Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

BTW, any recomendation for mindcontrol / hypnotize genre? I only play blackrainbow games so far
So don't be a jerk anymore and stop. Basically ignore it.

Themell and others posted some very real life consequence concerns over joining a group like that, i do not see any issue with commenting or talking about it. But claiming it is risk free is a lie and false advertising to the people here in this forum... then going even further and calling them jerks and to ignore it is ridiculous behavior, and i will make it clear as to why.

FHC the literal starter of the NTR movement as it is today lives in Brazil where it is illegal by imprisonment to be into this kind of Fetish/Genre. Some of the last personal conversations i had with him before he disappeared was that he was seriously scared to get caught and was worried people where on to him. So the guy either quit completely (or lurks) to avoid imprisonment, or got caught, and has been in jail this whole time.

Some of us have super religious or otherwise strick family, spouses, friends that would lose there shit if they knew. And some of us work in the employ of our respective governments or other workplace environments (like a teacher at a school) that would lose there job or worse. Those of you who can go public i congratulate you on your ability to do so. But getting mad and name calling when people have an honest discussion about it is unacceptable.

You want people to join the group? cool, we know it is there, and the people who want to join will. But i will not "Ignore" something risky without stating it in fact is.
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Does anyone have ATLAS V14 rar'd or zipped?

I know, weird place to ask.
Been lurking this thread since 200!? =P

I'm just assuming one of you has it.

The only place to get the trial is from the main page, and they took it down to develop a "new" trial download, but the message says "2015" no idea how long its been like that.
Recently reformated and realized I needed to install Atlas again...

(Oh and dont need people telling me to use an alternative; VNR, ITH, TransAgg, ChiiTrans...etc =P Just asking for Atlas)
Hi, U need to change system date to install atlas (2001 would fine). I've got version with that kind of crack. If u won't be able to install your version of atlas - tell me and I'll upload it on mega
Themell and others posted some very real life consequence concerns over joining a group like that, i do not see any issue with commenting or talking about it. But claiming it is risk free is a lie and false advertising to the people here in this forum... then going even further and calling them jerks and to ignore it is ridiculous behavior, and i will make it clear as to why.

FHC the literal starter of the NTR movement as it is today lives in Brazil where it is illegal by imprisonment to be into this kind of Fetish/Genre. Some of the last personal conversations i had with him before he disappeared was that he was seriously scared to get caught and was worried people where on to him. So the guy either quit completely (or lurks) to avoid imprisonment, or got caught, and has been in jail this whole time.

Some of us have super religious or otherwise strick family, spouses, friends that would lose there shit if they knew. And some of us work in the employ of our respective governments or other workplace environments (like a teacher at a school) that would lose there job or worse. Those of you who can go public i congratulate you on your ability to do so. But getting mad and name calling when people have an honest discussion about it is unacceptable.

You want people to join the group? cool, we know it is there, and the people who want to join will. But i will not "Ignore" something risky without stating it in fact is.

Totally agree with you, if my family found out some my fetishes (even if most are limited to hentai) they seriously be creepied out, probably send me to the psych too
Every time someone mentions FHC I picture his face of that of the protagonists of a NTR game that takes place in Brazil, to bad I can't remember the name of the game. :lmao:

On another note, Once the rift/vive come out I hope we get to see hentai VN/Animation for it.
BTW, any recomendation for mindcontrol / hypnotize genre? I only play blackrainbow games so far
Yes, Saimin Yuugi and Saimin Enbu by Staffing. I consider them the best games ever on progressive hypnosis. They have a good scenario, with interesting characters and a refined usage of hypnosis.
I highly recommend them if you're into that :menft:
But the company seems dormant for quite some time now :(

Themell and others posted some very real life consequence concerns over joining a group like that, i do not see any issue with commenting or talking about it. But claiming it is risk free is a lie and false advertising to the people here in this forum... then going even further and calling them jerks and to ignore it is ridiculous behavior, and i will make it clear as to why.

FHC the literal starter of the NTR movement as it is today lives in Brazil where it is illegal by imprisonment to be into this kind of Fetish/Genre. Some of the last personal conversations i had with him before he disappeared was that he was seriously scared to get caught and was worried people where on to him. So the guy either quit completely (or lurks) to avoid imprisonment, or got caught, and has been in jail this whole time.

Some of us have super religious or otherwise strick family, spouses, friends that would lose there shit if they knew. And some of us work in the employ of our respective governments or other workplace environments (like a teacher at a school) that would lose there job or worse. Those of you who can go public i congratulate you on your ability to do so. But getting mad and name calling when people have an honest discussion about it is unacceptable.

You want people to join the group? cool, we know it is there, and the people who want to join will. But i will not "Ignore" something risky without stating it in fact is.
I 100% agree with that, but to temperate it I'd say that using a combination of vpn+specially created account for that group can at least be a solution for some of those people.

