Ayakashi Gohan (あやかしごはん) Discussion Thread


May 29, 2011
This is a discussion thread for Ayakashi Gohan.
Keep spoilers in spoiler tag.
Keep the discussions serious, do not abuse the stickers and emoticons.


I just played the game yesterday, and I have this feeling that this is gonna be a really sad story. I think this is probably Honeybee's greatest game yet.

Questions to answer if you can't think of anything to post:
-Who's the first character route that you took
-Who's your favorite character?
-What are the memorable events that you liked in the game?
-Any reactions/questions about Ayakashi Gohan?
-What do you like about the game/gameplay?
-What do you hate about the game?
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-Who's the first character route that you took
it's yomi. I'm interested in his cold attitude and go for his best route at once~

-Who's your favorite character?
though its not available, I like gin XD
and asagi, he's mysterious.

-What are the memorable events that you liked in the game?
the first one when the heroine got to know warmth, I think. its so sweet ^^

-What do you like about the game/gameplay?
its unique with the character of the heroine who teach about warmth and the opposite.
I've full-comped the game so there'll definitely be spoilers owo;;

  • Who's the first character route that you took
I did Manatsu first,
thinking he'd be safe character. All the others had given me a despair vibe from the start, being ayakashi or overly happy haha. Then Asagi was obviously the 'TRUE' route. But boy I was wrong Manatsu tore me to pieces... In the end he was in a loop within a loop. I've come to hate yet love the word 運命(Fate/Destiny) again
  • Who's your favorite character?
My favourite character is definitely Manatsu. My character rankings ended up being pretty similar to the order I played through haha...
  • What are the memorable events that you liked in the game?
Ack! A hard one. The endings and the overall story was beautiful. It's a game I'd like to play over and over again if not for the art and voices. I loved the interactions between the characters in the game and omg Tsuzuri is so cute, I can totally understand why Manatsu goes gaga over him.
  • Any reactions/questions about Ayakashi Gohan?
Probably just a little annoyed at the heroine at times.
In the Human route, she was overly ungrateful and it pissed me off. She did get better and she ended up being my preferred heroine. Though, the transition may have been a little fast. In the Ayakashi route, Rin's high-pitched voice grated at my ears and maybe it's just a personal preference, but I didn't like it when most of the time she'd run off doing the opposite to what she was told to do. Or not think before plunging head-straight into things. I guess I like things rationalised so Human route Rin was better for me.
  • What do you like about the game/gameplay?
I haven't played a Honeybee game in ages but smooth gameplay, no complaints about the skip options or the save options. It's good as it is though it'd be nice if I could go back to a scene in the log, or rename my save files. Nothing big, but some extra luxuries I like to enjoy XD
-Who's the first character route that you took ?
hmm... Manatsu! I'm interested in brother like character yeah i think his route will be great .but i change my mind because after playing it i found out that there are two type of heroine so i choose the mysterious dude under the sakura tree

-Any reactions/questions about Ayakashi Gohan?
Gin-chan gomenasaiii hiks i said many horrible things to you TTwTT)
is it okay to share bgm that i extracted from the game in here?
-What are the memorable events that you liked in the game?
oishi gohan tabereba minna shiawase!
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-Who's the first character route that you took
I don't remember , maybe Uta
-Who's your favorite character?
Yomi . I like his cold attitude , and he is voiced by Yuki Kaji
-Any reactions/questions about Ayakashi Gohan?
Could you give me the walkthough, pls ? It's difficult to play without it ><
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Reactions: Sakimichi
-Who's the first character route that you took
inusima yomi and uta maybe because their CD game came first,from the following news ,I may know those two better:whistle:
-Who's your favorite character?
ibuki haginosuke
I haven't play his rote yet,but He is so curious and i am found of the "friendly classmate type"i think he is also "baga" and "halennchi" also his voiced by mizushima takahiro sann ,I can't ask for more in one charactar, may be i will leave him in the last run.;)
-What are the memorable events that you liked in the game?
just started 2 days ago ,i ll add this latter~
-Any reactions/questions about Ayakashi Gohan?
-What do you like about the game/gameplay?
I love the BGM, so peaceful and just every choice is great .
-What do you hate about the game?
so far it has been great
YES, I was practically waiting for this thread 8D

