Anata is very contextual you can pick a random shonen and you will find a female character calling a guy "anata", a fast example: Index I first episode you have a girl addressing the MC like that when both don't know much about each other.
Calm down dude, I said "maybe" and I'm not "criticizing whatever you post"; now you're acting all paranoid to the point of even taking it as insult.
Dude, I am not going to argue with you when you clearly do not understand the Japanese language/culture. Of course a girl will say "anata" when she is talking to someone, not just a random dude but also other girls too, she will say "anata" because it also has the meaning "you." Oh what the hell, I will try to explain it little more. When some one is telling someone is pretty in English, it will say "YOU are pretty." So in Japanese, it will say "ANATA wa kirei desu." So in that sense, "anata" mean "you," obviously "anata" does not mean to address the other person as "husband." Now when a wife is telling husband that herself is pretty, if the husband's name is Bob, she will say "Bob, I am pretty" in English. In Japan, Japanese wife will often call her husband "anata" in stead of calling him by his name. So it will be something like, "Anata, watashi wa kirei desu."
So when you read a hentai manga in Japanese and a husband and wife makes love (which happens very rarely in NTR mangas), the wife will usually scream "anata! anata! anata!" In that sense, she is not screaming "you! you! you!" She is screaming something like "my dear husband! my dear husband! my dear husband!" But since it sounds so horrible in English and no one screams that in real life love making, the translators often translate that as "darling" or "dear." But it is not really an accurate translation. Now hopefully you will understand what I was talking about before you were saying that I was confused. And trust me, if you understand and learn little more about Japanese culture, you will appreciate the conversations and story more.
I do understand that it is little bit hard to understand if you are not familiar with the Japanese culture but try to learn... I am not saying I know all about Japanese culture and I am still learning too. And dude, every time I post something you try to point out that I am wrong. So yea, I feel insulted but no hard feelings, man. We all share same interest in NTR! And I do want to share what my thoughts are on certain things and I would love to hear about what other people's thoughts too. Anyway, I am rambling way too much. Hope you all find good NTR manga/books/anime/game to keep yourselves busy until the next great one come out... Hopefully Marina 3...