Corruption games (also brainwashing,mindcontrol)

Holy cow, I never knew about this support stuff until today. No wonder I was falling behind people for no discernible reason. With a support deck set up I'm hitting 220k to 245k attack damage. That's ridiculous!


Thanks for the tips eauto! I'm back in rank 1 thanks to this!
Got a little question. How to level up card skill? Tried battle, upgraded and did some quest, however my card skill still at (1/5). ε-(;-ω-`)
Got a little question. How to level up card skill? Tried battle, upgraded and did some quest, however my card skill still at (1/5). ε-(;-ω-`)

You level up a skill by doing feeding (the broken heart with screws in it) it a card with a similar ability. I like to use this site to see what cards are considered to have 'similar' abilities.
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Anyone can confirm the points given for the current battle event? I want to check whether it is influence by the player's current rank and opponent's rank. I felt that the experience given even with exp 1.5x is lower than the previous event. I am rank 8 and defeating opponent rank 5 with 1.5x exp only yield me somewhere near 60 points. Gonna reconfirm the exact point given a bit later. If anyone can confirm the point given, it would be helpful.
Anyone can confirm the points given for the current battle event? I want to check whether it is influence by the player's current rank and opponent's rank. I felt that the experience given even with exp 1.5x is lower than the previous event. I am rank 8 and defeating opponent rank 5 with 1.5x exp only yield me somewhere near 60 points. Gonna reconfirm the exact point given a bit later. If anyone can confirm the point given, it would be helpful.


The points is influenced by
-BP 1-3
-Opponent's rank

I got 27 points from rank 7.
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I just did some testing, 1 BP. I'm rank 1 so I'm not positive on if that will scale anything:

Rank 1: 60 points
Rank 2: 54 points
Rank 3: 48 points
Rank 4: 42 points
Rank 5: 36 points
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After this Battle event, anyone has any idea what's the next event will be? Will it be defending or attacking type of event? Currently, I am in a bit of dilemma whether to go for around 30000 attack points or around 30000 defense point card. For the sake of SSR limiter release card, I have been spamming a lot of BP potions, hope it will help on the next event.
The next event is probably going to be a raid event due to the announced collaboration with Dualtail and the 3 cards they revealed. The only events that have 3 SSRs so far are raid events.

Aside from that, attack is generally better than defense IMO. Attack helps you more in pvp events (because its how you make your points) as well as raid events. Not to mention that the defense events are pretty bullshit if you want to fully clear it, so its best to hold off until you have a full SSR defense deck. I had to try like 10 times until the RNG gave me all my skills to clear the last stage of the event and my deck is full of 25000 defense event characters
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Just to confirm, 1 of the event with 3 cards still havent gave out the rewards? I mean the latest one. I felt that I haven't seen those 3 SSR cards.
I just played Crimson Lunatics from triangle. awesome stuff! Is there any other corruption games from them that are that good or better? I tried to get some other triangle game, but it's DRM blocked and couldn't find the crack.

Anyone with good links/titles would be appreciated greatly.
Not really. I dont even know if there is anything announced that has corruption in it coming up soon.

On the plus side, a bunch of corruption stuff has been translated recently on ex hentai and the c91 stuff is slowly being uploaded.
Not really. I dont even know if there is anything announced that has corruption in it coming up soon.

On the plus side, a bunch of corruption stuff has been translated recently on ex hentai and the c91 stuff is slowly being uploaded.

Yeah, I saw just now that some of Satou Kuuki's stuff was translated.
It's February already....
Any news of released / upcoming corruption games somebody ....
I'm starting to wither right now...

Personaly even a good eroge can plaease me (like what hapen with the out of rance 6 and 5d in english :).But the best think that can hapen is a good corruption game in with 50+hour in french to be reales but little chance that hapen (but some of a english game ) personaly i hope after of the VBR that portion will out a new game or a new vilage of nigtmare since the last was end in a clifaner and waiting by play good english game like TLS or Alone Amongst Demons The Change if somme have other i eart (but i probaly know it)
ps you know that crooked navel realesse one day the news game since they have give trial version the 7 january
Well , I do hope so... But I need corruption games ASAP....
My playlist has never been this empty before...

Well not so much as a game but mahou shoujo utea 3rd ova is coming out in another few days. That series has good corruption in it, the manga was really good.
Well not so much as a game but mahou shoujo utea 3rd ova is coming out in another few days. That series has good corruption in it, the manga was really good.

When I saw that notification I thought we'll be getting another corruption game ... Seems not eh....
Well... It can't be helped....
I've read the manga though , not sure if the anime is different or not...
Perhaps I'll check it out...

I just seen that Black Cyc have a new game (the one that make one of my prefered coruption game yami no koe) and every Black Cyc was corruption game since start of this studio so huge chance that this one is one (if some one can read i am too tired now maybe itried tomorow)


この島には、白蛇を多産の神 “コウミガミ” として奉る 巳重神社(みかさじんじゃ)があり、
宮司を務める神蛇家は、その蛇神の望みとして言い伝えられている “兄妹婚” を代々慣わしとしていた。

現在、宮司を務めるのは 神蛇丞(かんだ たすく)。
先代である父が流行病でこの世を去ってすぐ跡を継いだものの、父を亡くしたことで精神を病んだ母・鏡佳 の世話に
妹の 玲 とふたり、頭を悩ませていた。

そんなある日、学者を名乗る 柳本国定 が神社を訪ねてくる。

同日、鏡佳の妹であり丞の初恋の人・九鬼零佳 も現れ、泊まり込みで家事を手伝いたいと申し出てくるが、突然のことに丞は零佳を不信に思う。



well, there is a remake of Inyouchuu coming out in April:
it should include new versions of the old scenes along some new ones, the original game had lots of corruption, mind breaking, some mind control and of course lots of tentacles =P

I've never tried Inyouchuu before.... But from the CGs , there doesn't seem to be any visible corruption , only mind break and moral degeneration. Perhaps I need to read the scenario to understand the corruption story behind the picture...
Can you confirm ?

I just seen that Black Cyc have a new game (the one that make one of my prefered coruption game yami no koe) and every Black Cyc was corruption game since start of this studio so huge chance that this one is one (if some one can read i am too tired now maybe itried tomorow)

Any link?
well yeah, it's mostly moral degradation and in some routes one of the girls will go against the others or luring in other people after being enslaved, in general they start as normal good characters and gradually give in to the demon who's raping them Also plenty of body modification, impreg by monsters etc.
I'm not sure if that fits the definition of corruption, if it's like "the magical girl is now an evil magical girl" there is none of that. I believe 光翼戦姫エクスティア (1 and 2) by lusterise is more along those lines, have you played it?
well yeah, it's mostly moral degradation and in some routes one of the girls will go against the others or luring in other people after being enslaved, in general they start as normal good characters and gradually give in to the demon who's raping them Also plenty of body modification, impreg by monsters etc.
I'm not sure if that fits the definition of corruption, if it's like "the magical girl is now an evil magical girl" there is none of that. I believe 光翼戦姫エクスティア (1 and 2) by lusterise is more along those lines, have you played it?

Well , I think luring other people counts as corruption XD
And "the magical girl is now an evil magical girl" thing is definitely my kind of thing...
I've played both Exstia games , and most of the corruption games out there, In fact , my vndb profile has 153 votes , most of which are corruption VNs, not including RPG-maker games...
And now I'm in dire need of corruption game....
If only someone would be able to give me titles of corruption games I've never played before (especially those with costume change) , it would've been great....


By the way , about Inyouchuu , should I play it from the 1st title of the series or are there any other way to play it?


Sorry for the long rant

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