Beyond Our Reality (Dreams)

Hmm i had some legend of zelda like dream and misty's (pokemon) head randomly popped up out of some hole in the ground to scream random challenges and stuff :/
She had some gym accessible only by an underwater pathway but i guess she has other tunnels to play with :/
Hmm another odd dream... where i cant remember the start :/

Im at a relative's place and there is some party of sorts. I was wandering around the halls and just looking at stuff when they called everyone together for cake. It was two chocolate cakes with some slight darker spread splashed on top and a red gooey center. Wasnt quite like a cake as it was more like one of those rolls but i suppose those are cakes too... It might have been a cousin's birthday but im not sure. Anyhow there was two pieces left and i hadnt had one yet but my dad said something or another which made me refrain from taking one and others taking those pieces instead... (possibly influence of some stuff he said earlier that day) I wasnt particularly pleased and tossed my fork while everyone sat there eating. Then my aunt brought out a third cake and i sort of just watched as my cousins kept spinning the glass thingy in the middle of the table (it was one of those round chinese tables). The cake passed me a couple times i decided to just take a piece with my spoon. Not sure what happened after...

I suppose the dream moved on but i playing some 2d game. What kind of character i was depended on my distribution of skill points and i turned out to be a mage. The skill point chart was 3 by 3 with point first row of skills adding to the possibility of becoming a warrior, the second to becoming a ranger, and the third to becoming a mage. I was running around the cave and was playing with some fireballs which i could control the movement of when i ran out of mana and got surrounded by monsters. The mana bar slowly recharged itself but not quite quick enough for my purposes so i ran towards the entrance. I gathered quite a large group on monsters behind me and was tossing some weak medium range fire arrow cuz it only required me to have a small portion of mana (kept me at 0 mana though). Monsters had respawned along the path to the entrance and were quite bothersome especially when i ran into the room with a miniboss that i had beaten earlier. I was stuck there till i cleared away the horde of chasing monsters so i finally decided to save up mana and wait till i could cast a larger spell. There was a decent spot to hide from the monsters when i had fought the miniboss previously but there was also flying monsters in the group following me and some creatures specifically created to be able to attack anyone hiding in those spots so i just had to keep running and hope the mana bar fills up enough before i die. Eventually i managed to gather enough mana and blew away most of the monsters with a couple waves of fire. Then i ran into the hiding spot to see if i could get a bit more mana before going after the rest of the monsters but i hadnt killed off a certain little innocent looking monster capable of attacking my there. Took a large pile of damage from that bit of laziness but i went out and destroyed the rest of the monsters before my dad woke me...
Lol this thread has been turned into some random discussion about dreams and the such~
Hmm another odd little dream... wonder what it was influenced by~

I live in some fancy apartments not that i saw it closely in the dream... I was playing around the area (or was it all planned~) and found a laboratory (seemed abandoned maybe?). Almost everything was white or shades of grey with the rooms being lit very well and the halls somewhat dark. I sneaked in and wandered around looking at the robots and other creations before deciding i had been there long enough. I looked around to make sure no one was around and leapt over the fence (was it the way i went in?). I had no idea how i just leapt over but apparently the dream me can jump 10 ft high. While walking back to the apartments a friend (G) told me that she saw me sneaking into the lab and wanted to come along the next time i went or she would tell... someone (me forgets... might have been parents or something).

The next day i found her waiting by the gate and we sneaked into the lab. I knew that there was something... wrong for lack of a better word... with the place but there was nothing to really indicate that something was happening. The place was as empty as it had been the day before and G wandered around while i went in search of the reason for the foul aura. I found a small box sitting along the wall in one of the rooms. The box seemed somewhat out of place compared to everything else so i decided to take it along. We left the lab again and i had managed to open the box.

I found myself somewhere on a port?... somewhere along the sea or a river anyway... cant remember... There was a dragon boat race and i was trying to see what was happening through the crowd. A reporter was standing by me and talking about how horrible the people here were. I left after a bit and went across the street to some print shop and was playing with the thumb tacks. There was a pizza shop next door and i looked around somewhat bored when someone called to me.

G E and T were there and the dragon boat race had finished. I tossed the thump tacks away and went over to meet them. They seemed quite excited about something and dragged me back across the street to the front of the print shop. I kept them away from the thumb tacks laying around and tossed those away. E then dragged be across the street again and through some tunnel. She went to the rest room and i went too. The restroom was quite dirty as most public ones are... I went back outside and then the dream ended from my dad messing with my room...
I actually wanted to share a dream of mine from a few weeks ago with a friend that was related to it but i guess i could share it with you guys too since it's nothing private.

