Corruption games (also brainwashing,mindcontrol)

I've been clearing routes 1 by 1 from the beginning, but instead of doing it halfway, I always do it until the end XD


By the way, there is this skill called Smile Flash (which have very low cooldown, deals very low damage, with high zone cotrol) which you could learn by fighting yellow...
As a result, if you level it up and you're lucky enough for it to have wonderful extra effect, you could start from 0% zone control, to 100% zone control on your next yamizome phase XD.
(Remember to bring healing, learned from aquila/purple, on a different set in case you're still not strong enough)
I finisihed all of the goddess gems in only 4 days XD
Clearing harem route seems plausible now..

I didn't know there was a way to heal, and thought it was just battle of attrition. So, what is the skill's name?
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I didn't know there was a way to heal, and thought it was just battle of attrition. So, what is the skill's name?

Well...That's the skill name...
"Healing" XD
And of course we need to give the "D", hence, D. Healing (Random fact : D stands for dark, since the MC copied them from the heroines XD)

The effect of healing is to heal 10% of your HP, so, with enough meme power (skill set), it's not possible to die. while i was grinding for analyze point, I forgot to about the game for more than 10 minutes and I'm still at full health XD.
Anyone know where I can get either of the Sailor Knight games? Seems the links here aren't working

Re: Deathcake

Here is the index link at Sukebei Nyaa for MAIKA games which includes both Sailor Knights game

However since the game is 4-5 years old now ... I don't know if there's any 100% seeders still around or not. You could try and hope for the best if you can't find any normal links or reupload by others in this forum.

Best of luck
Finally, finished my 9th playthrough... 98% completion...
Only harem route left...
Will be doing my 10th playthrough tomorrow and answer some unanswered question XD
Re: Deathcake

Here is the index link at Sukebei Nyaa for MAIKA games which includes both Sailor Knights game

However since the game is 4-5 years old now ... I don't know if there's any 100% seeders still around or not. You could try and hope for the best if you can't find any normal links or reupload by others in this forum.

Best of luck

I think I found one with some seeders, thanks a bunch for the link
Finally, finished my 9th playthrough... 98% completion...
Only harem route left...
Will be doing my 10th playthrough tomorrow and answer some unanswered question XD

you spent way too much time xD, how many hours is that? i can't devote myself to one game for 10 playthrough lolol.. there's quite a few decent games this batch..but the triangle one is a huge disappointment for me
you spent way too much time xD, how many hours is that? i can't devote myself to one game for 10 playthrough lolol.. there's quite a few decent games this batch..but the triangle one is a huge disappointment for me

Not enough corruption in it or other problems in general?
any recommendation of games or mangas where a shy girl is turned via brainwashing/mind control o simply training into a nympho like in
Ai ga Areba Koibito ni Saiminjutsu o Kakete mo Mondainai yo ne?
M.C. Saimin Kenkyuu Case: Rokka
Long long time age, Triangle used to be one of the best corruption content creator and a good VN story writer. Not anymore.
any recommendation of games or mangas where a shy girl is turned via brainwashing/mind control o simply training into a nympho like in
Ai ga Areba Koibito ni Saiminjutsu o Kakete mo Mondainai yo ne?
M.C. Saimin Kenkyuu Case: Rokka

Want to spark some brain? Try [Pin-Point] Shinsou Seiki Elementia ~Kutsujoku no Sennou Saimin~!!!
Finally able to corrupt the last heroine, with 12 days remaining. I was on my 3rd playthrough after focusing to get multiple D. Smile Flash and D. Healing. Thanks for the tip Nanashiki.
Finally able to corrupt the last heroine, with 12 days remaining. I was on my 3rd playthrough after focusing to get multiple D. Smile Flash and D. Healing. Thanks for the tip Nanashiki.

How did you split your time between the heroines? Did you focus on one at a time or did you slowly do all of them at once?
How did you split your time between the heroines? Did you focus on one at a time or did you slowly do all of them at once?

I was focusing on Aquila(purple) and Citron(Yellow) first, since they have 4 heart gems. After corrupting both of them, I focused on the remaining three, and Aanest(Red) already had her second gem corrupted(the first one was during prologue). Managed to corrupt Labyrinth(black) first heart gem in the first fight. I realized during Down that you need to choose specific options in specific order, and the heroines won't forcequit you until your Zone Control reach zero. I found that out by reloading over and over to test which options that won't agitate the heroines. When both Aquila and Citron were corrupted, I had around 30 days remaining(i'll check, then correct it if it's wrong). Afterwards, the remaining heroines' zones are either almost close to or at 100%.

