Bitch Mom's Submission Fuel


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Mar 2, 2021
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Chapter 1

Paige Brewer, a thirty-two year old mother of one, stirred the pot of chicken broth on the stove. She wore black yoga pants and a tight-fitting, army green tank top that accentuated her firm, C-cup breasts. Her auburn hair was pulled back in a tight bun.

She held a university degree in technical writing which took a serious effort to land her first job. Once in, her tenacity made her a valued contributor. Later, Paige began working from home after the Covid pandemic had run its course. Her friends weren't as close as she wanted, and she was lacking companionship and sex. Her one comfort was her 10 year old son who was growing fast and restless. She had to lay down the law often to keep him from getting into trouble, at least trouble in her mind. Paige was very strict about chores and homework and bedtime.

She was actually less strict with her son than with herself, but he didn't see that. When he complained, she felt guilty, but without a partner to help raise the child, she decided to exert a lot of control over her son while neglecting her own heart's needs.

Colin's father who she'd met at her first job, had proposed marriage but never followed through. He did pay some child support, but it was probably less than what a court would have ordered. Paige balked at the hassle it would have taken to get a proper settlement. A legal battle might have incentivize him to pretend to care about Colin. She was glad the selfish man had no interest in their son otherwise.

Paige's experience with online dating was dismal. She met too many jerks and scammers! However, whenever she did meet a compelling man, she found herself 'sorta being a bitch to him.' Paige had a lot of pent up anger at men.

Paige discovered light BDSM books online a year ago. She slowly identified with submissive characters in those stories. A strange drug was occasionally mentioned by different authors. LustLock was a mild depressant, supposedly used by play partners who wanted to be submissive but had issues that make it difficult.

Paige thought LustLock was a fictional device shared by multiple authors. However, a cursory search to learn more about LustLock, showed discussions on NSFW forums about people actually using it.

In a moment of panic, which she was not proud about, Paige ordered a bottle of LustLock. She decided to try the drug if she met another good man.

Her muscular arms flexed as she stirred the pot. A water bottle sat on the table, waiting to be filled for her evening run. Ten year old Colin, entered the kitchen, his eyes drawn to his mother's assets. "Mom, can I have a cookie?"

"Not until you sweep the front porch and the path to the sidewalk. Candy isn't healthy. The only reason I made a batch today is, the recipe is supposed to be somewhat nutritious. They contain oatmeal, walnut pieces, cranberries, and a few dark chocolate chips. I don't want you eating more than one per day. Do you understand, young man?"

Colin sighed and grabbed a broom. He stepped out the front door of their two bedroom house. It was a nice enough neighborhood. Crime was reasonably low, and the schools were reputable. Colin began to sweep the front porch. There, he found a package that had been delivered. Curiosity piqued, he picked up the small package addressed to Paige and tucked it under his arm. He returned to the kitchen and called out, "Mom, can I use the bathroom at least?"

Colin sneaked the package into the bathroom and unwrapped it. He wondered if his mother was expecting a delivery, but when he held up the large bottle of one hundred pills, he thought they were just another crazy vitamin his mother would make him take. "Beez!" he swore softly. He was already taking a dozen of the stupid things. Colin considered throwing the pills down the toilet, but the name on the bottle made him curious. The pills were called Lustlock. The name was unlike any vitamin he'd heard of, and Colin decided to look it up on the internet before destroying the pills.

His mother knocked on the bathroom door. They had to share the home's only bathroom.

"Hurry up in there, mister!"

"Okay, Mom. I'm almost done." Colin stuffed the large bottle down his pants and flushed the toilet. He stuffed the bottle's packaging deep into the wastebasket. After washing his hands, he opened the bathroom door. "I'll sweep the front porch some more." He moved slowly around her.

Paige narrowed her eyes at Colin. She looked him up and down. "What's in your pants?"

He blushed deeply, frantically trying to hide the truth. "I- I-, uh, IT gets that way sometimes!" he blurted, hoping she'd get his indirect reference to his penis, which in truth, got quite large when erect, for his age. His hands dove to cover the bulge.

Paige raised an eyebrow. "In front of your mother?" she scolded, feeling a bit of a blush of her own at her son's reaction. She'd seen him naked a few times in the last few years, but there was something different about this. She decided to let it go for now. "Just finish your chores, young man." She watched him leave before entering the bathroom herself. She didn't notice the folded package in the wastebasket. She relieved herself and then washed her hands. Exiting she shouted, "Hey, Colin, make sure you clean the bathroom too!"

