Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Does anyone have played the new version of A Promise Best Left Unkept by Hangover Cat? how is the story so far?
Does anyone have played the new version of A Promise Best Left Unkept by Hangover Cat? how is the story so far?

The newest one not, and fuck it i won't beg there but i can beg HERE!! anyone has ver 0.2.5? Is been a few days i can't wait until next month xD
His games are always added to f95zone once the $5 tier gets it(which is always a week after the $10 tier)
His games are always added to f95zone once the $5 tier gets it(which is always a week after the $10 tier)

I am not sure its ALWAYS, and that is why i mentioned end of the month, i don't wanna wait that long lol (yes i am whinning i know xD)
Thank you all guys for all the replies. It's nice seeing other people's opinion regarding a very controversial fetish. Usually it's hard to discuss this kind of topic in a civilized way without getting called out in all sorts of names. Good to see this thread got a lot of respectful people

Other than that, I came across something very very interesting while I was playing a non-H 3DS game named "Persona Q". There's that event called "Group Date Cafe" in which you pair one character with the MC, who then will go through a fake marriage trial as a couple. Y'know, for the longest time, I was wondering how it would feel like to watch/play a crossover title that combines two harem series, and Persona Q just gave me the perfect answer to that, as that game combines two widely popular titles named "Persona 3" and "Persona 4". If you're a turn-based JRPG gamers, there's high chance you know about them. Before you can begin playing the game, you need to choose which MC you'd like to control, whether the one from P3 or the one from P4. Now you can guess how it flared up my interest, since the event basically gave me the chance to see how the female cast of one harem series would react to the advance of a MC of another harem series. What I basically did was have the MC of P3 pair with the female cast of P4 and vice versa. And dang, was it a hilarious and refreshing experience. It's not NTR technically, though the feel was still there, a positive kind of feel, especially with the two female characters, Yukari from P3 and Rise from P4, who are canonically in love with the MCs of their respective games. Besides, I got to see another side of them, especially Rise whose dialogue with Minato (the MC of P3) actually had more personality compared to her usual fangirlism over Yu (the MC of P4, who she was originally meant to be with). Here's a full vid of the event involving the two girls I'm talking about:
(Really like those YT comments haha. The persona series is one of the very few japanese games where I prefer the EN dub over the JP dub. The EN dub is just that good)

I seriously love it when I find those tidbits of NTR moments in a title that is meant to be full Vanilla. Hopefully I can find more like this. There's Fire Emblem Fate too with its romantic pairing system, but it's not as explicit
[Darabuchidou (Darabuchi)] Tsumareta Ikoku no Hana IV | Plucked Foreign Flower IV [English] [biribiri] [Digital]


Thank you so much Darabuchi sensei, i love this series so much. Glad he planned to make it for five volume. Darabuchi, Takeda , and Sanbun is great for heroine corruption in NTR.
BBQ RJ331660 v1.10
Compressed from over 2.5GB to less than 0.5GB !!!
***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***
***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***
Nebel Geisterjäger Technical Validation Version 2.3 compressed.7z (bugfix, pics from bath scene from 2.2 restored, it was missing in 2.3)
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Looks like both dl files are down, guess I was too late =_=...
Is there any way to reupload them?

Come to think of it, since BBQ is chinese, should I get the chinese version of the game instead of the japanese as the latter could have a broken language that will be hard to MTL?
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How does one say no ecchi, hentai, h in Japanese. the jap words for ero/hentai should be エロ, or 変態, or エッチ but when placing the japanese word for "No" before and after it I get shit results. I'm trying to look for movies or tv shows that have some cuckolding themes (obviously not as pronounced since its not porn) to watch, but I keep only finding porn links when searching.
How does one say no ecchi, hentai, h in Japanese. the jap words for ero/hentai should be エロ, or 変態, or エッチ but when placing the japanese word for "No" before and after it I get shit results. I'm trying to look for movies or tv shows that have some cuckolding themes (obviously not as pronounced since its not porn) to watch, but I keep only finding porn links when searching.

