Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

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Soredemo Tsuma 2 is happening and I only hope Lune Team get their shit together and don't make the heroine a brain dead doll like the heroine from 俺の彼女が就職. Seriously fuck that one.

I think it was well done because unlike the usual MC that mans up to take the girl back to him here we have a MC that was broken beforehand so her cheating on him made it worse however what marks the difference here is that the heroine has an own will, yeah it sounds weird for NTR but she can make decisions on her own and is able to say no once she realizes she fucked up.

Especially liked that route where the MC actually forgives her. I mean, it was kinda fresh for me and the heroine's thoughts on how much she fucked up was really good too
yay and boo. finally it's over and it's almost how i expected it to end. rather then just impregnating them. i was hoping it would show a time skip and him surrounded by his pregnant harem. otherwise, it was perfect.
Curtain sex? Try Boku gatenkei! But i bet you already play it hahaha, try latest Team NTR eroge.

Actually I just played the first and a couple of routes from the second. Which one has curtain sex scenes? I don't remember haven't seeing anything like that.
Actually I just played the first and a couple of routes from the second. Which one has curtain sex scenes? I don't remember haven't seeing anything like that.
I forgot which one, only remember the route that have Misaki giving handjob in the ending is the one that have this scene
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Actually I just played the first and a couple of routes from the second. Which one has curtain sex scenes? I don't remember haven't seeing anything like that.
The NTR fetish route from boku gaten. Early in the game you have to pick the answers that say that other ppl looking or touching Misaki is kinda hot for you and then team up with the other guy and his wife. It's just one scene if I recall correctly. NTRPG2 has some as well and is overall a great NTR game.
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For anyone who's beaten 'Boku no Kanojo Gatenkei', can I get an overview of what transpired? It's a good game, but I feel like my basic understanding of Japanese language prevented me from picking up the intricacies of different parts of the story which I'm afraid might have stifled the overall potency of the game for me. I just wanna know the full story @_@.
For anyone who's beaten 'Boku no Kanojo Gatenkei', can I get an overview of what transpired? It's a good game, but I feel like my basic understanding of Japanese language prevented me from picking up the intricacies of different parts of the story which I'm afraid might have stifled the overall potency of the game for me. I just wanna know the full story @_@.

I searching this old review for 30 minutes for you spoiler ahead:

Boku no Kanojo gatenkei

Masashi the main protagonist. in 2006 he is 19 living by himself in a old (30 years or more) wood apartment, he lives life in a simple matter of someone that has yet to be a true adult.

Misaki, The Heroine, her father was a worker, owner of a construction company. he became ill and she now works their. she want to go to collage and become a beautician.

Aida, the one that hires Masakun, think hes a superintendent.. seems to make small decision errors that trouble the protagonist somewhat.

And other character like Kuroda, Chinen, Nao and her husband.

Story part 1
The story starts with Masashi, I'll just call him Msan for now. he wakes from a bad dream and finds that his old tube TV no longer works. he works part time for a convince store but decides to get a second job to buy a new TV.when walking by a construction site he notices a flyer for 9,000 yen a day. Aida pops out and before Msan knows whats what hes drag in for the job and meets Misaki for the first time.

Misaki thinks it's a bad joke that Msan is getting hired since he looks so week. her job of carrying cement bags is a 4 man team but the other three have quite. she says she can do it her self, Aida says it will be to slow. so Msan hired but finds the work really hard and planes to quite the next day. only to find that the other 2 that got hired with him quit as well and being timid dose not find the opportunity to quite. this happens each day, trying to quite and find that the other new help quieting before him.

on a day he is at his other job he finds himself at the construction site during lunch break. Misaki is working alone shoveling dirt into a truck and get embarrassed when her stomach growls but says she has no time to eat. M-san grabs the shovel and tells her to eat while he works. thin a quick seen where an unknown man is masturbating at a photo of Misaki and cums over it (disturbing)

one day at work Misaki ask M-san to bring some stuff (can't remember what) at 1:00 sharp but 10 minutes before Aida ask him to bring some bolts to a whorehouse (something like that). he says he has no time since he needs to help Misaki. Aida says use the wheelbarrow to speed it up. so he in a hurry puts all the bags of the bolts (or some sort of metal bars) but not use to a wheelbarrow dumps it in the road. bending down trying to pick them up a truck comes down the narrow dirt road M=san is on not seeing him. right befor he is to get hit Misaki dives at him and saves his life. Misaki gets mad (real mad) saying someone untrained should not use the wheelbarrow. M-san realizes he probably be in a ambulance right now if not for her. Misaki then says if you can't take responsibility then he should just quite. thinking to be fired he leaves at the end of the day. althou he wanted to quite since it was hard work he gets depressed. Feeling bad he returns to the site before lock up to gather all the pipes that he spilled but finds that he can't get them all before they lock up (also its raining) and since its winter it's dark at 6:00.

