Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Rintsuma is weird game for me. The ero scenes was hot. But the story, i think feels bit rushed. But what weird some of the stories feels disconnected. I think if this game more linear will be better.

I don't think it's bad. It's just feel like wasted potential.
That's really hot - feels like that and Cyberpunk are the only themes not fully explored at this point
Here are some reviews for a batch of games, most of which everyone has already played.

[Elf] Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei
It amazingly lived up to the hype.

The charm of an intertwined & flowing story, irreverent humor, enjoyable character quirks, a couple that you can't help but cheer for, an antoganist who doesn't quite get everything, gorgeous art, and so on... I don't know what other NTR game comes even close in terms of writing.

Only knocks are route hunting, which I bypassed with a walkthrough, and wanting minor modifications in 1 of the major endings:

The one where Misaki forces Masahi to make their sex lives work despite his shortcomings, and embracing his newfound proclivities: would have preferred it to end on a non-netorase note. There's enough netorare and netorase spread throughout that I wanted something a more vanilla touch to balance things; the farm one was a minor ending.
I can find another game where I enjoy ero elements slightly more, but that's partly due to how invested I was in the plot and it's personally unrivaled in every other category. I intentionally had this in the backlog in case it lived up to the praise and it did!

[Orcsoft] Aisai Nikki
Replayed it as several years had passed since last completion, and it's still my favorite simulator.

If I could forget any game so I can replay it again, this is top of the list: simple simulation mechanics, short play time, gorgeous art, extremely sexy heroine, charming little snippets of conversations, and the corruption sequence is amazingly erotic.

Unlike Gatenkei it has minimal plot, but these 2 are my favorites.

Koukan no Toriko-tachi
Played, finished, and briefly mentioned it months ago, and I want to expand on the opportunity loss.

Netorase and swapping routes? Perfect, or meaty enough. NTR route, though, I have massive issues:

Tetsuya longing for Yukari had been strongly hinted towards, and him landing her despite his friendly relationship with Hiroki (MC) made complete sense. What bothers me is Yukari's inconsistent character.

She loves Hiroki and sex, but wants the MC to idolize her less. This is a critical plot point. She's very playful and sexually unreserved, as observed in netorase play and numerous - sometimes explicit - hints towards her past.

Yet the NTR route has her demuring many times to Tetsuya. That maiden-like personality doesn't really fit, and we only see brief hints of playfulnes like after onsen anal defloration. This is a serious issue.

Other flaws:
1. MC hinting at cheating never goes anywhere. Her casually flaunting her own affair (scent in bedroom, hickey) turns out to be unintended unless I missed something. Lack of harmony here, and in a few other places, stands out.
2. DLC with the professor was terrible. What's the point of her telling Tetsuya? It's completely unerotic; they don't have a netorase dynamic, MC makes more sense though the scenes aren't good in the 1st place. The "reveal" of where/how she became sexually practiced is very anti-climactic.
People say NTR is the "true" route, but I think either the netorase or swapping one is instead since her character makes more sense in those. Otherwise, the intended route wouldn't have what I consider writing flaws. It's a shame, because there was some amazing stuff packed in the NTR route. Waffle dropped a chance for this to be a "masterpiece" that pulls off all 3 sub-genres and not merely settle for a very good to great game.

[Atelier] Gyaruzuma Anri no Netorase Play
Even for Atelier, the utter lack of effort and budget spent is incredible. There is no flow, in-game art is recycled more than it usually is, and the sex scenes are incredibly boring despite the writers fulfilling the title name.

Besides the insanely S-tier cover art, I'm surprised this was positively received. Yes, the gyaru archetype wasn't used well in Gyaruzuma Sex, but I'll happy take that over this any day.

[Mijiishi] Mercenary Band NTR
Definitely not as good as Ruins of Luxoria or Amour Maho Academy. Mijiiishi has great netorase titles and it's worth playing if you like that stuff, but advancing the story requires taking on guild challenges and lewding the heroines, which isn't always clear.

The guild mystery selection was an annoying dynamic, and so was the QoL immediate birth feature only being usable when pregnancy is visible, or the carpel tunnel inducing path between the door and bedroom.

It has some incredible scenes but unlocking them felt more of a chore than before, and having multiple heroines was a bad idea. The developer tried to appease too many fans, which is why cameos from other games this time are actually physically involved.

[Guilty`Dash] Tanshin Furin
Newer developer with a netori revenge plot. Story is bad, the art is OK, and the game has less budget than Miel's titles. Yet it's almost charming in a slip-shod way in terms of its plot gimmick, which is very predictible once you realize its revenge focus. I don't recommend it but it's worth monitoring the developer long-term to see if they improve while still putting out non-cookie cutter stories.
Here are some reviews for a batch of games, most of which everyone has already played.