変態 and エッチ in Japanese don't refer to porn. エロ is used but usually paired with something else like エロアニメ, eroge are usually referred to as: 18禁ゲーム or literally エロゲ. The problem with trying to find non-R18 content in a search engine is that all porn tends to be tagged but non-porn won't be so "not porn" won't give you any useful results, unless you are on a website with mixed content like novel websites. Anyway, I think your best bet is to find Japanese NTR blogs or websites that mention stuff like this, as an example NTRblog sometimes mention TV shows or movies with NTR content.
変態 and エッチ in Japanese don't refer to porn. エロ is used but usually paired with something else like エロアニメ, eroge are usually referred to as: 18禁ゲーム or literally エロゲ. The problem with trying to find non-R18 content in a search engine is that all porn tends to be tagged but non-porn won't be so "not porn" won't give you any useful results, unless you are on a website with mixed content like novel websites. Anyway, I think your best bet is to find Japanese NTR blogs or websites that mention stuff like this, as an example NTRblog sometimes mention TV shows or movies with NTR content.

Thank you for that info, okay so how does one say non-r18 then in japanese. yes my intention was to find some list/blog that had them. I was going to play around with the words to stumble on them or even check twitter. But to do that I need to know how to say non-r18 and the like. I got lucky and found some korean ones which were fantastic but nothing for japanese.
Looking for this NTR/Netori game I played ages ago. IN one of the routes. You could fuck your friend's mom. She was thicker than the average anime girl but not fat per se. I think she had purple hair? It had a few characters you could choose from when it came to heroines and she was one of them. In the first scene you have sex with her in the bathroom after her son leaves from the bath. Later on he knocks on the door and as she reaches to open it you stick your dick in her so she does not open it all the way. In another scene you have sex in a public park and people are going by.
Wow Onboro doing commentary about Marina 1 and about working with AS on his Twitter.

To put simply here is the summary.

He looking back at the first time he make Marina 1. He comment about Netorase start become popular subgenre on NTR genre (Well Mariko and Aisai Nikki predate it, but yeah i agree ). He thought making Marina has a daughter making her looks old like obaasan because her daughter keep talking about her mommy LOL. That's why Mayumi from later series was created as newlywed couple to make her young. In the first game Marina tell about her sex experiences in the past, this was rare in eroge writting at that time. And her model in real life has similarity with that. So he think reader can understand this part quickly

Also what suprising me the most he played Gatenkei series! He even called it "God Tier eroge". The Confession scene with Hiroto? That was inspired by interrogation/confession scene from Boku Gatenkei.


But considering that scene was heavy and too drama in Gatenkei, he change it to make it more erotic. That's why he called Marina on this scene as “Dirty Marina” LOL

He also said he love to make scene where the characters doing activity while naked. He think the older he get, the more erotic these scenes has become.

And for the last part. He just tweet about how he create Marina the first time. It was rough, he has limited thight schedule. He regret doing some mistake in the past. Like he think Marina could be better if only he had more time to develop.

For my comment, i kinda disagree with him about heroine with Childern.I think what make Marina more charming was she is MILF with good relationship with her family who happened to be in NTR genre, bonus point she is partly responsible with netorase boom in mid 2010s. While i do agree it will make her too old if she get more and more sequel. I think That was part of her charm.

I wish he didn't stop writting eroge. Well considering last month he make adult ero drama with Kobato Riku (Marina seiyuu) and Gentle Sasaki , maybe he could back soon? I wish! I hope when he back, he can join with studio with more flexible release. He really frustrated with mothly release schedule from AS.

thanks for reading.
Now i understand why Misaki , Marina, and Mariko story give good impressions for me. Also, including Mayumi, why lots of Netorase heroines name started with "M"? Hahahaha

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