Misaki that is doing night patrol finds him and says he should clean up tomorrow but he says he has to finish tonight since he can't come back. she reminds him that she said that he should quite if he dose not take responsibility, but him being hear shows that he is.she ask why he did not say that Aida was the one that told him to use the weelbarro. she also chewed Aida out.

They then go eat at a noodle bar (she pays) they get to know each other better and as she is going home M-san gets a bad feeling with a thought that he has a esp power to pick up these kind of things and demands to walk Misaki home. when a big scary guy shows up for Misaki, M-san grabs her and runs off only to find out that the big guy was Misaki father.

some days later Aida infomes M-san that the replasments from the main office have come so they don't need part-timers any more. M-san now has free time like he use to but finds it boring, he even ask for 6 day for working at the convinace stor job. then Misaki shows up with cake and reminds him that her job was a 4 men team and they only sent 2 men. Aida mad a mistake and M-san back to work and offers Misak dinner at the noodle bar. they find that they like each other that night.

jump to 2012 6 years latter, M-san a Misaki have been married for 3 years and are at a hot spring resort for a company part or get together. while in the hot springs with Misaki we have a flashback to the two of them having sex for the first time (funny scene) then back at the hot springs Misaki gives M-san some Fellatio and says that she wants to have a child and tonight probably the best night to try.

Misaki goes to join the party while M-san makes a call for work but calls a wrong number at first. so he is late to the party. later Aida gets sick and M-san goes and help him. Misaki get dead drunk, I rush this part since it looks like it might go the drunk rape blackmail way of NTR and not really a fan of that move since it's more in line with NTR Type B and C. anyways the husband finds his wife past out and get help getting her to the room. later M-san is having sex with Misaki but she still drunk and out of it. she calls his name then ask for help which confuses M-san. she then says something like "if its done I will become strange" hard to translate. M-san takes this to mean they are having good sex. he says he will not stop (ok he dose not say that but that what it translates to...I think) she then says please stop, forgive. (ugh I kind of know what being said but it hard to get a english meaning from it)

he thinks about how today is speicel since they are to make a kid. he say he almost there but the she softly yells "n,No!" "please put on a condom." M-san get confused and thinks that maybe he had mistaken her words when she said she wanted to get pregnant tonight back at the hot springs. he decides he was not wrong and cums inside her. he feels a great achievement to be the chosen man of Misaki and thinks that she was saying no because she got scared of childbearing and the responsibility it comes with.

it end with an unknown man walking down the street angry about something (love life?) then he get a call thinking it's a girl he knows but find that it was M-san when he made a wrong call, guy get angery and hangs up."
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part 2
starts off with some unknown guy trying to visit his girlfriend or a girl he has some sort of relationship with. she dose not answer the door so he goes to try her window only to find her making out with another guy. they soon get clothes off and start having sex but then she notices the guy peeking on her. they stair at each other while having sex. (you can choose to run away but that just gets him run over by a car.) 

two month later we have M-san and Misaki eating at the noodle bar run by a guy called the General. she is now with child at three months. they talk about how nostalgic eating there is. Misaki then leaves to use the restroom in the park. she returns 15 minutes later (note: if you see end2 this scene will be different the next time you play and will shortly come to end3) after leaving the noodle shop Misaki takes them to the street where her old home was. she then takes him to the cemitary they ran to years ago when he thought her dad was a thug out to get her. M-san says that the place is all the same but Misaki says not all is the same. her hair is now short. last her name was changed to Tanaka from Umifuji. she is also pregnant . she then kisses im saying that did not happen last time. M-san says that today's Misaki is slightly strange. she just says she comparing from 6 years ago. 

he thin ask what will the be in 6 years. she says さあ (who knows) so he ask about 1 year and her answer is will have child and make it happy. then it shows the door that could not open from M-san nightmare then the words "You opened a prohibited door" appear and the door opens and we jump to 2016 (if you made the wrong choices in the first part of the game it well just end until you make the right choices.)

ma-kun a littile kid and Misaki has grown her hair long again. Misaki is now a beautician and I think she leaving to go to some seminar for 2 days. M-san (still caling him that cause im lazy) seems to be the boss of Registered architect of the first class Tanaka Design Office. 4 people work there most are unimportant. the only one is named Shiohara his most distinctive feature is hes flawless poker face. he comments on the box lunch that Misaki made for M-san. he envy him but then says he dose not wish for his own wife to make him lunch. M-san is naturally confused XD Shiohara praises his wife beautiful but M-san ask why he is doing that out of the blue. he says that he saw her last night in (some street name) but could not talk to her since she was in a car. M-san is troubled since she was to be at a beautician's workshop. he starts to feel ill and a feeling of deja-vu. 