[Elf] Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei
It amazingly lived up to the hype.

The charm of an intertwined & flowing story, irreverent humor, enjoyable character quirks, a couple that you can't help but cheer for, an antoganist who doesn't quite get everything, gorgeous art, and so on... I don't know what other NTR game comes even close in terms of writing.

Only knocks are route hunting, which I bypassed with a walkthrough, and wanting minor modifications in 1 of the major endings:

The one where Misaki forces Masahi to make their sex lives work despite his shortcomings, and embracing his newfound proclivities: would have preferred it to end on a non-netorase note. There's enough netorare and netorase spread throughout that I wanted something a more vanilla touch to balance things; the farm one was a minor ending.
I can find another game where I enjoy ero elements slightly more, but that's partly due to how invested I was in the plot and it's personally unrivaled in every other category. I intentionally had this in the backlog in case it lived up to the praise and it did!
I've always been meaning to play this game but I never really got around to it despite everyone always praising it. Never knew it had netorase though. Might actually give it a try now.

Koukan no Toriko-tachi
Played, finished, and briefly mentioned it months ago, and I want to expand on the opportunity loss.

Netorase and swapping routes? Perfect, or meaty enough. NTR route, though, I have massive issues:

Tetsuya longing for Yukari had been strongly hinted towards, and him landing her despite his friendly relationship with Hiroki (MC) made complete sense. What bothers me is Yukari's inconsistent character.

She loves Hiroki and sex, but wants the MC to idolize her less. This is a critical plot point. She's very playful and sexually unreserved, as observed in netorase play and numerous - sometimes explicit - hints towards her past.

Yet the NTR route has her demuring many times to Tetsuya. That maiden-like personality doesn't really fit, and we only see brief hints of playfulnes like after onsen anal defloration. This is a serious issue.

Other flaws:
1. MC hinting at cheating never goes anywhere. Her casually flaunting her own affair (scent in bedroom, hickey) turns out to be unintended unless I missed something. Lack of harmony here, and in a few other places, stands out.
2. DLC with the professor was terrible. What's the point of her telling Tetsuya? It's completely unerotic; they don't have a netorase dynamic, MC makes more sense though the scenes aren't good in the 1st place. The "reveal" of where/how she became sexually practiced is very anti-climactic.
People say NTR is the "true" route, but I think either the netorase or swapping one is instead since her character makes more sense in those. Otherwise, the intended route wouldn't have what I consider writing flaws. It's a shame, because there was some amazing stuff packed in the NTR route. Waffle dropped a chance for this to be a "masterpiece" that pulls off all 3 sub-genres and not merely settle for a very good to great game.
Really loved the game and everything you said is pretty much spot on. That section about the professor DLC really hit home though. After the onsen DLC which is my favorite part of the entire game, I was really looking forward to more once I heard there was actually a second DLC. I saw the synopsis and was disappointed but I still gave it a shot thinking that it couldn't be that bad but my god it felt like such a drastic shift in the other direction. It didn't really feel like any form of NTR at all and was quite the letdown.

[Mijiishi] Mercenary Band NTR
Definitely not as good as Ruins of Luxoria or Amour Maho Academy. Mijiiishi has great netorase titles and it's worth playing if you like that stuff, but advancing the story requires taking on guild challenges and lewding the heroines, which isn't always clear.

The guild mystery selection was an annoying dynamic, and so was the QoL immediate birth feature only being usable when pregnancy is visible, or the carpel tunnel inducing path between the door and bedroom.

