2 weeks left before Homestay 2!
Speaking of Homestay 2, would anyone have an English translation for the full title to be proposed?
I would like to try to redo the logo in an "English" style but when you have to translate Japanese .... ^^
"Tsuma no Niku Ana ni Homestay Suru Macho Ryuugakusei 2-Kenme ~Moto Kyonyuu Guradoru no Tsuma wa, Danny's Boot Camp de Shirudaku Mesu Bukuro ni Kaihatsu Sareteita~"
"妻の肉穴にホームステイするマッチョ留学生2軒目 ~元巨乳グラドルの妻は、ダニーズ・ブートキャンプで汁だくメス子宮に開発されていた~"
Thanks !
Otherwise, I talked a little with Nao, from Venus.
I feel he his totally open to an English translation for all his games BUT ... he speaks English only with a translator and don't understand English at all... He is reluctant to leave that to an outside company.
I think, after having exchanged with him, that he would not need more than a translated game and positive opinions on the translation so that he could get into it.
So, to enjoy a translation of Venus games, you have to either:
1. Translate a game Venus ourselves and provide it in patch form, make it known and show the reviews on it.
2. Or simply go out on his twitter and tell him that he must hire a translator and provide an English version of his games.
And maybe I could have a little surprise (in connection with Venus games) but I don't want to say more for the moment because nothing is done yet ... :)