Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Never played the dev's second game and while I played their first game, my memory on it is a bit foggy so I can't really compare it to the previous games that much. There is an attempt to flesh out their relationship though. The game starts off spending a decent amount of time fleshing out their relationship though the more the game progresses, the less they actually interact. There's also small moments every once in a while that helps in this regard but most of their development is pretty frontloaded. The game does have a couple of flashback scenes where the MC remembers how he met the heroine and got together with her and they're used somewhat decently. When it comes to scenes between the ntr, there is initially some of that and the heroine occasionally teased the MC with a report or foreplay but that gets shut down early on and the MC for the most part is sexless and rarely gets any update on the netorase, which I didn't really like. I didn't mind that the heroine stopped having sex with the MC but the excuse behind it and the execution wasn't that great. She tells the MC that she's going to forgo sex with him and do some teasing play with him instead but she never really follows up on it. She just goes off to do the netorase and there's no real follow up. That's why I liked the last scene (for now) of the game because that's literally the first NTR report the MC's gotten since near the beginning of the game. Outside of that the heroine does have a diary you can peek on to get her thoughts at the moment but it doesn't really impact the game since even though the MC can take a peek, its never really mentioned in story.

I see, that's too bad then. The thing I didn't like about Smoldering, another netorase (kind of) / netorare game is that the middle of the game is just about the heroine fucking the ntr dudes and the MC is pretty much forgotten until the last phase of the game when she has completely fallen. But Smoldering did it even worse - after the first few netorase teasing scenes the girl just says that she stops the ntr play (because MC wasn't into it and she felt guilty for overdoing it), and from then on she just cheats in secret. The problem with that is that it goes against the entire premise and becomes just a typical netorare game, except you just skip days and watch her scenes without any actual interactions between the protagonist and the girl. And only after she completely falls does things return to how they should've been with ntr reports and such, but only for the last few scenes.
I see, that's too bad then. The thing I didn't like about Smoldering, another netorase (kind of) / netorare game is that the middle of the game is just about the heroine fucking the ntr dudes and the MC is pretty much forgotten until the last phase of the game when she has completely fallen. But Smoldering did it even worse - after the first few netorase teasing scenes the girl just says that she stops the ntr play (because MC wasn't into it and she felt guilty for overdoing it), and from then on she just cheats in secret. The problem with that is that it goes against the entire premise and becomes just a typical netorare game, except you just skip days and watch her scenes without any actual interactions between the protagonist and the girl. And only after she completely falls does things return to how they should've been with ntr reports and such, but only for the last few scenes.

Have you found the game in english? Or does Mtool work well with it? I found the game in spanish but it says MTL, i actually feel that as an native spanish speaker i will react worse to it than to normal english MTLs lol
Two netori guys...meh, I've already lost interest...
I guess they'll never make another Tsuma Biniku again...

I hope if any of the Netori guys is actually a relative of the wife/husband. If not it will be Rintsuma all over again. There's no way Anim gonna repeat that mistake again right ??.
Well art already looks good and i am a fan of lingerie so that is another lets just hope for real ntr, and no honest sympathetic Netori guy nor bastard BF or husband xD

You know what, this is the five in a row game where no MILF heroine include in their game. I kinda pissed off right now XDD.
Have you found the game in english? Or does Mtool work well with it? I found the game in spanish but it says MTL, i actually feel that as an native spanish speaker i will react worse to it than to normal english MTLs lol

I use RPGMV Hook Patcher, just like for any other RPGVM game, and then read it with Translator Aggregator. I use DeepL from Textractor as an auxiliary when I'm too lazy to read in Japanese, lol.
Well the wait is over since I just finished and I got my thoughts together.