EDIT: 38 days remaining after I corrupt Aquila and Citron, to be exact
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Sounds good. I'll give it a try on my next playthrough, right now I have been able to corrupt two girls with about 38-34 days left while getting another girl or two about halfway. I haven't gone for harem end yet though, so Ive been skipping some nights as well.

Also jumping off topic for a sec, does anyone know the general story on HEAT-SOFT's Tossen series? I know its rather old at this point, but I still hear good things about 3. What about 2 and 1 though? Do you play the villain or hero?
you spent way too much time xD, how many hours is that? i can't devote myself to one game for 10 playthrough lolol.. there's quite a few decent games this batch..but the triangle one is a huge disappointment for me

I'm not sure...
I "might" have spent more than 20 hour (possibly a lot more) for this game...
I've NEVER played any eroge with real gameplay for more than 2 playthrough...
This is my first...
And definitely worth to be ranked #1 on my personal corruption game list XD

Finally able to corrupt the last heroine, with 12 days remaining. I was on my 3rd playthrough after focusing to get multiple D. Smile Flash and D. Healing. Thanks for the tip Nanashiki.

On my 10th playthrough (obviously i've became too OP since i've learned 90%+ of all learnable skills) I finished harem route in 38 days... There might be a lot of ways to do it faster, but I think 38 days (22 days left) is quite a feat.

I failed to reach 100% from 0% in any fight on this playthrough. So I'm sure it's possible to clear the harem route faster.

By the way the personal reason for being corrupted:

It's kind of hard to explain without the feel of the scenario itself, but i'll try to make it short
Note that both the the "this world version" heroine (e.g. Ayaka) have similar reasons with the "isekai version" heroine (e.g. Arnett), but "this world" heroine have an extra reason (always a special feeling for the human MC XD)


Arnett = She's too aware of what people think about her, she's afraid of rejection. Maou accept her as she is as "his woman"
Ayaka = Arnett Reasons + She loves her childhood friend (which of course is the MC)


Aquila = She fights because the goddesses told her to do so. She always did as she was told. MC asked her what she wanted to do,to not only follow what others want her to do. After a lot of thought, she said that she wants to defeat MC. After another defeat, MC told her that she's wrong. It's not what she wanted to do, in fact at the moment she doesn't want to do anything. MC told her to rest until she finds what to do next.
Natsuki = Quite the same, as an heir to a big company her whole life she only did as she was told. She's unsure about her future, until she is "corrupted". And obviously, since it's a galge, she also loved MC.


Labyrinth = Already corrupted from the beginning, corrupted even more by the MC. She WANTED the MC to be her and planned to lock him up and make him hers. MC established dominance LOL XD
Kokoro = The only heroine with different reason to fight, unlike her isekai counterpart. She accepted to fight MC because she's a chuunibyou. Doesn't really care that much about defeating MC. She even said that if she knew Kazunori is also Maou, she would gladly sever her link with labyrinth. She's afraid to be "normal", and although she could pretend to be like the other, she wanted to be accepted as what she is, a chuunibyou. She loves MC, because he accepted her the way she is.


Citron = (Not sure if i romanized her name correctly). She fought for people's smile. MC said that he is smiling as he screw her. She said that if MC smile, other people will be sad. So genius MC brought other people to gang her, told her that they're smiling too. Then MC pointed out that while she made other people smile, she ignored her own smile, and her smile she put on all these time is a made up lie. Maou told her to care about her own smile (including being his woman and enjoy sex with MC ofc).
Reon = Ex-student council president. But the student council members always leaned on her. She kept being relied on and she never refused their requests. Deep inside she long to have someone to rely on. And of course it's the MC.


Silence = Small boobs complex. She can't speak out what she thinks and afraid of other people. MC told her to believe in him and be his.
Nao = Similar reason with Silence. Also she can't speak out that she actualy liked MC.


MuniMuniFein = Childhood friend with MC, actually liked MC for a long time, but her feelings conflicted with the fact that she's a goddess and a goddess must defeat maou. MC made her realize her desire to be with MC.
Chihiro = Clumsy teacher, MC supported her, so she became infatuated with MC.

