Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Know nothing of the game but if it really is ntr (or even netori) focused shota i am in (don't know why i suddenly want this variation)

It's netori, They are taking care of the kid, because his mom has to take a trip, and the couple are really happy about it because they don't have any kids (husband has erectile dysfunction). I was going to buy Miel's game as well since it's been out but can't find it, but I'll just wait.

Someone just uploaded all Miel's games( except for the latest one >_<), about 2/3 are either Netorare or Netori.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)


Damn, gentlemen! 2,000 posts AND a new sub-section! お疲れ~! A big thank you to those that continue to post, it may seem like it's just the same bunch of regulars sometimes, but the nearly 300,000 views are proof that there are lot of people at least somewhat interested in our favorite genre! If you're a lurker who's thought about posting and just never taken the chance, what better time than now?

Also, thank you to the Anime-Sharing staff for being awesome and supporting us!

I think there's a lot of potential for generating more discussion through the use of additional threads. I know I'm going to do my best to contribute, even if my post frequency is rather low. >_>

Random(Mostly Bad) Ideas for Names! Seriously, it was harder than I thought coming up with something good.

NTResting Games and People (As a overall section name)
NTR-my (I suppose NTR Army works too, but that's not as punny... NTaRmy?)
Normal Type Relations (Well, for us, at least...)
National Transcontinental Railway (It fits!)
we're iN your base sTealing youR waifu (A bit of a stretch, but I think it's funny. >_>;;)
Cry and Rage, Vanillafags! (Sorry, couldn't help myself...)
Green Hat Guys (Good thread name for people who like being the victim. Apparently, men who lived with prostitutes in ancient China had to wear green scarves/hats and it became slang for a cuckold. The more you know!)

and finally, an acrostic poem by Action Bastard:
N ot every phrase
T ransitions well into an acronym
R rrroooom is what cars say; additionally, I'm going to turn your lover into a sex-crazed nympho...
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Normal Type Relations

I just couldn't stop laughing at that for some reason.

Google green hats chinese men
Luigi on the first link
It all makes sense now... :laughpanda:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

It's netori, They are taking care of the kid, because his mom has to take a trip, and the couple are really happy about it because they don't have any kids (husband has erectile dysfunction). I was going to buy Miel's game as well since it's been out but can't find it, but I'll just wait.

Someone just uploaded all Miel's games( except for the latest one >_<), about 2/3 are either Netorare or Netori.

Good, their old games are fantastic, and the rest are fappable xD
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Nice names Action Bastard, I like National Transcontinental Railway :D
Have a NTR haiku:

went home early today
men's shoes at the entrance, that whore
could not help but fap
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

[MENTION=6217]ron34[/MENTION] Thanks for putting that list together. I usually manage to keep up to date on all the upcoming ntr myself, but I know there are people new to the fetish who'll get good use out of it and I have a good idea of what a pain it is to manage. Even if it's just copy/pasting text and uploading pictures to be linked, it gets surprisingly repetitive and tiresome doesn't it? Trying to dig out previous NTR stuff to be linked will be even more of a hassle, so I wish you the best of luck there.
It'd probably be a good idea to stick to announcing upcoming games in that thread and make a separate thread for something like "Stuff every real NTR lover should know about" to make list of older works that everyone who hasn't been around since before the hongfire thread might want to be aware of. Where you can post the stuff you know about and can get get others to post their suggestions, aiming to make a complete 'best of NTR' list.
Unless you seriously intend to try compiling a list of all eroge focusing on NTR ever made. In which case, good luck. You'll need it. :rolleyes:

In other news I'd like to draw this to everyone's attention. Just a short little 3d animation which runs in the visual novel style, showing a guy called over by his girlfriend to find some thug type already there and her telling him she wants to break up. Wouldn't call it a real story and the while animation looks good enough, it's pretty repetitive. But the dialogue is quite cruel. As far as being scorned verbally by the heroine while being NTRed goes, this was pretty good (or evil be exact). Only downside is that the the internal dialogue is all from the perspective of the girlfriend rather than the NTRed guy, which puts a damper on things. Still though I'd mention it, since as it isn't a real eroge some of you might have missed it.
It's uploaded here if you want it. Just don't expect anything too deep or involved. It's just short and cruel.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

In other news I'd like to draw this to everyone's attention. Just a short little 3d animation which runs in the visual novel style, showing a guy called over by his girlfriend to find some thug type already there and her telling him she wants to break up. Wouldn't call it a real story and the while animation looks good enough, it's pretty repetitive. But the dialogue is quite cruel. As far as being scorned verbally by the heroine while being NTRed goes, this was pretty good (or evil be exact). Only downside is that the the internal dialogue is all from the perspective of the girlfriend rather than the NTRed guy, which puts a damper on things. Still though I'd mention it, since as it isn't a real eroge some of you might have missed it.

Is she looking at her boyfriend while getting into action? This looks way too cruel, even for me but I'll have to try anyway.Why do I like to suffer :saveme:

As for this new section, shouldn't ron34 split the work with a few guys.Someone could gather pictures for each game to put on spoiler, someone the download links (torrent if possible), and someone the agth-codes/walk-through.
A list is a good idea, but sometimes a few games that aren't labelled as NTR happen to have some later on or simply have the usual girl in love forced into sex with bad guys that a few here should enjoy.Could some of these games be added?
Thinking about games like 虜ノ契 ~家族のために身体を差し出す姉と妹 or 戦国天使ジブリール.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

The pictures are not a problem, walk through links would be nice though, I didn't think about that. About agth codes, there's a site already,
Correcting me on the NTR type would be a huge help to.

