

A Surfing slacker
Apr 2, 2012
Let's admit it.
It's not easy.

As for me, I can't cook...yet.
I can cook(?) eggs, I guess, but today I've realized that it was a false fantasy...since the egg went 'pop' during the process.
[After several minutes later, I witnessed a very clean kitchen though.]

So I wonder if any one of you guys is the actual master chef?!
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Lol i would say [MENTION=68]AntiClimax[/MENTION] cuz hes the first one that pops in mind when you say chef~ Check can also cook and i know various cooks irl~
Master chef - no.
Better than average - yes.

Many people do not like cooking because of how long it takes, especially me. And if you do rush, the taste differs.
I think I can cook...not a master though. But don't give up, Im sure everything is up on practice. You know I can bake cakes and pies too......but before I can do it...i got time only weekend. So It tooks me around 2-3 weekends to do it. At first it was very very complicated but then for a while you will autometically learn the steps......fight fight!~ dont give up!

P.S. I took time to learn to bake by myself around 5-6 hrs a day in weekend.
I wouldn't say master chef but I do consider myself able to cook...
My belief is that professional cooking and home cooking are two different things. Former mostly follow specific recipes to give out constant taste because customers come to expect such. Home cooking I think is all about inspiration as you always change your methods to fit the tongues of those who are going to eat your meal.

I'm one of those people who have never opened recipe books in their life. I mostly learned by watching my mother & grandmother who were usually not home and I never had a baby sitter so I've been cooking since 7 years old. I find these things come to you naturally as the need rises. So I wouldn't sweat it, maybe try to cook the next time there's no prepared meal in the fridge, instead of going out to eat.
You'll be surprise with yourself at cooking, when hunger and desperation meet.
There's one time, few years ago, I was feeling hungry in the middle of the night.
To my surprise that there's wasn't any ready-to-eat food available in the kitchen, not even egg(where I could at least boil or fry) or instant noodle.
Suddenly I got one of those MacGyver idea popped in my mind. In the fridge was a large bowl of Chinese noodle(look like spaghetti only thicker), and in the cabinet was a can of Sardine in tomato sauce.
Since I dunno how to cook or fry Chinese noodle, I did the closest thing to noodle - I made spaghetti out of Chinese noodle and some sardine. Just boil the noodle, and then pour the sardine on top of it.
There wasn't much in taste, but when you're hungry, anything goes down the 'hatch'.
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I'm too cook... I'm can from austrian to hungarian food cooking.
I can cook! I wouldn't call myself a master chef though. But I can cook quite a few things! I prefer baking though. I find baking more challenging, messing up even the smallest thing can really throw off the whole recipe, so I feel more fulfilled when I can produce a really nice cake or pie. Cooking normal meals like breakfast lunch or dinner, fun as it may be, just doesn't bring me quite the same joy as baking! But if you take some time and be patient you can start to cook things that you might have thought way too complicated for someone who is teaching themselves, it can be quite rewarding so don't give up! :D
Even if someone can cook well, studied at Le Cordon Bleu, and is on Iron Chef, he/she still wouldn't consider him/herself a master.

The reason is because despite all that knowledge and technique, he/she is still willing to grow and learn more. A title of 'master' isn't much. It's all about the taste, time, and heart put into a meal, dessert, or any other food as well.

At least, that is what I believe~

Personally, I am not a 'master', but I have the basics and can cook a good if not decent, healthy meal for my friends and family.

I learned mostly from my mother since she's my 'favorite cook'. :3

Cookbooks and food shows help. Still, experience and hands-on practice are important too~
I'll just say I have the ability to not boil salad and burn water.

My hands are still fair and my house is still standing.
I've learned to cook by watching and listening to my mom. I later learned some amazing gentle techniques from my grandmother~
Usually, I just follow what I'm told before I start trying to change something. Once I get a "feel" of what it's like making something, I start changing it to make things better. I'd say that the most important thing is the willingness to take a failure as a learning experience. I tried making scones one time, but failed because I didn't know that you have to make it differently than you would a cake. I've watched people and tried harder, and finally became able to make them~ The next step I'd learn is adding things into them. (fruit, raisins, nuts, etc.) I find that trying to use recipes from popular websites tend to be bad, even if they get some 5 star rating x_x. Another important part of cooking is to do things that you are comfortable with. I mean, I want to succeed more than I fail, so I tend to do "experimental" things maybe once a week or if I'm that sure.

