Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Prepare for horny and depression hahahaha, Boku no Kanojo Gatenkei translation will be released next week!!

Gosh, even after years passed, i still ragequit playing this game hahaha. Watching Misaki get raped and humiliated is so depressing. What even worse for Masashi, the protagonist. All of his happened behind him for years, and some route implying Misaki willingly cheat on him because of Aida manipulation and Masashi inability to give him pleasure. What worse that, Their marriage life doesn't have problems, Masashi still give free time for his family despite his busy works. It's just happened that both of their life ruined by asshole rapist

But fortunately side materials and spin-off implying all of nnightmare that happened to them isn't canon. Even their son hevaily implied to be from Masashi's seed
Replaying it make me feels the worst haha. God, this game erotic yet so depressing.

Wait, side material? where? Also boooooo, if anythign if feel it wasn't hardcore enough!!! (well apart from the ending where she sues him and ruins his life on false charges of domestic abuse, but that ending was underutilized!!)
And to think Appetite and Miel still exist today. This is a pure unfair lol. It's a shame that Bishop never make a full blown NTR game. In terms of heroine corruption, they're really excellent in that area.

For AS, even with the lost of Onborozuki , other writer still reluctant to feature any Milf type in their story. I mean what's their problem ?
Is there any policy preventing them from include Mother type character in their game ?The thing is Marina probably their most popular series ever, oh the irony...

Took 12 years for Atelier to finally feature a teacher type heroine in their upcoming work
Wait, side material? where? Also boooooo, if anythign if feel it wasn't hardcore enough!!! (well apart from the ending where she sues him and ruins his life on false charges of domestic abuse, but that ending was underutilized!!)

Visual fanbook and MAro Gatenkei 3. Aida and others make cameo on that game.
And to think Appetite and Miel still exist today. This is a pure unfair lol. It's a shame that Bishop never make a full blown NTR game. In terms of heroine corruption, they're really excellent in that area.

For AS, even with the lost of Onborozuki , other writer still reluctant to feature any Milf type in their story. I mean what's their problem ?
Is there any policy preventing them from include Mother type character in their game ?The thing is Marina probably their most popular series ever, oh the irony...

Took 12 years for Atelier to finally feature a teacher type heroine in their upcoming work
"writer: Koorogi Atelier"

It'\s the Apetitte writer!!
Prepare for horny and depression hahahaha, Boku no Kanojo Gatenkei translation will be released next week!!

Gosh, even after years passed, i still ragequit playing this game hahaha. Watching Misaki get raped and humiliated is so depressing. What even worse for Masashi, the protagonist. All of his happened behind him for years, and some route implying Misaki willingly cheat on him because of Aida manipulation and Masashi inability to give him pleasure. What worse that, Their marriage life doesn't have problems, Masashi still give free time for his family despite his busy works. It's just happened that both of their life ruined by asshole rapist

But fortunately side materials and spin-off implying all of nnightmare that happened to them isn't canon. Even their son hevaily implied to be from Masashi's seed
Replaying it make me feels the worst haha. God, this game erotic yet so depressing.

The way side material you mentioned sounds like a... fever dream!? LOL

Should I say that also sounds like Masashi or his son had a... wet dream? LMAO

And everything happened so far has just been a whole clusterfuck that messiing his/their minds? *I'm dead*
The way side material you mentioned sounds like a... fever dream!? LOL

Should I say that also sounds like Masashi or his son had a... wet dream? LMAO

And everything happened so far has just been a whole clusterfuck that messiing his/their minds? *I'm dead*

It never mentioned which route is canon, but in Maro Gatenkei 3, Aida and his lackey still same as ever, trying to rape someone wive just because he think he is rich and could getting away with it. But he also said he was being rejected by Misaki and this give him resentmen against woman with similar type like Misaki (Big tits housewives with strong will, but secretly easily to be manipulated).So canonically atleast she get raped or almost get raped by AIda, but in the end she still comeback to her husband.

