Please Vote Once for Your Favorite Pair of Chopsticks

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[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]
Bye bye~ im leaving for germany this weekend~ this is equally the last post for me in the weekend~ everyone take care~

Please take care! Come back safely! We all love you~

Hmm... if it's anything like Accel World, then those videos would be pretty useless.

Dante... that CM was pretty funny... too bad it wasn't you for you could have participated.

Hahaha, just giving suggestions on chopsticks ;3
Hmm... people might vote for me more now... because I posted photos of me... xD... I don't like that... :dispirited:

Well... Deca and Shiki now know what I look like~ What's done is done.....
You WHAT ....WAIT you what !! :foreveralone: I feel so left out !

I'm taking Deca, and Shiki to the nearest police station for a criminal police sketcher...

I'll emh show you mine if you show me yours :blushing:

Honestly, I wouldn't mind too see how all of the people here looks like.
Hmm i cant say im not completely unbiased as i prefer the female voice... doesnt mean i dislike it when guys sing though~
Despite the whole bromance song being meant to be funny, I actually kinda enjoyed the singing..i.e the vocals\voice
I don't know how I got attention... xD

All I did was greet people and spammed~
Don't ask me, maybe its your female charm reaching through the internet, you can't help being so adorable after all :? All I know is that you were my very first friend that gave me a friends request, and talked too me, not that I hadn't talked too anybody here before, but I mean, it was less distant and more like a friend, then samy and so on. It was in fact not until after that I got all the other great friends here as well. I feel grateful for that.
And, also I thought you where very sweet person long before I even knew you were a female. Which I somehow think must say more about your outgoing likable personality rather than your gender.
-Sigh- Males are worthless when it comes to females.
Well, I guess maybe we are.(okey we absolutely are) But I wouldn't call it a new discovery. Though I would like to add if I may, even though many males might be "suckers" for females there are different way of being it, does not necessarily mean that we can't hold virtues of truth, right and wrong, honor, principals, and like judging fairly\unbiased. For me at least truth and right is among some of the highest ideals.

Also, if I may babble and spam some in my own way, (samy can spam posts, and I can spam text when the time and mood is right) I really dislike the way males are portraid as certain stereotypes, in the case of guys being dumb grunts only liking blonde big lips big boobs, and being emotionally unintelligent, drinking beer while watching football, caring more for their car than their girlfriend, and so on. It shames us guys, and makes our girls confused. umh guess conclusion is that 2 guys can be complete suckers for girls...but very very differently.
Or actually 1 of them isn't worthy to be called a sucker for girls, since he's probably only a sucker for his beer, his sport, his d¤#/ and who knows. Hmm am I ranting\rambling now......:rolleyes: I'm way past my bedtime. I'll just read all of this tomorrow to find out.
Hmm... Maybe if we ask each voter about why they voted for that person, we can not count that vote if it were a 'Because she is a girl'-type of answer.
I hope you read my previous post somewhere in the sea of posts back there, where I gave you my reason for my voting, I did my very best to be un partial in the voting process. In fact I thought for a long time that you would not only receive my vote, but also win the whole contest. It was only in the last second I had to change it after some thought. I'm assuming you already read my reason previously in order to not make a even longer textwall around here. But I wonder what you thought of it. Or if you have any questions to me regarding it.
I apologize for my sudden outburst of hatred and frustration. School and trying to read 4,000 posts is stressing.
Its okey Deca, I think I feel your stress somehow, maybe trough your expressions here. Thing about stress is that it can manifest and distort should I word this, "inner balance\peace", and cause a lot of frustration that can sometimes erupt in the wrong directions. I might get the impression you have a lot too live up too. Perhaps your parents expect much from you ? Or in some way raised you too expect very much of yourself.

Your new avatar makes me ponder on the inner emotions and feelings you might have or had lately.
P.s and it smokes, which is self harming. Which you either shouldn't do. I hope you don't. But know that if you ever find the need or temptation too do so...You simply must stop and think why that is.
Hmm... I'm studying to become a doctor :3

I like how everyone went past my 'rage mode' like it was nothing.
Sweet, just don't rage on me please if I ever end up on your table :]

Sounds good, and also it goes nicely along my mentionings above regarding maybe high expectations, you don't have to answer any of this ofc, but do you feel like you will fail if you don't reach certain goals in life, or maybe disappoint, like your parents, or yourself.