Okay, now to be serious: I haven't played through all routes, but I did finish three of them and I can tell you with all clarity that I absolutely love Ayakashi Gohan. Ever since I heard of the game, I was intrigued so the fact that it didn't dissapoint me is the best feeling ever. I really liked the prologue, it did not at all feel like an unnecessary part of the story for me: young Rin's development (which is up to the player, by the way!) was pretty nice to see in the ending. One thing that I also love about the game is how your relationship with Gin is completely platonic: honestly, it would've been a sacrilege to the prologue if he had a route, at least for how damned heartwarming it was for me.

I love Rin too, I love her so much: she's voiced (yes!!) and the characters say her name (double yes!!), while her personality is decided by the choices of the prologue, leading into the Human or Ayakashi path.

Ayakashi Rin is my waifu: she's cheerful, strong-willed and very sociable (but not the most smart girl, she's kinda dense too... Doesn't matter, she's awesome anyway!), making for an awesome experience since the heroine of the game is not a doormat! I just felt like hugging Rin for all her awesome actions in the game because she was amazing; the game would've been so much different if this was some blank slate. Seriously, I even said this while playing the game: "Rin, marry me-- I MEAN, DUDES! I WANT DUDES! GOTTA DO SOME DUDES! Yeah... <.<" XDDD

So yeah, the Ayakashi Path was made a trillion times better by the awesomeness of Rin, but it was awesome in other ways too: Rin would just hang out with everyone and fun times would ensue but then there would be some ayakashi asking for help and that would be the core of the chapter in the Common Route. I really liked the Common Route by the way, I think I liked it more than the actual routes: it just kept this heartwarming atmosphere yet it would delve into some somber territory too, making for some awesome stories with ayakashi; it was so much fun for me.

As for Human Rin, she started out pretty bad for me, but she got better: she's more reserved and quiet, and she likes to be alone and reading and all that stuff; she's also bad at socializing with people, something that I can relate with ^^' And honestly, I get why she would be like that but seriously, I'd have to pick the most ungrateful choices in the prologue to get to the human path:

Seriously, are you telling me that Rin would have to lose all trust and brush away the dude that is trying to be kind to her?? Kid or not, I would still pick smarter than that, no wonder I got the Ayakashi Path first. Besides, the ending of the prologue if you get the Human Path is pretty sad: she wants to apologize, but she couldn't and gets self-esteem issues like, holy shizzle ;_;

Whatever the case, this makes me not like Rin at all in the Human Path, especially after playing the awesomeness that's the Ayakashi Path: it was just so depressing on how unresponsive she was, constantly 'getting acted upon' (my brother's words, not mine) and not retorting to stuff at all, not to mention her ungratefulness to Gin and how she wouldn't like anyone; I was basically trying my best to get her done with every time she was with the guys since it would always lead to an arguement with Uta and her depression. Besides, she was also not the smartest girl either, doing stuff that she was not supposed to do and trusting people that are clearly dangerous.

Seriously, I don't care if that made everything better in the end, I would want to kill Sagiri if I knew that she was tricking me all this time; I mean, I would feel very betrayed if I found this out but Rin somehow still trusts her and stuff, not even letting Uta harm her when Sagiri was going to kill her! What the hell?! TRUST UTA ALREADY, DAMN IT!! It's not that I don't like Sagiri (since she's pretty cool afterwards) but that just makes no sense to me.

After that Chapter though (the one with the thing that I described in spoilers), Rin gets way better and she's way more responsive towards stuff, hanging out with everyone and helping people out. It's not like she completely changed either, she's still kinda socially awkward and quieter than her Ayakashi Path counterpart, she just became nicer and friendlier. From there, it was Ayakashi Gohan Fun Times all over again, in which I'll highlight the Cultural Festival for how hilarious that was XDDD

If I have to point out problems, I guess that the games pretty cheesy with the 'Gohan of Happiness' thing ("If you all eat lunch, you become happy!") but I'm all in for cheesy friendship and happiness stuff, that's my ultimate weakness! Anyway, before I talk about routes, I think I will point out the adorableness of Tsuzuri (Tsu-kun =3) and the fact that omg his drawings are your extras, that is the best thing ever.