From his look, i don't think their son is from Aida's seed hahahaha
spent some time with 刻まれた快感 so here a my own spoiler of the story.

long ago gods and monsters fought a war and the Gods won. the gods then went into a long slumber but gave a gift of thier power to humans as a form of a stamp, a mark on the body giving the power of one of the gods so they could fight monsters. ages of past but the stamp has remained with only 2 ways to have it. one way is inheriting it thru blood lines from father to son but it is not a 100% of happening. 2nd way is that all women are born with no stamp but will be mark with one if they have sex with someone that has it.

are main character Robert is prince of a certain kingdom but was born with out a stamp but his younger brother did is will be the one to inherit the kingdom. Alieno a daughter of a Farmer that has a stamp with the power to talk with the harvest, she however was born with no stamp. not having a stamp is how Robert and Alieno first bond. he gives a book to her at the start as a gift and tells her he going to a nights academy in 2 years and eve thou she is 2 years younger she says she will also start in 2 years but after her father falls ill she disappears for thous 2 years only to show up the same day Robert enters the academy but now she has a stamp on her back hand.

at first she treats Robers as a prince and herself as just a servant and calles Robert as "you highness" but as they do assignment they get closer she starts to call him by his name. on quest they keep running into Raymond a known womanizer of the campus but he is a good fighter and they join up.

the main quest is that their seems to be a group kidnapping people with stamps and experimenting on them or something. Alieno to help her sick father was forced into these experiment where she was forced with a blindfold to have sex with people with stamps. she broke and became addicted to sex and in the end the experiment worked and she got a stamp but to her horror she also found a 2nd stamp on her back of one the passes it on when heaving sex and it was Roberts younger brothers stamp. this made her frigid and wanted nothing to to with addicted sex since. unfortunately Raymond was also one of the ones that raped her during the experiments and blackmails that he will tell Robert unless a night of sex.

Raymond and Alieno have sex but it was a trick cause Raymond stamp gives him the ability to seal stamps of anyone he has sex with thou the effect only last a month if they don't have sex again but he lies and says it will be permanent if she dose not have sex with him again in a month. now Alieno Sucks at physical attack in battles, she will hit for 11 when the other 2 hit for 500 to 900. as the month comes close to the end she reluctantly has sex again and her old addiction of sex begins to come back slowly. she then loses to a bet of "if you come 3 times in 30 min you have to have sex with me whenever I want after" kind of lame way to do it but she loses and starts have sex a lot more.

as the search for the stamp hunter continue Robert is feeling more and more distance from Alieno and she start to call him His Highness once again and start calling Raymond by his first name. you can get in a argument about this in a hidden scene with her. after you solve the stamp hunter story you have 3 endings. 1st is you go back to the kingdom after graduation with Alieno but turns out that on graduation day instead of going to graduation she had raw sex with Raymond and gave her body and heart to him cause she felt like a slut and was to below Robert to ever be loved by him and knows Raymond loves her. Robert walk in on them having baby making sex. later she runs off to Raymond and marry and turn out he is a noble so they have a happy end...unlike robert. 2nd end had Robert tell Alieno he knows about Raymond sealing ablity and to break free from it she just dose not have to have sex with him. months later and free from Raymond Robert then finds her having sex with his younger brother and she tells him the brother was the one to mark her and is much better for being king then him caouse he only kind but dose nothing else. she then gets pregnant with Roberts brother. 3rd ending Robert finds out a way to take a stamp off a body (this has been said to be impossible)and meets with Alieno and says then even thou stamps are useful if it is a shackle to her he will devote his life to finding the item that will remove it and renounce his status as a prince. she happily goes with him.

the ending are kind of week, I think the dev just wanted to be done after working on this game for so long

now if you want to get the best out of Robert and Alieno relationship search for her at the start of each day or you will miss little conversations they have since they don't have much in the main story. always eat at the dinner for a scene and do practice for a scene.

