Ask a question and next person have to answer.

Swordman's type~
Yamamoto Takeshi or Cloud Strife~
What would you be if you be the side character :D?
Someone that pops in randomly, helps with something, and disappears off to who knows where. You will know next to nothing about me and ill just be there for some reason that you wont know till near the very end~
If the evil overlord wasnt actually evil?
I would ask him why he named himself evil overlord

Are you comfortable talking infront of a crowd?
Depends if you win or not~ Either way you might die...
If the sith lost and attacked you?
I'd hope that you'd be there to help me. But if you can't I have a little grenade I keep on my belt. I'd throw it on the ground and then there would be an intense flashing light, and out from that light would step...ME! Wearing MJONLIR armor and holding two grav. hammers! ( you can guess what happens next)

Are taping this Sammy!?
I'd have the Pillar of Autumn drop an orbital strike right on top of their heads.

Will you be the one that is pushing the firing button?
I'm still being attacked by the sith and your filming it...and the Pillar of Autumn is in space while your clone is trying to find the button to land the orbital strike...

So will your clone get to drop the orbital strike in time?
Depends when you move away from the sith so the strike wont blow you away too~
If you got caught in the blast?
Im going to expect you to randomly appear later but anyhow he would probably be dead by then :/
If the death star was threatening your home planet?
Then I'll shall request to ride a rocket to leave my home planet :D
What if the same thing goes to you?
I'll request you to fire all your nuke until there's no more death star left :D
If your nuke had finish using but death star is still coming towards us?

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