~Between your legs (no dirty thoughts!! xP)

OMG! A Radeon X1650, the OLD DAYS! AGP 4/8X 256meg 128bit card heh

Ancient Computer Tech between your legs lol :P (Had to!) lol
Nope. That's not the Firebird pro or rage series. This is the revamped PCIe x16 512 DDR2 shader model 3.0, 256 bit Graphics card. But I do have one those older ones somewhere on a shelf.

Dying computer drive between your legs.
AHH! it is a dead zone! NHOESSS!!!!! lol

Black hole between your legs
Saber from FSN between your legs, WAIT NO! if it was Saber, Rin or Ryder they would be between my legs, you can have Illiya and whats her face. lol
I said Illiya, I was thinking of Rins sister, I can never remember her name. GOD! Sakura? She is such a pointless background character...

Tifa! NO! LOL! ewww! lol

Golds Gym between your legs.
Western Digital between your legs lol, (Just opened a box I got from NewEgg today it had some drives I ordered in it that is why that came to mind LOL!)
Something like that, a few V-Raptor Drives for a PC I am rebuilding, and 3TB drives for my WHS

CD's between your legs.

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