I really hate grinding or RPG part in general in NTR game. I don't mind if it's simple and enhance the story but many utilize RPG mechanic you often find in old JRPG game like the first Dragon Quest.
Just let me progress the story. If i want to do battle and use strategy i'll play Final Fantasy game.
That's why i love NTRPG series because they don't fill the game with bullshit RPG mechanics.
Does Thug Hero party also have the RPG thing, where you have to level up etc?
That's why I was anticipating the new translation from m1zuki, since you play as the guy and it has some of those elements I mentioned. Though after I had a closer look, it seems the NTR will be a bit weak. Not in amount, but in impact. It's just what I got from interpreting the summary from dlsite and looking at CGs, but it looks like your character will go to the magic academy already knowing you need to have sex to increase your magic power and being fine with it, since he has confidence that he can keep his girls and form a harem. And then you play trying to keep your girls satisfied and if the various numbers get too low, the girl will cheat. Even then she probably won't be stolen completely, you'll just see her having sex with someone else, your guy will get pissed and if you have sex and get along with her later she'll go right back to being his girl. So not quite as great as it could have been. But in the absence of any alternatives, I'll take it.
Okay, I finally got impatient and downloaded the WIP patch from m1zuki and tried the game out. So I can say with authority now that everything I said in this quote is bullshit. I was actually closer with that I thought the first time, I just let some japanese reviews about the NTR being easier to handle than in usual NTR games confuse me. I think someone also asked for a description somewhere so I'll describe it now.
Initially the guy is in a relationship with his girlfriend and no-one else. His younger sister who has been living with others due to poor health has recovered and is attending the same year at the academy and in exchange for treatment had to agree to have a fiance. So while the guy cares about the imouto, he's being properly NTRed of one girlfriend at first. Third girl is a classmate who he's getting along with, but who sees sex as nothing more than something necessary for becoming a magician and is deliberately blase about the circumstances they are in.
The plot is, that the game takes place in a contemporary world where monsters that modern weaponry were useless against appeared one day for unknown reasons and threatened the world. Some time after people who could use magic appeared, which was the only thing capable of fighting the monsters effectively. Both the protag and his childhood sweetheart/recent girlfriend both intend to become magicians. However both are from the country and don't belong to magician families, so they don't know what they need to do in order to use magic.
Shortly after starting school, the truth is revealed that not only is having sex the only way to increase the magical powers, in order to improve the variety of magic they need to do it with lots of different partners. The protag is shocked when told this in class on their second day of school, but the heroine already found out on the first day after she was told to stay after class since she was the only girl in the class not able to use magic yet (being a virgin) and the teacher needs to instruct her. We also find out that only female magicians can fight monsters directly since the monsters hold back against women in order to capture them for breeding purposes. The role of the male magicians is just to help them power up (since magic only improves properly from sex between two magicians of opposite genders) and to be there to save the girl if she gets defeated and raped by monsters.
The NTR is surprisingly good, since the protag remained oblivious to whats going on with his girlfriend, while ignoring the recommendation to do it with other girls while staying true to her (which will probably change later on in the game further than I've currently gotten), while the girlfriend is earnest, ignorant and trusting enough to believe whatever the teacher tells her she needs to do to quickly increase her magic power to stop holding her more experienced comrades back.
I've actually been enjoying it since it focused completely on the girlfriend during this period obviously leaving the other girls for later on. On the other hand, this means you aren't seeing anyone else having sex around the school yet. Seems like there will be plenty to do later in the game though.
I played it until I couldn't hold back anymore and blew my wad, so I'll be going back later to play everything else that's translated. Fortunately m1zuki is possibly the most hard working translator out there, even if s/he isn't driving themselves as murderously as they've done in the past. So the complete translation will probably be out within a month.
My verdict? It's actually worth playing guys. The netorare is real, even if it's plain that once the main storyline is over you'll be stealing all the heroines for yourself and whoring them out to other guys in netorase and prostitution etc, to get all the H scenes. The netorare part is good. Keep in mind though, this is all on the basis of a partial playthrough though.
Waffle new game summarized plot: During a business trip, husband receives an email from an unknown sender containing a link. Out of curiosity he clicks and goes to a video of a woman closely resembling his wife being raped. He comes home wary of his wife's state but finds her as per usual.
