lately, not even fapping to nukige, but I finally finished Wakazuma Mangekyou and someone wanted to know my thoughts on it so here's a review. Will probably also do a full review of Gakuen NTR provided I ever finish it and I'm able to remember the earlier parts of the game by the time I finally do.

Despite all negative initial reception for the new Lune Team Bitters I still plan on giving it a shot, downloaded it as soon as the torrent was up so might as well. After Gakuen NTR.
That someone was me, thanks for another great review. As you say, 土天冥海 can make interesting even the most old and tired premises and situations. This was, for me, a major positive point in Gatenkei, at first I felt a bit betrayed by a game I was enjoying going lazy with blackmail, one of my most dreaded plot devices, but this guy sure knows how to deliver.
Waiting for that Gakuen NTR review :)
Btw tweeter feed sidebar made me lol "Screenshotting all the asses in Vividred is proving to be laborious, but it is meaningful work well worth the effort"
A most noble past time :laughpanda:

By franchise you mean that game and 美脚性奴会長 亜衣 right? I've been waiting for a new game in the "series" too.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Atelier Sakura latest game, is it worth to play?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Atelier Sakura latest game, is it worth to play?
I thought it was one of their better efforts. I got rage feelings at least, which I haven't for their last three at least.

Has anyone played LOVE SONG OF THE ANGELS? It is suposed to be all bad ends, and is on the NTR blog but I haven't seen anyone else talk about it.

Also that one game that came out about 2 months ago, with the girls on the swim team is pretty good as well. The main character sleeps with a girl first, which we all hate, but he does it before there is any relationship with any other girl.

Actually the whole game is just a big orgy with everyone sleeping with each other, but the one girl he really likes he doesn't get to have sex with for awhile because his brother keeps taking her at their swim team orgies. Not really true NTR feelings, and maybe I'm just hard up for some NTR, but I still got a pretty good "buzz" from it in lack of a better term. Just go in with an open mind.

I also liked the one where the girl is forced to be a maid and the profag a servent and has to watch the mob boss bang his girlfriend. Sorry for the lack of titles, but I haven't been able to play these in awhile so I can't look them up easily anymore.

Also I can confirm, Fire Emblem for 3DS is a PG NTR fest. You have to find the right subplots but there are characters who are into other characters they aren't married too. I recommend having your character marry Olivia, the Dancer, as she supports nearly everyone and seems to fall for all the male characters really easily. If only their were a doujin available for every NTR route, it would be the perfect game.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Also I can confirm, Fire Emblem for 3DS is a PG NTR fest. You have to find the right subplots but there are characters who are into other characters they aren't married too. I recommend having your character marry Olivia, the Dancer, as she supports nearly everyone and seems to fall for all the male characters really easily. If only their were a doujin available for every NTR route, it would be the perfect game.

REALLY? I just started playing it! Is there any other good NTR routes/characters I should explore while playing? I do love talking something so innocent and turning a nintendo game into something devious, slurp!

On a a different point, I've begun to feel eroge sadly, has spoiled the surprise of NTR.

Can't you remember those games that would totally shock you with an NTR scene? They just no longer exist...Slurp!

Its like having your presents under the tree but without wrapping! Wheres the surprises? The twists and turns?

I would like to see NTR return to its roots, AS routes within games not the purpose of the game. Part of what makes NTR strong is when you "the player" can influence "if it happens" or not.

ALAS but NTR has now has become predictable like bad porn with pizza delivery men!

Slurp, I shall do a skit in example of ntr's current state:

NTR pizza man: Hello? I'm here to NTR your wife!

Husband: Or really? I don't like that idea but shes over there and she won't be into it!

NTR pizza man: Hello wife

Wife: Hello-ooh your dangerous pls leave me alone!

NTR man: HAHA I have your panties!

Husband: Hey, whats going on?

Wife: OH no don't look my loving husband, NTR man has my panties!

NTR man: Yes and there all wet, my wild and dangerous NTR hair style excites your wife!

Wife: Oh no please don't say that!

Husband: Oops I have to run to work, are you going to be okay wife?

Wife: ....

NTR man: Don't worry I'll take GOOD care of your wife!

An hour later....

Husband: I'm home!

Wife: I think I'm pregnant...

Husband: Really? Oh what have I done!


As you can see...just not the same when you see it all coming.

Oddly enough most of my original NTR experience was from games where you played and lost battles with the women folk being used as sexual fodder for the winners. I say odd because this is clearly NTR BUT I always felt like it was never explored as NTR outside of the scenes themselves. Like it happened then nobody talks about it ever unless a bad end comes up as a result.

Sometimes I wish I could patch games with new scenes that are NTR, with new dialog and CG.

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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

REALLY? I just started playing it! Is there any other good NTR routes/characters I should explore while playing? I do love talking something so innocent and turning a nintendo game into something devious, slurp!

Well like I said anyone who marries Olivia might feel the NTR burn.

Thraja is in love with the Main character so even if she marries someone else she will be in love with him/her. But if you really identify with your MU then that is more on the Netori side.

Sumia is in love with Crom, no matter who she marries and will call him "my love" even if you are her husband. Also some Barric scenes has her talking about meeting someone new even if she is married.

Crom can actually NTR a lot of the girls from you in Chapter 11 if you don't marry four of the main girls before then because he will just marry one (depending on a certain pecking order). So if you have A ranked Maribelle or Sumia, etc, he can just come in and announce they are getting married. That one probably hits the hardest.

There are a couple other ones too.

There is also this thing called the Hubba tester where this old man tells you how two units feel about each other. So you can have two units who aren't married to each other but to other people get all hearts and love signs and Hubba says things like, "Get a room you two." or if it is two women, "I'm not one to judge ladies."

Really it's kind of surprising stuff for a Nintendo game. Again, nothing explicit, so don't get your hopes up. Requires some imagination. lol
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

All that stuff made me want to buy a 3DS more than months of silly Nintendo commercials :laughpanda:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

uggg I've had the super flu bug, been hard to get into NTR with that around.:(

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