Corruption games (also brainwashing,mindcontrol)

The only two big name corruption game in the upcoming last two months of the year (that we KNOW have corruption) are:

Venus Blood Ragnarok in November
PrimaVeil Drei Dark Mission in December

I think I may check out Dark Mission since it's confirm they BOTH get corrupted and there may be scenarios post-corruption.

I'm also hoping that 粘獄のリーゼ (out tomorrow) have some corruption but I won't bet on it.
Well, in the meantime, what were some of your favorite corruption or post-corruption scenes?
I....I'll answer this once I collect my thoughts....and write around 5-10 pages worth of description...:D (They're mostly from MAIKA games)
The only two big name corruption game in the upcoming last two months of the year (that we KNOW have corruption) are:

Venus Blood Ragnarok in November
PrimaVeil Drei Dark Mission in December

I think I may check out Dark Mission since it's confirm they BOTH get corrupted and there may be scenarios post-corruption.

I'm also hoping that 粘獄のリーゼ (out tomorrow) have some corruption but I won't bet on it.

thats nice, always loved post corruption events.
Well, in the meantime, what were some of your favorite corruption or post-corruption scenes?

Without a doubt exs-tia's corruption scene in game 1 with the abdomen tattoo. Such a good scene. And then the corrupted magical girl transformation afterwords. It's animated and so freakn good. Plus there's a good amount of post-corruption too


Heroine in the second game was good too.


LIKE OMG I FELT SPOILED with utter perfection.
Without a doubt exs-tia's corruption scene in game 1 with the abdomen tattoo. Such a good scene. And then the corrupted magical girl transformation afterwords. It's animated and so freakn good. Plus there's a good amount of post-corruption too


Heroine in the second game was good too.


LIKE OMG I FELT SPOILED with utter perfection.

I'll have to agree on this....
The pre&post corruption henshin animation...
Those are what I'd call masterpiece...

I think i'm going to try these exs-tias' games. I don't really like game that have battles or rpg through. Anyone know if there is a walthrough for the exs-tia's games?
I think i'm going to try these exs-tias' games. I don't really like game that have battles or rpg through. Anyone know if there is a walthrough for the exs-tia's games?

The game is super easy. It's basically a clicking minigame. I don't understand any japanese and I figured it out in like 2 tries without understanding anything.
The two games are different gameplay-wise. Both are super easy.

For this to make sense, actually play the game until you reach the first battle first. It'll be easier to understand once you see how the game looks. Just do the battle and then read this once you lose(Maybe you figure it without even reading this. it's easy).

In the first game your bar charges when you are not blocking, and you do more damage the more full your bar is when you attack. (You bar is more full, more bar=more damage.) Click one of the red circles in the middle to attack.

Now when blocking you drain your bar, and you only need to block when they attack. If you look at the right side you see their bar, it lowers from top to bottom. When it hits the bottom the attack. Just hit them when you can and block when you need to.

When their HP is low enough get a full bar and you will be able to click the blue diamond at the top and kill them. There's only 3 possible actions, block, do nothing to charge bar, or attack. all are done in simple clicks.

Second game is even easier. blue orbs come towards your character and if they hit you, they do damage. Literally click the blue circles that are coming towards you before they hit you. That's it. There is also a block button that drains your bar if you use it. Again more bar is mroe damage. Same thing as first game, there are buttons to attack when you have enough bar

Thirdly, Even if somehow you actually can't understand the game, there is 'skip battle' options after your first try. You can load the game after you die to right before the battle and you'll be given 3 options. First option at the top is go to battle,second option is skip battle and win, last option is skip battle and lose.


to get 100% cg's its easy. Do one run through the game where you win every fight without losing once(Good ending, who really cares about this though? Actually the game overs on good route are nice).

Do the entire game again, but lose as MUCH battles as possible to go into the corruption route. Usually you get 3 tries against opponents before you get a game over, sometimes less. Just keep going until you have to win. You'll enter corruption route.

There will be a few other cg's you get by going to the 'good ending' and then losing because you get to fight more enemies. I recommend this, some of the good ending route 'game overs' are very nice.

In the second game it's the same thing, except there's a new heroine and a few more decisions. Just do the win all without losing route , then lose as much as possible route and you'll get the cg's

That's all. Have fun! Trust me it's worth it. Quality Corruption. It has everything. It may not be super amazing storywise or anything, but it does every single 'generic' corruption fetish pretty well and the cgs are pretty good.