Whatever the case, I guess I'll go on to the routes: I did Yomi's, Haginosuke's (except the best ending since it's locked) and Suou's routes and honestly, I guess they were cool? But I liked the Common Route better. Actually, I really wouldn't mind if this wasn't an otome game, I wouldn't even care if I wasn't able to go for any dude, I would still be happy.

Anyway, Yomi just felt like he was trying so hard to be EMO in the Ayakashi Path while in the Human Path I would be surprised since he wasn't as hateful and depressed there. Why did I go for him then? Because the game was pushing me towards his route and I found that the other dudes that I could go for were Manatsu and Asagi: you mean that I have to choose between the Depressed One, the Adult (to be fair, he's also clumsy and nice) or the I-haz-plotz-Mysterious Dude?! Those are all the choices that I tend to avoid! So yeah, I went for Yomi: it was nice, I guess? The conflict in the route at first was pretty generic but the backstory, although predictable, was pretty nice to see in the route, I guess. I liked to see Rin interacting with Yomi in good terms though, that's pretty nice.

Dat Ending though, seriously, I need to know if it's the Bad Ending, the Good Ending or even the Best Ending, I really need to know because I'm very confused, this can't be the Best Ending, there's just no way:

Like, at first it's some adorable um... lying (sleeping?) around (Shut up, it's adorable) but then Ayakashi Rin is like, "We just have to look at the Mysterious Sakura tree yo!" so they go there. When they go though, Yomi and Rin feel all sad all of a sudden (Rin's words, not mine) and Yomi just goes like, "I was dead all along ;_;" And Rin is just like, "Wait, what?" At this point, I was going wtf at all this but it gets intensified by Yomi just going like, "Uh, Nothing! You love me, I love you, it's all just fine so let's continue on with this, okay?" Cue the game ending and going back to the main menu... And I process this, having no idea of what I was supposed to feel towards it... "What the fudge?!!"

Beyond that though, I enjoyed the route, I guess. Then I went for Suou because I'm biased with cats and he was basically a cat: he is only persuaded with food, he sleeps all day... I think you get the idea. Um... I guess his route was also okay? Honestly, I don't know what the writers thought that we wanted to see: I went for his route because I thought that his similarities with a cat and all-around adorableness were awesome enough for me to give him a shot but that wasn't as prevailant as I wanted it to be in his route; if anything, it seemed like they were focusing on his 'ayakashi-ness' and

His loneliness and dishonesty with his feelings, the former induced by his backstory which was frankly kind of depressing: his owner was just talking with his cat lol, why did the mean villagers have to throw stones? Okay, I'm making it sound less depressing than it is but it's pretty sad.

But then again, I should've had some suspicions from the opening which clearly showed a CG of him strangling poor Rin so maybe I just had high expectations: besides, there's nothing wrong with that kind of focus, if anything it adds to his character since he did have some questions that needed answers and they were indeed answered in his route. I guess I just expected more fun? Sure, let's go with that. This time, the conflict that triggers his romance with Rin is kinda weird though:

When I first heard that senpai (he doesn't even have a sprite), I just knew that he was there to make Suou super jelly of Rin spending time with him and it happened. Like, his name was Sasagawa but I'd always confuse it with Kawahara and read it kind of like this: "Kawahara-senpai-- I mean Sasagawa, God damn it!!" Yes, it was pretty hilarious.

Hey, at least I found the best way to get a dude ever: walk around with a Nietzsche book and bump into some dude; with that, he'll see your 'amazing' taste in books and love you forever. Seriously, throughout the whole thing, the only things that would come out of my mouth were: "Damn you Nietzsche, this is all your fault!!" or "Nietzsche though." One more thing to point out:

It got kinda awkward for me after he strangled Rin: like, he was just saying stuff like, "U liar (since Rin promised that she wouldn't leave him alone...), how dare u get more friends? Ur first should always be me me me!" and it just made me kinda of uncomfortable. Kind of like, "Suou wasn't supposed to be this kind of character!" That kind of uncomfortable... Well, I did predict that beforehand but you know... Besides, even after that and Suou's other stuff, the one that had to apologize was Rin!! I mean, Rin did kind of ignore him for Kawahara-- I mean Sasagawa-senpai for a while but Suou strangled her, I think Rin deserves an apology here!

