Ask a question and next person have to answer.

if the world flipped is still same right?
What do you like to ask question about world? You sked that the world will come to end?
Wouldnt be able to do much since the world is ending XD Be a good lil Christian i guess
If a giant noodle fell off of God's plate?
Direct its path too Africa. Food problem solved~

Why are yous till not asleep? ~_~
I know some really really super really simple card one?

What's PS's forum nick?
No, i only play PS3 few times and it's offline...

What worst illness that you ever experience ?
no i consider myself average... :P
how do you recognize a beauty?
As in like a girl?

For me, what she looks like without makeup and how she acts under pressure.

Did you change your nick name?

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cocolia19 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hello. Can you upload the video from Yuluer of 霊砂? Please
Sirvipe235 wrote on Ryzen111's profile. Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Otokonoko's profile. Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Shine's profile. Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on ramori's profile. Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.