Corruption games (also brainwashing,mindcontrol)

Hey guys, I wanted to thank everyone for the suggestions listed here. Partly for others and partly just to get my thoughts on paper, I thought I'd review the games I've completed so far.


Tossen3: The first one I played and still my favorite to date. I like the initial funny interactions, and it gets into some good corruption later on. In order of routes, I would say Yellow>Blue>Red. I particularly love the "wolf in sheep's clothing" plots you can get into with corruption, and so I particularly liked Light's initial ambush on Flare and their team-up against Aqua later. Aqua was great on her route when she kept pretending for a few seconds to be defeated/un-brainwashed before giving that awesome smirk. I wish there would've been a choice to have her pretend to be freed and then slowly ingrain herself back into the group before turning on them. According to the game CG's I've seen, there's a route where Saki becomes a monster? I can't for the life of me find the way to unlock that route.

Justice Blade 3 + ZERO: Posting these both together because they're both so gosh darn similar - right down to the mom commander sentai who's the mother of the leader sentai. Both were good though - I played ZERO first and the initial reveal of the true identity of Gravity is great, and Justice Blizzard is my favorite out of both games. However, I have to slightly favor 3 due to the more "wolf in sheep's clothing" plot I mentioned above. I wish there would've been more evil team-up between Yellow and Purple in 3 when corrupting the other 2.

TS Mahou Shoujo Nao: For whatever reason, I couldn't really get into this one. The internal thoughts were nice, but only two girls plus no real interaction with uncorrupted members on the corruption route was very disappointing to me. I wish we had the full game or at least the option to go after a third girl, or see Cherry interact more with her other "friends" after already falling.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. If you have any recommendations, please share. Next I'm going after Haitoku no Gakuen and Sailor Knights 2 if I can find a safe torrent someplace. I wanted to give a special thank you to deathranger for his fantastic list of basic story beats for all of the above, it helped me decide to finally download and play them.
Aqua was great on her route when she kept pretending for a few seconds to be defeated/un-brainwashed before giving that awesome smirk. I wish there would've been a choice to have her pretend to be freed and then slowly ingrain herself back into the group before turning on them.

I couldn't agree more with this , especially the first sentence :chuuni_yes:

Venus Blood series would be my favourite series , too much of a gameplay though...

(Escu:de) Primaveil Drei" has great corruption

My favourite would be (Triangle) Crimson Lunatics though

I love corruption with no brainwash I guess , just pure corruption through "good deeds / love" , I know it's weird , but that's how I like it XD


Exposing the other human selfishness and darkness , so that the heroine realize that all she has done were for naught counts as "good deeds" though Mwahahaha! >: D

I couldn't agree more with this , especially the first sentence :chuuni_yes:

Venus Blood series would be my favourite series , too much of a gameplay though...

(Escu:de) Primaveil Drei" has great corruption

My favourite would be (Triangle) Crimson Lunatics though

I love corruption with no brainwash I guess , just pure corruption through "good deeds / love" , I know it's weird , but that's how I like it XD


Exposing the other human selfishness and darkness , so that the heroine realize that all she has done were for naught counts as "good deeds" though Mwahahaha! >: D

I agree with that. I dont like when heroines corrupted by brainwashing but want them to become corrupted by themselves like from "good deeds" that you said or from the most original corrupting tool:pleasure. Furthermore I think that the corrupted heroine must be more beautiful than previous version not become a black skinned bitch with gigantic boobs getting fucked with ahegao face....something like that destroy my mood. When they become corrupted they should be happier and become more beautiful.
My favourites are exstia(as corrupting game),Inda no himekishi jeannne(corruption nukige) and crusade heart karen(demon corruption is my favourite).
I couldn't agree more with this , especially the first sentence :chuuni_yes:

Venus Blood series would be my favourite series , too much of a gameplay though...

(Escu:de) Primaveil Drei" has great corruption

My favourite would be (Triangle) Crimson Lunatics though

I love corruption with no brainwash I guess , just pure corruption through "good deeds / love" , I know it's weird , but that's how I like it XD


Exposing the other human selfishness and darkness , so that the heroine realize that all she has done were for naught counts as "good deeds" though Mwahahaha! >: D


I really like Venus Blood's corrupted heroines design, though the game itself has too much plot for a guy with barely any knowledge in Japanese.

My favorite corruption game so far is Tossen 3. It's the only corruption game I see so far which develop the villain side which I like and all the corruptions are awesome (Even if the Red girl's is lackluster). Crimson Lunatic is nice, but the corrupted heroines' costumes is a little too silly for me.

I also have fondness for Akuochi Labyrinth. It's too much quantity over quality to me but some of the heroines is really good like Noah who become a cute and psycho girl who believe pain is love after corruption (Hell, one character describles her as basically destruction incarnate. It's good thing she's loyal to the protagonist). It's just too bad, like most other characters, she has only about two scenes post-corruption, not counting the H-Scenes.

