Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)


Seeing a lot of speculation in this thread and as someone who has the game and can understand what's being said in the Japanese comments and reviews, I wanted to set the record straight on some things. I'll spoiler stuff from here so people who don't want to see what's coming can avoid doing so. I'm not going to go into great detail about the story yet, or offer my own opinions. I just want people to know what to expect a bit better.

The game is netori. You play as the doctor 95% of the time. There are a handful of scenes where you'll see the
husband and wife interacting alone, but they're played out as narratives and not from any person's perspective.

There are 26 scenes and 30 distinct cgs, but that's INCLUDING non-h scenes and cgs. I have more than half of these. Of that there's only one actual sex scene, with the vast majority chronicling the doctors efforts to get to
second and third base.

There are 24 animations. I have all but the last four. Of what I have, 13 are groping.

Advancing through the game is notoriously difficult, as one might expect from an Elf game. There are lots of
options and choices with the vast majority sending you to a bad end.

The first half of the game sets the stage and is more what the Japanese call いたずら(itazura- meaning to make mischief/trick/joke) than anything else. Lots of groping from the doctor and asking perverted questions/making jokes.

There are two routes. One culminates in a scene where the doctor fucks the girl in front of her husband(He's a gynecologist so he's down at the lady parts with a divider between them.) under the guise of a medical procedure. This is still itazura, though because he's doing it without the girl's consent, though presumably she realizes she's being fucked partway through and just keeps quiet because her husband is right there.

As for the other route, I haven't been able to reach it yet. I'm keeping an eye on various blogs and review sites hoping for enough hints or a guide, but even knowing the basic gist of what has to happen, I haven't been able to hit all the right flags in three full play-throughs and countless loads from various spots. According to our Japanese NTR brothers this has to do with the girl's mindset and the relationship between the girl and the doctor. Having a hard time with that because of the large number of choices, questions, and responses, and the doctor is a fucking idiot Maro. >_>

From what I've read from people who've cleared it, the second route is more the 'true' route. In this one, the husband gets pissed off and beats the holy hell out of the doctor. Which makes the wife feel bad and she begins to take care of him. From what I've read this ends up with scenes where the wife is feeding him, helping him beat off, etc.(which appears to be the majority of the scenes I don't have), and that's where the love aspect of things start to come into play. I think it culminates in the doctor sneaking into their house to have sex with the wife and then the game ends with "To Be Continued".

I'm sure the second route adds more length overall, but I managed to clear the first route in 3 hours or so understanding about 80% without any problems, pausing to look up a lot of the medical kanji to better understand, but for the most part ignoring some of the scenes where the doctor sililoquizes.

Edit: From what I understand the pure/true love part is not between the husband and wife but between the doctor and wife in the second part. I could be wrong about this, but given the nature of the comments, I think that's correct.

I've heard the game be described variously as an itazura game, a netori game, a love comedy, and !"#$%&!

Many people are complaining about the price given the length and dearth of NTR content, and seem to think
most of the money went to the countless boob animations. I'm inclined to agree. At half the price, the new game has 24 animations and the old game had 30. The difference lies in the fact that almost all of the new ones
are groping, while almost all of the ones from the old game were sex scenes. There are only two sex scenes that I have confirmed in the new game(with maybe the possibility for one more). Animations are more expensive than cgs. All our money went to tits.

Obviously, a huge complaint is no NTR. While I'm also sad about this, I can't too angry because the game and advertizements only actually ever promised netori given the game's title and that it was given it would be from the doctor's perspective. People hoping for more were doing exactly that. Hoping. Still, it's a bit douchey on ELF's part and they likely never gave out more information to drive sales. There's a fair number of pissed of fans.

The 'To Be Continued' ending. It's sloppy writing and people haven't been afraid to say it. They expect better from the scenario lead. Of course, there's speculation about the follow-up, but it's hard for me to say too much because I haven't cleared the second route yet. I'm sure it's possible, but the way they've done it this time with the netori part happening first means they're going to have to do a lot of back-tracking and time shifting and that was really the only complaint with the previous title. Also, if there's as much love/sweetness as has been mentioned in other comments, it's going to be weird.

The only thing that everyone can actually agree on is they all LOVE the female lead, Sakimi. I concur. I can say for sure that the writer hasn't lost his touch there.

I'll summarize the best comment I read: "If this was from any other company, most people would be saying "Hey, pretty good!" Because it's from ELF a lot of people are disappointed or unsatisfied. ELF isn't a company that we expect to make average games. If you want to enjoy this game, you should try to not expect it to be the same as the previous game. It doesn't come anywhere close. Expecting it to will hurt your enjoyment of an otherwise okay effort."

There you have it. Hopefully this will answer some of your questions and cut back a bit on some of the speculation. If anyone has any questions, I'll do my best to try to answer them.