Colin finished his chores and cleaned the bathroom. He then went to his room and grabbed his computer tablet. Searching the pill's name, Lustlock, returned the following information:

Lustlock is a mild depressant that recently appeared in the natural supplements section of the overarching, nutrition market. Currently under review by the FDA, it has become a favorite of the underground, BDSM community who swear by its ability to mellow out individuals curious about the submissive lifestyle.

"Wow!" Colin gasped. He wondered if Lustlock pills could calm down his mother. Colin carefully hid the pills in the heating duct to his room and secured the vent's metal grate.

Paige finished her chores and called out to Colin. "Supper's ready. Wash your hands and come set the table, please."

Colin obeyed, but when he was done setting the table, he asked her, "How have you been feeling lately? Any problems when you work out? Sometimes you overdo it."

Paige answered, "I've been a bit stressed, but I'm fine, thank you for asking, Colin," as she served up the fried chicken and mashed potatoes. "I've been running more and lifting heavier weights than usual." She placed a plate in front of him. "Why do you ask, sweetie?"

Colin swallowed a little guilt. "Um," he said. "Because I love you, Mommy." He tried to look innocent.

Paige's heart melted a little at his words. "Thank you, Colin," she dryly accepted her son's admission. "But, tell me about your day at school."

"Oh, lots of teachers talking. I get bored," Colin said. His grades were excellent due to his mother's strict rules about doing homework before he could play video games - for no more than an hour each day. "Did you like school, Mom?"

"I did. I loved learning. It was my escape from... well, never mind." Paige took a bite of her meal.

Colin thought fast. "I'm sorry you get stressed." He frowned. "You know, Joey's mom was really stressed for a while, but she found a really cool vitamin that helped her chill out." He planted a seed in his mother's thoughts.

Paige looked at her son curiously. "Really?" she asked, fork halfway to her mouth. "What's it called?"

"Um," Colin said, not expecting the question. "I don't remember, Mommy. I'll ask Joey tomorrow."

"That's not important." Paige said, returning to her meal, curious but dismissive. When they had finished eating, she glanced at the time on the wall clock. "It's getting late. You've got school tomorrow. Let's clean up, and then it's bedtime."

"Yes, Mom," Colin said, in his typical dull way, but on the inside, hope burned bright in his heart. After helping to clean up the kitchen and other parts of the house, he went to his room. By the time he was ready to sleep, he figured out how to fool his mom.

First he printed out a new label for the bottle. The label read, "SmoothLife, a natural wrinkle preventative. No stress - no wrinkles! Take internally, once per day with or without food." He copied Lustlock's dosage. Before covering the original label with the one he printed, Colin memorized the drug's effects:

Lustlock is a natural product that when used as directed, increasingly reduces aggression and willpower over several days of usage. When the effect peaks, continue to use as directed, or the effect will decline.

Colin carefully glued the new label over the original. Then he hid the bottle again. The next day, Colin reminded his mother during breakfast. "I'll be sure to ask Joey about the relaxing vitamin that his mother takes."

Paige, distracted by emails, replied absently. "Thank you, Colin, but don't forget your homework."

"Yes, Mom." Colin said before skipping out the door. He skipped nearly all the way to his elementary school. Worry caught up with him, during his classes. What if his mother saw through his deception or refused to take the pill?

Returning home, he took the re-labeled bottle out of hiding and went to his mother who was working on her laptop in the living room. Holding the bottle behind him, he told her. "Good news, Mommy. Joey let me have some. His mom bought a lot of them to save money." Colin produced the bottle of SmoothLife and offered it to her with a big smile.

Paige looked up from her laptop, surprised. "Colin, I appreciate the gesture, but I'm not sure about taking something that hasn't been FDA approved."

"But, Mom, Joey said his mom has been taking it for a couple years already." Colin pointed to the dozen windows open on his mom's computer. "Just look at all the stuff you have to deal with!" He tried to assert himself. "I don't like it when you get all mad at yourself." And at him, he didn't say aloud.

Paige sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Okay, fine. One won't hurt, I suppose." She took one and washed it down with her coffee.

Colin beamed. "I'll put the bottle on the table, in case you want another pill, but remember, take only one pill every day." Colin couldn't believe his luck! His mom really must be stressed, to not have questioned him in detail. He arranged the other bottles on the table in a way that ensured his mother would see SmoothLife first in the morning. "I'm gonna do my homework now!" He shouted and dashed victoriously to his room.

"Thanks, Colin," Paige called after him, absorbed in her work.