It has some incredible scenes but unlocking them felt more of a chore than before, and having multiple heroines was a bad idea. The developer tried to appease too many fans, which is why cameos from other games this time are actually physically involved.
Game progress and scene selection wasn't really troublesome for me, though it was a bit of a downgrade from their previous works. The heroines though were actually had an up and downside for me though. I actually liked the inclusion of the heroines from the previous games and I feel like if it wasn't for the fact that there were already a bunch of heroines present, they would've had more positive reception. The main cast is a bit of a problem though. The main heroine is fine as she is though a higher focus on her would've benefited the game. The other heroines though just feel like their missing things. The blonde one (Nona I think) has a huge presence in the game story and loves the MC but it doesn't really feel reciprocated, especially since they never actually have sex. The pink haired one (forgot her name) is fine, especially since she's Rodrigo's lover and the game also has some netori moments but there's two problems. There's already two other netori targets in the game with the two heroines from the previous titles, and the MC managing to get even a fraction close to winning over gigachad thundercock Rodrigo's lover (even if they're in an open relationship) is pretty unbelievable. Blue haired girl (forgot her name too) is actually a pretty solid heroine as there's an entire chapter between her and the MC forming a bond. After she joins the MC's group though, the netorase just starts and it feels like the whole bond she had with the MC got put to the side. There's more heroines but they're mostly there for story purposes and only have like one scene max so they get a pass.
My last major beef with the game that has actually carried over from Ruins of Luxoria is Rodrigo. He ticks all the boxes for me except for the last, most basic, but most integral box. Big dick dude with amazing technique who's banged thousands of women but is actually a decent dude and even asks for consent for banging your girl, though he may take it too far from time to time. The only problem is, he just doesn't follow through in the end. Even when the entire scene is set up for him to change the scene from netorase to netorare and the heroines are practically begging for him to steal them, he refuses on the basis that he doesn't want to be chained down to one woman. He never fully cucked the MCs of the games but everytime it feels like I'm being cucked of a good NTR ending.
But honestly, this wouldn't have felt like that big of a problem if the group hadn't already pulled off a good netorase game with multiple heroines before. Amor Academy, in my opinion, did it better. Three heroines with a focus on the main heroine while still giving the other girls a lot of content was a solid plan for success. Even better was the three other guys who could steal them from you. It felt like Mercenary NTR was trying to replicate that but the other guys of the MC's group lacked personality and onscreen presence (except for Rodrigo). The stat screen was also a call back to Amor so I was hoping for a similar dynamic. In all honesty, the only thing that stopped Amor Academy from being even better than it already was, was the fact that is was somewhat incomplete, especially with the fact that the game has no endings (I think, sure never felt like the game ended to me).
Mercenary NTR is still a 9/10 for me though so I'll just look forward to whatever Mijiishi makes because they're always a hit, even with there downsides.

Thanks a lot for the frequent reviews man. Really appreciate it.
Here are some reviews for a batch of games, most of which everyone has already played.

[Elf] Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei
It amazingly lived up to the hype.

The charm of an intertwined & flowing story, irreverent humor, enjoyable character quirks, a couple that you can't help but cheer for, an antoganist who doesn't quite get everything, gorgeous art, and so on... I don't know what other NTR game comes even close in terms of writing.

Only knocks are route hunting, which I bypassed with a walkthrough, and wanting minor modifications in 1 of the major endings:

The one where Misaki forces Masahi to make their sex lives work despite his shortcomings, and embracing his newfound proclivities: would have preferred it to end on a non-netorase note. There's enough netorare and netorase spread throughout that I wanted something a more vanilla touch to balance things; the farm one was a minor ending.
I can find another game where I enjoy ero elements slightly more, but that's partly due to how invested I was in the plot and it's personally unrivaled in every other category. I intentionally had this in the backlog in case it lived up to the praise and it did!
Glad you like this game. This game is surprisngly well written for NTR eroge for it's time. Every route feels different, but the bittersweet ending is the one that gave me big impact. Speaking of ending you post, is it:
-The one where Misaki and Makkun accept orgy lifestyle and doing sex with curtain sperarting bed and ended with He getting handjob from Misaki while she getting fucked behing
- The one where Maakun get tied and get reverse rape by Misaki , and then they accept Maakun fetish. In the end He ask Misaki to wear short skirt to greet their guest

[Orcsoft] Aisai Nikki
Replayed it as several years had passed since last completion, and it's still my favorite simulator.

If I could forget any game so I can replay it again, this is top of the list: simple simulation mechanics, short play time, gorgeous art, extremely sexy heroine, charming little snippets of conversations, and the corruption sequence is amazingly erotic.

Unlike Gatenkei it has minimal plot, but these 2 are my favorites.
Aisai nikki is simple but addicting, the game mechanic is fun, the ero scenes was hot. Also Sanae is well designes character with sexy voice. I really like her. I still play Aisai Nikki on my free time.

Looks like we sharing same taste in NTR game hahaha

[Atelier] Gyaruzuma Anri no Netorase Play
Even for Atelier, the utter lack of effort and budget spent is incredible. There is no flow, in-game art is recycled more than it usually is, and the sex scenes are incredibly boring despite the writers fulfilling the title name.