PS: I need more corruption games T_T

I remember someone said triangle was good, but I can't find any links. Anyone have?
Well, in the meantime, what were some of your favorite corruption or post-corruption scenes?

A couple of my favorite corruption scenes? Sure, i'll share some. Most of my favorites are based on the scene around the corruption and what i've been able to glean from machine translations.

Venusblood has pretty good corruption scenes usually, but my favorite one is definitely Freya from Venusblood Empire. There's a strong Netori element to it and when Freya tells the ghost of her dead husband that he means nothing to her anymore just before she transforms into her fallen form it presses all the right buttons for me. A clear break and change mentally in the character precedes the physical change in a great way.

I'm also a huge fan of the corruption scene for Mai in TS Mahou Shoujo Nao. The scene itself is ok, but the fact that it's a payoff to a really impressive slow burn corruption is what makes it great. Whats even better is that there's still an entire chapter to the game after the corruption, so we get to see the heroine become duplicitous and deceptive to her former comrades as well as interact further with the other corrupted magical girl and her corrupter. I'm seriously hyped for the upcoming sequel.

I also enjoyed the corruption scene for Atena (the gold one) in Gakuen Sei Senshi Sailor Knight 2 (the game that prompted this thread's creation). The main character uses twisted logic to convince her that her desire for a 'family' can't coexist with her desire for 'justice' and she decides that she wants him as a family more than she wants justice, swearing to betray her comrades for him as she transforms into her fallen uniform. Then she helps him corrupt the rest of the team. It's great.
And on that note.....

I told you it's five pages worth at least..... (Long rant coming)

Memorable scenes of Corruption/Post Corruptions

These are scenes that really sticks with me for whatever reason (maybe it was the first game with this type of eroticism I played or because it was done really uniquely) and it always come to mind easier than maybe other scenarios from other games. This may not be 100 % accurate with the details since I’m just working from memory but I’d say 90-95% correct.

1. Haitoku no Gakuen: You’re enslaving/corrupting the rich girl daughter of the headmistress of the school via a ritual designed to unleash her darkside & magical powers. Of course you’ve already corrupted the headmistress into your slave but the really interesting thing is that you’ve also corrupted her husband into your slave as well and they both urged her (who is half-way there mentally due to your influence) to join them as your slave. After she takes the plunge and is corrupted and reborn as your witch slave and pledges her allegiance to you, they congratulates her for becoming what they meant her to be (or something like that.)

2. Haitoku no Gakuen: During the final showdown with a witch hunter who transferred here to kill you, you’ve made preparation and she soon found herself against the four or so MAIN girls who she knew as friends & teachers. Their introduction scene as they walk up to her naked wearing a collar showing their allegiance to you and the witch hunter girl’s feeling of betrayal and helplessness is very well conveyed. (PS.Afterward when you try to find a way to make sure that the witchhunter girl’s disappearance does not alert her organization, you find a way to turn her into a witch like the other girls AND they all are GLAD that soon the witchhunter girl will soon be like them and an ally to you. So you pretty much go through the ritual and more or less destroys the witchhunter girl’s old personality while rebirthing her as a witch herself who continues to feed false information to her organization while working with the other girls to create more female slaves for you)

3. Haitoku no Gakuen: While corrupting the MAIN girls in this game are good, there’s SOMETHING about corrupting a nun into your FIRST follower who then gladly offers her body to you and masquerading as a priest that’s REALLY memorable AND corrupting the nerdy librarian girl who’s the friend of one of the MAIN girl who then QUICKLY offers information on her friend and gladly offers to betray her.

4. Justice Blade 1: After you have corrupted and turn Justice Swan (the Pink/white One) into your personal sex doll. Her first act of villainy is seducing the Green Justice Blade, a young boy who has a crush on her as his big sister and pretty much raping him into her OWN sex doll and THEN into Desbrand’s hand to be turned into a monster warrior.

5. TS Maho Shojou Nao: Arti Cherry (the Pink One)’s ongoing eventual corruption which withers down her resistance until she gives in and begs to be your slave. AND her secret assassination mission scene where she secretly murders a high ranking official in your organization FOR you with no one in her organization the wiser and where she shows off her new darker/more ruthless personality AND her new slave form is something that’s very chilling and erotic.