Thank you for the detail. But I have questions. So if I get all the CGs and the animations, it is still one CG of sex for Sakimi and doctor maro? Is the story too short for us players? By the way, do you get the genuine for it?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)


Here are the answers to your questions.

As far as I know there are only two sex scenes in total, but I've only seen one for sure. There might be one additional one, for a total of three, but that's doubtful. Almost everything is non-h, groping, or foreplay(blowjob,fingering,etc.).

If you're fluent in Japanese the story probably takes 2 hours to complete the first route. I'm not sure how much length is added by the second route, but overall the game is quite short. Obviously, if you're not fluent it will take longer.

I'm sorry, I don't quite understand your last question. If you mean do I own the game, then, yes, I purchased it yesterday through DMM. I live in Japan, so it's possible for me to do so, but I understand many don't have the same option.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

...i feel like with biowares game, expecting DLC lol

A little question, i started to replay ボクの彼女はガテン系 since the new game was coming, i was bored, and didn't get all the ends the firts time, so my question is: in the END 00 (the one you get for interructing the foursome at the inn) he lost all or almost all because aida somehow convinces misaki to sue a him for DV in the divorce and he gets all depressed (would love to see misaki inner thoughts here as to how to justify it) and he regularly visits the cementery with a guy, is the guy a ghost? why do i get strong feelings that the prota is dead or soon be dead (suicide)?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

So depressing on so many levels.

Have there been any games with bad ends that end in NTR? I feel those don't get represented as much, bu tI've stumbled on a few recently that never got mentioned here.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

...i feel like with biowares game, expecting DLC lol

A little question, i started to replay ボクの彼女はガテン系 since the new game was coming, i was bored, and didn't get all the ends the firts time, so my question is: in the END 00 (the one you get for interructing the foursome at the inn) he lost all or almost all because aida somehow convinces misaki to sue a him for DV in the divorce and he gets all depressed (would love to see misaki inner thoughts here as to how to justify it) and he regularly visits the cementery with a guy, is the guy a ghost? why do i get strong feelings that the prota is dead or soon be dead (suicide)?

Yeah that guy is a ghost. You see that kind of thing a lot in japanese fiction, even when it's meant to be a real-life setting.
That guy is the one who Nao was cheating on her husband-to-be with in the scene at the start of the second chapter. Dunno how many of the other endings you got, but in any route where you took the choice where you first meet that guy in the graveyard where he's looking for something and you chose to check where he was pointing and found a cell phone stuck in the dirt, before turning around to see the guy had vanished, then you usually reach a scene in the final chapter where you were visited by Nao after Misaki has vanished, before her husband the co-worker shows up. If you found the phone then the police burst inside and arrest him for the murder of the guy from the graveyard, who had been sleeping with Nao back then. That's why if you don't ignore him and don't find the phone when making the choice there, you can't get the co-worker's help in finding Misaki and the game ends there.
So yeah, in that ending he ends up alone with only that guy for company, not realising he's hanging out with a ghost. Bit strange of a development, but like I said it's a device commonly used in japanese fiction. Using a ghost or a psychic as a plot device is surprisingly common even in stories that have nothing to do with the supernatural.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Yeah that guy is a ghost. You see that kind of thing a lot in japanese fiction, even when it's meant to be a real-life setting.
That guy is the one who Nao was cheating on her husband-to-be with in the scene at the start of the second chapter. Dunno how many of the other endings you got, but in any route where you took the choice where you first meet that guy in the graveyard where he's looking for something and you chose to check where he was pointing and found a cell phone stuck in the dirt, before turning around to see the guy had vanished, then you usually reach a scene in the final chapter where you were visited by Nao after Misaki has vanished, before her husband the co-worker shows up. If you found the phone then the police burst inside and arrest him for the murder of the guy from the graveyard, who had been sleeping with Nao back then. That's why if you don't ignore him and don't find the phone when making the choice there, you can't get the co-worker's help in finding Misaki and the game ends there.
So yeah, in that ending he ends up alone with only that guy for company, not realising he's hanging out with a ghost. Bit strange of a development, but like I said it's a device commonly used in japanese fiction. Using a ghost or a psychic as a plot device is surprisingly common even in stories that have nothing to do with the supernatural.

ok, now 3 more questions:

1-does tanaka find out the guy is a ghost?

2- is there a part where we see misaki's throughts about sueing her husband for DV? or at least something similar?