Besides the insanely S-tier cover art, I'm surprised this was positively received. Yes, the gyaru archetype wasn't used well in Gyaruzuma Sex, but I'll happy take that over this any day.
Yaah, i feel cheated by the cover. You wanna know why this game feels hal-baked? That's because they lock another scenario on their Fantia!!! And you need to pay double to play the route! (Subscription fee, and past month reward fee)
You can download the Fantia extra content in here and here

Thanks for your recommendation, i will play all Mijishi RPG and Koukan no Toriko-tachi...
A Housewifes Healing Touch -Prologue-.7z (133.43 MB)
Alicesoft's prologue of upcoming NTR/netori/pure love title. English.

Wow didn’t expect a Japanese company to release an English translation. Is the prologue worth playing?

Definitely getting the NTR edition. Glad they split up the edition to save money. Woman like her is best suitable for corruption :P My only concern is will there be a good amount scenes. Since each edition is around $11-13 it could feel rushed/short. Don’t know if there is some extra benefit if you buy the set edition.
Koukan no Toriko-tachi
Played, finished, and briefly mentioned it months ago, and I want to expand on the opportunity loss.

Netorase and swapping routes? Perfect, or meaty enough. NTR route, though, I have massive issues:

Tetsuya longing for Yukari had been strongly hinted towards, and him landing her despite his friendly relationship with Hiroki (MC) made complete sense. What bothers me is Yukari's inconsistent character.

She loves Hiroki and sex, but wants the MC to idolize her less. This is a critical plot point. She's very playful and sexually unreserved, as observed in netorase play and numerous - sometimes explicit - hints towards her past.

Yet the NTR route has her demuring many times to Tetsuya. That maiden-like personality doesn't really fit, and we only see brief hints of playfulnes like after onsen anal defloration. This is a serious issue.

Other flaws:
1. MC hinting at cheating never goes anywhere. Her casually flaunting her own affair (scent in bedroom, hickey) turns out to be unintended unless I missed something. Lack of harmony here, and in a few other places, stands out.
2. DLC with the professor was terrible. What's the point of her telling Tetsuya? It's completely unerotic; they don't have a netorase dynamic, MC makes more sense though the scenes aren't good in the 1st place. The "reveal" of where/how she became sexually practiced is very anti-climactic.
People say NTR is the "true" route, but I think either the netorase or swapping one is instead since her character makes more sense in those. Otherwise, the intended route wouldn't have what I consider writing flaws. It's a shame, because there was some amazing stuff packed in the NTR route. Waffle dropped a chance for this to be a "masterpiece" that pulls off all 3 sub-genres and not merely settle for a very good to great game.
Do myou have link for DLC 交姦の虜たち・・・特典ストーリー ? I can't find it anywhere
Linking to the full site for the new alicesoft game as well :

Key point is that they will be releasing it as two separate games : one for the love route and the other for netorare and also...Global Worldwide release, suggesting that English and a few other languages will be available day 1.

Also, the MC will be the husband for the netorare route, so it'll be more of a proper NTR game than how it's worked for previous games.
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Here are some reviews for a batch of games, most of which everyone has already played.

[Elf] Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei
It amazingly lived up to the hype.

The charm of an intertwined & flowing story, irreverent humor, enjoyable character quirks, a couple that you can't help but cheer for, an antoganist who doesn't quite get everything, gorgeous art, and so on... I don't know what other NTR game comes even close in terms of writing.

Only knocks are route hunting, which I bypassed with a walkthrough, and wanting minor modifications in 1 of the major endings:

The one where Misaki forces Masahi to make their sex lives work despite his shortcomings, and embracing his newfound proclivities: would have preferred it to end on a non-netorase note. There's enough netorare and netorase spread throughout that I wanted something a more vanilla touch to balance things; the farm one was a minor ending.
I can find another game where I enjoy ero elements slightly more, but that's partly due to how invested I was in the plot and it's personally unrivaled in every other category. I intentionally had this in the backlog in case it lived up to the praise and it did!

[Orcsoft] Aisai Nikki
Replayed it as several years had passed since last completion, and it's still my favorite simulator.

If I could forget any game so I can replay it again, this is top of the list: simple simulation mechanics, short play time, gorgeous art, extremely sexy heroine, charming little snippets of conversations, and the corruption sequence is amazingly erotic.

Unlike Gatenkei it has minimal plot, but these 2 are my favorites.

Koukan no Toriko-tachi
Played, finished, and briefly mentioned it months ago, and I want to expand on the opportunity loss.

Netorase and swapping routes? Perfect, or meaty enough. NTR route, though, I have massive issues:

Tetsuya longing for Yukari had been strongly hinted towards, and him landing her despite his friendly relationship with Hiroki (MC) made complete sense. What bothers me is Yukari's inconsistent character.