Colin couldn't concentrate on his homework all afternoon. When suppertime came around, he wondered if the pill was working on his mom. Throughout the meal, she acted pretty strict. But maybe not as strict as usual? Colin told himself he had to be patient. "How are you feeling, Mommy?"

Paige said. "I... feel fine, Colin. Just a bit... tired, I guess." She stifled a yawn. "Let's clean up, and then you're off to bed, right?"

"Sure thing." The boy said because that was the answer his mother expected! 'Cleaning up' meant half of their home, not just the kitchen.

The next morning, at breakfast, Colin was on pins and needles, waiting to see if his mom took another SmoothLife pill like the directions said.

Paige groggily got up from bed, and stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. "Good morning, Colin."

"You slept in late, Mommy. How do you feel?" Colin asked and casually glanced at the SmoothLife bottle. He got her a glass of orange juice. "Do you want me to make coffee for you?"

She yawned. "I feel- just a bit- tired." She took the glass of juice. "And yes please, coffee would be lovely, dear." Paige noticed the bottle of SmoothLife and took one pill, washing it down with juice. "I might need to cut back on my workouts."

Colin poured a measure of coffee beans into their full-cycle coffee maker. It ground the beans and then percolated the grounds. "Good. You're so strong and beautiful. You don't need to work out as much."

He worried if the pill was making his mother tired, but then he remembered something important about Lustlock. It actually perked up people who took it, just a little, because its main effect made people eager to do what they were told, but the full effect took several days to achieve. Colin decided that his mom's workout really had tired her, not the pill. He served her a mug of piping hot coffee. "Here you are, Mommy."

She took the mug, smiling. "Thank you, Colin. You're such a thoughtful son. Now, let's get you off to school."

Peace of mind eluded the boy. How will his mother behave when he gets home? That's all he thought about. Unfortunately, his friend Joey wanted to play D&D after school. It was Colin's favorite thing to do!

When he arrived home, two hours late, he stepped carefully through the front door. He listened, worried about getting home late. "Mommy?" He squeaked.

Paige's voice sounded muffled, coming from her bedroom. "In here, honey."

Colin walked down the hall as if he were walking to the electric chair. He knocked on the closed door to his mother's room.

She told him, "Come in, Colin."

The nervous boy opened her door and spoke before peeking in. "I'm sorry I'm late. It's Joey's fault."

"It's all right." She smiled softly. "I fell asleep after working out." She lay on her bed, in her bra and panties, rubbing her eyes. "Do your homework, and then come help me make dinner."

Colin swallowed hard, shocked by his mother's more than casual appearance. He'd never seen her in underwear! Beezy, he thought in his head, she must be affected by those pills. But he put his arousal aside, focusing on his guilt. "Sorry, Mom." He mumbled, rushing to his room.

Paige watched her son scurry away, leaving a warm sensation below her waist. She was feeling more lively after her nap and shrugged the sensation off as a side effect of SmoothLife. She got up, stretched, and put on a house robe.

"Hey, Mommy." Colin entered the kitchen after finishing his homework. "What are we making for dinner?"

"I don't know, what do you feel like, Colin?" Paige asked, searching the fridge. "I'm feeling adventurous."

At the word "adventurous" Colin's penis stirred. If the drug was already affecting her, maybe he should test it. "How about we get hamburgers at a restaurant?" His mother would never waste money on hamburgers, and going out was a treat that Colin had to earn. Coming home late would normally dash the possibility of eating at a restaurant.

"That's an interesting idea." Paige said, remembering only vaguely that eating out was supposed to be a reward for exemplary behavior. "Let's do that." She went to her room and changed into slacks, blouse, and a sweater.

Minutes after Colin picked his jaw up from off of the floor, he was buckled in the backseat of their Honda Element, trying not to stare at his mom who was driving carefully. "Which hamburger joint are you taking us to?"

"What do you want, honey?" Paige asked, feeling a little woozy. "I'm not very hungry."

Was his mother sick? Did the pills ruin her appetite? He worried about her. "Mom, you gotta eat."

"Fine, fine." She said, feeling irritated. "I'll have a salad."

"Let's go to that sports bar at the mall. It's supposed to be good." Colin was sure that his mother wouldn't let him go to a restaurant that was also a cocktail bar.

"Sure, dear." Paige agreed, unaware of her pliable state.