6. Justice Blade 3: IN one route, after you rewind time to go back into your personal timeline to better defeat the evil queen, you decide to enslave all the Justice Blade to work more efficiently as your sex slave strike team. The time is when the “mysterious” new Justice Blade Sephiroth is scheduled to appear and everything seems to be going like how it originally went before you rewid time….EXCEPT that you’ve already enslaved the three main Justice Blade girls + their commander ALREADY. And on the outside they played their role like you told them to in order to match what happened in the original timeline while secretly they already know who Sephiroth IS and HOW she’s a fly WALKING into their spider web and HOW they’ll play with her and fuck her both physically & mentally until she’s their master’s slave. To me this Redo scene is very erotic AND the actual scene where they takes her down /play mind game with her + erode her confidence then brainwash her is also pretty good.

7. Justice Blade Zero: After enslaving the Green Justice Blade Electron, who is the mother of the Red Justice Blade, she slips mind altering drugs into her daughter’s drink smirking evilly after her daughter left that SOON her daughter will soon realizes her true identity as that of your slave. Afterward when the red one is your slave, she berates her mother for keeping this wonderful truth from her and the green one says that her daughter JUST wasn’t ready to embrace the Master’s wonderfulness at the time without their help.

8. Soldivan 2: While you’ve already enslaved Stellaban (the main space sheriff) and turned her into your slave. The brainwashing is wearing off so after one alteration where she tries to flee/ fight back ,etc. You hooked her up to a machine which shows you her MOST important memories that inspires her to become a space sheriff herself where she talks with the (unfortunately not voiced) Soldivan ,who is merely a guest cameo in this game, about the duty of the Space Sheriff. You then alters her memory of Soldivan’s speech to turn it into one of obedience towards you and more making sure Stellalban is now more and forever your dark corrupted slave.

9. Tetrastar: You’ve enslaved the rich girl who is the sponsor of the Tetrastar and you tell her to pleasure you, she doesn’t exactly know how to since she’s never done this before so you have to show her what to do. Several scenario later after your training, she is eagerly showing off her nude body and her allegiance to you in front of her father which breaks him mentally so that she can assume control of the school and the organization sponsoring the Tetrastar. She then uses her position to secretly drug Tetraleaf (the green one) and use the organization’s funding + knowledge of the Tetrastar to help create a monster to seduce/corrupt the drugged Tetraleaf.

10. Tetrastar: The introduction of the new Tetra Demon and Tetra Ogre who are corrupted sex slave version of the two Tetrastar as they step forth to eagerly swear allegiance and serve you. Also the end reveal where Tetra Glenn, the red one, is confronted by ALL those she considered allies and friends who are now your loyal slave warriors. The scene shows off her dismay quite well. (Unfortunately no corruption+ enslaving happened to her, goddamit)

11. PrismSaber (Lusterise): The scene is where the haughty Blue Prism Saber with the bow is confronting the already enslaved White Priest One. The Blue Prism Saber hasn’t exactly been friendly to her two comrades before and now the White (now Black) Prism Saber is laying into her. She’s out matched when the White/ Pink main heroine with a big sword appears to save the day. Belated, the blue one outlines her plans/ order so that they can defeat their corrupted comrade when the White/Pink one then coldly stated “And just why do I have to listen to YOU?” and kicks her to the curb. The blue one doesn’t understand and begins to ask when the White one continues “Shut up” and kicks her again and transforms into her own corrupted self. Now the odds are even more against the blue one and just to add more disadvantage to her, earlier the white/pink one had “innocently” given her a drink….full of laxative… The blue one goes down HARD… A very satisfying scenario.

12. PrismSaber (Lusterise): To continue, the Blue one has been captured and mentally broken, she sees no one coming to save her, her friends are now working for the other side, her pride is in tattered as she was defeated soundly and thoroughly. She’s gone through several physical humiliation from tentacles and more and she finally gives in HARD and is enslaved/corrupted and reborn… Sometime later, one of the male child hood friend who you play AS finds the missing three girls and they look at him and seductively stated that they wonder just HOW long his body/mind will last once they pleasure themselves off him.

13. Sailor Knight 2: The seduction and corruption of the small pink one (Sailor Garnette) by the now evil Sailor Star Ruby, her idol senpai. It starts off very lovingly like a lesbian’s wet dream and what makes it very memorable to me is that Star Ruby and Garnette are expies of Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon.

14. Sailor Knight 2: Following her corruption, Dark Garnette, in her civilian identity lures all the members of her Tennis Club into a trap where they were trapped and slated to be turned into building materials for evil Moumas. When one members screams for a Sailor Knight to help them, Garnette transforms and pretty much says “Here’s your Sailor Knight” crushing their hopes& dreams of being rescued.