So, as said before, Dangerous change Kaede ( is a netorase game which is the sequel to the netorare game, After playing through the game, I don't think that playing the first game is really required to enjoy this one but it does enhance the experience, especially in the latter half of the game. In fact, the hot spring from the dev's first game makes a reappearance and it even has somewhat similar vibes. It was pretty neat.
Moving on to the actual plot synopsis of the game. The game takes place a couple of years after the first game which ended off on a pretty depressing, but hopeful note for the MC since he got fully NTR'd. Now, the MC is married to Kaede, his ex-wife's little sister who helped him to recover from his traumatic experiences. By now they've pretty much settled down into a stable life however after his first time with Kaede, it seems like its impossible for the MC to get an erection due to his divorce. Kaede doesn't mind though and their marriage (or relationship in general, never actually knew if they were married but I'll just call it marriage since I'm more sure of that) is a pretty happy one. Things change one day when the MC's neighbor reveals to him that he has a NTR fetish and wants the MC to fuck his wife, however the MC refuses as he wants to remain faithful to Kaede and his past experiences with anything cuck related has him confused as to why anyone would willingly subject themselves to such an experience. All goes back to normal until a someone visits the village. This dude is a past acquaintance of Kaede and basically loves to fuck around. Kaede can't stand his guts and he's a shameless pervert. In fact, the reason he's in the village is because he's on the run from some gangsters because he fucked the boss' woman. Long story short, The gangsters catch up to him however the MC and Kaede (mostly just Kaede) mediates between the two parties and manages to get the dude off scott free. In order to thank the MC and Kaede, he throws a BBQ beach party for the entire village, however while playing around he accidentally trips and gropes Kaede in front of the MC. The MC doesn't mind much however he realizes that his dick's reacting for the first time in a long while, much to his dismay. He consults the internet and finds out that he may have a NTR fetish just like his neighbor so he goes out in the middle of the night only to catch his neighbour watching his wife get banged by the visitor. MC consults the neighbor and comes to the conclusion that netorase play might be the way to restore his sex life with Kaede. The MC consults Kaede and though she is quite reluctant, she goes along with it, less because she cares about their sex life and more because she wants to see the MC happy. After that, they both start doing netorase with the visitor.
All of that is basically the introduction for the game and what sets things into motion. Now to actually discuss my thoughts on the game, I'm going to have to get into spoiler territory by spoiling the entire plot and I mean the ENTIRE plot so if you want to go in blind, now's the chance:

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And that's it for the entire plot now here's my thoughts on it:
First I gotta start with Kaede. She's a straight upgrade to all of the dev's previous heroines. She's strong, truly loves the MC and helps him through some of his hardest times and she doesn't immediately give in when fucked by a good cock. Ironically, its her love for the MC that gets the plot rolling in both good and bad ways and its honestly my favorite part about her, even more than her obvious strength. The MC on the other hand, I have a pretty low opinion on. Even though he's somewhat recovered from his divorce, its clear that his trauma is still there. His ED is one, but his focus on netorase is actually pretty interesting. What sets this plot apart from normal netorase plots where the MC uses the netorase to cure his erectile dysfunction is that is was never really necessary. When that trope usually plays out, its because the heroine is clearly needing more in bed and the MC knowing this, resorts to more extreme means in order to satisfy her. In this game, Kaede is already satisfied. She's legit already happy with their life and the MC could go on for the rest of his life unable to use his dick and she wouldn't care. The MC on the other hand is led by his netorase desires purely for himself and not for Kaede. Even when Kaede is having the best fucking of her life, its clear that she'd go back to their former relationship in a heartbeat if he wanted it but he didn't. Most of my gripes with the story comes from the MC's decision making which is bafflingly stupid, but actually makes sense. This is where I think that playing the first game adds to the experience. The MC is already a broken dude by the beginning of this game. The time he spent with Kaede only took his mind off of the pain but the moment he got reminded about it he relapsed hard. He's making dumb decisions not because he's dumb, but instead because he's so fucked in the head its probably the only thing that truly makes him feel alive, possibly even more than his relationship with Kaede. Kaede on the other hand makes dumb decisions as well but all of it is for the MC and she never truly loses that love. Ending spoiler:
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Only other gripes are with the visitor in the early game along with the neighbor and his wife. They both felt like they had a lot more potential. I was hoping that the visitor would at least stick around to the point where he could fuck Kaede but nope, he bails too fast. I was also hoping to see more of the neighbor's wife getting fucked since I actually liked her design. The number one scene I was hoping for was the MC and the neighbor both sitting back and watching one dude dominate them both but I guess it wasn't meant to be. My opinion of the neighbor also plummeted around the mid game and that never recovered. Legit felt betrayed by that one. That hit harder than any NTR.