Also I did not watch any of Alieno scenes that are unlocked till I finished the game and I found this the best way to play.
spent some time with 刻まれた快感 so here a my own spoiler of the story.

long ago gods and monsters fought a war and the Gods won. the gods then went into a long slumber but gave a gift of thier power to humans as a form of a stamp, a mark on the body giving the power of one of the gods so they could fight monsters. ages of past but the stamp has remained with only 2 ways to have it. one way is inheriting it thru blood lines from father to son but it is not a 100% of happening. 2nd way is that all women are born with no stamp but will be mark with one if they have sex with someone that has it.

are main character Robert is prince of a certain kingdom but was born with out a stamp but his younger brother did is will be the one to inherit the kingdom. Alieno a daughter of a Farmer that has a stamp with the power to talk with the harvest, she however was born with no stamp. not having a stamp is how Robert and Alieno first bond. he gives a book to her at the start as a gift and tells her he going to a nights academy in 2 years and eve thou she is 2 years younger she says she will also start in 2 years but after her father falls ill she disappears for thous 2 years only to show up the same day Robert enters the academy but now she has a stamp on her back hand.

at first she treats Robers as a prince and herself as just a servant and calles Robert as "you highness" but as they do assignment they get closer she starts to call him by his name. on quest they keep running into Raymond a known womanizer of the campus but he is a good fighter and they join up.

the main quest is that their seems to be a group kidnapping people with stamps and experimenting on them or something. Alieno to help her sick father was forced into these experiment where she was forced with a blindfold to have sex with people with stamps. she broke and became addicted to sex and in the end the experiment worked and she got a stamp but to her horror she also found a 2nd stamp on her back of one the passes it on when heaving sex and it was Roberts younger brothers stamp. this made her frigid and wanted nothing to to with addicted sex since. unfortunately Raymond was also one of the ones that raped her during the experiments and blackmails that he will tell Robert unless a night of sex.

Raymond and Alieno have sex but it was a trick cause Raymond stamp gives him the ability to seal stamps of anyone he has sex with thou the effect only last a month if they don't have sex again but he lies and says it will be permanent if she dose not have sex with him again in a month. now Alieno Sucks at physical attack in battles, she will hit for 11 when the other 2 hit for 500 to 900. as the month comes close to the end she reluctantly has sex again and her old addiction of sex begins to come back slowly. she then loses to a bet of "if you come 3 times in 30 min you have to have sex with me whenever I want after" kind of lame way to do it but she loses and starts have sex a lot more.

as the search for the stamp hunter continue Robert is feeling more and more distance from Alieno and she start to call him His Highness once again and start calling Raymond by his first name. you can get in a argument about this in a hidden scene with her. after you solve the stamp hunter story you have 3 endings. 1st is you go back to the kingdom after graduation with Alieno but turns out that on graduation day instead of going to graduation she had raw sex with Raymond and gave her body and heart to him cause she felt like a slut and was to below Robert to ever be loved by him and knows Raymond loves her. Robert walk in on them having baby making sex. later she runs off to Raymond and marry and turn out he is a noble so they have a happy end...unlike robert. 2nd end had Robert tell Alieno he knows about Raymond sealing ablity and to break free from it she just dose not have to have sex with him. months later and free from Raymond Robert then finds her having sex with his younger brother and she tells him the brother was the one to mark her and is much better for being king then him caouse he only kind but dose nothing else. she then gets pregnant with Roberts brother. 3rd ending Robert finds out a way to take a stamp off a body (this has been said to be impossible)and meets with Alieno and says then even thou stamps are useful if it is a shackle to her he will devote his life to finding the item that will remove it and renounce his status as a prince. she happily goes with him.

the ending are kind of week, I think the dev just wanted to be done after working on this game for so long

now if you want to get the best out of Robert and Alieno relationship search for her at the start of each day or you will miss little conversations they have since they don't have much in the main story. always eat at the dinner for a scene and do practice for a scene.

Also I did not watch any of Alieno scenes that are unlocked till I finished the game and I found this the best way to play.

Yeah the game has some good background lore, i hope they actually make another game in the same world and use it (with ntr of course), and i also hope a proper translation is done since there are some points i am not 100% sure, like for example i think just having sex with a girl is not enough to give her a mark, otherwise there wouldn't be experiments and the royal family mark would be widespread (the younger brother is a womanizer)

Also the experiment is done by the MC own country, hell the father threw the girl in just after his own son had tried to make him help her family (btw i am not even sure if her father died or not), basically the setting is a 1 big corrupt cesspool.