15. Sailor Knight/ Sailor Knight2: This one is sort of repeated throughout the two games with different target but a corrupted Sailor Star Sapphire lures the unsuspecting Star Ruby/ Emerald to try “drugged” food prepared either by herself or someone she enslaved, all with an innocent looking smile that turns to an evil smirk once the victim drops to the floor.

16. Sailor Knight 2: Another scenario is with enslaving/corrupting Gold Heart (The Sailor Venus Expy) you pretty much wormed your way into her heart and brainwash her so that even before her evil transformation which cements her corruption, she has pretty much given her heart and absolute loyalty to you and swear to crush all your opposition which is her remaining “teammates.”

17. Sailor Knight 2: This is 2 of the endings where the last assault on you and Dark Star Ruby is happening. In two of the ending, either the 2 new members of the team or the 2 old members of the team are already corrupted and had already sworn allegiance to you and in the plan to save Star Ruby, they backstab the remaining two from behind and show off their new dark self and pretty much beat the other two into submission with evil glee.

18: Sailor Knight 2: The third ending is when all four Sailor Knights have already been corrupted and sworn allegiance to you….but they don’t know that the other two (new/old) have already been corrupted and they try to hilariously ‘backstab’ each other culminating in you telling them and they all transform into their evil self and alongside Dark Star Ruby swear allegiance to you now and forever as your Sailor Knights. (This scenario is my favorite in Sailor Knight 2 if you load and read the beginning of the other 2 endings in 17. Where the new/old team thinks of how much they’ll betray the other side and then switch/load to this scenario.)
(The other ending where you use your dimensional power to bring your evil Sailor Knight team to battle all five of their uncorrupted self where you made the wrong choices is also good but nothing TOO erotic and as memorable as THESE 3 endings)

19. Patreisser: This happens in one of the scenario where you already enslaved and corrupted the blue and yellow Patreisser with the red one left. All three are tracking a monster in an area and the red one charges in to lure it out after having agreed on a plan with the other two for them to have her back/ support fire in the situation… only for nobody to come to her rescue when her suit mysteriously shorted out. The other two were never in position and laughing maliciously at “such misfortune” happening to the red one as she screams over her comm-link for help.

20. Tossen 3 : You’ve brainwashed via machine + mind altering drugs+ your tentacles, the yellow cocky one who more or less says she’ll kill you for this if she gets out. Once you’re done, she wakes up with an evil smirk and takes the fucking in stride. You ask her to announce who she is and she does …and even wonders why you’re asking something that is as plain as day.
Later you see her evil transformation and pledge of allegiance, showing that she is eager to corrupt her two former teammates.

21. Tossen 3: Later on once you used the yellow one to capture & then brainwash the red one, the two are now glad to be working together again and is eager to capture+ humiliate the remaining L. blue one. They enacted a scenario where the L. Blue one is plainly excluded from their communication as if she wasn’t privy to the joke they have between them and making her feel bad +inadequate. Then they spring the trap to capture her and corrupt her.

22. Tossen 3: In another route, you captured the blue one first and pretty much use your mind-altering drug to create an evil copy of her that helps tear down her values via rape scenarios in the mind + real rape. At the end she awakes and swear allegiance to your group Desbrand mocking her former belief as trash compared to the true justice that is Desbrand. She then proceed to play mind-game, defeat and humiliate the yellow one in both her normal good form + her stronger corrupted form.

23. Tossen 3: For the red one, her route is the least memorable compared to the other two but…once you enslaved + corrupt her. She helps lure the other two into a trap and blasted them good. However the other two appeals to her good nature and helps her break her brainwashing and she gets a power up ala most magical girl like Precure/ Sailor Moon… If you make the right choice, the power up is all for naught and you quickly re-enslaved her and then go on to enslave the other two as well. The scenario in 21-23 ends with you having all three magical girls under your control. In another choice you can make, you can find a way to get both the three magical girls and your female evil co-worker + your subordinate + your own organization’s magical girl to be your slave. (However there’s no end HCG to show that unlike the one with just the three magical girls)

24. Sailor Element: You’ve enslaved the blue one AND during the battle with the two, you and the blue one actually pretend to fight while actually having sex with each other outside the view of the red one who’s being engaged by your subordinate.