I stood up and walked around my backyard to search for something although since i didn't know what i went back inside and there she was, for some reason she was in my house and asked me, can i sing to you? I was confused but happy at the same time.

I answered: I would love that.

After hearing her sing, i wanted more although she was too embarrassed too sing to me once again, so i asked if she could sing with me, i don't sing so i looked around and i found a piano and i don't own one so it was rather strange but i was satisfied nonetheless.

We start with a few songs that i can't recall, but right at the end of the last song, i don't remember what song it was although i can still remember the rhythm... i wake up.

Remembering this dream is always nice although i really want to find out what the name is of this song.
Hmm so its a real song which popped up in your dream? Or just something that you created in your dream?
I listen to music, every day.

With this said i'm not sure that it's a real song, it might be although there is still the possibility that it's not.

I guess that if i don't find out, eventually i will try to complete this song myself.

I need someone to sing though ^^
Lol yeah xD Thought it might be a good idea to just compose it yourself~ Hmm cant get "her" to sing for you? ;p
okay another odd dream~

i wake up in an alien's ship it was huge and i was wondering suddenly i find a group of 3 people trying to run away from the aliens so i started to look for weapons and when i found them i found The Rock with an alien shotgun~so i took a weapon that small gun from the MIB movie the one that if you shoot it you get thrown away plus there was a charger for this weapon after we took the weapons i and the rock found the group hiding in a store like place they locked themselves in it ,we were killing alot of alien babies but they just kept coming no ending for them i think they were breeding fast then they just send out the babies the adult aliens were controlling the ship so they were busy ,so we two locked ourselves with the group but everytime an alien baby comes i open the door then shoot him then close it again but the battery of the gun finished so i needed to recharge it ,the power outlet was outside the store so this means i'll have to get out but just as one of the group opens the door an alien baby shows up he shoots but only water comes out :neardead:we are doomed ~
Hmm so some odd dream or another xD

Starts with some random fading part that i forget but anyhow im being chased. There are two guys which probably took inspiration from zuko and his uncle (airbender) trying to catch me for some obscure reason. I leapt into the sea and found myself in another world. I was in a somewhat calm pool of water in a jungle. There was a falling temple (somewhat like mayan architecture?) nearby and i rushed towards it. The temple had a few golden frogs crawling around it and an old man that i chatted with (didnt actually hear anything). The two pursuers had arrived and i ran back to the pool of water. This time i found myself by some steep cliffs. There was a village which i went to ask for help from but the pursuers caught up soon enough. I dove off the cliff and back into the water. I found that i had gone back in time this trip. I was still at the village and decided to set a trap for the pursuers that came along with me in the future.

I found myself in some school carrying around a friend (e). It was an oldish school with some dull peeling wall paint. She was searching for a restroom (or just too lazy to walk herself/wanted to boss me around as usual). The first one we arrived at was full so i went downstairs and found yet another nearly full bathroom... I eventually went to the top floor and found a relatively empty bathroom for her and me.

Then i was in front of a mansion staring at the crowd near the staircase. The mansion seemed quite old with vines growing over the brick walls. Apparently a girl was having her birthday party but i had no idea who. I saw friends (k g a and c) near the door and we exchanged hugs and greetings. The door opened and everyone rushed in. Inside the mansion was similar to a large library will rows of shelves filled with a diverse variety of books. Theres was dust in the air and windows high up on the wall along with an old chandelier that gave everything an orange tint. I followed my group of friends to some table by the wall where they all took out a laptop and played around. The birthday girl walked out on stage and they announced the important guests that were there. One of them had the first name "Samuel" and made my friends poked fun at me though i was sure it wasnt actually me. Some guy was trying to take my seat but i liked where i was so he took the seat next to me. The games started and everyone was running down a hallway. The pillars on the side of the hallway had odd abilities like the first pillar which was "magnetic". C and i got trapped immediately because we werent paying attention and the dream ended.
Hmm another odd dream with [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ojou sama and maybe [MENTION=28913]HappyPeppyJimmy[/MENTION]~ Actually there was about 5 dreams but this was the last one... The first was about zombies and the such making it the second day in a row with such a theme x.x