Anyway, I guess I enjoyed his route somewhat; for example, I liked his ending which unfortunately lacks any sort of kiss CG: I mean, not that I'm complaining about the CG that I got (because it was pretty cool too) but Yomi got one, why didn't Suou get it too? Either way, I went for Haginosuke after that as I would comically confuse his name for Shinnosuke instead... I really liked Haginosuke, his cheerfulness and interest in Ayakashi made him very likable and reminded me of Natsume Yuujinchou for some reason so it was even better.

He has a pretty morbid backstory though, at least for me it was kind of morbid: I took a break from my marathon of Ayakashi Gohan after that and I think it was because it affected me somewhat. Besides that, the whole route was pretty cool although I wish I had gotten his best ending: oh well, I guess I'll unlock it soon. Speaking of that, I plan on going for Asagi after this but the pace has been slow with playing this game lately.

There's also some hidden plot which is probably tied to Asagi, but I'm not really that interested: if anything, it seems to get in the way of my Ayakashi Gohan Fun Times sometimes and it bother me. Beyond that though, I really liked the art but Haginosuke's sprite looked fugly! Seriously, my brother screamed in horror... Oh yeah, I made my brother play this game too: translating Japanese for him is very hard, but it was kind of hilarious to see some of his reactions to stuff; he really didn't like Haginosuke and Gin by the way, just sayin'. He was also bothered by the guys' lack of interest in Rin (he was in the Human Path) and claimed that Human Rin looked the cutest; I won't argue with him on that...

Anyway, I guess this is all for my current thoughts on Ayakashi Gohan? I'll be going for Asagi in the meantime so I guess I'll add to this after that.
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In the Ayakashi route, Rin's high-pitched voice grated at my ears and maybe it's just a personal preference, but I didn't like it when most of the time she'd run off doing the opposite to what she was told to do. Or not think before plunging head-straight into things. I guess I like things rationalised so Human route Rin was better for me.

Agreed. The first route I took was Ayakashi route because ..Yomi, but after reading the walkthrough I stopped halfway and dived in the Human route right away.

I feel really bad for rejecting Gin xD

At first I really didn't liked the heroine, but after playing her route and the Ayakashi route , I liked the human route better.
It was boring. I want to slap that flower girl so hard, she's so noisy.

But I can't pick any of the guys, I want them all!!! >:D /greedy
Especially Manatsu
Icha-icha CG… fufufu~ <3

Seriously, I don't care if that made everything better in the end, I would want to kill Sagiri if I knew that she was tricking me all this time; I mean, I would feel very betrayed if I found this out but Rin somehow still trusts her and stuff, not even letting Uta harm her when Sagiri was going to kill her! What the hell?! TRUST UTA ALREADY, DAMN IT!! It's not that I don't like Sagiri (since she's pretty cool afterwards) but that just makes no sense to me.
To be honest, this was my first impression. But let's think of it this way, being deprived of parents affection plus negligence since childhood was pretty sad for Rin.

Sagiri was sad to see the emptiness in Rin's heart, it was a like a blackhole that ultimately void Rin's personality and emotions. It's a defense to keep her sane because being alone makes people insane.
Sagiri can relate to this because she's been lonely for many years but she doesn't know why her heart flutters whenever she talks to Rin. The only thing needed to change Sagiri's heart was to prove that she is still capable of loving. Because she was fueled by hatred for a hundred years, she forgot what it felt to actually care for someone.
Sagiri snapped was because she was provoked, awakening to her Ayakashi instinct. There was something in her monologue that made me believe that she bluffs and wanted Rin to hate her. To teach her it's not good to be naïve, probably wanting to fulfill the motherly role before she's gonna be killed/disappear.