Sorry for the long post and if there is anything that you want to ask, ask away. I'm a bit tired since i have yet to eat my dinner to type this (since i'm really hyped right now), so i might have typed some weird unintelligible words. XD


About the ending that @Soluga asked

Yellow ending is her making a stage play while blue ending is her cosplaying. So yes, i think it's possible to change to their old form, or another possiblity is that they're only using costumes, but that's unlikely
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I'm not sure...
I "might" have spent more than 20 hour (possibly a lot more) for this game...
I've NEVER played any eroge with real gameplay for more than 2 playthrough...
This is my first...
And definitely worth to be ranked #1 on my personal corruption game list XD

On my 10th playthrough (obviously i've became too OP since i've learned 90%+ of all learnable skills) I finished harem route in 38 days... There might be a lot of ways to do it faster, but I think 38 days (22 days left) is quite a feat.

By the way the personal reason for being corrupted:

It's kind of hard to explain without the feel of the scenario itself, but i'll try to make it short
Note that both the the "this world version" heroine (e.g. Ayaka) have similar reasons with the "isekai version" heroine (e.g. Arnett), but "this world" heroine have an extra reason (always a special feeling for the human MC XD)


Arnett = She's too aware of what people think about her, she's afraid of rejection. Maou accept her as she is as "his woman"
Ayaka = Arnett Reasons + She loves her childhood friend (which of course is the MC)


Aquila = She fights because the goddesses told her to do so. She always did as she was told. MC asked her what she wanted to do,to not only follow what others want her to do. After a lot of thought, she said that she wants to defeat MC. After another defeat, MC told her that she's wrong. It's not what she wanted to do, in fact at the moment she doesn't want to do anything. MC told her to rest until she finds what to do next.
Natsuki = Quite the same, as an heir to a big company her whole life she only did as she was told. She's unsure about her future, until she is "corrupted". And obviously, since it's a galge, she also loved MC.


Labyrinth = Already corrupted from the beginning, corrupted even more by the MC. She WANTED the MC to be her and planned to lock him up and make him hers. MC established dominance LOL XD
Kokoro = The only heroine with different reason to fight, unlike her isekai counterpart. She accepted to fight MC because she's a chuunibyou. Doesn't really care that much about defeating MC. She even said that if she knew Kazunori is also Maou, she would gladly sever her link with labyrinth. She's afraid to be "normal", and although she could pretend to be like the other, she wanted to be accepted as what she is, a chuunibyou. She loves MC, because he accepted her the way she is.


Citron = (Not sure if i romanized her name correctly). She fought for people's smile. MC said that he is smiling as he screw her. She said that if MC smile, other people will be sad. So genius MC brought other people to gang her, told her that they're smiling too. Then MC pointed out that while she made other people smile, she ignored her own smile, and her smile she put on all these time is a made up lie. Maou told her to care about her own smile (including being his woman and enjoy sex with MC ofc).
Reon = Ex-student council president. But the student council members always leaned on her. She kept being relied on and she never refused their requests. Deep inside she long to have someone to rely on. And of course it's the MC.


Silence = Small boobs complex. She can't speak out what she thinks and afraid of other people. MC told her to believe in him and be his.
Nao = Similar reason with Silence. Also she can't speak out that she actualy liked MC.


MuniMuniFein = Childhood friend with MC, actually liked MC for a long time, but her feelings conflicted with the fact that she's a goddess and a goddess must defeat maou. MC made her realize her desire to be with MC.
Chihiro = Clumsy teacher, MC supported her, so she became infatuated with MC.

Sorry for the long post and if there is anything that you want to ask, ask away. I'm a bit tired since i have yet to eat my dinner to type this (since i'm really hyped right now), so i might type some weird unintelligible words. XD

Wow. Thanks a lot Nanashiki XD, now I can understand them more. Still, was it ever explained the reason that

Silence and Citron still retain their original outfits in their endings after corrupted? Was the corruption not permanently transform them and they are free to change their form?

I find that the individual endings are rather endearing to me, even though their main goal was a harem, except maybe

Aquila, what is she doing in her ending exactly?

So once again, thanks

Edit: I just saw that you already answered my first question, but the spoiler tag didn't seem to work.
Thanks Nanashiki, I just wanted to point out that your answer of my question at the bottom didn't get proper spoiler tag
For purple ending, some demon is making a mess while she wants some quility time with MC. So she get quite angry.

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