Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

I kind of lost hopefor new content, i am just praying for something like the translation of the rpg "I am your Guinol" and maybe other things, failing that i will just catch up and properly play as many older game as i can (and not so old liek Macho from anim)
the macho game is great, try it !
I am conflicted between that, Kabe 1, and Tsuma no Biniku. Wich has the hardest ntr people? At least where the wife falls for the netori guy the hardest.

Definitely Kabe 1 because...
the wife Nodoka ends up loving the boss Hidetaka so much that she willingly volunteers herself to work under him as a prostitute because she wants to spend her future life living with him and his wife but doesn't want to freeload off of him.

Also, I think the personality of the netori guy is also important when you judge who's the 'hardest ntr people', not just how hard the wife falls for him.
The boss in Kabe 1 seems like the most evil out of these netori guys. He seemed like his intention from the start was to trick his underling and steal his wife.

In Tsuma no Biniku, the stepfather is given a backstory on how he's really depressed because his wife recently died so immediately you feel bad for him. His netori switch was turned on because of his depression and the fact he saw his son and his son's wife, the heroine, having sex while he was drunk.

In Homestay, the exchange student didn't seem like such a bad guy at the beginning. One day, he told Akie, the wife, about his frustrations and she decided to help relieve him with a hand job. From that point, it escalated.
Definitely Kabe 1 because...
the wife Nodoka ends up loving the boss Hidetaka so much that she willingly volunteers herself to work under him as a prostitute because she wants to spend her future life living with him and his wife but doesn't want to freeload off of him.

Also, I think the personality of the netori guy is also important when you judge who's the 'hardest ntr people', not just how hard the wife falls for him.
The boss in Kabe 1 seems like the most evil out of these netori guys. He seemed like his intention from the start was to trick his underling and steal his wife.

In Tsuma no Biniku, the stepfather is given a backstory on how he's really depressed because his wife recently died so immediately you feel bad for him. His netori switch was turned on because of his depression and the fact he saw his son and his son's wife, the heroine, having sex while he was drunk.

In Homestay, the exchange student didn't seem like such a bad guy at the beginning. One day, he told Akie, the wife, about his frustrations and she decided to help relieve him with a hand job. From that point, it escalated.

Mmmm i agree netori guy needs to be bad, when the netori guy is genuinely good and maybe even loving i don't feel much ntr, if anything i end up thinking that leaving the MC was a given and something good, that say the guy from homestay sounds sketchy xD
yea, i liked the pace of Tsuma ga Kakushiteita better. i also think that scenario with yukie matched my anticipation of what was to come and i wasn't disappont. Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~ is a bit too slow for me in terms of pace.
in the end, that's your opinion, this is mine. ive looked in this thread for a good ntr game and ppl have said this was the best ntr title this year. even tho i disliked shota i gave it a try but ended up disappointed. i think several titles were better this year. maybe its my anti-shota bias as you pointed out.

do u live in japan for the majority of ur life and experience that? you even mentioned that there was commotion in japan after the case with the boy went public meaning this was something society frowns upon and i dont think basing a whole society's mindset over one incident is fair. im sure these things happen all around the world too not just in japan but in america/europe etc. also whats the context behind how the situation unfolded from teacher pov, kid pov, school staff pov? source of the article would be great. id also love to see a video about this issue. tell me more cases like this happening in japan would be great.

??? the mother ever since the blackmail started is at the mercy of the kid. the kid gets always gets what he wants and always gets his request granted. you might as well have the kid put a leash on the mother.

i appreciate your description of the content and how she's strongwilled this and strongwilled that but they could have executed the blackmail better. i think your bit on reputation in japan is hyperbole and that represents an extreme case which i dont think excuses the mother from handling the situation the way she did and getting outsmarted by a brat. she had a phone too and any sensible adult could have just recorded the threats the kid made. if this game was an essay, even tho its content was good like u described, its hook to me was bad and it didnt draw me into the game like it should have.

instead i ended up feeling bad for what the mother's son went through.

again, its just my opinion. maybe its because i dislike shota genre and enjoy normal nukige/milfs.