Books managed to fill her heart with the emptiness but Rin knows it was never enough. I bet she kept on immersing herself in an imaginary world and in that ideal world no one gets hurt. Her naivety caused Uta to be caught by Sagiri but she still insists on a happy ending because her words were too real for Rin and was probably more welcoming than her own mom.

Yomi just felt like he was trying so hard to be EMO
Geezus, THIS!! WHY THEY DO THIS TO MY FAVORITE FIRST IMPRESSION BOYA ;A;/ It's like Suzuya-disappointment all over again. G*d d*mn Moneybee!!!

is it okay to share bgm that i extracted from the game in here?
If someone asks, but there's another section dedicated for Game BGMs and they are …kinda strict with formats and I have no power over there.

Gawd this game is making me hungry. I ate a whole pot of spaghetti whenever they start eating and talking about food. Especially Asagi's route, that was a d*mn long conversation about cooking. I honestly want a route for Gin :( A mature route of complicated love. I was so sad that there wasn't an opportunity to even do that, it's probably because of Manatsu but still, wouldn't it be more happier if the Ponpokorin had a Father and Mother figure? Still frustrated by the lack of Gin route, I even extracted the codes in search for clues of his route but it was futile.
Rin was a reincarnation of Gin's wife. Hence the name of the restaurant was dedicated in honor of her name. "Ponpokorin"
she was actually Manatsu's wifey...hahaha
It got kinda awkward for me after he strangled Rin: like, he was just saying stuff like, "U liar (since Rin promised that she wouldn't leave him alone...), how dare u get more friends? Ur first should always be me me me!" and it just made me kinda of uncomfortable. Kind of like, "Suou wasn't supposed to be this kind of character!" That kind of uncomfortable... Well, I did predict that beforehand but you know... Besides, even after that and Suou's other stuff, the one that had to apologize was Rin!! I mean, Rin did kind of ignore him for Kawahara-- I mean Sasagawa-senpai for a while but Suou strangled her, I think Rin deserves an apology here!
I was surprised as well, but then after playing the rest of the routes, Sou would always want to confirm to Rin, "Aren't you afraid of me?".

He used his strength to punch Uta's stupidity and he was pretty hesitant with Rin, but he was blinded by his pride and never wanted to admit his defeat over Kawa-- i mean, Sasagawa-sempai. It's like one of those bromances animes I see, where they confirm their friendship through punches, but Sou never had a girl friend and so his treatment was a bit too brutal. He's frustrated that he wasn't acknowledge for protecting Rin. It's like being disowned, and this hurted him the most. It was Rin's fault for doubting and suspecting him.

That aside, he was just moving in accordance to his Ayakashi senses. This is how the scriptwriter shows how they are less human and I kind of understand that. It would be pretty pointless if they would sit pretty and sparkled with perfection eh?
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To be honest, this was my first impression. But let's think of it this way, being deprived of parents affection plus negligence since childhood was pretty sad for Rin.

Sagiri was sad to see the emptiness in Rin's heart, it was a like a blackhole that ultimately void Rin's personality and emotions. It's a defense to keep her sane because being alone makes people insane.
Sagiri can relate to this because she's been lonely for many years but she doesn't know why her heart flutters whenever she talks to Rin. The only thing needed to change Sagiri's heart was to prove that she is still capable of loving. Because she was fueled by hatred for a hundred years, she forgot what it felt to actually care for someone.
Sagiri snapped was because she was provoked, awakening to her Ayakashi instinct. There was something in her monologue that made me believe that she bluffs and wanted Rin to hate her. To teach her it's not good to be naïve, probably wanting to fulfill the motherly role before she's gonna be killed/disappear.

Books managed to fill her heart with the emptiness but Rin knows it was never enough. I bet she kept on immersing herself in an imaginary world and in that ideal world no one gets hurt. Her naivety caused Uta to be caught by Sagiri but she still insists on a happy ending because her words were too real for Rin and was probably more welcoming than her own mom.

Honestly, Sagiri's feelings were more understandable than Rin's; besides, they did give her a monologue ^^' Speaking of monologues, the game tends to change perspectives all of a sudden and it would confuse me at first since you're mostly just following Rin's perspective: all of a sudden, with no transition, it would change to Suou's thoughts so it was kind fo strange.