PS: i am so going to hunt for thats ecret scene, although save often, earlñier i think i got 1 scene too early and had to use a previous save since it broke the game
spent some time with 刻まれた快感 so here a my own spoiler of the story.

long ago gods and monsters fought a war and the Gods won. the gods then went into a long slumber but gave a gift of thier power to humans as a form of a stamp, a mark on the body giving the power of one of the gods so they could fight monsters. ages of past but the stamp has remained with only 2 ways to have it. one way is inheriting it thru blood lines from father to son but it is not a 100% of happening. 2nd way is that all women are born with no stamp but will be mark with one if they have sex with someone that has it.

are main character Robert is prince of a certain kingdom but was born with out a stamp but his younger brother did is will be the one to inherit the kingdom. Alieno a daughter of a Farmer that has a stamp with the power to talk with the harvest, she however was born with no stamp. not having a stamp is how Robert and Alieno first bond. he gives a book to her at the start as a gift and tells her he going to a nights academy in 2 years and eve thou she is 2 years younger she says she will also start in 2 years but after her father falls ill she disappears for thous 2 years only to show up the same day Robert enters the academy but now she has a stamp on her back hand.

at first she treats Robers as a prince and herself as just a servant and calles Robert as "you highness" but as they do assignment they get closer she starts to call him by his name. on quest they keep running into Raymond a known womanizer of the campus but he is a good fighter and they join up.

the main quest is that their seems to be a group kidnapping people with stamps and experimenting on them or something. Alieno to help her sick father was forced into these experiment where she was forced with a blindfold to have sex with people with stamps. she broke and became addicted to sex and in the end the experiment worked and she got a stamp but to her horror she also found a 2nd stamp on her back of one the passes it on when heaving sex and it was Roberts younger brothers stamp. this made her frigid and wanted nothing to to with addicted sex since. unfortunately Raymond was also one of the ones that raped her during the experiments and blackmails that he will tell Robert unless a night of sex.

Raymond and Alieno have sex but it was a trick cause Raymond stamp gives him the ability to seal stamps of anyone he has sex with thou the effect only last a month if they don't have sex again but he lies and says it will be permanent if she dose not have sex with him again in a month. now Alieno Sucks at physical attack in battles, she will hit for 11 when the other 2 hit for 500 to 900. as the month comes close to the end she reluctantly has sex again and her old addiction of sex begins to come back slowly. she then loses to a bet of "if you come 3 times in 30 min you have to have sex with me whenever I want after" kind of lame way to do it but she loses and starts have sex a lot more.

as the search for the stamp hunter continue Robert is feeling more and more distance from Alieno and she start to call him His Highness once again and start calling Raymond by his first name. you can get in a argument about this in a hidden scene with her. after you solve the stamp hunter story you have 3 endings. 1st is you go back to the kingdom after graduation with Alieno but turns out that on graduation day instead of going to graduation she had raw sex with Raymond and gave her body and heart to him cause she felt like a slut and was to below Robert to ever be loved by him and knows Raymond loves her. Robert walk in on them having baby making sex. later she runs off to Raymond and marry and turn out he is a noble so they have a happy end...unlike robert. 2nd end had Robert tell Alieno he knows about Raymond sealing ablity and to break free from it she just dose not have to have sex with him. months later and free from Raymond Robert then finds her having sex with his younger brother and she tells him the brother was the one to mark her and is much better for being king then him caouse he only kind but dose nothing else. she then gets pregnant with Roberts brother. 3rd ending Robert finds out a way to take a stamp off a body (this has been said to be impossible)and meets with Alieno and says then even thou stamps are useful if it is a shackle to her he will devote his life to finding the item that will remove it and renounce his status as a prince. she happily goes with him.

the ending are kind of week, I think the dev just wanted to be done after working on this game for so long

now if you want to get the best out of Robert and Alieno relationship search for her at the start of each day or you will miss little conversations they have since they don't have much in the main story. always eat at the dinner for a scene and do practice for a scene.

Also I did not watch any of Alieno scenes that are unlocked till I finished the game and I found this the best way to play.