Anyways, that's it. Pretty sure there's a lot I glossed over and more that I wanted to say but I'm not really sure how to integrate that into whatever monster I've just typed up. The game was pretty good for netorase but don't expect a happy ending. My favorite of this dev's games so far and I hope it gets an update since I want to see more of Kaede. Also forgive my character analysis. I might be reaching with some if not most of my statements and all the characters could just be fucking idiots but that's what I got from my time playing the game.
Lastly, I realize that I typed up a jumbled mess so if you have any questions on the game that I wasn't able to clarify, didn't make any sense or straight up missed then feel free to ask.

Edit: I was thinking about the game while making a PBJ sandwich and I got some more thoughts on the MC and his relationship with Kaede.
For a game where Kaede was the one fucking other people and the MC was reveling in his netorase fetish, it really feels like Kaede is the one that got betrayed here. The MC took her feelings for granted and used her solely for his own pleasure, kinda like NTR scenarios where the heroine is a cheating slut who only keeps her husband around because she gets off on it. It also made me reevaluate the MC's and Kaede's entire relationship. I'm starting to wonder if the MC ever even loved Kaede the same way he loved Aya from the first game. The fact that all it really took for the MC to pass the point of no return was seeing Aya's porno made me wonder if the only reason he was with Kaede was because she either resembled Aya or reminded him of a time before his life got fucked up. Him subjecting Kaede to the netorase, especially with the coach is probably just him reliving his personal nightmare of when Aya left him and he's probably just learnt to enjoy it. All of this is just me reaching obviously but man, everytime Kaede looked the MC in the eye and asked if he wanted to go back really got to me. Especially since I always thought she was long gone only to reveal she's doing it for the MC. She really didn't deserve what she got.
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Just finished

Around 2hrs of playtime. It's Netorase that turns sorta into netorare. It's pretty poor netorare though, Id say it's more for people who want netorase.

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Its biggest downside is the overreliance on shadows behind the curtains for every animation. Followed by not having any side content to explore around for. The second girl is only for the demo part, which is really lame. So if you didn't play and just unlocked all content, I see why you would be unhappy as the scenes aren't much. It relies heavily on the text to set the scene as a netorase. Where the protag is watching and jackin it.

If you are looking for netorare, don't bother with this. If you like netorase where the girl is given away willingly, and don't mind her leaving the protag at the end, then you will probably be fine with this. Its no masterpiece, but will kill a couple of hours if you're bored and like netorase/sharing.

I think the dev just heavily used shadow content because it was easy to animate.
Well the wait is over since I just finished and I got my thoughts together.


Edit: I was thinking about the game while making a PBJ sandwich and I got some more thoughts on the MC and his relationship with Kaede.
For a game where Kaede was the one fucking other people and the MC was reveling in his netorase fetish, it really feels like Kaede is the one that got betrayed here. The MC took her feelings for granted and used her solely for his own pleasure, kinda like NTR scenarios where the heroine is a cheating slut who only keeps her husband around because she gets off on it. It also made me reevaluate the MC's and Kaede's entire relationship. I'm starting to wonder if the MC ever even loved Kaede the same way he loved Aya from the first game. The fact that all it really took for the MC to pass the point of no return was seeing Aya's porno made me wonder if the only reason he was with Kaede was because she either resembled Aya or reminded him of a time before his life got fucked up. Him subjecting Kaede to the netorase, especially with the coach is probably just him reliving his personal nightmare of when Aya left him and he's probably just learnt to enjoy it. All of this is just me reaching obviously but man, everytime Kaede looked the MC in the eye and asked if he wanted to go back really got to me. Especially since I always thought she was long gone only to reveal she's doing it for the MC. She really didn't deserve what she got.