I dunno, I was mostly imagining that Rin just didn't want to believe that Sagiri was actually doing that to her after those days of talking with her and finding her to be such a relatable... ayakashi. But still, I feel like most people, when in that situation, would be more hurt (emotionally) than anything.

Really good points though, I wish I could do such character analysis.

Geezus, THIS!! WHY THEY DO THIS TO MY FAVORITE FIRST IMPRESSION BOYA ;A;/ It's like Suzuya-disappointment all over again. G*d d*mn Moneybee!!!

Lol To make it worse, he wasn't even trying that hard to be EMO in the Human Path while in the Ayakashi it was, "I hate humans I hate humans I hate humans!" every 5 minutes. It was really strange to see Yomi doing stuff like he actually cared about Rin in the Human Path after the Ayakashi one.

I was surprised as well, but then after playing the rest of the routes, Sou would always want to confirm to Rin, "Aren't you afraid of me?".

He used his strength to punch Uta's stupidity and he was pretty hesitant with Rin, but he was blinded by his pride and never wanted to admit his defeat over Kawa-- i mean, Sasagawa-sempai. It's like one of those bromances animes I see, where they confirm their friendship through punches, but Sou never had a girl friend and so his treatment was a bit too brutal. He's frustrated that he wasn't acknowledge for protecting Rin. It's like being disowned, and this hurted him the most. It was Rin's fault for doubting and suspecting him.

That aside, he was just moving in accordance to his Ayakashi senses. This is how the scriptwriter shows how they are less human and I kind of understand that. It would be pretty pointless if they would sit pretty and sparkled with perfection eh?

Oh, I'm not denying that: I was the idiot for expecting something else when the clues were clearly given to me.

But then again, I should've had some suspicions from the opening which clearly showed a CG of him strangling poor Rin so maybe I just had high expectations: besides, there's nothing wrong with that kind of focus, if anything it adds to his character since he did have some questions that needed answers and they were indeed answered in his route. I guess I just expected more fun?

I think that's what I was most bothered with so I guess my issue was other expectations?

You're right and I can understand why he acted that way: I mean, Rin said that she wouldn't leave him alone but then she started distancing himself from him and go with Kawahara-- God damn it, Sasagawa-senpai; thus, he felt lonely (he was left alone). The route focused on that aspect of him and as I've been noticing, the routes themselves are far more dramatic or maybe even depressing than the Common Route and the Common Route wasn't always cheery fun times; I think that was probably the intended effect.

Whatever the case, I didn't find his treatement of Rin to be that brutal until the Sasagawa incident; before that, it was just "Be honest already!" This continued through the whole route. Although he can't help his Ayakashi senses, it would've certainly helped if Rin said something about being God damned strangled with that, "I'm so sorry, Suou"; I just kind of expect a lot out of Rin from how much I like her, something that I probably shouldn't do. After that event, stuff seems to go well in general but I still felt kind of awkward, I guess.

Thank you, by the way. When I play Otome games, I tend to react to stuff impulsively, only using my feelings and not really thinking about it until I after I finish the route so this kind of stuff helps.
-Who's the first character route that you took
Yomi~ lol here my love for Inu just pop up so i just gonna go for him without giving much though

-Who's your favorite character?
This is hard.... I love all of them but I guest that I like is Manatsu-san, poor him i even cry in his route

-What are the memorable events that you liked in the game?
Pfff, hahaha. This is where Yomi playing frank on Suoh

-Any reactions/questions about Ayakashi Gohan?
Why, this is soo sad. I love the game but i dun wanna a second rejet :gakuran_faith:

-What do you like about the game/gameplay?
Music check
Protagonist voiced check
Saying the Heroine voiced check

-What do you hate about the game?
Sometime the heroine voice is annoy me cuz the pitch is kinda high?-in ayakashi route. In human route, she just so depress that it annoy me, GIN AND THE OTHER TRYING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY YOU KNOW!!!!!!!
Another thing is I cant get to play GIN, WHY IS THAT :nyanmusu_cry:

Throw all of those complain away, i really like the game. Especially character interaction, too cute
I guess i can understand Rin as well, being a lonely child. Mother working all night long leaving the little Rin being herself. As Sakimichi said, book is her only friends as she keeping on immerse into her own world

I DO ADMITTED THAT YOMI IS ANNOYING AS HE KEEP SAYING HE HATE HUMAN. Though contrast to his voice is his action, caring for Rin (did i spot a tsundere?)