She loves Hiroki and sex, but wants the MC to idolize her less. This is a critical plot point. She's very playful and sexually unreserved, as observed in netorase play and numerous - sometimes explicit - hints towards her past.

Yet the NTR route has her demuring many times to Tetsuya. That maiden-like personality doesn't really fit, and we only see brief hints of playfulnes like after onsen anal defloration. This is a serious issue.

Other flaws:
1. MC hinting at cheating never goes anywhere. Her casually flaunting her own affair (scent in bedroom, hickey) turns out to be unintended unless I missed something. Lack of harmony here, and in a few other places, stands out.
2. DLC with the professor was terrible. What's the point of her telling Tetsuya? It's completely unerotic; they don't have a netorase dynamic, MC makes more sense though the scenes aren't good in the 1st place. The "reveal" of where/how she became sexually practiced is very anti-climactic.
People say NTR is the "true" route, but I think either the netorase or swapping one is instead since her character makes more sense in those. Otherwise, the intended route wouldn't have what I consider writing flaws. It's a shame, because there was some amazing stuff packed in the NTR route. Waffle dropped a chance for this to be a "masterpiece" that pulls off all 3 sub-genres and not merely settle for a very good to great game.

[Atelier] Gyaruzuma Anri no Netorase Play
Even for Atelier, the utter lack of effort and budget spent is incredible. There is no flow, in-game art is recycled more than it usually is, and the sex scenes are incredibly boring despite the writers fulfilling the title name.

Besides the insanely S-tier cover art, I'm surprised this was positively received. Yes, the gyaru archetype wasn't used well in Gyaruzuma Sex, but I'll happy take that over this any day.

[Mijiishi] Mercenary Band NTR
Definitely not as good as Ruins of Luxoria or Amour Maho Academy. Mijiiishi has great netorase titles and it's worth playing if you like that stuff, but advancing the story requires taking on guild challenges and lewding the heroines, which isn't always clear.

The guild mystery selection was an annoying dynamic, and so was the QoL immediate birth feature only being usable when pregnancy is visible, or the carpel tunnel inducing path between the door and bedroom.

It has some incredible scenes but unlocking them felt more of a chore than before, and having multiple heroines was a bad idea. The developer tried to appease too many fans, which is why cameos from other games this time are actually physically involved.

[Guilty`Dash] Tanshin Furin
Newer developer with a netori revenge plot. Story is bad, the art is OK, and the game has less budget than Miel's titles. Yet it's almost charming in a slip-shod way in terms of its plot gimmick, which is very predictible once you realize its revenge focus. I don't recommend it but it's worth monitoring the developer long-term to see if they improve while still putting out non-cookie cutter stories.

Hello, could you give me a guide to the game [Orcsoft] Aisai Nikki? since there is no walkthrough, thank you very much in advance.
It might sound contradictory but I kind of wish we'd get more games where the NTR was a just a branching path, instead of the whole game being NTR.
It's just I feel the NTR hits harder if it was avoidable all along :T

Oh yes, that is good, honestly i don't mind either way, although i feel a slightly amount of sadistic pleasure if i know the MC is screwed no matter what, but sometimes having the oposite being possible does make it hit harder.

Mmmm i guess it depends on my mood xD
It might sound contradictory but I kind of wish we'd get more games where the NTR was a just a branching path, instead of the whole game being NTR.

I find the amount of NTR content the last few years to be much less than about a decade ago (the golden age of NTR around 2010). In general we are getting a lot less visual novel H-games and flooded with low effort, bad art, RPGMaker games (there are still some that are good).
I find the amount of NTR content the last few years to be much less than about a decade ago (the golden age of NTR around 2010). In general we are getting a lot less visual novel H-games and flooded with low effort, bad art, RPGMaker games (there are still some that are good).

Thats facts…you can see the extensive NTR works in vndb from 2000-2015. Weird enough the amount of NTR content in h-manga and doujins has increased substantially from 2010
Well, eroge in general is in a slump even outside of NTR games. A bit of a dying industry unfortunately.
Well, eroge in general is in a slump even outside of NTR games. A bit of a dying industry unfortunately.

Oh god don't say that, i am afraid of the future when i think of companies like Lilith-soft that are big but haven't released a game in years (or feels liek years at least), worse Lilith has less of an excuse since they sold their souls to the endless gacha machine and aparently are doing quite well, menaign they could produce at least 1 game per year.

I pray for anything new coming out of them, do'nt care if its black, mist, soft, etc so long as is a lilith game, maybe Yukikaze 3

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