Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Holly shit! Its real!!! It is said they will crossover Marina with other AS Netori guy(s)! The title will be "Marina, please have sex with other man infront if me"

My best bet either Tanaka Bob or Shinkai Satoru . I can barely remember other Netori guy maybe due to shitty story or unattractive character design. This is truly a great year for NTR in general.
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My best bet either Tanaka Bob or Shinkai Satoru . I can barely remember other Netori guy maybe due to shitty story or unattractive character design. This is truly a great year for NTR in general.
Yeah my guess is Bob too siince it was drawn by same artist, Gentle Sasaki (gosh i wish Japanese can think another name for black guy than "Bob"). I also expecting Chief from Mariko as the new guy for Marina.
Can someone link me the page to downlaod the latest text extraxctor (next hooker or something on github) i am googling it but get nothing T.T

PD:is there a way to make so i only get the text? i use TA since i lack internet T.T
Really feeling a bit betrayed by that kuripick translator... But I saw the signs- the meaningless postponing and absence of any samples or logical sense. Probably another translation lost to time- if it ever existed.. seems to have disappeared too- They came back for a day to post something on pixiv apologizing for the absence and said they will return to regular samples and then they disappeared again..

Well at least I still have shinachiku castellas/jinseis tsuukoudomes/technobrakes/avantgarde games to look forward to. At least Castellas is too high profile to be postponed unreasonably.. Hoping Kaguragames also steps up their translation speeds and gets to gaptax and gyu!'s game.

I have the flu and just want to live to play something nice.

Here is the google translation, for those with lazy bones;

"[Kiyo] <Notice>
At Fantia, we are planning a crossover work between Marina of the rental wife Marina series and the past Sakuma man.
"Maryna, be embraced by another man in front of me! 』
A man embraces Marina in front of her husband while being voted.
Details will be announced next week!"

Couple of interesting notes, Gentle Sasaki hasn't realeased anything gor a year (according to vndb). Previously he'd released one or two a year. Hopefully it could mean this is bigger than the usual Atelier trash. That is of course complete speculation.

"Sakuma man" is odd because best I can tell Sakuma means man/ boy.

I'd enjoy it if it were Bob especially if he linked in to their daughter (now having grown up). I doubt atelier is dark enough to do that.

I hope if they are bringing her back it's not for a cash grab (definitley is) and is instead to push the envelope.

Also not sure what being 'voted' could mean. Perhaps watched or supported?
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Really feeling a bit betrayed by that kuripick translator... But I saw the signs- the meaningless postponing and absence of any samples or logical sense. Probably another translation lost to time- if it ever existed.. seems to have disappeared too- They came back for a day to post something on pixiv apologizing for the absence and said they will return to regular samples and then they disappeared again..

Well at least I still have shinachiku castellas/jinseis tsuukoudomes/technobrakes/avantgarde games to look forward to. At least Castellas is too high profile to be postponed unreasonably.. Hoping Kaguragames also steps up their translation speeds and gets to gaptax and gyu!'s game.

I have the flu and just want to live to play something nice.

Never lose hope, also he did share some screen shoots you know? (the guy from guinol)

I don't care about the story but damn the artist really know how to make an art. It's that good.

Couple pieces of news:

1. LINDA kickstarter is now less than 14k away from its goal. Be great if there was a final push for the remaining days

2. Mangagamer has opened a 2020 licensing survey so now's your chance to request NTR games you'd like to see in English and uncensored

Even if you think it won't make a difference, your opinion/voice should still be heard!

Here is the google translation, for those with lazy bones;

"[Kiyo] <Notice>
At Fantia, we are planning a crossover work between Marina of the rental wife Marina series and the past Sakuma man.
"Maryna, be embraced by another man in front of me! 』
A man embraces Marina in front of her husband while being voted.
Details will be announced next week!"

Couple of interesting notes, Gentle Sasaki hasn't realeased anything gor a year (according to vndb). Previously he'd released one or two a year. Hopefully it could mean this is bigger than the usual Atelier trash. That is of course complete speculation.

"Sakuma man" is odd because best I can tell Sakuma means man/ boy.

I'd enjoy it if it were Bob especially if he linked in to their daughter (now having grown up). I doubt atelier is dark enough to do that.

I hope if they are bringing her back it's not for a cash grab (definitley is) and is instead to push the envelope.

Also not sure what being 'voted' could mean. Perhaps watched or supported?

I somehow missed this but even if it's clearly a cash grab it's still something I'll check out.