Thank you so much for the explanation. You did a much better job at reading than I did. I missed the nuance where...

Alieno is tricked to think that the effect would be permanent if they don't have sex for a month. That COULD be interesting, except that means that Robert and Alieno spent a month (from her initial rape to her conceding to be a cock slave) doing nothing. That's my problem with the game in general. I needed more bonding between Robert and Alieno, I needed a romance story before we NTR her. I didn't get that it was a whole frickin month, I know she was sick but I thought she was sick for a few days only wth...

I also missed the nuance with "Your Highness" and Raymond, it's very clever. I guess that's what I get for using DeepL.

IMO this blackmail concept is pretty good. It tries to take away what a woman believes is her greatest strength. It takes away her identity and forces her to do the unspeakable. BUT, Alieno still concedes too easily. She never talks with Robert. She never researches her problem. She never asks teacher for help. The perfect blackmail in NTR for me is still from 「首枷病シリーズ, where she actually feels weak and suffers greatly with zero possibility to game the system. Where she TECHNICALLY can get away from not taking dick constantly from the blackmailer, but she has to be highly skillful at fighting with a huge handicap.

We don't have that here in this game. They were not truly in love. There's some really good mechanics though, I hope they get better at writing and make another game.

I also found this game on dlsite that's highly purchased, did anyone leave any review / comments here?
Yeah the game has some good background lore, i hope they actually make another game in the same world and use it (with ntr of course), and i also hope a proper translation is done since there are some points i am not 100% sure, like for example i think just having sex with a girl is not enough to give her a mark, otherwise there wouldn't be experiments and the royal family mark would be widespread (the younger brother is a womanizer)

Also the experiment is done by the MC own country, hell the father threw the girl in just after his own son had tried to make him help her family (btw i am not even sure if her father died or not), basically the setting is a 1 big corrupt cesspool.

PS: i am so going to hunt for thats ecret scene, although save often, earlñier i think i got 1 scene too early and had to use a previous save since it broke the game

yeah Im sure it's explain in detail what the experiments are in the Alieno 2 year flashback but I went thru them quick cause I'm not a fan of gang bangs, usually all physical and no emotional NTR payoff. I'm for the heroine emotional response then the physical and she gets broken at the end.

also maybe secret scene might be to strong of a description it's more a very easily miss-able scene and it's short

Thank you so much for the explanation. You did a much better job at reading than I did. I missed the nuance where...

Alieno is tricked to think that the effect would be permanent if they don't have sex for a month. That COULD be interesting, except that means that Robert and Alieno spent a month (from her initial rape to her conceding to be a cock slave) doing nothing. That's my problem with the game in general. I needed more bonding between Robert and Alieno, I needed a romance story before we NTR her. I didn't get that it was a whole frickin month, I know she was sick but I thought she was sick for a few days only wth...

I also missed the nuance with "Your Highness" and Raymond, it's very clever. I guess that's what I get for using DeepL.

IMO this blackmail concept is pretty good. It tries to take away what a woman believes is her greatest strength. It takes away her identity and forces her to do the unspeakable. BUT, Alieno still concedes too easily. She never talks with Robert. She never researches her problem. She never asks teacher for help. The perfect blackmail in NTR for me is still from 「首枷病シリーズ, where she actually feels weak and suffers greatly with zero possibility to game the system. Where she TECHNICALLY can get away from not taking dick constantly from the blackmailer, but she has to be highly skillful at fighting with a huge handicap.

We don't have that here in this game. They were not truly in love. There's some really good mechanics though, I hope they get better at writing and make another game.

I also found this game on dlsite that's highly purchased, did anyone leave any review / comments here?

