Oh waow, [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] you are
on a winning streak, 1st chopsticks and now singing also, very nice!, and cute voice. I guess if we ever make singing tournament, well not much use now mehhe since you already won it by default perhaps. And I just couldn't help noticing you also do the lyric writing, as well as the encoding and .....well, you sure are a girl of many talents its seems.
You also got that offer to voice some characters that I don't know but...Kudos !
[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] Just to let you know you did a great entry, don't get down, and don't hurt yourself, think samy still has your whip anyway. I wouldn't mind explaining the reasoning of my voting decision if you would like that...and it was not an easy one. But to summarize, your story was great, but at the end I realized the main focus of the tournament was really about chopsticks. If the contest was somehow different you might very well have been victorious, I'm sure with some tweaking we would get place for a nice golden crown underneath your halo ;-}
Though I know you said it wasn't about your ranking, but just so you know.
And for everybody else, believe it or not I kind a do some singing....

but not like you think I just sing along inside of my self. That way I'm the only one that can hear, and I always sound like I want right xD
oh and [MENTION=25286]Dante1712[/MENTION] looks like champion chopsticks too me <:}
Imagine if you had participated.