I'll try to update it before the end of the week, I was busy watching all the new Anime spring titles, plus game of thrones and Spartacus.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)


@ron34 Very nice work! I've already found your list to be quite helpful in catching any titles I might have missed and seeing some of the upcoming stuff I wasn't really aware of. I don't have a lot of time to hang out on the JP sites that announce those things, so having it here for easy access is beyond awesome! Good job! Someone, offer him your wife/girlfriend immediately!

I'm currently in the process of making a thread for reviews; I'd be honored if others would contribute to it!
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

@ron34 your list is awesome, i myself missed a dew, but the reason why i startes to love (bro-love xD) is because i realized that 麻呂の患者はガテン系 is supposed to come out this month (it says 2013-04) thanks to the picture, someone knows more about the game?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

@ron34 your list is awesome, i myself missed a dew, but the reason why i startes to love (bro-love xD) is because i realized that 麻呂の患者はガテン系 is supposed to come out this month (it says 2013-04) thanks to the picture, someone knows more about the game?

No, I'm pretty sure the pic on their main site of the heroine with the notes doodles around her, is all the info anyone gets before the game is released. They did it the exact same way with ボクの彼女はガテン系. All we got was that same kind of picture and nothing else, not a summary of the plot nor preview CGs. Seems to be deliberate so you can have your imagination run wild.
The fact that they're also deliberately duplicating the same pic from the previous game with just the heroine different, even down to the construction site getup she's wearing, is also interesting. Makes you wonder about it, since we know the author is more than good enough not to do something as lame as make it a rehash of the plot ofボクの彼女はガテン系. So you have to wonder what parts it's going to have in common in order to make it a proper successor in a series, and where and how it's going to take the story in a different direction. Like they're suggesting that you should expect a story that may seem to have very similar circumstances to the previous one at first, but will tell a completely new story in the end.

Gets you curious doesn't it? Which means the gimmick is doing exactly what they want it to.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

No, I'm pretty sure the pic on their main site of the heroine with the notes doodles around her, is all the info anyone gets before the game is released. They did it the exact same way with ボクの彼女はガテン系. All we got was that same kind of picture and nothing else, not a summary of the plot nor preview CGs. Seems to be deliberate so you can have your imagination run wild.
The fact that they're also deliberately duplicating the same pic from the previous game with just the heroine different, even down to the construction site getup she's wearing, is also interesting. Makes you wonder about it, since we know the author is more than good enough not to do something as lame as make it a rehash of the plot ofボクの彼女はガテン系. So you have to wonder what parts it's going to have in common in order to make it a proper successor in a series, and where and how it's going to take the story in a different direction. Like they're suggesting that you should expect a story that may seem to have very similar circumstances to the previous one at first, but will tell a completely new story in the end.

Gets you curious doesn't it? Which means the gimmick is doing exactly what they want it to.

Yep, i just hope is released soon, it does say april right? and probably the history will be different but the structure the same (game divided in 4 parts)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)


Yep, i just hope is released soon, it does say april right? and probably the history will be different but the structure the same (game divided in 4 parts)

I wouldn't be so sure about that. I haven't seen anything to indicate that the new game will be split like the previous one. If you remember, the first game actually has one hell of a title, and the full thing was included in the promotional image. Also, it's much cheaper than the previous game, so I'm not expecting quite as much.

My biggest hope is that they're using a similar framing device because it's what the scenario writer wants and he has an interesting idea for this story, and not because they want to take advantage of the success and popularity of the original to move something mediocre. That would be VERY Japanese of them. -_-
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

I like how Elf with-holds information for their NTR games including the hcg. It builds up the ntr mystery.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

where can download [BLACKRAINBOW]姉恋模様???
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

well I'm oozing my way back to the way of NTR. after recovering from the flu bug it was like all joy in NTR went with it. then when it came back I just had no faith in anything with NTR in it would be any good. I need a good game to set me back on the path (come on elf don't let me down.)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Hey guys... i got thing for stepmother or sister-in-law NTR.
It doesnt matter if it is a soft- or hardcore(ahegao/dirtytalk)title. Anything will do. :)

Can anyone recommend good eroges with this theme? thx
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

where can download [BLACKRAINBOW]姉恋模様???

I´m been looking for that game too for weeks, all links are dead, please if you find it let me know
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

men, that isn't the game?

Gah. You're right, it isn't. This is what I get for posting with my brain in neutral. Sorry for messing you around with that.
Yeah, it looks like all the links around for that one died ages ago. No torrents either.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Gah. You're right, it isn't. This is what I get for posting with my brain in neutral. Sorry for messing you around with that.
Yeah, it looks like all the links around for that one died ages ago. No torrents either.

The links work fine, I dl it yesterday, mayb they missed your link?

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

i just realized what is the only real improvement i can think for the next elf game, that the timeline is more concise or rather clear, like we know exactly when X event is happening, what do you think?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Can anyone gimme a list of avoidable ntr or avoidable heroine rape games?I know vndb has them but they're not really convincing.

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