One day, a guy called Yuuji moves next door, and contrary to the husband's first impression he was polite and friendly so the husband dismissed his first worries thus not noticing his wife's gradual changes since Yuuji's move.
"While I'm unaware, my wife keeps being violated..."
Thanks for the link. And damn, I heard about this game being a recommendation, but to still receive a warning for heavy NTR content in an NTR thread? Looks like this is some heavy shit
*Currently just got the event where the MC defeated the monsters the monsters in the city by drinking the antidote, only for everyoen to think he staged it*
Thanks for the link. And damn, I heard about this game being a recommendation, but to still receive a warning for heavy NTR content in an NTR thread? Looks like this is some heavy shit
*Currently just got the event where the MC defeated the monsters the monsters in the city by drinking the antidote, only for everyoen to think he staged it*
Yeah, It's just begin for darker moments which come later. At least in this story, MC tried really hard but sometime without talent and bless in this game all your efforts go to nothing. Most interesting part come after your your event. Hell yeahhhh...
Yea I had a feeling you were talking about that since Dlsite gave that description somewhat. But the reason I said I was "curious" is because that description didn't delve into details. Basically she suggests a "solution" for the settling of the debt. Okay, but did she feel comfortable proposing it like a confident woman? Or was she making compromises and feeling awkward suggesting so? The screenshots suggest a Type A NTR behavior but they could be from any junction of the game. Could it be NTR B turning later into A or was it a hybrid form of A from start to end? Did she go back to the husband after the alleged "debt" was settled? Or did she find herself in the end with the debt collecting friend?
Many questions and my boner is more of an intellectual type. Must research answers. I need a lab coat the size of my junior....
2DJF just came through and uploaded Kenagena Niizuma ga, Hoka no Otoko ni Kiss Houshi Shimasu. Now my junior can finally dawn that coat and.... ermm... research! For everyone else's pleasure, here is the link => https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=2205964
Man, if only you put spoiler tag on it. I want to read your impression but there are so many spoilers that i'm afraid to read it. Now i'm confused which one to play several days from now.
I remember just playing one. It involved training a pair of sisters to be ninjas but of-course rival "trainers" have their way with them. It sucked hard though for something that wasn't even an hour long. But it was voiced nonetheless with limited RPG factors and dungeon crawling elements. Title was Shinobi no Hana ~Kunoichi Shimai no Chousen~
so i'm in the middle of a long argument with another person.
so i'm saying the MC does not have to be in a romantic relationship for it to be NTR.
he is saying the MC MUST be in a current relationship with the female interest for it to be ntr.
which one is right?
a new game on nutaku is coming out called kamihime project. it has lots of rape by men that aren't the MC. so i'm saying kamihime project is NTR. he says the game isn't ntr because MC needs to be in a relationship with the girl in the first place. whether he likes the girl or not doesn't matter.
edit: this is an example he just posted
"There's 2 girls at your work. Co workers. By definition of them being female they are still "potential" romantic interests. Neither of you have any romantic feelings for one another. She tells you about her banging other men. By what you're trying to claim this should incite jealousy in me and if this were a VN scenario in the readers as well. That would not be the case. "
that right there is ntr. his own example is ntr and he is saying that it's not. i don't think i'm gonna get through to him, but it's the fact that he's trying to spread this false information on ntr that i'm trying to stop.
Man, if only you put spoiler tag on it. I want to read your impression but there are so many spoilers that i'm afraid to read it. Now i'm confused which one to play several days from now.
Sorry about that. I didn't feel like I put any huge spoilers, at least nothing you don't find out less than 20 mins in. I guess there might have been one or two details people might not want exposed though. I've gone back and put a spoiler tag on the text so people can decide to read it or not, just in case.
Also, I've gone back and finished the NTR bit and now I understand why people were writing that the NTR wasn't that painful. So my final impression is something like
this could be described as two games. One decent NTR story, followed by a easy going nukige RPG where you go around collected H scenes, developing the plot via dungeon capture and where girls around the protag with have lots of sex with lots of guys and he's not as cut up about it as he could be.
