Ask a question and next person have to answer.

Same with u i guess =P

Ever ride a horse?
No but want to O_O

If you can choose between one of the two, Lancer Evolution X or Skyline GTR 2010 Edition, which one would you choose?
Lancer Evo X i guess

Which planet u want to go if u can space travel?
Used to and wants to.

What musical instruments do you play?
none, no talent at all.

ever cheated in exams?
Nope, having integrity is good for you.

What's your hobby?
Play Vns, watch anime, read mangas

Whats ur favorite food?
Because we are the 1st gen spam ham !

Why do u like anime?
helps me destress and i have fun watching

why do u like VN?
I like VNs because of the art and the voices of the characters.

Ever skipped a class during school?
Yes, only skipped one day of school without any excuses.

Do you like mashed potato?
Sora frm Baldr sky~

Do you play untranslated Vns?
I can't read any jap at all.

Do you like girls who are tall?
No shorter , so i can have a feeling i am protecting her !

How much money u have?
i am poor. T.T

how much are u paid a month for work?

Which kind of anime do you like?
characters, songs, voice acting. all combined = greatness

ever played devil may cry?

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