3- if not is there another game with a plot where the heroine falsely sues her husband?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

This month I am waiting for 2 games. the first one is [Elf]麻呂の患者はガテン系, the second one is [Bishop]牝教師3 ~淫悦の学舎~. The curiosity and the waiting time are killing me (Someone told that the new Elf game is not NTR instead of Netori, Is that real?). Damn, why it's so long. Anyway the first one [Bishop]牝教師 is Netori with scene of one of heroines. What will we have for next month? I guess we are all waiting for anime "Hitou_Meguri_Kakure". How about game which you guys are waiting for?
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Right now I'm pretty excited for the new MinkEgo's game cuz I enjoyed their previous game quite alot.
It's not confirmed to have NTR yet but high chance that it'll be.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Although some people is not satisfy with last game of MinkEgo but I am like it (I hope it have some more Cgs). New game will come in May. I see at lease 3 male characters. So I am certain that it will be NTR. Sure it's in my list.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

ok, now 3 more questions:

1-does tanaka find out the guy is a ghost?

2- is there a part where we see misaki's throughts about sueing her husband for DV? or at least something similar?

3- if not is there another game with a plot where the heroine falsely sues her husband?

1 - Don't think he does. Too busy worrying about being cuckolded to think about the 1st encounter in the graveyard at any time later on, and in the ending where they end up keeping each other company he's past caring about the details after having lost everything.

2 - No in a route where she gets taken away by original NTR guy we only ever hear about what happened from Tanaka in retrospect once he's living alone later on. I don't think it ever shows Misaki's perspective at any time after the netori chapter.

3 - Not that I know of. Not many netorare stories get involved enough to have a development where the wife leaves him for the other man and then uses accusations of DV or the like to ruin him and get everything out of the split. Of course, I tend to favour young love NTR over married for years NTR, so I might simply not be aware of it.

Hope that helps.

I'm looking forward to the new MinkEgo game too, though the lack of an NTR tag on the getchu page is bugging me.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

I'm looking forward to the new MinkEgo game too, though the lack of an NTR tag on the getchu page is bugging me.

It had a tag when I found it. So did 高級凌亭 ~おキモノ女将はスキモノ女将~, but the netori tag is gone. I haven't played it yet, but it seams it ain't netori at all.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

It had a tag when I found it. So did 高級凌亭 ~おキモノ女将はスキモノ女将~, but the netori tag is gone. I haven't played it yet, but it seams it ain't netori at all.

Well, it's not hard to believe that the site would make assumptions. Especially when the first game was ntr and also focused on a imouto.
But from descriptions all it seems to talk about is the mc being attracted to his step-imouto and how things might advance in that direction.
Since there are other male characters shown which is unusual for an ero focused eroge, I'd like to believe that even if the imouto fetish is the main focus, that there will be NTR focused routes available.
Of course I may be worrying over nothing and it actually is a proper ntr game lack the 1st one. We'll just have to wait and see.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

I'm looking forward to the new MinkEgo game too, though the lack of an NTR tag on the getchu page is bugging me.

XD i through i was the only one
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

hey got any other site for grope yami no walk-through
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Hate to be a bother, but I was looking through the Upcoming NTR thread and spotted this title. Unfortunately, every time I try to leave the starter village I get some message involving 'RGSS Error: failed to create bitmap'. I've downloaded it half a dozen times already from different sources, still the same error. Anyone happen to have played this one and know how to get past this?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Hate to be a bother, but I was looking through the Upcoming NTR thread and spotted this title. Unfortunately, every time I try to leave the starter village I get some message involving 'RGSS Error: failed to create bitmap'. I've downloaded it half a dozen times already from different sources, still the same error. Anyone happen to have played this one and know how to get past this?

I haven't play it sorry, I only put it there because it had an NTR tag, but it seems they took it off, just like they did with other titles.:stress:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

I just beat the elf game and although I did enjoy it, like groping her in front of her husband, it was way too short and even though it's to be continued it took them a while to make this one :( so much groping, 1 blowjob scene and one sex scene.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

My ITH is not grabbing all the text. :donow:, It also feels like I'm playing minesweeper.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

The new elf game could have been soo good if they focused on NTR, i really like the heroine, her looks, personality and voice actress is almost perfect, but as you would have it, the NTR feeling is negligible to say the least... which is disappointing, unless this is just the prologue and the sequel is the husband's POV.. all NTR fetishists who played this game from start to finish would only be left with a feeling of 'what could have been' after seeing the heroine, and those who paid for it would feel disappointed at the lack of h-scenes.

Well for many people here it seems that this game is the shining light of hope in the middle of a looooong NTR drought and it seems it will continue for awhile yet, though there are some promising ones... i have been trying to dig up some games with NTR content, but some links are impossible to find since last year's Copyright thing which pretty much took away the NTR heaven of hongfire, which i still resent to this day...

I have been finding that some games which have NTR sub-routes but not NTR-centric sometimes have the best NTR, since for one, it is unexpected and is usually a minor part/subplot but worth a download, hopefully there are some like that in future, but for now i guess ill have to dig up the old games for awhile yet...
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

the way you people describe it i think i will pass on the new elf game, well i am downloading the cracked version just in case but i better wait for the continuation, by the way is there an official announcement that there will be one? i hope they were working on it at the same time as the firts part (that would explain the time it took them)

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