Worth playing so long as you don't expect NTR game of the year.
so i'm in the middle of a long argument with another person.
so i'm saying the MC does not have to be in a romantic relationship for it to be NTR.
he is saying the MC MUST be in a current relationship with the female interest for it to be ntr.
which one is right?
a new game on nutaku is coming out called kamihime project. it has lots of rape by men that aren't the MC. so i'm saying kamihime project is NTR. he says the game isn't ntr because MC needs to be in a relationship with the girl in the first place. whether he likes the girl or not doesn't matter.
edit: this is an example he just posted
"There's 2 girls at your work. Co workers. By definition of them being female they are still "potential" romantic interests. Neither of you have any romantic feelings for one another. She tells you about her banging other men. By what you're trying to claim this should incite jealousy in me and if this were a VN scenario in the readers as well. That would not be the case. "
that right there is ntr. his own example is ntr and he is saying that it's not. i don't think i'm gonna get through to him, but it's the fact that he's trying to spread this false information on ntr that i'm trying to stop.
Read the first post that starter this thread then come back to mine.
As a general categorization all the things you mentioned are considered NTR but depending on personal preference ppl dont really feel it's NTR unless there is a deeper relationship between the girl and the MC and she is choosing to cheat. Thus, rape in itself is a poor fuel for the fetish. The relationship thing is specially ambiguous in Japanese culture since there are cases of "more than friends but less than lovers" platonic relationships in which MC and girl are extremely close (by Japanese standards) but something makes them unable to take the first step into boyfriend-girlfriend territory, such as is the cliche of long time childhood friends. Just having romantic feelings for each other and the possibility of a romantic relationship being destroyed is enough to be considered NTR by the industry.
IMHO anything goes as long as the girl is being "taken away" from the MC, so even mother-complex or brother-complex family NTR works for me as long as it shows the woman was attached but is now distancing herself or neglecting the MC due to the NTR. But as I said, how deep it goes for you is a personal preference matter.
Read the first post that starter this thread then come back to mine.
As a general categorization all the things you mentioned are considered NTR but depending on personal preference ppl dont really feel it's NTR unless there is a deeper relationship between the girl and the MC and she is not choosing to cheat. Thus, rape in itself is a poor fuel for the fetish. The relationship thing is specially ambiguous in Japanese culture since there are cases of "more than friends but less than lovers" platonic relationships in which MC and girl are extremely close (by Japanese standards) but something makes them unable to take the first step into boyfriend-girlfriend territory, such as is the cliche of long time childhood friends. Just having romantic feelings for each other and the possibility of a romantic relationship being destroyed is enough to be considered NTR by the industry.
IMHO anything goes as long as the girl is being "taken away" from the MC, so even mother-complex or brother-complex family NTR works for me as long as it shows the woman was attached but is now distancing herself or neglecting the MC due to the NTR. But as I said, how deep it goes for you is a personal preference matter.
You right... just look at Jinsei games, some protag don't ever date heroine but still can considered to be NTR. Just like this comment said
Posted on 10 December 2016, 22:42 UTC by: Subsrulez
To the NTR downvoters:
I dislike how western people think NTR means the characters involved must be in a love relationship (husband/wife; girlfriend/boyfriend) everytime, that is simply NOT true.
Yes, the history of the genre started with the old fashioned "Cuckold" basis, but with time creators began to understand that the fetish is based more around the complex feelings/effects about "taken away",
it can be a one-sided love, a person you deeply trusted/respected, even a friend (like in this game), even a goddamn sibling that can be "taken away"!!
It's more about the situation where suddenly/or slowly the world around the character begins to change: persons he knew well, he normally interacted with (or NOT, just looking/secret affection) changing drastically or slowly or even not because of another man. The changes can be visible to the character, OR NOT (just to viewer). It's all about the emotional impact that another man/men makes in the character's normal world.
I remember some hot NTR Studio scenes. Apart from that the game isn't NTR at all. I can search for them if you're interested.
It's just basically fun character creation (think Skyrim++ level) and sex in 3d. Cool and all, but nothing more. I'm more into the Studio myself, as I take voyeuristic pleasure to explore the scenes created by other. If I had the money, I would probably have bought a Vive to explore said scenes in VR :).
There must be some emotional attachment from the mc to the female character(s), even one sided, else where's the betrayal, where's the NTR?
Being in a relationship is good and all, but if there is no love and basically the mc doesn't care about his wife/fiancée/whatever, and if the woman cheats on him, then it's just classic cheating by definition. Being in a relationship is neither necessary, nor sufficient for NTR.