Though i kinda related the 'tsundere' part to Suoh as he is so //melt. He's attached to her once she get him to opening up :nekopara_hug:
After that event, stuff seems to go well in general but I still felt kind of awkward, I guess.
Ah yes it certainly was awkward, and this was probably the reason why it was Rin's initiative to confirm Suou's feelings.
Suou was probably very confused as what to do after that incident and he probably thought he wasn't boyfriend material but I'm glad Rin accepted his flaws. It's like telling Suou
"Hey let's forget about it, you loved me all along right?"
and this made me like (Human) Rin more, because the hardest part about relationships is throwing such pride for the one you like. I mean, most of us would probably give up on Suou if we were in Rin's shoes, but his route teaches girls to be a bit forgiving and giving chances. Confirming Suou's feelings was important, if it weren't for that I bet Suou would end up as a bodyguard or a house pet.

Thank you, by the way. When I play Otome games, I tend to react to stuff impulsively, only using my feelings and not really thinking about it until I after I finish the route so this kind of stuff helps.
:gakuran_noprob:Please continue with your impressions, I enjoy reading them and taking my time pondering on points. We may differ in taste but you did manage to convince me the good points of the Ayakashi route.
yeah i soo dang agree with lack of gin is disturbing honeybee y u no give gin a route ??!! :megane_hmph:
oh yeah i also hated that gloomy heroine dang it girl why you so obnoxious graaah i wanna throw cola can to her face !! :gokiko_rawr:
yeah i soo dang agree with lack of gin is disturbing honeybee y u no give gin a route ??!! :megane_hmph:
oh yeah i also hated that gloomy heroine dang it girl why you so obnoxious graaah i wanna throw cola can to her face !! :gokiko_rawr:

My friends and I just like: Why isnt he available????? We can be our step mom for Tsu-kun- . and i was just like lol???????????

Her gloomy side is indeed annoying but because of her past. I think i was kinda forgiven for her :nekopara_sigh:
-Who's the first character route that you took
Yomi's... Yuki Kaji's fault, he is so cute! (∩˃o˂∩)♡

-Who's your favorite character?
Obviously Yomi!

-What are the memorable events that you liked in the game?
The first time I finished the game(without making the Asagi Route), on the route of Yomi, what was really surprising and unexpected. Really caught me off guard and I cried a lot! 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。

-Any reactions/questions about Ayakashi Gohan?
No question in special... but it was a great game, I venture to say it was the best game by Honeybee until now!

-What do you like about the game/gameplay?

-What do you hate about the game?
The game is too short(in my opinion), I wanted to stay more with Yomi... :(
My friends and I just like: Why isnt he available????? We can be our step mom for Tsu-kun- . and i was just like lol???????????

Her gloomy side is indeed annoying but because of her past. I think i was kinda forgiven for her :nekopara_sigh:

I like to be Gin-sans second wife!! But it is impossible. I can rely only on fanfictions now if someone willing to make it. :nyanmusu_cry:

what i dislike about game is that i cant find 'skip to choice' button
I like to be Gin-sans second wife!! But it is impossible. I can rely only on fanfictions now if someone willing to make it. :nyanmusu_cry:

what i dislike about game is that i cant find 'skip to choice' button

There are skip button but u have yet discovered, try it ( sorry it been a while since i have play so i kinda dont really remember which 1 it is)
Yomi's my favorite character and was the first route I finished. The voice Kaji Yuki used for him was really nice, though what probably won me over the most was Yomi's tsundere. His route was my favorite and I really liked the drama with Guren.
My second favorite character would be Suou, he was so cute and fun.