You know I am such a perfectionist, and set very high goals for myself, not even because anyone expected me too, but well, its just in my nature. I Focused too much on the goals themselves, instead of the journey too them. I don't know how much sense this seems to give but. Let me just say one thing in life I learned.
Once you are totally ready to give up, you might be surprised to find yourself ready to try, but in a different way.

And once you are ready to die, you might be surprised that you have now become truly ready to live.
For what ever it might be worth too you or anyone reading this...
I'm simply blaming everything on me. This is not good for my self-esteem...
Hmm I don't mean to over emphasize this but, it is in fact a know vicious cycle that the way certain people pressure themselves, or are pressured by others, and stressed, putting up very high ideals and standards in their mental minds, whether put their by ones self or others, can in most cases lead to low self esteem. It's in some ways similar to all those girl magazines that distort a lot of girls perception of reality by putting forth a distortion of what is real....after all, if a girl sees certain people in that magazine, looking a certain way, wearing certain clothes, and living a certain lifestyle, that is different than herself that might eventually start to become her perception of what is the norm or normal, or what is too be expected. Why I'm using that example is that, its fully possible to accomplish the same distortion all without any help from magazines or anything similar, but all in ones own mental mind. And lets just say perhaps such a thing can then turn into a sort of grindstone, constantly grinding and wearing on ones self esteem. Note I have no idea whether or not anything of what I've written is in anyway relevant too you, since I do not know.
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Just go to Deca's profile page, I posted my pics there. Keep clicking until you see my name with the spoiler tag.

Thank you for your thoughtful and lovely words.

I'm sure everyone enjoys your presence as well.
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And if her tongue was sticking out while the jam slips down her mouth to her neckline, it would give a sensual feeling while being creepier.

Just go to Deca's profile page, I posted my pics there. Keep clicking until you see my name with the spoiler tag.

Thank you for your thoughtful and lovely words.

I'm sure everyone enjoys your presence as well.
Thanks very much, I don't keep up with the pace around here like the rest of you spammers so, I wish I could be more around this neat little group of friends of ours, as I feel it. But I just don't find enough time. I have come and gone a bit lately. Think I'll probably be like that someone thats a bit more distant than the rest I'm afraid. But glad I can have some presence, and always flattered to hear it.

I went there, simply put...1 word. Awesome ofc. A real lady indeed reno. Classy and beautiful. And I try my best to be modest about it. I wonder if uninstall had anything to do with the inspiration after his post.

If I may be allowed, maybe ojou-sama is a bit dull and needs some modification, to Kami-Ojou-Sama™ :P Just a random thought~ Just something that crossed my mind while I happened to learn some more japanese.

Maybe I should post my self also now then...Maybe we all will in time, I think that might be cool.
[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] didn't you want someone too do that earlier ? So that you would also ? I don't know what you had in mind, but I'd be happy to do so.

Want to see if I can do it?
Hmm, I also bet you can, but it hasn't really been creepy up until now I think, current one looks rather cute...OR maybe that just means I'm not afraid of creepy :}

Oh and Deca, that drawing you made of yourself with glasses...that reminded me really of something, right now I'm thinking hmm what could it have been maybe it was accel world...which I really really wanna see I think or at least am very curious about(haven't seen yet)...maybe it was rozen maiden, that boy. yeh, do you look like him ? if you seen that, I just saw 1st episode today. Forgive me if I'm totally astray, I was actually just comparing the quality of different releases in regards to rozen maiden, so didn't really pay good attention.


In other news...I've been a bit distant lately, I have been having a download frenzy and anime marathon, currently watching a semi old show called claymore. Then in no specific order I plan to watch basilisk, Shigurui DeathFrenzy, Angel Beats and rozen maiden I think.

You know, by the time I am done posting..........some new development has off course occurred
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Your words really do flatter me. Thank you.

Deca showed me a picture of his... for the chibi drawings. So he wanted to see mine... That's the gist of it. :p
Hmm distant... i dont really consider you as distant xD As long as you just come by every so often then i wouldnt consider you distant :3
Yeah... coming once in awhile isn't distant... Now I'm curious as to who Izaya is... 99.9%

I was thinking about Anemone from Eureka 7 when I mentioned jam~
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