25. Sailor Element: The blue one takes down the red one having her raped by gangs of men around her, forcing her to take back and apologize for all the mean thing she said about you, her master and cap it off with her heel on the red one’s head.

26. Exstia 2: The original Exstia (the blue one) having a succubus (who looks suspiciously like her evil form from the first game but brown) grown from her making her weak, unable to transform and all the pleasure from t the succubus’s sexual escapade is transferred to her corrupting her bit by bit. Thanks to your MC not noticing or spending time with the new Exstia (the red one) she is left alone/ isolated and needing sex. She finally snapped and went and raped someone, finally getting the power to transform …but killing them after too much sex in the process and finally not caring if they’re dead ( her eyes turned evil) which leads into her total corruption & demon form shortly afterward.

I’m pretty sure there are more but I would have to think about it. These one are the one that comes to mind quickly. The other ones may need a rewatch (you know, for "research" purposes)
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Without a doubt exs-tia's corruption scene in game 1 with the abdomen tattoo. Such a good scene. And then the corrupted magical girl transformation afterwords. It's animated and so freakn good. Plus there's a good amount of post-corruption too


Heroine in the second game was good too.


LIKE OMG I FELT SPOILED with utter perfection.

Both hands and legs up for this. Exstia is top on my list, i can't help but feel that the first one was better than the 2nd one, probably because 2nd one didn't have dual corrupted scene as i was expecting, and also the 2nd post corruption transformation was slightly meek compared to the first
And on that note.....

I told you it's five pages worth at least..... (Long rant coming)

I've been looking for tossen 3for like half my life. T_T You wanna torrent your copy please? <3 I also never played TS Maho Shojou Nao because I couldn't find it. Have any links to there? T_T PLEASEE I reall want to play these. any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also this long list reminds me of some of my favourite games storywise. Oh yeah, I'm wondering if you played these deathranger.

Tetsu to Ra

The princess/queen(Don't remember if she was princess or queen) is the last to be corrupted. She treated you as less than her the whole game and she's a total closet femdom. All the other corrupt girls help you capture and ruin her. Only she knows how to unlock your true power/true self which was sealed away a long time ago to keep peace. After some thorough degrading you threaten to have an ogre/orc mate fuck her until she breaks. She finally gives in and tells you that you need to go to a certain location, where's it's locked away. After this, you say that you don't believe her and and it could just be a trap. She begs you on her hands and knees and swears she's telling the truth.

I don't remember exactly what happens but you basically say you don't believe her and then have her fucked silly by the orc. Once it's done, it turns out you did believe her and just wnated her to suffer. You and all main heriones all head to the location.

This is what I just love. Every character you corrupted is needed to reach that location and unlock your sealed away power. The priestess you corrupted is necessary to give you access to the path there, someone else has a key, the princess needs to unlock it, etc. I may jsut be crazy and got some of this wrong, but that was the jist of it. I loved it. i want to go replay it now actually.

Another one I wanted to mention was Sailor Knight 2.

I'm surprised you didn't like the final ending more where the evil heroines go to the alternate universe where you made wrong decisions and corrupt all the good versions. Maybe I just love selfcest, but that was amazing. The good heroines had just defeated you and were celebrating, only to be taken down so easily by their corrupted counterparts. They then are fucked silly by them and you and you get a full DOUBLE HAREM. it's awesome.
I've been looking for tossen 3for like half my life. T_T You wanna torrent your copy please? <3 I also never played TS Maho Shojou Nao because I couldn't find it. Have any links to there? T_T PLEASEE I reall want to play these. any help would be greatly appreciated.

The rapidgator link for this seems to be working fine still, its not torrent though, might take some time.]-ts魔法少女なお-[1-77g][rj133220]-221967/
jimbo_extreme;2544126 I'm surprised you didn't like the final ending more where the evil heroines go to the alternate universe where you made wrong decisions and corrupt all the good versions. Maybe I just love selfcest said:
Oh no, no no... I DO like that ending but we were asked for MEMORABLE moment and the other three were more memorable in the sense that they come to my mind quicker than the double harem/ your evil Sailor Knight team fighting an alternate good team and so on....
OK I read up on creating a torrent in order to try seeding my copy of Tossen 3 but it seems that I have to keep my modem open until I finish initial seeding so that my IP address won't change.... THAT'S gonna be a problem since Tossen 3 is roughly 3 GB.... I don't think that's going to work for me since I sometime need to open/close my modem due to it not connecting to PSN also due to my Internet Service not being that good.