As for things I disliked, I really didn't like the drama with those faceless characters in Suou and Uta's routes. The only relevant character I disliked was Manatsu. While I'm fond of Uta, his route was pretty disappointing. I had expected it to be a really fun route, but Uta ended up being far more fun outside of his own route, especially whenever he gets pissed off at Suou for getting clingy with Rin.

Although I could sit here and list its flaws, I can definitely say I enjoyed Ayakashi Gohan overall. The general feeling of the game was very comfortable and heartwarming.
-Who's the first character route that you took
Manatsu <3 and oh boy was that like the sadest story ever TT_TT Cried soo hard lol!

-Who's your favorite character?
Right from the beginning i loved Gin, soo bad there's no route for him, it wouldn't be right anyways, but i still love you GIN!! x) It was so hard for me to be so mean to him when you're just a little Rin and you wanted to to be emo Rin :/

-What are the memorable events that you liked in the game?
Only played 1 and a half route so far so i haven't decided yet!

But i quite like the game its soo beautifully made and the stories are just as good, well the one i have played through was good anyways lol x) but i guess i still haven't seen anything yet! Cant wait for me to go get the other guys :D Yomi seemed kinda cute when i played through Manatsu's route, so maybe I'll go for him after i get that damned neko boy x)
-Who's the first character route that you took?
I took umi . :fullblush:

-Who's your favorite character?
umi , of course, was very Cute, easy to understand and he embarrasses easily and it shows on his face,:blushhappy: uh, my heart ~
hana I loved being a cat, although he tries to seem condescending, but he does not like the unit so he comes to the school. And he also loved the moody.

-What are the memorable events that you liked in the game?
I loved the event, which is Route in umi, when the emergence of Tenju and his desire to take as a wife ren him and try to take them by force.

-What do you like about the game/gameplay?
I loved this game so much,
It was the first game I play from honeybee, of course, I mean the first on PC .
I loved the art so much and I loved their voices.
I loved the game and the system, that can be a :nyanmusu_yeah: fun girl
, or, a blue girl :nyanmusu_puzzled: .
This makes me I want to play games other from honeybee.

-What do you hate about the game?
There is nothing special I have to say about this.
Actually, I'm hesitating to play it. I have bad memories of Honeybee's otoges... in simple words, I felt like I played for almost nothing. There was no plot, actually. Really.
Is it different with Ayakashi Gohan ? The drama cds didn't left any impression on me (even with my favorite seiyuus, I was sleeping through all the tracks), so I'm asking for girls who might be able to convince me...
Actually, I'm hesitating to play it. I have bad memories of Honeybee's otoges... in simple words, I felt like I played for almost nothing. There was no plot, actually. Really.
Is it different with Ayakashi Gohan ? The drama cds didn't left any impression on me (even with my favorite seiyuus, I was sleeping through all the tracks), so I'm asking for girls who might be able to convince me...

I understand how you feel, Honeybee otome game left me a lot of bad memories as well, drag&long story. However, Ayakashi Gohan took a 180degree turn for this company, cute and interesting (for me actually) interaction. There is character which i seriously SERIOUSLY wanted to obtain *coughGincough* but the game wont allow which actually frustrated me quite a bit *flip table*. Additionally, there are tear and bitter feeling after finishing game, I dont wanna say much because it will ruin the game play.:chuuni_fuwa:

They actually change my opinion out their otoge plot for once (which is rarely happen)

I was actually looking forward to their new PC games series: Un/Re: Birthday Song, Dynamic Choir,...:megane_waaai:

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TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please update this game? Thanks in advance.
Puxli wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hey! Could you re-upload RJ298049 and RJ362239 mp3 files?

Appreciate it, thanks!
sikany wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hi could you please upload a new update file for RJ01227025?
olfi wrote on xenolin's profile.
Thank you for the last time. I'm sorry to ask again, but can I make a new request? I'd like to make the ``H-scese video'' of 真・恋姫†英雄譚-series&真・恋姫†夢想-革命-series.
Jelly-filled Donut wrote on Shine's profile.
Shine, do you have the update for this? It has additional content and bug fixes. Please and thanks.
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