Ask a question and next person have to answer.

yeah.. when talking to my friends only boys, girls.. nah..

do you do your laundry?
I sometimes put them to washing machine, only though if I need that exact clothing and it's dirty. So I can use it again in next day.

Any plans for weekend??
not really only when i'm mad or annoyed

did you ever fell in love for a teacher?
no, the teacher's I've had were old and ugly :D that's why.

Do you ever regret something you've done so bad you just want to go hide inside a dark room and never come back?
sometimes yes but i hate looking at life that way so i don't.

have you ever lost something dear to you like family or a pet and not cried?
well i never cry when those things happen, funerals etc. at least not so far. if the person it is dear to me i only do it later, normally when i go to sleep, cuz my brain starts thinking too much.

Plans for the weekend?
Not much. There would be a party tonight, but I'm not going there.
I think I'll just stay home and be on computer :)

Does gossip move quickly in your town?
well where i came from yes but where i live i don't know since i'm here only one year and don't know many people yet.

what was the worst gossip about you? :P
The worst happened this friday, at work I parked a van and the towing bar hit a littlebit into a footing of a storage house.
No one noticed it, except the one woman that was inside the storage and heard a clank :D
yesterday evening I heard the story from her son.. and I think now the whole town knows it.
I hope I won't get any trouble on monday from my boss :)
In this town, gossip moves with the speed of light.
Actually I've never had no rumors about me moving, this is the first one.

Why do some people like gore anime??
I can't understand why someone is interested in that. I'm not judging though, I know anyone has their own liking, I'm just curious.
ok i so regret searching for the meaning of that. one word: disgusting. can't understand why either x.x

what's the type of anime that you like the most?
Comedy, ecchi, Slice of life :D Those in one anime series make it good to me :)
But I've watched all kinds of animes, except gore and something like that.
I haven't watched a single series that I didn't like, so pretty much everything goes.

Do you get the weird feeling of loneliness when you watch finish the last series of some anime?
I get that, it's not like loneliness, it's like "I have to search for more" or something like that :D
I guess it's a sign of a good story made.
yeah i have that with some animes. ouran high school host club i loved it so much that i couldn't believe it was finished. specially cuz in the end seems like there is going to be more. i laugh so hard with it. i still want more x.x

did you ever dried in the last ep. of an anime?
You mean cried?
Yep, boys do cry too.. :) (I think I disgraced my manhood now..)
But I'm quite sensitive to some stories.
Especially Clannad series had a very big affect to me.
Finishing Angel Beats gave me some tears too, tears of joy all of them what I've cried :D
And some others too had put a "frog on my throat" ( you know the feeling ).

Do you find people in anime more attracting than real life?
I find girs very attractive :3 though I don't think nothing is wrong with real life girls too..
yes of course. they are draw to be amazing. well expect the ones with big boobs it's too much sometimes. and guys have cute faces too.

which is your favourite anime girl?
You have the same thing as I do, they make too many F cup girls lol :D It's indeed too much.
For example my type of liking.
Minami Shimada :)
<------ This girl here :3
Though I like many others too.

How did you get involved with anime?
she's cute ;)

i don't really remember it was too long ago.

How did you get involved with anime?
It's not so long time ago, It all started when I downloaded Summer Wars movie :D, that came last year when it was still spring I guess?
That's when I started watching hentai, and after that all sorts of anime. And here I am. Spamming here haha.

Would you like to have a trip to Japan??
yes of course. it's one of my dreams :)

would you like to go too?
Hell yeah!

If you were in the military, which unit would you like to be and which branch? Example: Unit - Infantry, Branch - Marines
I did tried to join, many years ago - when I was still fit, but got rejected due to poor eyesight.

What uniform club(like Boy Scout, Girl Scout, others...) did you joined back in your school?
i was a scout yes but in portugal is not a school club. is more connected to the church but is an indenpendent society.

what about you?
I was a Boy Scout during my Primary school(age:7-12).
When I was in Secondary school(age:13-17), I joined the Military Cadet, but only lasted for a year before it got disbanded, due to not enough members. Then I joined the Scout again.

How do you schooling class grade works?
In Malaysia, Primary school is for children age 7 til 12, and the classes are called Primary One until Six.
After that, we move on to Secondary school, for teenagers age 13-17, and the classes called Form One until Five.
There an additional class for Secondary school, which is Form 6(2 years). This is optional, thou. Once you graduate Form 6, you can directly apply for degree course in local universities, instead of having to take diploma 1st.
Mostly after Form Five, the students either continue for higher education at university or work.
where i was born it is from 6 to 10 primary school,from ten to 15 basic school, from 15 to 18 secondary school and then university. some schools have basic and secondary school together.

do you work?
Sadly yes. I'm rather not, but my Internet and anime collection needed money to keep them going.


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