The mall was built in the nineteen seventies and was clearly showing its age. Graffiti adorned half of the walls, and about as many storefronts were out of business. The sports bar smelled of cigarettes when Colin and his mommy entered the obviously run down establishment. Most of the patrons were men sitting at the bar, staring at video screens of hockey and soccer and golf. They all turned to look at Paige, enticed by her rare beauty. She was buxom and buff. Strength and sexuality exuded from her every pore.

When they noticed Colin walking alongside her, half of them turned back to the TV screens.

A woman stepped out from behind the bar and greeted them. "Welcome to Nooders, Ma'am. Are you just curious or do you need to use the restroom?" She eyed Colin problematically. The woman was a bottle blonde who was using every fashion trick to enhance her bust. Her curvy, full figure looked less manufactured however. She wore a halter, no bra, and a lycra micro skirt. Across the front of her halter was the word "NOODERS!"

Paige blushed, feeling self-conscious. "We're here to eat, if that's okay."

"Well," The manager regarded Colin again. "You can't sit at the bar, but there's a table in the corner where you won't be bothered." She thought to herself, where at least they wouldn't be seen by cops passing through. She led them to the deepest corner in the restaurant, and set menus on the table. "Can I get you a drink, Ma'am?"

Colin was having a difficult time deciding which woman he should be gawking at. The contrast between his mother's circumspect attire and the manager's sexy, clingy clothes made his boner all that more erect. He had to cover the front of his pants with his hands. "Can I have root beer?"

"I'll have a glass of white wine, please." Paige said, feeling adventurous.

"Root beer and white wine, yes." The manager echoed their request. "My name is Tammy. Call me when you're ready to order." She strutted away. A giggle escaped her lips, and she made a show of wiggling her ass, having noticed Colin gawking.

"Mommy, do you see that?"

"See what, honey?" She asked, distracted by the menu.

"Um, nothing." Colin looked at his. The description of the bacon, pepperoni, pepper jack burger made his mouth water. "What are you gonna get, Mommy?"

"I'll just have a salad, with ranch dressing on the side." Paige felt lightheaded and floaty.

"Come on Mommy. You always get a salad when we go out!" He pointed to a picture on the menu, prime rib with all the fixings. "Get this!" Colin tested his mother's limits again.

"Fine, fine, I'll have the prime rib, but I'm not sure how I'm going to finish it." She relented, sighing. "I'm really not very hungry."

"Did you eat lunch?" Colin often noticed that stuff in their kitchen, after school, were in the exact positions they'd been left after breakfast. His mother was a fitness fanatic. His teacher at school was always telling the class not to skip meals. His worry about his mom's state of mind, increased.

"I had a protein bar around noon." Paige said, feeling woozy again. "It's been a long day."

Days were always long for Colin's mother, but longer for him, left alone while she worked or worked out. "Tammy?" He called the manager.

The sexy but overly curvy woman returned to the table, served their drinks, and took their order. "Burger spicy, meaty and thick, plus one prime steer fully dressed." She memorized the order and sashayed away.

He got a little mad, wishing his mom was dressed like Tammy. "You have to eat everything on your plate, tonight, Mommy." He glared slightly at her.

"Colin, don't talk to me like that!" Paige scolded him, feeling a strange mix of parental and the opposite of parental emotions.

At last, his mother resisted what he told her! He felt less worried. "Sorry." The boy's head drooped. "We can take what you don't eat, home with us." He hid behind the act of drinking root beer.

"That's better." Paige took a sip of her wine feeling a warmth spread through her body. "Do you have plans for the weekend?"

"Um, I was gonna play D&D with Joey, but I guess you want me to do chores." He answered, feeling less worried when she didn't immediately object.

"You can play D&D, Colin," Paige agreed, forgetting that he had come home late without her permission. "You've been a good boy lately."

Colin, feeling grateful that the erect penis in his pants was hidden under the table, dared to ask "Mommy, I never saw you dressed like that on your bed before, when I came home. Can I see you like that again?" He meant when she was wearing only her bra and panties.

"Colin!" Paige blushed, feeling a strange wetness between her legs. "That's not something you should ask your mother!"

"Okay," He almost relented. "You looked better than Tammy does." He adored his mother's fit but curvy figure.

"Thank you," Paige smiled despite herself.

Finally their food arrived. When Tammy placed Colin's plate on the table, she leaned over and gave him a close view of her ample cleavage. She winked at him.

"Um," He gasped, instantly guilty.

Paige failed to notice. She picked up her knife and fork, and started to cut into her steak.

"I hope it's good." Colin mumbled, his attention on his burger. It tasted greasy and spicy - everything a growing boy could ask for. The french fries, however, were greasy in a nasty way and cold.