Being pseudo-anonymous is a good way to express things/hobbies that family/friends would never understand. Because really, they would never understand.
What happened to FHC? Really?

No one knows for sure. I talked to him maybe a day or two before he disappeared and i think Prettz talked to him a day sooner. i did some serious digging around before i uprooted the thread on hongfire and moved it here. And by then he had been gone for long time.

In some of his last posts he had been hacked and had some issues with the use of Fileserve on hongfire. He was a major uploader and shared and actively pirated all the goods we got personally. He and i would talk on occasion and he expressed his concerns with getting caught etc.

I personally left a couple messages in his in box and anywhere else i knew where to find him, as hongfire was not the only place he hung out, but i have never got a response to this day. He Originally disappeared mid 2011. I check hongfire on occasion to see if he ever logs in or returns. On November 23rd 2014 there was a log in to his account, but no activity or responses to anyone that left him messages, no new forum postings or anything public i could trace. So either he got hacked, or who knows?

What makes this a huge mystery is that those of us who knew the guy, knew that he was beyond Energetic and dedicated to his cause. I have never met someone who could colorfully and comfortably talk about fapping the way this guy did about his passions, and oh man some of his posts where hilariously full of just how much a certain game would please his cock.

He started a movement on the net and had widespread exposure. If you urban Dictionary NTR the top picked post has at the end of its description "That crazy Brazilian guy loves NTR games." and its true, you could not go anywhere on the net without running into FHC and his obsession with NTR. He was damn near a brand name. So there is no fathomable reason to me why he would suddenly just disappear and say nothing to any of us at all for years, unless he was in real trouble.

I could be wrong, but this is what i know.
No one knows for sure. I talked to him maybe a day or two before he disappeared and i think Prettz talked to him a day sooner. i did some serious digging around before i uprooted the thread on hongfire and moved it here. And by then he had been gone for long time.

In some of his last posts he had been hacked and had some issues with the use of Fileserve on hongfire. He was a major uploader and shared and actively pirated all the goods we got personally. He and i would talk on occasion and he expressed his concerns with getting caught etc.

I personally left a couple messages in his in box and anywhere else i knew where to find him, as hongfire was not the only place he hung out, but i have never got a response to this day. He Originally disappeared mid 2011. I check hongfire on occasion to see if he ever logs in or returns. On November 23rd 2014 there was a log in to his account, but no activity or responses to anyone that left him messages, no new forum postings or anything public i could trace. So either he got hacked, or who knows?

What makes this a huge mystery is that those of us who knew the guy, knew that he was beyond Energetic and dedicated to his cause. I have never met someone who could colorfully and comfortably talk about fapping the way this guy did about his passions, and oh man some of his posts where hilariously full of just how much a certain game would please his cock.

He started a movement on the net and had widespread exposure. If you urban Dictionary NTR the top picked post has at the end of its description "That crazy Brazilian guy loves NTR games." and its true, you could not go anywhere on the net without running into FHC and his obsession with NTR. He was damn near a brand name. So there is no fathomable reason to me why he would suddenly just disappear and say nothing to any of us at all for years, unless he was in real trouble.

I could be wrong, but this is what i know.

Depending on where exactly he lived there are real chances he had trouble, honestly if the guy lived here in venezuela and suddenly dissapeared from the net i would tell you there are like 60-70% chances he died one way or another, as for legal troubles, well even if brazil is close by honestly we have enough local trouble to pay too much attention to brazil laws and politics (except the international side)
BTW, any recomendation for mindcontrol / hypnotize genre? I only play blackrainbow games so far

My first mind control game was - Kyonyuu Kazoku Saimin "Kazoku nandakara, SEX suru no wa Atarimae yo ne......" - the route of the stepmother is practically netori, the other routes are full mind control, most of the CG's are really good

The game start with the girls already in control of the MC, i think they are about 4 or 5 scenes then the it goes back at the time when the MC's father introduce to him his new mother and sisters.
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Happy New Year, Brothers!

With the niceties observed and out of the way, let's get down to business. In my lurking recently, I've noticed a bit of hostility. Let's all remember why we come here, which should be because we share a like and appreciation of NTR and things related to it and possess a keen desire to discuss and share. Discussion is what keeps this thread from turning into a generic request thread(Though requests are fine, too! At this point we prolly have one of the best collections of English-speaking NTR scholars on the net.) and is the main reason it has lived for so long and become so successful.

Naturally, when discussing things you care about you'll agree and disagree with others, but it's important to remain civil and keep the thread clean, so to speak. Others don't much enjoy shifting through multiple posts of people sniping back and forth at each other and it creates an unwelcoming atmosphere for newcomers. This has always been a generally friendly, welcoming place. If you were to catch me in an argument on 4chan about NTR topics you might find me to be a thoroughly unlikable bastard, but here I try to keep it cool, and I think most others do as well. If you disagree about something, and anyone that's listened to me for a while here knows I do, feel free to say so and why. Just try to follow a few key points, if you will. 1. Attack ideas, not posters. 2. Don't take anything personally. 3.

