Well, probably I want to stay as long as possible What would you do if Hatsune miku is real people?
thecoins Velvet Voice, Raindear Elite Member Jul 20, 2012 8,933 127 Aug 30, 2012 #4,651 Well, probably I want to stay as long as possible What would you do if Hatsune miku is real people?
~SnowAngel~ ~♥RadiantHeart♥~ Contributor Mar 24, 2012 6,100 674 Aug 30, 2012 #4,652 avoid her x_x what would you do if you could walk/run on water?
S selna Member Elite Member Oct 22, 2011 190 7 Aug 30, 2012 #4,653 i'll travel through world with that special ability ^0^ wat u buy if u go casino n got jackpot?
kimovis Elite Member Elite Member Jan 29, 2012 6,354 69 Aug 30, 2012 #4,654 It would of course depend on the amount the prize money was on, but I would like to buy a nice car like this one:) What kind of speciel power would you have if you could choose anything?
It would of course depend on the amount the prize money was on, but I would like to buy a nice car like this one:) What kind of speciel power would you have if you could choose anything?
~SnowAngel~ ~♥RadiantHeart♥~ Contributor Mar 24, 2012 6,100 674 Aug 30, 2012 #4,655 a supernatural healing ability where i can heal anything from physical, emotional or spiritual~ Would you rather give up 18+ media, or go to prison for having it?
a supernatural healing ability where i can heal anything from physical, emotional or spiritual~ Would you rather give up 18+ media, or go to prison for having it?
E eien Trusted Member Elite Member May 23, 2012 860 19 Aug 30, 2012 #4,656 If I get to keep my computer in the cell, I wouldn't mind. What's the best ice cream flavor in your opinion?
If I get to keep my computer in the cell, I wouldn't mind. What's the best ice cream flavor in your opinion?
nanashi1 One of countless souls... Elite Member Jul 5, 2012 78,801 3,865 Aug 30, 2012 #4,657 Of cource vanila~ When you the car from your boss chrashed, wath you would make?
kimovis Elite Member Elite Member Jan 29, 2012 6,354 69 Sep 3, 2012 #4,658 If I chrashed my boss' car, I would probably have to take responsability for what I have done and pay for the repairs What would you do, if you could get anything in the world? What is the one thing, that you would choose?
If I chrashed my boss' car, I would probably have to take responsability for what I have done and pay for the repairs What would you do, if you could get anything in the world? What is the one thing, that you would choose?
Mato Welcome To The Academy Elite Member Jul 22, 2012 1,027 27 Sep 3, 2012 #4,659 I whould choose to get a soul gem that whould be real... What whould you do if you had 1 min of life left?
I whould choose to get a soul gem that whould be real... What whould you do if you had 1 min of life left?
~SnowAngel~ ~♥RadiantHeart♥~ Contributor Mar 24, 2012 6,100 674 Sep 3, 2012 #4,660 Smile~~ what do you think of rain?
nanashi1 One of countless souls... Elite Member Jul 5, 2012 78,801 3,865 Sep 4, 2012 #4,661 On nothing, however cannot make... When the hell on the all world open, wath you make?
~SnowAngel~ ~♥RadiantHeart♥~ Contributor Mar 24, 2012 6,100 674 Sep 4, 2012 #4,662 (absolutely nothing.... good can come from that x_x) would you rather not speak/type for a day or not hear for a day?
(absolutely nothing.... good can come from that x_x) would you rather not speak/type for a day or not hear for a day?
redecoded Local Deity Elite Member Apr 1, 2012 359 5 Sep 4, 2012 #4,663 Rather lose my hearing then i won't have to listen to stupid family members talk. what if I told you, you are your own god and that your friends and family are your believers?
Rather lose my hearing then i won't have to listen to stupid family members talk. what if I told you, you are your own god and that your friends and family are your believers?
E eien Trusted Member Elite Member May 23, 2012 860 19 Sep 4, 2012 #4,664 I'd ask them to think rather than follow mere illusions. What's your favorite visual novel?
~SnowAngel~ ~♥RadiantHeart♥~ Contributor Mar 24, 2012 6,100 674 Sep 4, 2012 #4,665 Narcissu atm~ even though I don't follow the idea behind it. (I've not read that much at all~) What is the speed of light?
Narcissu atm~ even though I don't follow the idea behind it. (I've not read that much at all~) What is the speed of light?
E eien Trusted Member Elite Member May 23, 2012 860 19 Sep 4, 2012 #4,666 It's usually stated as 3x10^8 m/s, but more precisely it's 299 792 458 m / s Did you cry with the song "Ichiban no Takaramono" (From Angel Beats)?
It's usually stated as 3x10^8 m/s, but more precisely it's 299 792 458 m / s Did you cry with the song "Ichiban no Takaramono" (From Angel Beats)?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Sep 4, 2012 #4,667 Hmm during the part where yui leaves... sorta ;p What if you were left with one spice for the rest of your life?
Hmm during the part where yui leaves... sorta ;p What if you were left with one spice for the rest of your life?
nanashi1 One of countless souls... Elite Member Jul 5, 2012 78,801 3,865 Sep 4, 2012 #4,668 It depends ... Wath when you the position as conquer-lord 'd?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Sep 4, 2012 #4,669 Hmm if i was a conquer? Ehh i would probably try to make treaties and the such before trying other methods... What would you do if you woke up locked inside a closet?
Hmm if i was a conquer? Ehh i would probably try to make treaties and the such before trying other methods... What would you do if you woke up locked inside a closet?
nanashi1 One of countless souls... Elite Member Jul 5, 2012 78,801 3,865 Sep 4, 2012 #4,670 Me self asking: Wath to hell searching i here, and wath was...?! Wath if you can find out, that you a alien are?
Me self asking: Wath to hell searching i here, and wath was...?! Wath if you can find out, that you a alien are?
kimovis Elite Member Elite Member Jan 29, 2012 6,354 69 Sep 4, 2012 #4,671 I think, that I would be a bit shocked, but it would be fun to know, that you are different from everyone else. Which planet would you want to live on, if you couldn't live on Earth anymore?
I think, that I would be a bit shocked, but it would be fun to know, that you are different from everyone else. Which planet would you want to live on, if you couldn't live on Earth anymore?
nanashi1 One of countless souls... Elite Member Jul 5, 2012 78,801 3,865 Sep 4, 2012 #4,672 Mhhh...? ...Mercur... because nonstop summer~ Wath is when you suddenly the country leave must?
sayforever Black Swordsman Elite Member Jun 21, 2011 500 16 Sep 4, 2012 #4,673 Leave the country? Nah. Not right now. I'm just a kid.:) Besides the primary gundam colors of red, blue, yellow and white, what other odd color combinations would you give if you are to create a gundam?:D
Leave the country? Nah. Not right now. I'm just a kid.:) Besides the primary gundam colors of red, blue, yellow and white, what other odd color combinations would you give if you are to create a gundam?:D
thecoins Velvet Voice, Raindear Elite Member Jul 20, 2012 8,933 127 Sep 5, 2012 #4,674 Purple, Red, and black.. Sure it will flashy What gadget do you like? (exclude PC)
~SnowAngel~ ~♥RadiantHeart♥~ Contributor Mar 24, 2012 6,100 674 Sep 5, 2012 #4,675 ummmmmmmmmm cellphone-like devices?? (those communicators on star ocean 3~ lol) what colors are you wearing right now?
ummmmmmmmmm cellphone-like devices?? (those communicators on star ocean 3~ lol) what colors are you wearing right now?