I do need to play Primaveil Drei at some points, though.
Sorry for the double post but does anyone know Primaveil Drei Dark Mission's h-code? My ITH can't catch the text.
I like brainwashing if used well, for example to force the heroines to do something they would never do and then they have to cope with it, or to make them so horny they can't control themselves and end up doing what the bad guys want and similar examples. I don't like much the version where they are simply brainwashed and will do anything without any resistance.
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I don't like much the version where they are simply brainwashed and will do anything without any resistance.

I agree. If it's only temporary, it's fine. Otherwise, it's just boring. I like it more when the heroines try to resist their inevitable fate.
I like brainwashing if used well, for example to force the heroines to do something they would never do and then they have to cope with it, or to make them so horny they can't control themselves and end up doing what the bad guys want and similar examples. I don't like much the version where they are simply brainwashed and will do anything without any resistance.

i agree thats interesting plot
People i need help with searching fap material . Namely Corruption 悪堕ち based on Parasitism 寄生. And now word it when google Japanese section of internet. Even better if given recommendations of games/mangas et cetera on this site .Big bonus if this with post-corruption evil deed 悪事. Thanks in advance
Re, That Baka 2: I'm sorry but nothing really comes to mind for me regarding turning evil due to Parasitism regarding games and such... (which is weird... There SHOULD be some since I've seen comics in the parasite corruption genre you're talking about)

For comics, I would suggest just trying to look for comics like the Comic Unreal since they deal with lots of fantasy eroticism...
You may already know this but... try looking up E-Hentai Galleries and corruption and you would probably get some sample that was posted from Comic Unreal

(I guess it's something like this that you're looking for?)

Sorry I can't help you more...
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Regarding using machine or magic to turn the girl evil/ corrupted instantly....

I sort of agree that it can be off-putting but there are WAYS that a good writer can sort of make it work/make it erotic enough for me.

Bad Example: 聖騎士セルシア , While I like the evil design and so on...there was very little focus on turning the girls evil/ corrupted at all, not even some use of psychology, pleasure. It's the evil demon-loli using her magic after raping the girls to turn them evil and loyal

Good Example: Prism Shine, You spend the whole game brainwashing the captured heroine creating a more subservient persona for her and getting to know what she was like and pretty much executed her old persona and see her awakened as your loyal sex slave with a flip of a switch so that felt more erotic for me.

For me..dark magic or the brainwashing machine provides an element of the fantastic that helps sell the corruption of the girls... I can never really get into corruption of the girl by using JUST psychology or pain and pleasure (even if they are more realistic and is probably how REAL brainwashing is done) I prefer that they use the dark magic/ brainwashing machine to grease the wheel (so to speak) and set the course of how the heroine thinks/act so that they get corrupted on their own and make the decision to STAY corrupted and under your command on their own.
On a separate note...

I know I haven't post much...but I'm busy with work/ normal games (DQ 11 is coming up to eat away my free time) but I still am lurking around...I'm spacing and rationing my corruption+ mind control game out so I don't suffer burn out also.

I STILL haven't played all of Exstia A yet... I rushed into the loli sensei ending and while it was terrific...I sort of felt that Katharine's corruption on that route was something extra... and I wish that there was a route where she "rediscover her dark/ subservient slave side first instead of the loli sensei... maybe a side story or the next game will give us all four or maybe five Exstia group corruption..

Also.. AliceSoft's new game is out and judging by the HCG, there IS corruption but... it seems very little (3,4) and there are more dickgirl pics than I would like... I don't know if the game is worth it or not (that is if we can even play it)
If you speack about best corruption scene i think for some that is realy good first the manga from inoio cursed spell very good
second Crusade Heart Karen ~Juin Sennou no Wana~ the scene of double corruption: two girls in scene have sex one is almost corrupt the second a little least but she is a futari have the first have sex with second make her corrupt (because first time sex ...) after the first be corupt into succubus she start to drain humans essence of second and make her fall too so for be short the first fall vecause of second and after made the second fall.

After that game( ihope portion will make anoter as good as soon as possible) it have a lot of exelent corruption scene the next that i love is venus blood frontier two scene good scene : the fall of main heoine and the fall of black hair heroine
The new Alicesoft game is a letdown imo. There are only 3 main CGs with corruption, 4 if counted black winged angel. Too many futanari. The main enemies aren't even in the event CGs except for one. The big bad and his female sidekick isn't present at all. I even wonder if some event CGs are missing.

BTW, the new Triangle game that was out today also has corruption in it according to the images posted on 2chan corruption board.

At least today the recent Unreal Magazine was also reelased on sad panda. Too bad there's no corruption in Satou Kuuki's manga yet, to be continued in the next issue in 2017-09-12.
The new Alicesoft game is a letdown imo. There are only 3 main CGs with corruption, 4 if counted black winged angel. Too many futanari. The main enemies aren't even in the event CGs except for one. The big bad and his female sidekick isn't present at all. I even wonder if some event CGs are missing.

BTW, the new Triangle game that was out today also has corruption in it according to the images posted on 2chan corruption board.

At least today the recent Unreal Magazine was also reelased on sad panda. Too bad there's no corruption in Satou Kuuki's manga yet, to be continued in the next issue in 2017-09-12.

