Ask a question and next person have to answer.

i dont really count 1000+ maybe
what is the thing that make your hard drive full
Excluding video games, my songs do - I don't know how many I have exactly but they in total take up 40gb+

Ever had to delete something precious or just something you don't want to throw away to clear disk space?
nope i burn them before i delete it
are you happy with the pc/laptop you have now?
Nope.......saving money for a better one

How much are u corrupted?
One, lol. hat's my iPod.

Ever wanted to smash your computer for it doing maybe things it's not supposed to?
For being old yes! I'd personally smash it with a sledge hammer and ... this.... and....

whats the first thing you've imagined after reading this message?
Lol funny and you're an epic person

Nice sig and ava shitotaku

Lol you like Amagami SS?
Little like only for haruka arc >_>

Which arc u like best in Yosoga no Sora (excluding Sora, not aired yet)
Never watched/read/played it. Yet, I guess.

Ever purposely messed up your hotel room/suite for the maid to clean up?
Lol never purposely , but it still will end up messy in the end XD.

Ever got involved in a robbery?
Yes, I'm the lazy kind of Student.

which do you prefer 3D or 2D?
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combined times from morning and evening (since i got classes in between) almost 8-10 hours a day.

what kind of person is you're dream girl?
Long-black-"miko"-haired, slight red-eyed.... the rest is up to you.

What do you usually dream about?
I usually forget my dreams so I don't know.

When's the last time you went out to shop for material items?
Almost 3 days, the frequent stuff i buy are for my computer.

what kind of brother would you be?
Just a little, just to check it out. also I've sounds KOTOKO sung it's theme song. it got my curiosity.

What kind of music do you listen to?
Everytime i open my laptop. like 300-500MB per day.

How long do you listen to music?
Every time i am using the laptop~

How many episodes of anime u watch per day?
Usually no, since school work requires almost (or more than) 1/3 of your day T_T.

Are you bothered by people when they stare at you?

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