You are free to express your opinions. The problem in this case it's that your opinion sounds like a hate comment disguise as criticism. The fact that you criticize a game because the blackmail is not believable and the heroine is dumb, but have no qualms into saying another one with a similar or less believable blackmail is great, it's pretty much saying that If a kid does it is not believable, but if an adult does it, it is. You see? you are not cricizing the game, but the genre. If you reread your words you will notice that it's not so much the contents or circunstances in the blackmail, but the fact that you can't accept that a kid could pull it off.

In that regard your comment sound less to an opinion and more like a hate comment against a genre. In all my years participating in this thread I have never read someone writing that an heroine is dumb for falling into blackmail, you are the first. But I have read that kind of comments on another site (4chan). I have read there a lot of comments fom NTR haters saying things like: the wife is dumb for falling for the blackmail, the husband is stupid for not noticing, this story is totally not belieavable, he/she should have done this or that.... etc.

In NTR, blackmail is a plot device that is used very often. If you think about it, most of the blackmail situations in NTR would never happen in real life, or if they did, they will be handled in a very different way (calling the police, telling the kids parents, etc.), but there wouldn't be a story if that were the case. So suspension of disbelief is neccesary for the story to progress in a more or less belieavable manner for the player to enjoy. This doesn't only happens in NTR, but in any other form of fiction. So as long as it's plausible in the realms of the wold in which the story is developing and into the genre that is playing, the viewer wouldn't had to have a problem with it. Otherwise nobody would enjoy HENTAI in general, because almost every story would be unbeliebable.

With all this I'm not saying you can't critizice a given game/manga/CG. You can dislike it, you can hate it, you can even say that is not belieavable for you, even that is fine. What bothers me is how you downgrade a character, saying that is dumb, just because you can't suspend your disbelief for a given genre because of your hatred to it. I would never dare to critizice a genre I don't like, because I would be talking nonsense about something I don't understand. For instance, I wouldn't play a scat game and dare to say that the situations are not belieavable or that the characters are dumb for doing what they do (it's just an example, I don't have anything against scat even though I don't like it). That would be like insulting the guys that like that given genre.

Having say that maybe I'm wrong, maybe it wasn't your intention, maybe you did it withouth noticing, maybe it was your frustration taking the best of you. We all have ranted and crused some game some time because it dissapointed us. I'm just writing this so you can see how your comment sounded to some of us.

On regard of your question. I study japanese and it's culture for some years now. I have being looking for the video I was talking about in my last post. I couldn't find it regretably. It was from one of the videos of Kira Sensei an spanish guy that lives in japan and has a VERY GOOD course on japanese for spanish speakers (the best, totally recomended). He also has a lot of videos about japanese culture, society, politics, etc. The nice thing about his videos it's that he comments about japanese society from an occidental point of view. It's really nice for understanding japanese culture. When you learn a language it's very important to understand the culture of the country as well.

The case from the student that commited suicide was a comment in one of his videos that was talking about a complete diferent subject. Regretably I don't remeber which video was it from. Trust me I really try hard to find it, but with no avail. I found another though, that is very interesting and talks about similar topics. It's in spanish though, however I'm sure you can find videos or blogs about the same subjetcts about japanese culture in english.

IN THIS VIDEO he talks about all the fuss that caused in japan the punishment of an employee for taking 3 minutes of rest and the ridiculous press conference for that matter. Also talks about another case in which a major collapsed on top of the sumo ring and how the announcer had to ask the women to get out of the ring because it was considered sacred (even though they were trying to save the major). In summary the video talks about this topics:

1. The respect for rules overpower the ethics in it's application.
2. The fear to retaliation (in regard to infringing a rule) neutralize any ethic judgment.
3. There is a lack on support and understanding from people when someone tries to make an exception to the rules.
4. Japanese act like automaton robots for respect of the rules (whithout neccesarilly being like that in the inside).

It also talks about an interesting moral problem proposed by MICHAEL SANDEL (a Hardvard profesor I think) in the University of Tokyo. You might want to look it out. Japanese way of thinking it's very diferent from ours, to the point that it's sometimes hard to understand.

Taking the oportunity that I'm talking about KIRA SENSEI. I would post another video of him which talk about some themes relevant to NTR for all my spanish speaker friends in this thread. It seems that some themes we often see in NTR are much more common in japan that we thought. Very interesting to understand how couple works (married or dating) in real life in japan:


I'll at least make a summary of the topics for my friends here that don't speak spanish.