What new triangle game? Also where can you get the alicesoft game?
When they become corrupted they should be happier and become more beautiful.

This is how I like it best

For me..dark magic or the brainwashing machine provides an element of the fantastic that helps sell the corruption of the girls... I can never really get into corruption of the girl by using JUST psychology or pain and pleasure (even if they are more realistic and is probably how REAL brainwashing is done) I prefer that they use the dark magic/ brainwashing machine to grease the wheel (so to speak) and set the course of how the heroine thinks/act so that they get corrupted on their own and make the decision to STAY corrupted and under your command on their own.

For me brainwashing and magic spices things up because I love the fantasy genre for corruption , especially henshin heroine , or the sort where there are pre and post corruption forms/costume. Brainwashing is fine for me , as long as the final decision to be corrupted is from the "original heroine" herself , not the totally new personality created by the brainwashing .

Therefore , a scenario that I really want to see would be where the heroine friends turned her back to her original form , but since the heroine has been "truly corrupted" , as in her original self is the one who decided that she wants to "fall" , so she returned to her evil form , while telling her friends that it's her decision , and even more , seduce her comrades to "fall together".
If such scene exist , that would be really wonderful for me.

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Therefore , a scenario that I really want to see would be where the heroine friends turned her back to her original form , but since the heroine has been "truly corrupted" , as in her original self is the one who decided that she wants to "fall" , so she returned to her evil form , while telling her friends that it's her decision , and even more , seduce her comrades to "fall together".
If such scene exist , that would be really wonderful for me.


For some reason, your idea makes me think of a scene where the heroines manage turn back their corrupted friend into her human form by taking her power away and they all expect her to be happy since she's freed. Instead, she's pissed that they've taken her master's gift away from her and points out that it was her decision to become corrupted, not because of some spell or dark power.
Can anyone recommend some games with possession in them? So far I've tried Haitoku 2 and Zion's JK Miko but it seems there aren't many games with the possession element in them.
Can anyone recommend some games with possession in them? So far I've tried Haitoku 2 and Zion's JK Miko but it seems there aren't many games with the possession element in them.

Shinken Sentai Blade Ranger has possession in one of the routes (The blue girl's)... kinda.
For some reason, your idea makes me think of a scene where the heroines manage turn back their corrupted friend into her human form by taking her power away and they all expect her to be happy since she's freed. Instead, she's pissed that they've taken her master's gift away from her and points out that it was her decision to become corrupted, not because of some spell or dark power.

Yup , something like that is good too , I love it when the heroine fell to the dark side by her own decision



Does anyone know if triangle's new game has been uploaded / cracked yet?
So, one more review post as I just finished Sailor Knights 2 and Haitoku no Gakuen

Sailor Knights 2: has convinced me that Maika is the most generic creator, all of their plots seem to follow the exact same formula. That being said, this was probably my favorite Maika game to date. The routes are all pretty good, there's plenty of betrayal, and the final "both pairs are corrupted but don't know the other one is and they both try to backstab each other" scenario was absolutely hilarious. Not much else to say, if you've played one Maika game you've played them all

Haitoku no Gakuen: Holy crap, this has dethroned Tossen 3 as my favorite corruption VN so far. It had everything I want in a corruption story - the MC is masquerading as a good guy, integrates himself well into the school. Quickly creates a few loyal servants who are also hidden in order to extend his options. Is always thinking a few steps ahead - not only to corrupt the main girls, but also having his nun servant corrupt the general townspeople through missionary work. Each servant still retains some personality - from the loyal and perfect nun Sakurako to the extremely horny Honoka (seriously, stop almost ruining my plans because of your libido!) All the corruption routes are great, Izumi is probably the best since there's a significant portion after she's corrupted where she tries out her new powers. But Yuka is best girl. I only have 3 minor gripes - 1.) no corrupted outfits. Except for the bondage outfit Yuka and her mother wear, there was no "witch outfit" which was a bit disappointing. 2.) The epilogue was really short. You don't even really get to see Maria's corrupted personality, or how she's feeding false information to the witch hunters - I really wanted to see that in action. 3. I know this is weird, but some of the scenarios were a bit too "real" for my liking - gang rape into blackmail I'm sure is a thing that happens in real life more than I'd want to admit, and that was kind of weird to play through. I liked the more realistic school setting, but maybe not so realistic corruption avenues.

All in all though, Haitoku no Gakuen is definitely my favorite corruption VN I've read so far. I highly recommend it. If anyone has other suggestions of games similar to this one, I am all ears!
So, one more review post as I just finished Sailor Knights 2 and Haitoku no Gakuen

All in all though, Haitoku no Gakuen is definitely my favorite corruption VN I've read so far. I highly recommend it. If anyone has other suggestions of games similar to this one, I am all ears!

Crimson Lunatics is pretty good. PLEASE, tell me where you got Haitoku no Gakuen. I've been trying to find it forever.

Yup , something like that is good too , I love it when the heroine fell to the dark side by her own decision

Heroine's being put back to their original form and then deciding to fall is the best. What games have this? I can't think of any off the top of my head.

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