DeepL did not catch it? huh I hear that it's the best, I just used google translate ;_;
as for RJ411830 it look like it's DLC for an older game. game also look like you just control the wife thou not sure.

yeah Robert and Alieno only stay at the friendship phase and kind of sucks but Robert big weakness is his passiveness and Narrow focus I think. you are right she never researches her problem and in the end it's Robert to goes and finds all the solutions thou he sits on them cause he is to passive.

some things I really like about the game
some things I really like about the game is you can see Alieno current feeling and who she has the strongest feeling for. while the game is very obvious of what going on I did not watch any of Alieno side content so had no idea why she is sleeping with Raymond. Robert a bit to trusting and naive thou caous one time I walk in on them and she has her shirt off and has a sexy bra on and her chest is covered in Cum. Robert has questions of course but Ramond all "we just doing a message bro this is just lotion see (rub rub) "is that true?" Alieno says yes then you get hit with a notification "the number of times Alieno has lied to Robert has increased by 1" and he believes it :eek: little to far fetch but did get a laugh from me.

I do like the "the number of times Alieno has lied to Robert has increased by 1" notification. cause as the game goes on you start seeing it more and more. always has a nice sting to it. the notification system in general is great, really gets that anxiety going. go to bed for the night in the game and then you start getting notifications like "Alieno sexual experience" has been updated"number of times Alieno has had sex has incred by 1" "number times Alieno Orgasm 12" "number of times Aleno gave a blow job 2" "number of times Alieno made someone cum in a condom 4" one of the stats that hit's hard is "number of times Alieno has loving sex" so sex that was more then just physical. checking the stats page as that one raise more and more along with where her current feeling being somthing like "why did I even like his highness" "being kind is not enough" "his highness world view is to small" very nice NTR feeling to it and for me a good NTR is that fear and sense of loss. now one state a kept dreading with anticipation was the cream pie stat, pretty much raw sex. since I had no idea where their relation ship was I kept my eye out for it... waited... waited....then the game ended...WHAT?! so only raw sex in the last scene and since the games end it never give a notification for it and you have to watch the scene to know it happens haha I did look into the code a bit and found that the developer did work on some random scenes that would hit the cream pie notification after you finish the game but it's a unfinished code and not in the game :(

NTR mechanics in the RPG battle. now if you want me to play the battles in these game and not cheat thru them this is how you do it. Raymond will try to sexually harass Alieno during battle. as the game goes on her Libido stat goes up (hidden state) and she becomes more willing to it. at the final level she you see notification in the battle like "Alieno gives a wink at Raymond" "Alieno dose not care about Robert or his enemy" "Alieno unconsciously moves away from Robert" she will give quick blow job in the heat of battle and let Raymond have his fun. of couse I was so strong at this point I end most battles before anything can happen. think it be cool if she also give weaker heals and buffs to Robert while having the opposite be true for Raymond and then have them yell at Robert always doing so badly. any ways don't play on easy mode or you miss the NTR fun but it will add a good 10 more hours o
spent some time with 刻まれた快感 so here a my own spoiler of the story.

long ago gods and monsters fought a war and the Gods won. the gods then went into a long slumber but gave a gift of thier power to humans as a form of a stamp, a mark on the body giving the power of one of the gods so they could fight monsters. ages of past but the stamp has remained with only 2 ways to have it. one way is inheriting it thru blood lines from father to son but it is not a 100% of happening. 2nd way is that all women are born with no stamp but will be mark with one if they have sex with someone that has it.

are main character Robert is prince of a certain kingdom but was born with out a stamp but his younger brother did is will be the one to inherit the kingdom. Alieno a daughter of a Farmer that has a stamp with the power to talk with the harvest, she however was born with no stamp. not having a stamp is how Robert and Alieno first bond. he gives a book to her at the start as a gift and tells her he going to a nights academy in 2 years and eve thou she is 2 years younger she says she will also start in 2 years but after her father falls ill she disappears for thous 2 years only to show up the same day Robert enters the academy but now she has a stamp on her back hand.

at first she treats Robers as a prince and herself as just a servant and calles Robert as "you highness" but as they do assignment they get closer she starts to call him by his name. on quest they keep running into Raymond a known womanizer of the campus but he is a good fighter and they join up.

the main quest is that their seems to be a group kidnapping people with stamps and experimenting on them or something. Alieno to help her sick father was forced into these experiment where she was forced with a blindfold to have sex with people with stamps. she broke and became addicted to sex and in the end the experiment worked and she got a stamp but to her horror she also found a 2nd stamp on her back of one the passes it on when heaving sex and it was Roberts younger brothers stamp. this made her frigid and wanted nothing to to with addicted sex since. unfortunately Raymond was also one of the ones that raped her during the experiments and blackmails that he will tell Robert unless a night of sex.