1. They don't show affection in public.
2. Work is before the couple or even the familly (you literally marry to your job).
3. Men drink like there is no tomorrow.
4. No chavalry from men.
5. Women expect a formal declaration. (Even if you sleep with her it doesn't mean you are a couple till you or she declares).
6. An independent woman is not desirable (the more naive and innocent the better).
7. Once the woman marry the normal thing is that she becomes a housewife: This is an interesting point and have its reasons. Work in japan is a pain in the ass (long hours, marry to the company, almost slavery), so the man express his love to the woman by freeing her from that burden. Leaving the machismo aside (we all now is strong in japan) it's well seing by society for a husband to maintain his wife. In occident the more you spend time with your wife or familly the better husband you are (as an opinion from society), in japan is the other way around, the more you work for your familly a better husband you are.

I know I watched another video like that from Kira. I will look for it if you are interested. It has more about couples in japan.
Honestly a little disapointed in this set. It's not bad, but really isn't anything special. I'm certainly not judging the game, because I know between plot and voice acting the PLOT get's something added to it, but when I compare this to say the Marina 2,3 and prequels CG it just doesn't stack up. I guess no one can ever beat Marina in my heart. (really hope Manga Gamer sold enough to make the rest of the series.)

Yeah man, hoping mangagamers will release the sequels.
If you all love kabetsuma 1, you should listen the drama cd audio, it's worth to listen :) .
You are free to express your opinions. The problem in this case it's that your opinion sounds like a hate comment disguise as criticism...
TLDR: This is why we have wars, when someone expresses their opinion and some other guy has a different one. There's always someone who wants to dominate, stay on top, suppress another. They conflict with each other leading to arguments and skirmishes. (this off topic argument is representative of it.)
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TLDR: This is why we have wars, when someone expresses their opinion and some other guy has a different one. There's always someone who wants to dominate, stay on top, suppress another. They conflict with each other leading to arguments and skirmishes. (this off topic argument is representative of it.)

Really? Do you worry when someone can share their opinions? Well, let me tell you something. Wars don't start because you can share your opinions. Wars start because you CAN'T. And I'm sure that there are quite a few people in this thread that can explain you why is that better than I ever could.

And really? Don't read!? Man, reading is one of the most precious gifts than almost nobody apreciate. No matter if what you read is bullshit or if it's the ultimate truth. Let people make their own judgment. Being able to read something is a wonderful gift, and not everybody can do that. We are limited to reading the few languages we know. So let the people read, even if it's bullshit, let them have their own opinions on what they read. Please don't blind them and say: TLDR

Sorry for the off-topic.
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Heya, brothers!

The new Anim game is NTR. Full stop. AND IT'S FUCKING GRRREAT! There are some happy endings, yes, but the amount of anxiety, jealousy, and cheating that takes place throughout the game followed by the NTR endings should more than do it for anyone that hangs out here regularly. If you can avoid the temptation to look at the flowchart until after finishing Takumi's routes, there's mystery as well. Now that the crack is out and people can play for themselves, I hope the doubts and spurious info can be laid to rest.

There are 7 endings:
Early NTR End: obliviousshota/10
Happy Mother End: congratskidyournewbrother'syourson/10
Mother-focus NTR end: completeandutterdiespairIneverknewIcouldfeelsobadforakid/10
Happy Other Mother End: weneedasequelwithshotasalarymenworkingtoraisetheirkids/10
Other Mother-focus NTR end: eatingkonbinibentos/10
Netori End: fortheguywhowantstostealbothmoms/10
Happy Swapping End: ithinkEitaisaprettycoolguyehhelpsyoufuckyourmomsanddoesn'tafraidofanything/10

Friendly reminder to avoid mass speculation and CG interpretation for new titles until you actually get to play the game.
You mind spoiling the "completeandutterdiespairIneverknewIcouldfeelsobadforakid" ending for me, bro? What makes it so bad? I can't read Japanese at all, so I'm for sure missing out on conversations that makes it despair-tier. And I will not machine TL anymore cause the effort for the quality payoff is ass imo.
I also hoped she would get pregnant and we would have to choose from who, but since she's taking the pill :P

I've played too many Atelier games so I never expect pregnancy ending.
It's sad, because pregnancy perfectly matches with netorare.
Nothing is more humiliating than wife/gf getting impregnated by netori.
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Only three pages left to finish the translation of that terasu manga.