I get the feeling Atelier Sakura has been in a rut the past couple years. Not too surprising they're bringing back arguably their most popular and best selling IP.

It would require a lot of extra effort but I've always wondered why they've never bothered to ask around any studios about the possibility of some hentai OVAs or setting up a new anime division/department of their own.

While most hentai OVAs currently (and for what feels like a decade now) are cheaply made and usually inferior to the manga or game they're based on, Atelier Sakura could show some initiative and create an anime hentai (like for the Marina series) with high production values; when was the last time a hentai OVA was released on Blu-ray in Japan?

Sorry if I'm breaking any forum rules discussing politics but I remember reading a while back there was a Japanese politician named Taro Yamada. An actual otaku who campaigned on the platform of anti-censorship for anime, manga and games. Who knows if any actual progress will be made but would be pretty amazing if somehow he manages to abolish those outdated laws of censoring (pixels) private parts in hentai. No average politician (with other goals) would make this issue a high priority; probably because they wouldn't be taken seriously but the fact that Yamada won a decisive victory for his seat in the House of Councillors was probably a huge shock to many.

TL;DR hentai industry would probably be more successful if censorship was removed and budgets were increased.

The cost of producing a well done hentai OVA series is probably the same budget as a single game's budget. Therefore wouldn't a Marina hentai OVA series sell better than a bland standalone game that isn't Marina related (and probably losing money on)?

Even if a hypothetical Marina hentai OVA was just as cheaply made as the average hentai OVA it would probably still sell well on brand recognition.
Sorry again but hopw do i stop the bing translation? otherwise i will be without megas rather fast T.T

I followed this video tutorial there explain in one part how to change the extensions there you can change the translator you want the only bad thing that there are only two translation options bing and google I think you can not translate offline

here video:
I followed this video tutorial there explain in one part how to change the extensions there you can change the translator you want the only bad thing that there are only two translation options bing and google I think you can not translate offline

here video:

I found how to get the extensions off on my own, but will still see it since there are other things i could know (like how to et it BACK for when i do have internet lol), and yay it works so far aparently xD, and is ok i just need it to grab the text, i use TA with atlas and mecab/jparser to play due to my shitty internet.
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Couple pieces of news:

I somehow missed this but even if it's clearly a cash grab it's still something I'll check out.

I get the feeling Atelier Sakura has been in a rut the past couple years. Not too surprising they're bringing back arguably their most popular and best selling IP.

It would require a lot of extra effort but I've always wondered why they've never bothered to ask around any studios about the possibility of some hentai OVAs or setting up a new anime division/department of their own.

While most hentai OVAs currently (and for what feels like a decade now) are cheaply made and usually inferior to the manga or game they're based on, Atelier Sakura could show some initiative and create an anime hentai (like for the Marina series) with high production values; when was the last time a hentai OVA was released on Blu-ray in Japan?

Sorry if I'm breaking any forum rules discussing politics but I remember reading a while back there was a Japanese politician named Taro Yamada. An actual otaku who campaigned on the platform of anti-censorship for anime, manga and games. Who knows if any actual progress will be made but would be pretty amazing if somehow he manages to abolish those outdated laws of censoring (pixels) private parts in hentai. No average politician (with other goals) would make this issue a high priority; probably because they wouldn't be taken seriously but the fact that Yamada won a decisive victory for his seat in the House of Councillors was probably a huge shock to many.

TL;DR hentai industry would probably be more successful if censorship was removed and budgets were increased.

The cost of producing a well done hentai OVA series is probably the same budget as a single game's budget. Therefore wouldn't a Marina hentai OVA series sell better than a bland standalone game that isn't Marina related (and probably losing money on)?

Even if a hypothetical Marina hentai OVA was just as cheaply made as the average hentai OVA it would probably still sell well on brand recognition.

I read about the anti=censoring campaign. I think it will fail. If the various industries wanted it they could probably push it through but the groups who don't would push to get rid of certain things. Loli and Shota probably won't survive the decade, if they even manage to survive the Olympics.

Agree a Marina anime would be great, if done with a good budget. I wonder if crowd funding will take off in Japan, remember the ecchi Tsugomomo raised nearly $75k for its ecchi special. H games in the west regularly raise tens of thosands. Subverse raised £1.5m. It seems to me if they want they could produce these things with zero risk to a high standard.
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I kinda want to vote for Netori guy from Mariko. But which Netori guys from that list that give really strong NTR for protagonist?
So some thoughts on Atelier's announcement for new Marina game...