Raymond and Alieno have sex but it was a trick cause Raymond stamp gives him the ability to seal stamps of anyone he has sex with thou the effect only last a month if they don't have sex again but he lies and says it will be permanent if she dose not have sex with him again in a month. now Alieno Sucks at physical attack in battles, she will hit for 11 when the other 2 hit for 500 to 900. as the month comes close to the end she reluctantly has sex again and her old addiction of sex begins to come back slowly. she then loses to a bet of "if you come 3 times in 30 min you have to have sex with me whenever I want after" kind of lame way to do it but she loses and starts have sex a lot more.

as the search for the stamp hunter continue Robert is feeling more and more distance from Alieno and she start to call him His Highness once again and start calling Raymond by his first name. you can get in a argument about this in a hidden scene with her. after you solve the stamp hunter story you have 3 endings. 1st is you go back to the kingdom after graduation with Alieno but turns out that on graduation day instead of going to graduation she had raw sex with Raymond and gave her body and heart to him cause she felt like a slut and was to below Robert to ever be loved by him and knows Raymond loves her. Robert walk in on them having baby making sex. later she runs off to Raymond and marry and turn out he is a noble so they have a happy end...unlike robert. 2nd end had Robert tell Alieno he knows about Raymond sealing ablity and to break free from it she just dose not have to have sex with him. months later and free from Raymond Robert then finds her having sex with his younger brother and she tells him the brother was the one to mark her and is much better for being king then him caouse he only kind but dose nothing else. she then gets pregnant with Roberts brother. 3rd ending Robert finds out a way to take a stamp off a body (this has been said to be impossible)and meets with Alieno and says then even thou stamps are useful if it is a shackle to her he will devote his life to finding the item that will remove it and renounce his status as a prince. she happily goes with him.

the ending are kind of week, I think the dev just wanted to be done after working on this game for so long

now if you want to get the best out of Robert and Alieno relationship search for her at the start of each day or you will miss little conversations they have since they don't have much in the main story. always eat at the dinner for a scene and do practice for a scene.

Also I did not watch any of Alieno scenes that are unlocked till I finished the game and I found this the best way to play.

Hey do you remember where and around when that "secret" scene is? I am near the end and i am not sure if i missed it or not, would like to know so i don't spend time running around the map lol
あなたの、その顔が見たくて…… ~いつの間にか×××になっていた妻との話~ (I Want to See That Expression of Yours…) has been translated here or track at NovelUpdates.

More accurately, yadsbags62, who I believe has linked to some doujin/manga translations before (unless I'm conflating him with another party), has completed the regular chapters.

There's technically 20 or so bonus chapters remaining, but he's taking a break from the series - or may opt to not continue - so I figured I'd post now in case it wasn't previously mentioned or as a reminder.

Themes: femdom, NTR. I must say up-front that most of you will not like it:

Netorase with an ultimately happy couple.
....but some of you will. Same author has another title which is still very (more) mazo with a tilt that's slightly reverse of above spoilers. It's enjoyable despite a different take plot wise, and you can get the gist of it even with MTL.

As for English translation -- he's also working on 'NTR Fantasizing Tono and His Childhood Friend Kunoichi' here, which. I've read this series as well before and didn't like it much back then, but I'm following along anyway since prior read was MTL. Either way, more translations are awesome.

I've skipped the topic of the hot new game everyone has been discussing but it reminded me that Kubel's Pillory didn't have a skip function IIRC. And that was really, really, really tragic.
Hey do you remember where and around when that "secret" scene is? I am near the end and i am not sure if i missed it or not, would like to know so i don't spend time running around the map lol
it's more just a miss-able conversation secret scene I just look at it and it's before she call Robert his highness again and more about her calling Raymond by his first name all of a sudden, I thought it was later in the game sorry. when you go to the expert tower. and meet up with them after they made the tent go back to town and find her on a bench by the academy.
あなたの、その顔が見たくて…… ~いつの間にか×××になっていた妻との話~ (I Want to See That Expression of Yours…) has been translated here or track at NovelUpdates.

