Well oki then, here goes :D It's cool I could be of some use that was appreciated.

judgment incoming
Well Evac's entry is fascinating in it's own way. It gives promises of
very high quality and durability in accordance with that of the MIL standard,
at least within its designated area of operational specifications.
Designed and rendered with mathematical precision.
This proud product is surely worthy of being in the product line
of yet an other terrifying military contracting company on one side,
and probably with a innocent and harmless public front making chopsticks, soap
and G.. knows what else to the unsuspecting public.
Just like in the line of other similar companies, like:
-Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC)
-Armacham Technology Corporation
-Umbrella Corporation
I'm sure Evac industries will also try to contribute in their own uniqe way
in making the world a safer and more convenient place.
Which makes buying their chopsticks a possible way the consumer can help contribute with just that.
They might also be assured a healthy level of contracts from such as JDF and other
asian chopstick eating armies.(i.e. buying evac stocks might be a good investment)
Also unless I'm mistaking, despite being made of wood, they require no wood, only carbon?
which means their also environmentally friendly. Unless I'm wrong.
Fine Mil Spec quality chopsticks
Supporting terrifying company bent on world domination??
Price is currently @unown but might be higher than most peoples salery
Supporting terrifying company bent on world domination??
Well chopsticks are obviously for eating, maybe also poking but,
(just remember to avoid the eyes).
Though for those people who tragically don't know what chopsticks is,
or how to use em, I think it was thorough and considerate to include an
introduction. Makes them also more retard friendly. But also extremely
retard dangerous, as we will get to later on....
Very nice that they are so flexible in their potential usefulness,
they can be used for so many things.
Bamboo is also one of the fastest growing plants on earth so their also
environmentally friendly by leaving the rainforest be.
Because of the feedback system I figure they are also excellent chopsticks for blind people,
or those that for some reason likes to eat with their eyes closed. Or in total darkness.
Very unique qualities indeed, and useful. Just don't push any BUTTONS!! Don't
If you drop them, don't pick them up with out the lights on, if you have no light wait for daylight.
With the inclusion of different designs the possibilities seems almost endless. :o
The odor function is fantastic not just for getting rid of pesky pollution and
cigarette smell but can also I figure it be used to complement the food your eating,
and help set the atmosphere, whether your eating alone or with a partner.
And The Limited time offer... is simply superb marketing, and increases the product value
way and above. Even with the side effect of an unknown percentage of the male population
forgetting what they where actually going to order in the first place.
Proves without a doubt Renano knows to provide real top notch value, and triumphantly
knows marketing techniques that put the marketing gurus and psychologists too shame.
I'm with x-shiki-X on this one (as you said shes designed after you)
Phone number seems to be out of use, or missing some information for International orders...
I even tried adding the US area code...
Oh and yeah that....
Highly extremely lethal sticks for retards and blind.
Might consider adding a safety for avoiding accidental deaths for normal people as well.
First of all...I KNOW WHERE THEY CAME FROM !!!!
Gensokyo... right, right ?

I think....(Utsuho, Reimu & Rin maybe...in my mind o_0)
The chopsticks have a lot of umh collectors value I'll say that much.
They would certainly have a lot more value then lets say something that was held and owned
by Elvis, Napoleon Bonaparte, Issac Newton, Nero, The Pope, all put together.
Especially for certain fans and collectors...then there's the summoning ability on top of it all.
Some wise man might hold you chopsticks at some time, and utter the words...If only these
chopsticks could talk......
And somehow, mystically I distinctly feel I know a lot of those previous mystical
unnamed owners ;)
(lady of the lake?, Ariel Disney cartoon?, Seen "Ice Age" lately?, something about a "Sword in the stone"?,
Marisa? Gurren lagann?) ect
(so you gotten around too see Deadth Note and Code Geass :P øh, so ot)
All in all the chopsticks are quite historical, and the pictures imo seems to reflect that,
the way they kinda just lie there, and with the cloth. Their worth unperceived by anyone else
except those who know...And I happened to notice they where square instead of round in their shape.
Might be a very good design choice, in my imagination, but never tried squared chopstick before,
but it may seem better for grip. My kind of chopsticks.
First off, the sharpest and most detailed picture so far,
not sure if I should use the most detailed as the word, but the sharpest. Can't
find a better word for it for now.
The only chopsticks made from steel, reminds me of some very traditional,
honorable proud tradition of bushido.("way of the warrior"/sword, think samurai and katana.
at least the Katana and Blade)
I like your story a lot, it was entertaining and kept my attention all trough out.
It was epic, and creative imo. It was less descriptive of less important things
than other stories and more directly descriptive on what was happening in the current.
And therefore the most exiting of the bunch. If thats an accurate way to put it I have no idea
but its as best as I am able to define\understand and express it.
But who the Hell would name their baby "Classified"

The actual description of the chopsticks, make them seem like an extension of my body.
With proper weight to them give them the feeling that your really holding something
Solid, quality made, and well balanced like a well made blade. Lethal and elegant at the same time,
like the Kanji for flower also emphasize and amplifies.
Ironically, it seems like Classified knows whats at stake here for anyone loosing this contest.
But I think you got pretty decent chances to not worry about that :)
Well it was different. It was more lay'ed back for me to view cause it required less reading
and less thinking ^^ 3pac lol
Plus for making "kara no shoujo" reference, even though I haven't played it,(or any vn so far infact :O)
or knew what it was (at first, until google and vndb). Made it kinda hip and culturally cool in a away.
Such a wickedly cool thing to say too a thug! I'll try to remember that line, in case I get the chance
to use it on someone someday. ;D
And well since it was a visual presentation, with less textual content there's not tooo much I can say.
But it was cool.
So it's basically a tie between two of you contestants....so far a bit hard to decide.