Answer: Not a fan of both. But I do like rootbeer.
Have you ever pull a MacGyver-move on anything? I have - Chinese yellow noodle + Sardine = Asian Spaghetti (Happened to me once in middle of the night, when I was soo hungry and no ready-to-eat food around)
umm the one who controls the red robot in FMP: TSR and calls sasuke kashim... cant remember the name.. and yeah that Toguro too in yu yu hakusho xD many to name
Q: what do u want to do before you end up in your grave?
happiest moment yeahhh i remember when my pc came in the year 2000 :) it was a PIII 1Ghz though ;) our home was the first to own a pc at that time in our colony so whole of the colony was like sitting in our home lol
do you love someone (besides your mom dad sis n bro)??
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