More accurately, yadsbags62, who I believe has linked to some doujin/manga translations before (unless I'm conflating him with another party), has completed the regular chapters.

There's technically 20 or so bonus chapters remaining, but he's taking a break from the series - or may opt to not continue - so I figured I'd post now in case it wasn't previously mentioned or as a reminder.

Themes: femdom, NTR. I must say up-front that most of you will not like it:

Netorase with an ultimately happy couple.
....but some of you will. Same author has another title which is still very (more) mazo with a tilt that's slightly reverse of above spoilers. It's enjoyable despite a different take plot wise, and you can get the gist of it even with MTL.

As for English translation -- he's also working on 'NTR Fantasizing Tono and His Childhood Friend Kunoichi' here, which. I've read this series as well before and didn't like it much back then, but I'm following along anyway since prior read was MTL. Either way, more translations are awesome.

I've skipped the topic of the hot new game everyone has been discussing but it reminded me that Kubel's Pillory didn't have a skip function IIRC. And that was really, really, really tragic.

While the former is of no interest to me due to the spoiler, Kunoichi is something I’ve skimmed over a few times in the past, the delusion gimmick is an interesting way of doing things.

And if we’re talking Syosetu novels, I’d recommend '黒崎魔女探偵事務所~ネトラレ事件簿~' while it’s largely netorase for quite some time, the more recent chapters have turned into actual netorare and are wonderfully erotic.
it's more just a miss-able conversation secret scene I just look at it and it's before she call Robert his highness again and more about her calling Raymond by his first name all of a sudden, I thought it was later in the game sorry. when you go to the expert tower. and meet up with them after they made the tent go back to town and find her on a bench by the academy.

Crap, missed it then, i found a bench scene but it was another, pity i really wanted to see them have a fight xD

I love when the couple fight because the girl is changing
And if we’re talking Syosetu novels, I’d recommend '黒崎魔女探偵事務所~ネトラレ事件簿~' while it’s largely netorase for quite some time, the more recent chapters have turned into actual netorare and are wonderfully erotic.

That is 1 of my personal favorites so I'll +1 your recommendation, but it's definitely a netorase WN at its core despite interleaved genre play.

Also the pacing is terrible after the amazing "prologue" that was dozens of chapters long, lol. Definitely better to binge than follow on a chapter-by-chapter basis like I am.

Cool thing about it - think English title is "Black Witch Detective Agency ~Netorare Case File~" - is it's written by a foreigner working on Japanese proficiency, so the language is a bit simpler than certain works. Very MTL compatible and friendly author.

I hope to God it gets finished one day. Syosetu is a graveyard of excellent ideas that ultimately stall; I tried revisiting a couple of bookmarks yesterday and they were deleted by respective authors.
That is 1 of my personal favorites so I'll +1 your recommendation, but it's definitely a netorase WN at its core despite interleaved genre play.

Also the pacing is terrible after the amazing "prologue" that was dozens of chapters long, lol. Definitely better to binge than follow on a chapter-by-chapter basis like I am.

Cool thing about it - think English title is "Black Witch Detective Agency ~Netorare Case File~" - is it's written by a foreigner working on Japanese proficiency, so the language is a bit simpler than certain works. Very MTL compatible and friendly author.

I hope to God it gets finished one day. Syosetu is a graveyard of excellent ideas that ultimately stall; I tried revisiting a couple of bookmarks yesterday and they were deleted by respective authors.

Yeah i did notice lately a lot of WN get erased, not just ntr, know a few are because the publishers basically bully the authors but it still sucks
Sooo Henteria 3 released the demo, i don't suppose anyone here can PM me a link? xD
Crap, missed it then, i found a bench scene but it was another, pity i really wanted to see them have a fight xD

I love when the couple fight because the girl is changing

I get ya, just played "a promise better left unkempt" got that in spades. the way the lady is manipulated and gaslighted to start looking down on the one she loves it great.


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