First off - what the heck is Fantia? The game was announced as being made with them, from what I can tell its a fan service for people or companies to follow? So then this "new" game with Fantia is basically Atelier's way of interacting with its fans...but isn't twitter that already? I mean the poll is on twitter not Fantia's website...

So is Fantia an actual company thats producing this game? I'm really not sure what their role is here..

Per the character poll I HOPE anybody BUT Hiroto wins, for two reasons. The story would be boring ASF - where is the risk? The fall from grace we've already seen them paired up so many times (almost each game) and honestly Hiroto is too nice to properly NTR or even netorase anymore. Plus Hiroto isn't a very interesting lover honestly now. Worse is we've already PLAYED the game where Marina agreed to netorase again (in 3) and guess who Kenji picked? Hiroto! Haven't we already played this game? LOL..

Isn't the idea of a new game to see her with a new guy? A new threat that could push Marina closer to true NTR?

Which brings me to my second issue - I like seeing artwork of Marina with a NEW partner, as each game did. Bringing something NEW to the table. Every lover, no matter how skilled, was a "different" lover for Marina to experience and produced a new type of NTR threat. Hiroto even if he has become a "better" lover is still the same lover and we already have SO much artwork featuring them together. More so it doesn't really even feel like NTR with him anymore, he's TOO much in the picture now. He's like part of their extended family. That in its very essence ruins him for me as a good candidate for NTR simply because he has been overused.

So my vote goes to anybody but him, and currently leading is the first character in the vote option 岡田一樹 so I guess him?

HOWEVER I'd actually love to see the very last guy in the poll #4 win (the business man) simply because we don't know much about him. He was only featured in one NTR game before and he feels dark, mysterious and don't know exactly what he brings to the table other then driving women "insane" frothing at the mouth with his sex power. That could be interesting. I'd rather he win tbh.

Now lets talk about the title of this game. Gone is netorase report, replaced with "Marina, embraced by another man in front of me!" - so I assume this means a few things have changed and firstly its no longer has reports. The title alone assumes that all the hentai action will take place with Kenji in the same room or nearby. This makes some sense, after the events of Marina 3 I could see where she could be like "if I do this you need to be there with me now, no more room for mistakes" although Marina could also have her own devious reasons? There is definitely a dark side to Marina, she lies A LOT. honestly I wasn't sure if half the stuff she said to different lovers was just stuff she said to make them all feel important. She clearly lied to Kenji to protect his feelings or because she liked having secrets in her netorase reports too.

The title itself, especially that ! - it implies surprise or shock. Its even stated in the tweet he is surprised Marina agrees to his request and with the title change overall, I feel this has a deeper meaning to it. She spent the better part of the entire series basically punishing Kenji for wanting why suddenly agree to it?

Overall I'm not surprised they announced this new game, I'm more surprised in the way they announced it with Fantia (i keep thinking the soft drink lol) and what that means.

Also a question for you all, there seems to be this idea this game will be netori in tone, I assume because it involves another man but clearly the game is not netori. Although dropping the netorase from the title does imply it might be more in direct relation to NTR now and shocking twists?
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On a different note...are we not missing at least one new NTR game released this month? 巨乳人妻寝取られ催眠 ~シェアハウスで管理人と妻が…~

I noticed overall the releases this month have been very bare minimum, I wonder why...pls don't tell me the corovirus is effecting eroge releases!

Atelier newest game doesnt really fall under NTR in my opinion, unless its revealed that she has a boyfriend in another school and is using this single year to bang as many guys as possible before they get back together...even then thats pretty shallow ntr lol. Or heck he asked her too, still feels like an afterthought.
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So leading in the Marina poll for her "partner' is the first option. If the first guy in the poll wins, who has been featured with another wife and pushed her to sleep behind her husbands back with ANOTHER guy - then that could add some interesting ideas to my head that Marina could be lead into some unexpected situations or at the least the guy like to mess with peoples relationships. That would be interesting for sure, especially if its not just a straight forward, "i pick him" - ok, I slept with another guy. End game lol. I'd love to see some twists and turns this time around, I feel Marina series needs a real twist.

I'd really love for them to develop this game to be at least twice the length of their normal games and really bring all the characters back to tell a more complete story. Plus a longer game would mean more options and a deeper or story with more twists.

I'm also curious as this game is being made "with fans" if they will keep polling new questions...I have to admit if this work with Fantia means getting more fan feedback for new games that IS exciting!

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