Ask a question and next person have to answer.

2D wedding! FUCK YEAH!

What is the 1st thing you do if you can time travel?
go yesterday to bet lottery tickets...

"If you had a snail that could talk, what would you name it?"
erm.. Can't remember SpongeBob's friend. But whatever I'll call it SnailWail

What will you do if you see a monkey in your house?
Kurosu~ . . hahaha~ . .

What are some things that you feel irritated with ?
Being under the sun for too long. :D

What are the things that you have to do everyday?
since its vacation... household chores, pc gaming & net- downloading stuffs, soundtrippin' before sleeping...~

How would you describe yourself? . .. .
I describe myself as super cool with cool posts. JK. :P

Same question as the top. :P
tooo lazy and dreamer XD

what is for you doing the ideal travel ?
it should be enjoyable, fun , adventure as well ~ . . .

Do you find yourself impressive? . . .
it depends upon the subject and how prepared i am?...

currently anime watchlist?
NOOONE.. T__T Except for The Girl Who Leapt through Time... idk if it's good though..

What's your current animelist?
go my profile and locate my MAL page. cant list them

which manga(s) are you reading right now? name 3
Meh I haven't been reading any manga at all. T__T

Same question to others. :P
oh ~ i love this question.. 3 only.. damn..

deadman wonderland

song stuck in your mind at the moment?
The song that is playing right now... Don't say Lazy - K-ON! ROFLMAO!

What is your favorite song?
i dont really have one. anything is nice to as long as i like it.
but if you want, the most played song on my phone is 88 by LMC.

whats yours?
for now... since ~ ♥ kanazawa - masquerade ~ . .

do you like listening to classical music?
A big fan of classical music.

Do you watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica?
yup ~ .. i m looking forward to the last 2 episodes..~

same question above... .
duh. i just finished it.

do you like the ending? me=ok
i haven't watch it yet.. currently i m watching C:... later i guess...~

which era or period in history would you fit well in?.. .

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