I really like your review, and yeah this game turned out to be really psychological, up to players if that is bad or good, like even Kaede isn't safe since her attachment to the MC becomes clearly unhealthy, not far from someone in an abusive relationship, and the MC also fits the part of the abusive partner sinc ehe basically forces the whole thing.

Is not often when you see a game where the girl falling would be the healthier/best ending for her, like now i want/hope for an extra epilogue where Aya comes back and beats some sense into her (of course while remaining with the teacher or just turning Kaede into a slut, and yes even that would be better!) and basically call out the MC, afterwards when he realizes how much he has fucked up and that yes he has lost Kaede too he can go hang himself for all i care, dude seriously pisses me off.

Of course its equally likely that the first chara guy returns after "training" and saves the day lol
Dangerous change Kaede- found that once the first guy leaves and the NTR guy from the first game comes back the game kind of nose dives down in enjoyment. I like the psychological and emotional side of NTR and the game was doing ok for that till mid point, then the MC just becomes a masturbation junky and the wife characterization just stops and just dose time jumps to get to sex scenes with zero development. Should have just stuck with the first NTR guy and have things slowly Escalate from it. I just don't find it's good NTR if at the end even I think the women should dumb the main character. I feel bad for how Kaede ended up more. XD
Dangerous change Kaede- found that once the first guy leaves and the NTR guy from the first game comes back the game kind of nose dives down in enjoyment. I like the psychological and emotional side of NTR and the game was doing ok for that till mid point, then the MC just becomes a masturbation junky and the wife characterization just stops and just dose time jumps to get to sex scenes with zero development. Should have just stuck with the first NTR guy and have things slowly Escalate from it. I just don't find it's good NTR if at the end even I think the women should dumb the main character. I feel bad for how Kaede ended up more. XD

That's pretty understandable. The first half of the game with the visitor was my favorite part and I was hoping he'd stick around longer. I kinda thought his character was going to go somewhere since he felt like a perverted dumbass but he never had any bad intentions. That along with his history with Kaede made me want to see him break her cold exterior and show a different side of her but he bailed too quickly. When the coach came into the story I had a lot of mixed feelings. On one hand, I felt that he was going to be in the story since he played a major role in the first game. His actual scenes and character in this game are actually pretty good, especially with the call backs and parallels to the previous games. The mixed feelings mostly came from the MC's decision making and how rapidly his mental faculties dropped off of a cliff. I was pretty sympathetic towards him throughout most of the game and even after he made his stupid decision to get the coach involved I was hoping he would snap out of it. The real point where I gave up on him was the first time skip. After the hot spring inn scene where he revealed himself to Kaede I was hoping that common sense would kick in and he'd call everything off or at least make Kaede stop seeing the coach. Instead he made Kaede marry the damn dude. At that point I lost all respect for the MC and seeing Kaede suffer like this kinda killed my vibes. It didn't really even feel like netorase or even NTR, it just felt like the MC was forcing her to prostitute herself. It was still entertaining to me, but less in a hot way and more in a 'Jesus Christ this is fucked up but I want to see where this goes' kinda way. I think if the dev made a happier ending or at least one where the MC snaps back to reality and makes the coach back off then the ending we got wouldn't be that bad. I said before that with how the game ends, there's some ambiguity in that Kaede still loves the MC and its still possible for him to save the relationship so an update that takes place after that would be interesting but the MC's character's already hit rock bottom so that'll be unlikely.
That's pretty understandable. The first half of the game with the visitor was my favorite part and I was hoping he'd stick around longer. I kinda thought his character was going to go somewhere since he felt like a perverted dumbass but he never had any bad intentions. That along with his history with Kaede made me want to see him break her cold exterior and show a different side of her but he bailed too quickly. When the coach came into the story I had a lot of mixed feelings. On one hand, I felt that he was going to be in the story since he played a major role in the first game. His actual scenes and character in this game are actually pretty good, especially with the call backs and parallels to the previous games. The mixed feelings mostly came from the MC's decision making and how rapidly his mental faculties dropped off of a cliff. I was pretty sympathetic towards him throughout most of the game and even after he made his stupid decision to get the coach involved I was hoping he would snap out of it. The real point where I gave up on him was the first time skip. After the hot spring inn scene where he revealed himself to Kaede I was hoping that common sense would kick in and he'd call everything off or at least make Kaede stop seeing the coach. Instead he made Kaede marry the damn dude. At that point I lost all respect for the MC and seeing Kaede suffer like this kinda killed my vibes. It didn't really even feel like netorase or even NTR, it just felt like the MC was forcing her to prostitute herself. It was still entertaining to me, but less in a hot way and more in a 'Jesus Christ this is fucked up but I want to see where this goes' kinda way. I think if the dev made a happier ending or at least one where the MC snaps back to reality and makes the coach back off then the ending we got wouldn't be that bad. I said before that with how the game ends, there's some ambiguity in that Kaede still loves the MC and its still possible for him to save the relationship so an update that takes place after that would be interesting but the MC's character's already hit rock bottom so that'll be unlikely.