I have a problem, I didn't enjoy the manga that much, so I lost motivation while translating and didn't care too much about the quality, so I think I didn't do a good job and the quality is worst than my first work.

Because of that I don't want to upload it, maybe I'll just post it here in this thread for you guys.

From now I'm gonna be more careful before picking a project.
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Please stop fighting, we supposed to have friendly community here with good vibes

Even tho I'm not a huge fan of netori the heroine from Studio Pork's new game looks delicious and I'd play it for the CGs alone
I've just finished this game. Studio Pork's always have good looking milf and there are usually at least some stealth sex scenes in their games, unfortunately not so much in this one :(. I particularly liked teasing character of main heroine, and slow pacing in first half of the game, then story progressed too quickly and game ended pretty fast. But i still think it was pretty good for a netori game.
Also heroine's husband and child (~14 y.o boy i think) both have sprites which, i think, is necessary for a good netori game.

Its interesting that good netori games could also been good NTR games if we could play as NTRed (i dont know better word :() character, and vice versa, but unfortunately not that many devs try to do that.

And guys i found this just now, i played the previous game (the 1 with a princess and another pink haired girl) and thought it was good, a shame hooking it was a mess since it killed my enthusiasm in replaying to get the other endings.
Silhouette scenes, looks interesting
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Saw a comment about fighting and read a little and i was like "meh i live in venezuela, here i have to be carefull i don't get shoot/stabed/send sicarios if i start fighting on the street with someone, or worse with authority"

Not ntr really but i can't hardly wait for this just the fact the designs are like those from an Aoi Nagisas' doujin series make sme think ntr for some reason xD
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Saw a comment about fighting and read a little and i was like "meh i live in venezuela, here i have to be carefull i don't get shoot/stabed/send sicarios if i start fighting on the street with someone, or worse with authority"
Thats awful

Not ntr really but i can't hardly wait for this just the fact the designs are like those from an Aoi Nagisas' doujin series make sme think ntr for some reason xD
Those horns look like a double-sided wooden dildo that went straight through her head
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Only three pages left to finish the translation of that terasu manga.

I have a problem, I didn't enjoy the manga that much, so I lost motivation while translating and didn't care too much about the quality, so I think I didn't do a good job and the quality is worst than my first work.

Because of that I don't want to upload it, maybe I'll just post it here in this thread for you guys.

From now I'm gonna be more careful before picking a project.

Honestly wichever is faster xD, also don't worry i at leasts survived the butchering of Dark Elf Historia by Sakuracrap so you would have had to sabotage yourself, a lot, to screw it up.
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You are free to express your opinions. The problem in this case it's that your opinion sounds like a hate comment disguise as criticism. The fact that you criticize a game because the blackmail is not believable and the heroine is dumb, but have no qualms into saying another one with a similar or less believable blackmail is great, it's pretty much saying that If a kid does it is not believable, but if an adult does it, it is. You see? you are not cricizing the game, but the genre. If you reread your words you will notice that it's not so much the contents or circunstances in the blackmail, but the fact that you can't accept that a kid could pull it off.

In that regard your comment sound less to an opinion and more like a hate comment against a genre. In all my years participating in this thread I have never read someone writing that an heroine is dumb for falling into blackmail, you are the first. But I have read that kind of comments on another site (4chan). I have read there a lot of comments fom NTR haters saying things like: the wife is dumb for falling for the blackmail, the husband is stupid for not noticing, this story is totally not belieavable, he/she should have done this or that.... etc.

In NTR, blackmail is a plot device that is used very often. If you think about it, most of the blackmail situations in NTR would never happen in real life, or if they did, they will be handled in a very different way (calling the police, telling the kids parents, etc.), but there wouldn't be a story if that were the case. So suspension of disbelief is neccesary for the story to progress in a more or less belieavable manner for the player to enjoy. This doesn't only happens in NTR, but in any other form of fiction. So as long as it's plausible in the realms of the wold in which the story is developing and into the genre that is playing, the viewer wouldn't had to have a problem with it. Otherwise nobody would enjoy HENTAI in general, because almost every story would be unbeliebable.