at night she returns to find a nerviness M-san. asking whats wrong since he just standing in the leaving room. they talk but cant see anything wrong with her. he ask if she was at the workshop. she says yes but find it strange since he never ask about her work (please note that her tone is so relaxed that everything she says sound like a part of any normal conversation. she talking but dose seem bother or putting much thought into whats being discussed) she has a gentle smile for him. she thinks he trying to ask for sex and says she up for it but first she feels his head to find he has a fever. (first time i've seen "sure lets have sex oh but you have a headache, no can do) still she is being a caring wife (ah so cute)

M-san gets up at night feeling awful and his pajamas are socked from sweat, he looks for a polo shirt(?) but is having a hard time since Misak is always the one that get his clothes ready. he finds Misaki old skirt and gets a flashback when she was making fun of him looking at another girls legs. so the next day she show up in a miniskirt. M-san is shock and tells her her legs a amazing. flash back end

still looking for a shirt he finds his wife panty's and thinks it has been a long time since they had sex. he then finds sexy Lingerie hidden. stuff he never seen Misaki in. this was worn to be shown off.

a week goes by. he has hurt himself with delusions of what might be. he feels bad since it's a one sided thought. M-san has no appetite so has not eaten any of Misaki launch he gets a message from Misaki asking if he had lunch. asking if he can eat out. since he has meeting soon he can't. so she ask what he wants for dinner. he feel grateful and gets happy about being with family of 3 tonight. he feels the tension leave him since the text message from wife was like medicine. he request fish and arrives home at 6

when he gets home she says sorry and had tried to call him. he ask where dinner is. she says that she has to go out since a boiler broke at her work. she left the son a mothers and will also probably stay ther as well. she leaves in a hurry and he is alone, no dinner but what waits in plastic bags to be cooked, alone. no family to eat with. what he was in a hurry and exited to get home for is out for the night.  but wait there is also one more thing that is gone. M-san sadly comfirms that the sexy Lingerie is also gone.

at work M-san is depressed and talking with Shiobara gets invited to eat at his house. M-san was going to invite Misaki but at the last second chooses not to, we meet Shiobara wife noe which is the girl we say at the start. they talk about where they met. this part kind of boring. might be a build of for later.

gyaaaa so long

ok M-san at the noodle shop drunk, and depressed. the general says that she loves him and was even asking him for advise for a birthday gift. (hmmm wonder if the general in on the NTR) M-san visits the grave yard they he and Misaki came to twice before. it's three years since the last time and what changed is now he is hear alone... well he hide hear alone. a man show up out of nowhere and ask him to help look for something he lost that is important. M-san tries to not help but in the end dose. when they find the place it's berried the man vanishes... was he a ghost

sometime later Misaki out of nowhere says she leaving being a beautician and going back to construction work. she did this in secret till now and M-san is feeling alienated. time jumps further and M-san and Misake return to Japanese-style hotel they came to 4 year pretense. they get the same room and now have been married 7 years. (this part hard to explane...not sure what really being said but) Misaki is going to meet with the construction party group but it would not be good for M-san to show his face much because of something to do with his job. M-san dose not like this. she says to go wait at the hot spring that they used 4 years ago. she will soon be with him. he stands in the room thinking its the same as 4 years ago, the scenery is as well, but Misake is not with him.

he gits in the hot spring and 15 minutes pass. 30 minutes pass. hes ask him self if he is happy and yes he is since life is good but... after 1 hour 15 minutes he goes inside, Misaki never came. he goes to the dinner party where he sees Misaki that tells himsorry but is called of soon after. M-san also notices that everyone is calling her by her maiden name. M-san feels depressed and alone. Kurokawa talks to him about it but M-san give a "none of your business attitude." Misaki is poring frinks for every one but skips M-san. he also notices she is showing a lot of cleavage. wonders if she is drunk. she finally serves him a drink but act he is just another guest. he trys to use the power of marriage telepathy but she dose not notice. getting depressed he pretends that he got really drunk and lays down so no one well talk to him. 

Misaki shows up hearing he is drunk and talk with him a bit. useing her as a pillow he falls asleep.

he wakes up a night suprised he really fell asleep, he wonders where Misak is but then hears moning. he looks throu the crack on the door to see Misak having sex with three men, Aida, Mr. Kurokawa, and Chinnen. in the end Aida comes inside her and M-san dispars. 
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