Hi, could you please reupload the OVA and skit specials to rapidgator?
Thank you!
All rapidgator links are dead except 49 part 2, 52 part 1, 54 part 1, 56 part 1, 58 part 1, 59 part 2, 61 part 1 and 62 part 2

[MENTION=112472]RedFlash[/MENTION]; I'll replace the links in an hour or two. Just to let you know I haven't forgotten you, just need to go AFK. :samuraihero:
Well, they've been fixed almost a day ago now. I said an hour or two, not a day or two. :D
Hello Crcr, which one of the FMA:B releases do you think have the best quality? AstA here, or NTb, or a-S?
And for the FMA:B movie, is UTW better than PFa or is it the other way around?
I've stored the a-S, AtsA, and NTb releases. That means for 1080p AtsA is best except if you want an English dub, in which case you need to get a-S.
For 720p, NTb is best.

I don't like doing cross-resolution comparisons since they're always a bit iffy: a lot depends on the upscaler you use and thus on your hardware. If you got a good GPU and CPU, NTb with LAV and madVR using NNedi3 with 64 Neurons (or more) should be the way to go.

For Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos, go with UTW unless you want the English dub.
Hello crcr, could you pls reupload the OPs and EDs links in RG?
Thank you very much in advance. :cheering:
[MENTION=114802]Dancoulion[/MENTION]; Links replaced. :samuraihero:

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