As you change recipes, you'll just "know" what to use if you don't have some ingredients. It's pretty interesting what you can change. Sometimes it's better than following the recipe. (ex: butter instead of oil).
I think another important thing for cooking, is to try to have a little fun while cooking. I could be talking to a friend while I make something, and that would keep me from feeling bad if I mess up.

Umm... Last but not least, plan ahead. This was the most challenging thing for me. We usually didn't have everything I needed for new recipes. Because of that, we had to waste time going to the store while leaving something half-finished. If I wasn't sure, I'd make it for two or three people. If I was confident in what I'm making, I plan to make enough of it.

Pick the best time of the day you're okay with making something, you'll learn better and faster. For me, the morning I would rather do something simple for breakfast. But for other meals I'd make things with more flavor and healthiness for everyone. The important thing here is to get the right idea, or "feel" of how/why you should do something. Everything else seems to naturally follow~
Just earlier I made some basil sweet peppered garlic steak
I was mad because I forgot to prepare rice
Good thing I had bread, ham, and cheese :D
It was a great meatwich;)
I find baking is more fun than cooking, thou the preparation is somewhat longer.
Made my own cake when I was 12, with some help from my mom and grandma of course.
I used to have a dream to become chef, but not anymore. I just like to cook and eat.
i love to cook... i'd rather to make my own food rather than gone out to buy them, in my country this kind of action would makes a great difference in house book record per month!

i got my cooking skill from my mom and grandma. lately i love to watch youtube for making foreign dishes
well i SUCK at cooking lol i have my mother cook for me or i use al ready microwave meals but i do have a friend who enjoys cooking and he try to teach me i have to say is very interesting to see him create new recipes to make new creation the best part is eating the creation his created XD
cook... i just add hot water to instant food... oh yeah and also cook a bit, not master but enough to survive and have a good taste!
i love to cook... i'd rather to make my own food rather than gone out to buy them, in my country this kind of action would makes a great difference in house book record per month!

i got my cooking skill from my mom and grandma. lately i love to watch youtube for making foreign dishes
Talking about learning cooking with YouTube, take a look at this Aussie fellow.
The way he show how he cook make you wanna try at what he's cooking.
Here's some of his cooking:
You can find the ingredients in all his cooking videos at the description section.

He also have a second YouTube account, which is focus more on Bakery. You can check it out here
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Hmm i want to cook and it seems simple enough in my mind... at least i can make eggs and whatever else atm~ maybe cook if someone was keeping time and whatnot... recipes...
I used to be able to cook. Now I'm not sure whether I'll be able to cook a decent meal until I get a result for my current condition.

Favorite thing to cook would be basic herb spaghetti with sauce. Fairly simple and you can put more stuff in as long you know what you're doing. Although I'm fairly good with main course dishes and sometimes basic sweets and bakery based food.
Talking about learning cooking with YouTube, take a look at this Aussie fellow.
The way he show how he cook make you wanna try at what he's cooking.
Here's some of his cooking:
You can find the ingredients in all his cooking videos at the description section.

He also have a second YouTube account, which is focus more on Bakery. You can check it out here

whoa... thanks for noticing me! this is great! gonna try them soon after i got time to shop the ingredient
I have been living alone for 4 years in a foreign country. At first, it was really difficult for me, but I get used to it. If you are really tired to make anything, then you can always make some delicious salads. Olive oil, salad cheese and vegetables always form a great combination.
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XD I'm no chef but it would be great to be one right now I'm just cooking cereal >.<
Here a simple salad recipe from my ol' dad.

Slice half hard boil egg(as many as you like)
Cucumber(chopped into long rectangular)

Mix all the ingredients and you have a salad.


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