With all this I'm not saying you can't critizice a given game/manga/CG. You can dislike it, you can hate it, you can even say that is not belieavable for you, even that is fine. What bothers me is how you downgrade a character, saying that is dumb, just because you can't suspend your disbelief for a given genre because of your hatred to it. I would never dare to critizice a genre I don't like, because I would be talking nonsense about something I don't understand. For instance, I wouldn't play a scat game and dare to say that the situations are not belieavable or that the characters are dumb for doing what they do (it's just an example, I don't have anything against scat even though I don't like it). That would be like insulting the guys that like that given genre.

Having say that maybe I'm wrong, maybe it wasn't your intention, maybe you did it withouth noticing, maybe it was your frustration taking the best of you. We all have ranted and crused some game some time because it dissapointed us. I'm just writing this so you can see how your comment sounded to some of us.

first of all, i agree suspension of disbelief is necessary but theres something called 'overdoing it' and it differs from person to person on what they enjoy suspending their disbelief for and theres no wrong answer to that, its just a matter of preference.

second of all, whats wrong with criticizing a genre u don't like? ur name is straight.shota so i assume ur a big fan of shota and ur letting me know why the genre ur familar with isn't as bad as i say it is which i think is good thing. but i think ur taking it way too far as to assume im personally attacking u or fans of the genre but all i did was voice my opinion about the genre and my experience with those games. i never said one word about the fans of the genre.

finally, how is criticizing the plot/character of a game related to whether or not i dislike the genre associated with it? if u replace the ugly kid from toaru hahaoya with an adult then it wouldnt be shota and i would still say the same thing about the beginning and how its dumb.

also, why does that even matter in this case? i remember at least one person who said they played toaru hahaoya part 2 in this thread that weren't really shota fans but still really enjoyed the game which is why i gave it a try. im simply disagreeing with them that as someone like them thats also not a fan of shota, i didn't enjoy it as much as them and why. i never said the game was complete garbage, i just dont think its as good as u make it to be. its not like i didnt play any of the games i criticized and went on this forum just to insult u but i actually did play those game thoroughly. but u make it sound like im attacking ppl who like the genre with zero knowledge of the games i criticize and i dont think thats fair.

TLDR: This is why we have wars, when someone expresses their opinion and some other guy has a different one. There's always someone who wants to dominate, stay on top, suppress another. They conflict with each other leading to arguments and skirmishes. (this off topic argument is representative of it.)

haha i 100% agree. i dont care if ppl hate me for what i have to say. if they prove me wrong then im happy cuz im expanding my knowledge on why i dislike or like certain things. ive seen far worse comments insulting ntr as a genre as well as my favorite games and quite frankly i dont give a shit about what they say, let alone get offended.
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Are there any games where the husband/boyfriend reluctantly allows his wife/girlfriend to start prostituting herself for money, whether through porn, sleeping with debt collectors or whatever, and she then gets too into it and starts liking it? Not that he found out she was doing this, or he wanted her to fuck other people cause he was really into it, but they both agreed it needed to be done because they needed the money.
Finished all routes(I believe) of NT:Rippers game.. I guess it's a new circle that plans to create more and update what they have going by their homepage.. I think they're pretty promising. The games artwork is lacking but the writing is pretty great.. I'm not normally into netorase but the way they did it in that rpg was effective. Not sure why there was any combat in the game- I just picked up the god-dagger from the rock in the first area(it's shown in a cheat guide folder that comes with the game dl) and walked to the bosses and oneshotted them. It was really pointless and just a way to break up the actual netorase I guess. But the game was good imo. There's a lot of humiliation play with the main character in the room and also through videos sent through the mail and such- if you're into that. It's netorase but it's a sort of forced netorase with the scenario being that it's the towns rules that the wife must get pregnant or the husband will have to leave the town- and in the end the mc really starts to enjoy the cheating but it does seem to get out of hand sometimes that makes him seem more like a masochist than just some cuck. The wife is extremely faithful to the husband at first so watching her slip into real fucking from what little the mc gives is that sort of contrast. I expected her to immediately turn into a slut who couldn't give a fuck about the husband right after the first night of someone else but she continued to love the husband for a long while- just had so much more fun with sex with others..

It's a netorase game for sure- I thought it'd be netorare but I was pleasantly surprised by how it was written and set up. I'd give it a try even if you're not usually a fan of netorase. It's nothing super special but it does make you hopeful for their later games. If their art improves and they keep that quality of writing(and hopefully do other genres of NTR as well) then they could really make a real fantastic game.

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