NTR is all about the psychological masochistic sexual angst and insecurity that the mc (or the reader, in case of well done mystery stories, I'd prefer that ;D) can feel when he is betrayed by someone he loves/likes (remember the Netorare Nurse series?), and someone that has some attachment to him too, at least as a friend.
a new game on nutaku is coming out called kamihime project. it has lots of rape by men that aren't the MC. so i'm saying kamihime project is NTR. he says the game isn't ntr because MC needs to be in a relationship with the girl in the first place. whether he likes the girl or not doesn't matter.
I don't know about the game, but I'm with you with the like/love thing. No attachment, no NTR, simple as that, even with an official relationship.
Please note that Type C NTR doesn't feel NTR at all for many people, there is no betrayal here, just rape.
If it's type B though, that's a different story.
"There's 2 girls at your work. Co workers. By definition of them being female they are still "potential" romantic interests. Neither of you have any romantic feelings for one another. She tells you about her banging other men. By what you're trying to claim this should incite jealousy in me and if this were a VN scenario in the readers as well. That would not be the case. "
If he's in love or in the verge of falling in love with her and she basically friend-zoned him, that could be an ntr scenario, and a pretty good one too, especially if she goes into details or if she was in a near love relationship with him before friendzoning him.
That could be hot if well done. Lots of chirarism + a little bit of voyeurism + NTR is a good combination for me, as you get glimpse of sexy action, but never the whole picture of what she is leaving out of the picture. Imagine her getting out of some room red faced and in disorderly clothes, it makes the reader imagination roar! Later she will give you some details, as her best male friend...
Also, OL are just hot, that's all :P
Friend-zoning is under-used in Japanese NTR, so if someone ever make an office/school NTR WN or even a game, that would be quite interesting IMO.
i don't think i'm gonna get through to him, but it's the fact that he's trying to spread this false information on ntr that i'm trying to stop.
Well, you can try to tell him that he's mixing NTR and cheating/western cuckoldry. The later one doesn't always need emotional attachment, NTR needs some though.
I really hate grinding or RPG part in general in NTR game. I don't mind if it's simple and enhance the story but many utilize RPG mechanic you often find in old JRPG game like the first Dragon Quest.
Just let me progress the story. If i want to do battle and use strategy i'll play Final Fantasy game.
That's why i love NTRPG series because they don't fill the game with bullshit RPG mechanics.
Does Thug Hero party also have the RPG thing, where you have to level up etc?
yes and no, to some degree you need to be able to at least go against last boss for ending 3/4 , after that you get OP party member for true boss in ending 5/6
Waffle new game summarized plot: During a business trip, husband receives an email from an unknown sender containing a link. Out of curiosity he clicks and goes to a video of a woman closely resembling his wife being raped. He comes home wary of his wife's state but finds her as per usual.
One day, a guy called Yuuji moves next door, and contrary to the husband's first impression he was polite and friendly so the husband dismissed his first worries thus not noticing his wife's gradual changes since Yuuji's move.
"While I'm unaware, my wife keeps being violated..."
This guy (Subsrulez comment in Iroyoridori) needs upvoting, he is right and gets it. It's amazing how misinformed people are in exhentai, deciding that a fetish is this or that, whatever the community thinks...
This guy (Subsrulez comment in Iroyoridori) needs upvoting, he is right and gets it. It's amazing how misinformed people are in exhentai, deciding that a fetish is this or that, whatever the community thinks...
Actually the tagging on the galleries are based on context(see their wiki). So if there are people having sex in the gallery without showing text that like doujin/manga for comparison then they deny the tags.
That's why you have usefull links like vndb, getchu, dlsite and some summaries for info.
Actually the tagging on the galleries are based on context(see their wiki). So if there are people having sex in the gallery without showing text that like doujin/manga for comparison then they deny the tags.
That's why you have usefull links like vndb, getchu, dlsite and some summaries for info.
Guys i am playing Forward Ho from team nimi (http://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE176529.html) and i have a little doubt, in the recollection room there are 3 interactable espheres of 3 colors, what do they do? it think one has to do with pregnancy and another witht he time of day?
Also, damn that game from waffle sounds good, lets cross fingers so it doesn't dissapoint.
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