207 Good Idea, I had it cause I grew up with it and wanted to see what it was like, I had a DS when it came out. I have a 3DS XL so I don't have to worry about getting one later, and it's the only handheld I'll enjoy playing.
Only negative thing about 2nd generation... TOO FEW MOVES! I had a Quilava and it learned Flame Wheel in lvl 31, evolved in lvl 36 and then it learned Swift in lvl 45 and Flamethrower in lvl 60. Seriously? Swift is useless and i have to lvl him 29 lvls to get a good fire move? Bullsh*t
204 Welcome nawi! It wasn't the moves that bothered me the lack of appropriate levels of wilds and how I had to get so little exp to face the elite four!