After a few scrumptious bites of burger, He said, "Uh, Mommy. I'm gonna complain about the fries." He got out of his chair.

"Go ahead, honey," Paige cut out another piece of steak.

Colin went to the bar. A bald man on a barstool glanced at Colin and snickered. "Tammy is gonna get herself arrested, someday." Another man chuckled. "And we can take advantage of her special interest - for special favors."

"Chad! Brad! You hush, I don't do nothing all that illegal - just harmless fun!" Tammy appeared from the kitchen, walking to Colin and telling him. "Follow me, my little friend. I don't tease my customers." She led him into the women's bathroom and into a stall. "Don't be afraid, Hon. I'm just gonna give you a little show."

"Uh, I'm not afraid," Colin's voice wobbled and echoed around the tile clad room. He stood trembling in the tiny stall.

"Here's what you wanted to see, right, Little Boy?" Tammy asked, bending over, and tugging down the front of her halter with one hand. Two augmented breasts fell out. Her other hand snuck into the top of her skirt. "Look as long as you want." She moaned, her eyes glued to the obvious tent in Colin's pants. Her hidden hand moved quickly behind her skirt. She moaned again.

Time passed, as Colin was fascinated, terrified, and aroused all at the same time. The woman's naked tits were huge, larger than his mother's! Tammy closed her eyes, and she moaned louder. Her hand worked faster.

Paige finished her side salad and looked around the bar but didn't see Colin. Getting up from her seat, she began to search the restaurant, worried.

"Colin!" she called into the men's bathroom, through the door. He didn't respond, but there were faint sounds nearby. Paige checked the women's bathroom. She heard a woman moaning from the only closed stall. Looking down, she saw Colin's sneakers. He was in the same stall as the moaning!

"COLIN!" Paige screamed and threw open the door.

"Mommy!" He shrieked, turned, and tried to hide Tammy behind him, but the boy was a foot shorter and much slimmer.

Tammy pulled up her halter and removed wet fingers from her microskirt. Her eyes were a little glazed. "Oh! Ma'am!" was all she could say.

"What the hell are you doing, Colin?" Paige demanded, furious.

"I-I don't know, Mommy. She said she wanted to show me something!" Colin sobbed, hoping to elicit sympathy with a single tear from each eye.

"Get out, now!" Paige commanded, fuming. She growled at the manager, "You're lucky I got here before you did worse damage to my son, you pedo slut!" The outraged mother was determined to call the police, but first she had to get her son somewhere safe!

"Yes, Mommy!" Colin dashed out and around his mother's looming presence. He headed straight for the women's bathroom door.

Livid, she followed him out and back to their table. "We are going home, now!" Paige grabbed her purse from the table and stormed out pushing him ahead. Paying their bill was the least thing she felt like doing.

Colin kept trying to force tears out of his eyes on the ride home. He shied away from his mother who continued to fume. He said nothing, but his hard dick refused to soften. What he'd seen and what he'd heard in that stall with sexy Tammy, haunted him.

Paige pulled into the driveway, shaking. "Inside, NOW!" she commanded, storming out of the car.

He rushed past her, to his room and shut the door. Colin sat on his bed, waiting for his mother to come in and stab him with a meat fork. His erection finally faded away.

Paige scurried down the hall, sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Mommy," He cried unhappily through his closed door.

"Go to bed, Colin!" Paige snapped angrily and burst into her room. When she grabbed her phone to inform the police, she stared at it for a moment and reconsidered. The legal process would probably harm her son further. Anger for her son cooled rapidly and was soon replaced by curiosity. What had the boy actually experienced?

Colin lay on his bed, unable to sleep. The memory of Tammy's big tits and dark nipples returned, and his fear of and for his mother lessened. He masturbated in dim moonlight filtered by curtains.

The door to his bedroom opened slowly, but his eyes were closed as the promise of release approached. His hand was jerking steadily up and down his tall pecker.

Paige watched surprised, disgusted but slightly aroused and worried as her son stroked his erection. She saw the guilt etched on his face and heard him whispering "Tammy" before he came. Her own juices dampened her panties and she quietly backed out of his room, shutting the door with a soft click.

"Huh?" Colin looked hazily at the shut door to his room but didn't see anything. After climaxing, he soon fell asleep.

Paige couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned, guilt-ridden over thoughts of her son's hard cock and her own wet panties. Finally, exhaustion took over and she drifted off to dreams of spanking Colin's bottom - and being spanked by him. be continued...

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