Nahh, MC is too fucked up, any happy ending would require external help, like for example have the visitor come back and see the whole situation (this would be an alternate route before pregnancy i think) and basically become the hero of the story, other "happy" ending would be Kaede falling as in stop caring for the MC, i for once would love to see an ending where Kaede gets feed up with him and embrasses the coach fully, while telling the MC that he is some piece of shit, hell have Aya come back too for the same reason.

Btw is it clear he told Kaede to marry the old guy or was it just that he didn't stop it?
Nahh, MC is too fucked up, any happy ending would require external help, like for example have the visitor come back and see the whole situation (this would be an alternate route before pregnancy i think) and basically become the hero of the story, other "happy" ending would be Kaede falling as in stop caring for the MC, i for once would love to see an ending where Kaede gets feed up with him and embrasses the coach fully, while telling the MC that he is some piece of shit, hell have Aya come back too for the same reason.

Btw is it clear he told Kaede to marry the old guy or was it just that he didn't stop it?

I'm just kinda hoping that the MC either gets burnt out by the NTR or his dick stops working. Only other good ending I can see reasonably happening is the MC dropping dead from masturbation exhaustion and Kaede now having no reason to stay with the coach, bails on his ass. Outside of that, the only real way to get a good ending is to go all the way back to the visitor dude and have him stay in the village and have his own route. That way, the MC gets a healthier netorase (plus we get to see his neighbor's wife more) and he never sees Aya's porno. That's where I expected the game to go initially and I'm still holding out on some hope that we get at least something related to the visitor, the neighbor's wife or a good end for Kaede in an future update. Then again, the dev's only ever updated his first game so that's unlikely.

