
With egg you can make anything, egg is the best food i think. And if you dont now how to cook you can always boiler some egg and eat with salad or bread is good and mayonaise,
I did all I could to learn cooking but :foreveralone:

So I just buy stuff that I need, cuz I don't wanna die of food poisoning, or die at my own hands :ohnoes:

Not a master chef, but people eat everything I cook! :)
These days we all need to know how to cook to one level or another. There's no harm in cooking, but I think the problem is with cleaning up after your done.
some1: you can cook?
me: of course !
some1: what's ur special cuisine?
me: fried egg, yeah, you can call me Egg Master.
Think cooking as a language.
Now, I had this poem about cooking being a language, but regretfully, I can't remember.
Anyhow, the point is you can never rush it! Most importantly, as you can never fully master learning a language, you can never master cooking.
That being said, I still can't believe how I can't cook after all these time...

Though in truth, I did manage to cook a dish with chicken breasts.

Never tasted a rubber, but it sure tasted like one.
i can cook the basic of dishes but i want to get better and do more advance dishes
Nah. Not really a cook. But basics like frying, yes. I love cooking chao-fan. 'Cause that's all I could do decently. Haha.
hm... I can cook decent meal for myself... though I'm not really sure if I can make the taste consistent (since I take cooking/baking as a game - I wanna see all the endings so I tried different approach each time) :3
I need help cooking. I'm so bad at it. And it doesn't help that I live on my own...

I'm going to starve soon. ;-;
[MENTION=36446]w33t[/MENTION]; what kind of cooking do you need help with? Asian food? western cuisine?
[MENTION=36446]w33t[/MENTION]; Can't your partner cook?

She does and im very thankful! unfortunately I don't live with her at the moment. I'm hoping soon though. so about 70% of the time i have to cook on my own.

and honestly I don't think ive cooked anything thats had more than three ingredients. Except maybe a veggie soup. =/
[MENTION=36446]w33t[/MENTION]; You could always ask her to teach you a bit whenever you visit her. If both of you cook during those occations then she can easily teach you some things.
Thats a good idea. I'll have to ask her but I'm sure she'd be up to it. =]
After a bit of practise you can probably start to cook at her house while she just watch you and see if you do it right and can throw in some hints/help you in case there's something that you forget/do wrong. It's worth a try at least.
Start off something simple. Like sunny side up or even just do the basic things in cooking before actually cooking a meal. That way you can gain the basic essentials before you start to work your way down on recipes. That's how I learned the basic of cooking. Though I still have a long way to go when it comes to cooking with limited ingredients as a challenge. Hahaha...
I am definitely not a master when it comes to cooking but, I seem to be a natural. Actually, it was kinda funny because one day I made meatloaf and I added some extra stuff to it *cough* cheese *cough* lol anyway my mom made it like a week later and my dad and little brother said they liked my cooking better, it really ticked my mom off lol cause she cooks all the time.

My little brother is the only one in the house that DOESN'T know how to cook. Just thought I'd through that in lol.
These days, people fall into two groups. Those who know how to cook, or those who order food all the time.
hmm...just the basic cooking=/ fried rice, stir-fried vegetables and soup, omelette
Ahh... I tried learning for 2 months & after cutting my fingers, burning stuff & some serious stomach ache I gave up... all I need is a bottle of dew & some fresh bread or potato chips :thumbup:

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