Gwee was chatting online and talking to jimmy (maybe). I was just sitting around watching as quiet as i usually am irl and ojou sama came online. Gwee somehow made ojou sama sad during the conversation and he ran outside calling her name. Apparently ojou sama lives next door but when she saw us she ran into her house. I jumped off the balcony of gwee's house and finally noticed i was a kitten... Gwee was quite distraught and stood around for a while. The next day ojou sama stepped out onto her balcony to see gwee laying by the tree curled around a small kitten and chuckled a bit to herself. I woke while she was watching and she leapt down from the balcony. I ran towards her and she ran off laughing to herself or at me because a kitten couldnt possibly catch up... I transformed into a girl and continued to chase. Gwee woke up while i was trying to catch ojou sama and sat around watching. Ojou sama managed to get around me somehow and glomped me from behind. I gave a surprised "kyaa" as she squeezed me. The dream ended there and i barely remember the previous dreams so thats that~
Hmm another odd dream with [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ojou sama and maybe [MENTION=28913]HappyPeppyJimmy[/MENTION]~ Actually there was about 5 dreams but this was the last one... The first was about zombies and the such making it the second day in a row with such a theme x.x

Gwee was chatting online and talking to jimmy (maybe). I was just sitting around watching as quiet as i usually am irl and ojou sama came online. Gwee somehow made ojou sama sad during the conversation and he ran outside calling her name. Apparently ojou sama lives next door but when she saw us she ran into her house. I jumped off the balcony of gwee's house and finally noticed i was a kitten... Gwee was quite distraught and stood around for a while. The next day ojou sama stepped out onto her balcony to see gwee laying by the tree curled around a small kitten and chuckled a bit to herself. I woke while she was watching and she leapt down from the balcony. I ran towards her and she ran off laughing to herself or at me because a kitten couldnt possibly catch up... I transformed into a girl and continued to chase. Gwee woke up while i was trying to catch ojou sama and sat around watching. Ojou sama managed to get around me somehow and glomped me from behind. I gave a surprised "kyaa" as she squeezed me. The dream ended there and i barely remember the previous dreams so thats that~
That I like to see.:desire:
OK here's mine, short and somewhat sketchy:
I was asleep, then I feel my tummy have 2 lumps, each above my kidney. There's not visible, but when I press that areas, I can feel them.
The first thing that popped in my mind(remember, all this happening in my dream) is why are my balls endup up there?
Then I woke up.:wasclose:
Few hours later, when I posted my comment about [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]'s dream, it suddenly hit me - they're not my balls, they're ovaries!:shocked:

I dnt think i remember my dreams... Cause i go to sleep everynight at 3am.. Too fucking tired to even remember what i was dreaming. I remember parts.. Like there was this one dream.... Where I was running and running in this forest, Running? From what? That idk.. Just running RUNNING! When siddenly I fell into this hole filled with Shit! I woke up after that.
Hmm i remember that kacta was in a dream... then another dream with a friend and friends of a friend where i had some odd powers to twist reality so i was trying to make water levels rise so i could save some abandoned fishies at a store xD

Alex was a girl in his dream too? o.o
Hmm another odd dream with [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ojou sama and maybe [MENTION=28913]HappyPeppyJimmy[/MENTION]~ Actually there was about 5 dreams but this was the last one... The first was about zombies and the such making it the second day in a row with such a theme x.x

Gwee was chatting online and talking to jimmy (maybe). I was just sitting around watching as quiet as i usually am irl and ojou sama came online. Gwee somehow made ojou sama sad during the conversation and he ran outside calling her name. Apparently ojou sama lives next door but when she saw us she ran into her house. I jumped off the balcony of gwee's house and finally noticed i was a kitten... Gwee was quite distraught and stood around for a while. The next day ojou sama stepped out onto her balcony to see gwee laying by the tree curled around a small kitten and chuckled a bit to herself. I woke while she was watching and she leapt down from the balcony. I ran towards her and she ran off laughing to herself or at me because a kitten couldnt possibly catch up... I transformed into a girl and continued to chase. Gwee woke up while i was trying to catch ojou sama and sat around watching. Ojou sama managed to get around me somehow and glomped me from behind. I gave a surprised "kyaa" as she squeezed me. The dream ended there and i barely remember the previous dreams so thats that~

I played a small role within the dreams of the Top Poster on I feel... Special :bigeyes:

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