We owe much and more to Saint FHC. Some say he's still out there watching over us. Others believe he was taken to heaven for his faithful service. Scripture tells us, '21 And FHC walked this world and spread the teachings of NTR to the masses. 22 Though many rejected his teachings, he tirelessly preached NTR across the great Net, also called the Web. 23 And many saw the truth and began to follow NTR. 24 And God saw his actions and was pleased. 25 And FHC walked with God: and he was not, for God took him.' (From the Book of Origins, Chapter 5, Verses 21-25, New Bastard International Version)

A good mind control game is tricky. If they blow their load too early with the mind control stuff, the girl either falls in love or becomes a slut too quickly and it just becomes a generic nukige with the MC stuff all but forgotten except for maybe a bad end or two. As @Redorc said, the two Stuffing games are the best for the mind control feel and effects. They are fairly vanilla as the genre goes and require a bit of buildup and reading to fully enjoy. The Black Rainbow games are probably the best in terms of pairing MC stuff with NTR and keeping it relevant throughout the game. After that, my next favorite is prolly Silky's Gakuen Saimin Reido (シルキーズ 学園催眠隷奴) for the teacher and business woman routes. Anim has a couple(at least one with teachers and one with students) that feature some recurring characters on the MC end and follow a similar premise where the protagonist comes in under the guise of a counselor. Stuff by Liquid is pretty solid but is pretty much solely netori or just teacher making a student harem. Going down a notch, Lune has at least a family, teacher, and just in the past week or so, student mind control games, but I don't rate them as highly because they suffer from what I mentioned earlier. After that there are a fair few out by Dieselmine and Miel and its affiliates, but you're closer to McDonald's-tier there. If you like, you can do a search on SadPanda to check out the cgs, and if you find any you like, I can give you some more detail.
I am little late on jumping on the discussion but oh boy, it has been awhile since I heard someone talking about FHC. I'm not sure what happened to him, maybe he grew another obsession or maybe he started a family. I remember I considered him a pretty hardcore because NTR was considered to be a very hardcore at that time. I believe he was into general milf genre as well but he would track down any game that includes a NTR scene. Hope he is doing well and cheers to the NTR leader who brought us together back in the

It brings me back alot of memories, including having to install japanese DOS to windows in order to play "hentai" games. Translation like using text hookers were not there. And the first text hooking program was called "Oh text hooker" and it made my life alot happier. Anyway, hope Marina 3 comes out soon... :D
I noticed the new Lune.TB game is tagged NTR already on VNDB. Is this confirmed somewhere?
Does anyone know where i can get this: ???

There are some Links but they seem to be shut down.
Also other works by that circle seem hard to get and they are just looking so marvellous. =/

Is this what your looking for?
(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2 Part 1)
(Chapter 2 Part 2)
aka I am talking out of my ass and trying to bait people into some shitty circle. Anyone that joins that facebook group is most likely saying ok to political suicide.

not sure if i misunderstood your posts.. but i am in agreement not to join "strange fetish" facebook circle and clearly identify your real life id.

Go anonymous if you want to check to content.
I am little late on jumping on the discussion but oh boy, it has been awhile since I heard someone talking about FHC. I'm not sure what happened to him, maybe he grew another obsession or maybe he started a family. I remember I considered him a pretty hardcore because NTR was considered to be a very hardcore at that time. I believe he was into general milf genre as well but he would track down any game that includes a NTR scene. Hope he is doing well and cheers to the NTR leader who brought us together back in the

It brings me back alot of memories, including having to install japanese DOS to windows in order to play "hentai" games. Translation like using text hookers were not there. And the first text hooking program was called "Oh text hooker" and it made my life alot happier. Anyway, hope Marina 3 comes out soon... :D

yeah FHC was the guy who introduced me to NTR and the text hooker programs, heck he even made a thorough guide on how to set it up! that guy is a living ntr legend. i wonder what he is doing now...
It was aa guy using mind control so yeah,there was some netori though no the point of the game.

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natsuki wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, I played the game "大正浪漫ミステリー 石榴の時計 新改盤" that you shared, and it was so much fun!
Could you please upload other games from this series? Thank you!
Acuarium1984 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hello, it looks like RJ01178625 got rendered speeded up at x2.
ProfProcPlot wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[210226][株式会社 HIKARI FIELD] Re:LieF ~親愛なるあなたへ~ / Re:LieF ~献给亲爱的你~18+ [JPN/CHN] ?

I need Japanese version only.
And quite sorry but RG doesn't work for me.
Rosemerta wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, can you re-upload this [221013] please? Thank you :D
NIKKA wrote on Esan's profile.
Could you please reuploadらぶきゅばす!おんなのこ-あくま-おとこのこ-あくま.1193778/