Unless I'm reading the tutorial wrong, I'm not sure how I can seed this alone initially. Sorry for getting your hopes up.

This torrent seems to work but I don't know how fast it is or even if it will finish...[h-game]-[patch]-111561/
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I remember had to like, waiting Tossen 3 from nyaa downloading with 3KB/s speed... I can't seed sorry, internet sucks.
You guys are so amazing. I'm gonna cry of joy. Looked for this so long ago and gave up. I should have searched the japanese title.
OK I read up on creating a torrent in order to try seeding my copy of Tossen 3 but it seems that I have to keep my modem open until I finish initial seeding so that my IP address won't change.... THAT'S gonna be a problem since Tossen 3 is roughly 3 GB.... I don't think that's going to work for me since I sometime need to open/close my modem due to it not connecting to PSN also due to my Internet Service not being that good.

TOssen3 torrent worked! I can't find a walkthrough for the game and I'm stuck on a dead end route for some reason :/

I went through the first transformation surgery thing, then on the second one, no matter what I pick I get a dead end.

EDIT: Nevermind you just have to fuck literally everyone first AND fuck the same magical girl you chose in the first transformation surgery
Well, THAT was fast.....

Jimbo_extreme, give us your impression on Tossen 3 and Nao when you're done.
Well, THAT was fast.....

Jimbo_extreme, give us your impression on Tossen 3 and Nao when you're done.

Oh myyy Goddd. Where do I start. Well first, I couldn't get to the bonus campaign for some reason. I swear I did every route to full completion. I just downloaded a 100% save to do the second bonus route(Where the cute white haired girl turns good and you defeat everyone. Pretty sweet).

Anyway, holy crap the main campaign was great. It reminds me of maika's first game (The one without gold sailor) but better. The set up for the beginning took very long, and was a little too much. But it was worth it when you got to the good stuff.

Like Maika's sailor tenshi game, you get to corrupt one of the girls and then get them to betray the others. I liked every route a lot. Red's was probably the worst, but still good. Yellow and blue were so freakn good. Blue was my favourite. There's a part where blue's body is being controlled against her will and she tells the others to leave her behind. Yellow and Red promise to save her and she said she'll be waiting. She gets completely corrupted after that. When yellow and red try to save her again, they manage to break her free of the thing controlling her body. There's a sweet selfcest scene I love that pushes her to break(I like selfcest a lot), and she pretends to be saved and then attacks them saying "Just joking, the thing controlling my body had nothing to do with corruption" because she was already fully corrupted. then the scene Blue has red in a tentacle pit and guilt's her before breaking her. Similar thing to yellow. I basically just described her whole route LOL, it was so good. Best part of the game. Her freakn facial expressions and mistreatment towards red when red is being broken in front of her was amazing. Red is begging ehr to come back to normal because they're best friends, and she gets slapped and ridiculed for leaving her behind in return. I really like the idea that she was mentally corrupted when she was put under. I need more things like that. Maika did that with their sailor knight games.

Yellow's corruption route where you corrupt red, after yellow is corrupted already, is another really good part. The way they mistreat bluetogether is is amazingly cruel.

Red's route's best part was when she broke out of brainwashing and recaptured and swore her allegiance again without brainwashing because she was already addicted to lust. Very nice. Her route was too short and no scenes where she ruins the other two. Strange.

Also random part I like, I liked how sachi?/saki?(The non-magical girl that is part of evil group). Anyway I liked her conversations with the magical girls at school and they're talking about their 'after school part time job' issues which are actually their organizations secretly fighting each other. They kept saying "I know how you feel, work is tough" etc. It was pretty funny, I don't usually laugh on eroge. This one had some nice humor.

Only thing I didn't like was they didn't animate the evil transformation like the good transformation the first time it happened. That's nitpicking.

As for bunny I just downloaded a save file. Guilty XD I got impatient and didn't want to marathon another game. The two corruption scenes for the two magical girls are great. I love how they beg before being broken and their post-corrupted outfits were great. I kinda wish I actually played it first. Maybe some other time.

I wish the blonde girl got a corruption scene. I think she was really cute. love red eyes. I don't know the story because I haven't played it yet, but I heard she's genderbend. Doesn't bother me rlly, but I did want corruption.

That was quite a rant. Tossen3 was great! and nao scenes were rlly good! All in ALL, I FUCKING LOVE outfit changes and magical girls that all betray each other. I never get sick of it. Now I have that sad pit of emptiness again.

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