On the note of Kaede's marriage to the coach. I don't think we ever get to see the actual conversation where the MC requests Kaede to marry him but its heavily implied since the MC gets off on it and Kaede clearly still hates the coach. That and its pretty obvious she wants the MC to snap out of it and move back to the village. It also explains why the coach is so dead set on trying to get the MC to believe Kaede has abandoned him. He does stuff like sabotaging their conversations so that the MC doesn't have any second thoughts of the whole netorase and marriage situation. Kaede goes to talk to the MC and the coach uses a vibe on her to ruin the mood and stimulate the MC's fetish. Whenever the MC visits the Kaede and the coach upstairs, Kaede is not allowed to talk and must act like the MC doesn't exist. The coach also blindfolds Kaede and fucks her in front of the MC. Every single time this happens, Kaede is either unwilling or straight up angry at the coach but doesn't fight back since its all for the MC. So yeah, Kaede never fell in love with the coach and didn't want to marry him. The ending with her pregnant video does have her saying that she's seemingly in love with him but as I said before, its likely just her contributing to the MC's fetish. She might've even given up trying to convince him to return to a normal life but at the very least she's still trying to make him happy even if that happiness is a product of her own suffering.
The real point where I gave up on him was the first time skip. After the hot spring inn scene where he revealed himself to Kaede I was hoping that common sense would kick in and he'd call everything off or at least make Kaede stop seeing the coach. Instead he made Kaede marry the damn dude. At that point I lost all respect for the MC and seeing Kaede suffer like this kinda killed my vibes. It didn't really even feel like netorase or even NTR, it just felt like the MC was forcing her to prostitute herself. It was still entertaining to me, but less in a hot way and more in a 'Jesus Christ this is fucked up but I want to see where this goes' kinda way. I think if the dev made a happier ending or at least one where the MC snaps back to reality and makes the coach back off then the ending we got wouldn't be that bad. I said before that with how the game ends, there's some ambiguity in that Kaede still loves the MC and its still possible for him to save the relationship so an update that takes place after that would be interesting but the MC's character's already hit rock bottom so that'll be unlikely.
I too wanted to see where it went but wish it had more between sections like the first half. really only see them talk to each other once after the marriage. MC really needs help but drove away the one best to do that.
Btw is it clear he told Kaede to marry the old guy or was it just that he didn't stop it?

It was his idea. right before she ask MC if it was really ok and if that was really what he wanted. dose not really fit her personality to do something like that but I think here heart was broken when the MC rape her in the inn before the time jump and she just went a bit numb to it all and just went with it not putting much resistance.
A sandbox game similar to LifePlay and HHS+. Lots of NTR, a promising project.
The DEV is cool and friendly towards the community.
Guys, sub on Patreon if you like such promising projects!!!

The art here is a hard pass for me, with NTR you usually lower your standards art wise if the scenario and writing is good but i cant see myself fapping to that art ever.
This was the game with the massive lips right? Haven't played it yet because omg i can't get pass those lol

Is the game any good?

Yea, the big ass and lips game. I love the lips myself, lol.

So far Ive enjoyed the game, its got it problems for sure. The walk speed is very slow and I would suggest you play with mtool and boost that.

But game-wise it has been decent. And the set up for the NTR has been amazing for me. The MC keeps getting stuck at work and the big lip girlfriend is winding up spending a lot of time with his degenerate friend. They play video games together and the friend is the typical video game trash talker, and his trash talk starts to turn her on. He starts out "jokingly" saying he wants to use her tits as a punching bag. And now is out right talking about his friend was born to be a cuck and she should just let him fill her bitch ass up.

Its definitely playing into verbal abuse at the start with hints it might be turning into consensual physical abuse later. They play the game ryona fighters. MC hears them on the phone and the friend is talking about beating the GFs ass and such, I expect that to be not in the game later on.

Its got 2 episodes out with probably 1.5hrs of gameplay. The gameplay is the typical fetch quest type rpgm stuff. The MC doesnt know what happens between the GF and Friend, you can read her diary to play the stuff that the MC doesnt see. WHat the MC does see is the stuff the firend posts on the forums you check from your phone, and anything he hears when he calls them.

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TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please update this game? Thanks in advance.✨shine✨-240928-すにぃる-abyssal-corruption-rj01234893.1552783/
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Hey! Could you re-upload RJ298049 and RJ362239 mp3 files?

Appreciate it, thanks!
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Shine, do you have the update for this? It has additional content and bug fixes. Please and thanks.
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