Erm. Textbook I guess. :P The most recent anime watched?
Coolio お嬢さん Apr 2, 2011 4,748 1,156 May 12, 2011 #1,101 Erm. Textbook I guess. :P The most recent anime watched?
schizofreak 引き籠もり / Observer Elite Member Feb 1, 2011 7,458 26 May 13, 2011 #1,102 C ~ . the money of soul and possibility of control ~ ... first thing that comes in your mind when you hear the word money? . .
C ~ . the money of soul and possibility of control ~ ... first thing that comes in your mind when you hear the word money? . .
KingArturia 孤独な騎士王 Moderator Oct 31, 2010 14,522 627 May 13, 2011 #1,103 Food Mm, I wanna buy awesome food mm...
Kou いつか、届く、 あの空に Oct 31, 2010 13,897 134 May 13, 2011 #1,104 What do you do when you see 100$ on the floor outdoors?
xyzapy Flame Pokémon Elite Member Nov 4, 2010 3,577 41 May 13, 2011 #1,105 Look around to see if somebody lost his money and give it back, if nobody is looking for it then I keep it. This happened to me once when I was young, I found 50 euro and gave it back to the owner. How is the weather at the moment you read this?
Look around to see if somebody lost his money and give it back, if nobody is looking for it then I keep it. This happened to me once when I was young, I found 50 euro and gave it back to the owner. How is the weather at the moment you read this?
schizofreak 引き籠もり / Observer Elite Member Feb 1, 2011 7,458 26 May 13, 2011 #1,106 fine i ~ partially cloudy then afterward sun goes up? How's life treating you?
Coolio お嬢さん Apr 2, 2011 4,748 1,156 May 13, 2011 #1,107 Treating me like a slave. ;_; How's your life condition when you read this?
Kou いつか、届く、 あの空に Oct 31, 2010 13,897 134 May 14, 2011 #1,108 Sleepy. What are you thinking now when reading this?
Coolio お嬢さん Apr 2, 2011 4,748 1,156 May 14, 2011 #1,109 Replying to your question. What do you think about Doraemon?
schizofreak 引き籠もり / Observer Elite Member Feb 1, 2011 7,458 26 May 14, 2011 #1,110 a defective useful pet ~ . . ? Last food you ate?
schizofreak 引き籠もり / Observer Elite Member Feb 1, 2011 7,458 26 May 14, 2011 #1,112 Water ~ . .. seriously coconut juice. . most expensive thing you ever bought?
Coolio お嬢さん Apr 2, 2011 4,748 1,156 May 14, 2011 #1,113 Laptop? Maybe something more... Does school fees count? :P What is the most entertaining Anime you have watched?
Laptop? Maybe something more... Does school fees count? :P What is the most entertaining Anime you have watched?
schizofreak 引き籠もり / Observer Elite Member Feb 1, 2011 7,458 26 May 14, 2011 #1,114 entertaining ~ hmm.. all of the anime(s) i've watched are entertaining ~ ... nichijou ~ for now.. many dose of laughter entertainment ~ . .. you usually do when you're bored aside from things you do on net?
entertaining ~ hmm.. all of the anime(s) i've watched are entertaining ~ ... nichijou ~ for now.. many dose of laughter entertainment ~ . .. you usually do when you're bored aside from things you do on net?
M MuDarkLord New member May 4, 2011 98 4 May 16, 2011 #1,115 i will go a park .... what favorite music ?
schizofreak 引き籠もり / Observer Elite Member Feb 1, 2011 7,458 26 May 16, 2011 #1,116 it really depends upon my mood for.. the types/genre.. usually classical music or j-pop/rock how's the weather your place?
it really depends upon my mood for.. the types/genre.. usually classical music or j-pop/rock how's the weather your place?
Kou いつか、届く、 あの空に Oct 31, 2010 13,897 134 May 19, 2011 #1,117 Hot as fuck. Have you ever confess to someone?
K kunkunkun Banned May 9, 2011 36 2 May 19, 2011 #1,118 What do you like drink or Playgame online? I like dink coffee and i like playing fifa online ! And You?
What do you like drink or Playgame online? I like dink coffee and i like playing fifa online ! And You?
schizofreak 引き籠もり / Observer Elite Member Feb 1, 2011 7,458 26 May 19, 2011 #1,119 @kou ~ confess? hmm - love - hell no.. other stuffs. yeah.. @ kunkunkun - seem my previous post here.. i m too lazy to answer ~ . .. Your ideal/ dream house/home? Last edited: May 19, 2011
@kou ~ confess? hmm - love - hell no.. other stuffs. yeah.. @ kunkunkun - seem my previous post here.. i m too lazy to answer ~ . .. Your ideal/ dream house/home?
Kou いつか、届く、 あの空に Oct 31, 2010 13,897 134 May 20, 2011 #1,120 Filled with japan merchandise :P. What seafood do you like the most?
G gx9903 New member Apr 20, 2011 31 0 May 20, 2011 #1,121 i like catfish what kind of girl do you like the most?
schizofreak 引き籠もり / Observer Elite Member Feb 1, 2011 7,458 26 May 20, 2011 #1,122 hmm... tsundere are amusing. meganekko turns me on ~ . . . number of sms you received in your mobile per day?
hmm... tsundere are amusing. meganekko turns me on ~ . . . number of sms you received in your mobile per day?
M MuDarkLord New member May 4, 2011 98 4 May 20, 2011 #1,123 5 year... : )... do you refer travel a beach or a mountai ? which one more interesting ?
schizofreak 引き籠もり / Observer Elite Member Feb 1, 2011 7,458 26 May 20, 2011 #1,124 both, i rarely went into nature tripping ~ ... favorite song at the moment?
E Eschatology Hitogoroshi Elite Member May 21, 2011 1,571 3 May 22, 2011 #1,125 fripside's & Lisa's song,, --- what are your download speed ? (in kilo bytes) [-_-]