Corruption games (also brainwashing,mindcontrol)

(Someone correct me if I'm wrong but Pandra did start off with some mind-control in the early chapters right?)

Nope, just straight rape til break...well, there's some effect akin to mind-control on the iinchou .- . but that's something post-sex rather than pre/during.

Since the screen did show Black in her tentacle form, which is when the 'father' took her mind over, I guess that count too? (Although it's vol 2 thing ' 3' so in the later part of the story)

I'm more curious to see how they'll do the futa yuri tentacle wincest moment with Black and White near the ending (whic'll be ep 2)

And this is a recent (and I haven't found any dl link for the updated version) but Daemon Slave 5

Got a mini-game in a recent update where you basically break the girl in (well, it's been the same running theme in the series as a whole I guess but it was pretty much linear novel before)
The screen show something like a barrier saying "Goshuujin-sama daisuki" and another screen showing it breaking.
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One month already...and still absolutely no sign of Sailor Knight 2 outside of the HCG. This has made a record of the longest I've waited for Maika game rip ever since I started following their new release in 2010 from Justice Blade 3.

(Thinking about sacrificing something to the Dark Gods to get this game ripped.):D

At this rate I'm sure I'll get to download and play the Hypnosis games I've posted links to above that comes out in Feb 28 first and then the April one and the May one .:rolleyes:

Anyhow grumbling aside,... to keep the thread going, what are some kind of story /heroine type (i.e. sword &sorcery, sentai, girls in powered armor, magical girls, normal nurses or highschool girls etc) that you might like company like MAIKA to make corruption games based out of. Is there any genre that you think haven't had enough exposure or are still untapped?

For me... I think I'd like a corruption game based on the Street Fighter II/ DOA5 fighting game genre with maybe DOAX incorporated. I think Lune did a training game based on a Chun-Li expy with some Sakura/ Cammi expy as well but I don't know if there was much corruption there but I'd want something akin to a Shadowloo type M.Bison protagonist to enslave the girl fighters who are expies of the DOA5 girls or the Street Fighter girls with his psycho power or those brainwashing machine that M.Bison used to create Juli/ Juni and even early Cammy.

I think its one story genre that hasn't been tapped out yet like the Sentai/ Magical girls/ sword &sorcery corruption games.
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I am kind of surprised no one has mentioned all of Triangle's Games.
- Symphonic Knights: 魔法戦士シンフォニックナイツ ~女神を継ぐ乙女たち~
You get the chance to capture and pleasure the heroines over and over again and depending on how much you get them you can either turn one against the other, or turn them both against their leader.
- Lemmatear Knights: 魔法戦士レムティアナイツ ~光の乙女たち~
You catch and slowly corrupt one of the heroines by using corruption magic on her stone until she falls to darkness in one of a myriad of way depending on how you corrupt her.
- Elixir Knights: 魔法戦士エリクシルナイツ ~運命に繋がれし乙女たち~
Just training 2 gals.
- The entire Sweet Knights Series: 魔法戦士スイートナイツ コンプリート
- Angel Rena - 光臨天使エンシェル・レナ
- Or even the anthology types which seem more like a pokemon game - gotta catch em all! セイクリッドグラウンド

So much Heroine Corruption. They require some game play strategy to actually win the fights, but kind of worth it IMO.
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[MENTION=8388]nidyrt[/MENTION] ;
I tried Triangle before but I cant really enjoy the game. A lot of the scene is either blackmail or empowered and proceed to rape. I prefer a more indirect way of hypnosis, mind control, brainwashing, possessing, drugs...I really want a twist rather than just rape till submit approach.

Yea, one months and still no sign of release....has it always this bad? Dont think so, did something happened in Japan?
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this thread has been very slow but I guess it cant be help. So in order to keep things going, I decide to post this:

I think someone mentioned before about Maika new game and they are gathering idea of monsters for this game. They also encourage players like us to submit our idea in the following format.
Quoted from their BBS
1.名前 - Name
2.姿のモチーフとなるフォルムや、具体的な描写。 - Appearance of the Monster
3.能力(主としてセックス関連の能力) - Ability(Mainly sex related ability)
4.活躍するシチュについてなど。 - Situation where this ability is used


While my Japanese is not very good, I manage to submit my own idea.
1) Human Egg(temporary name), not exactly a monster but more of an equipment
2) A large egg-like machine
3) When a chick/baby bird hatches, it regards the first moving object as parents. This equipment work under a very similar concept. If the heroine have her first sex with a man after receiving treatment from the device,she will think that man as her lover and come to love him with all her heart.

You guys should also contribute your idea. If I (or other people who can do Moonrune) have some free time by the end of the day and Maika still open to suggestion, I can help translating with my horrible Japanese :XD:
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Yeah, there's not much to discuss if the main Maika game isn't out

1 Month 1 week ... still counting and no Sailor Knight 2. The Dark Gods have failed me...

I do wonder if the game sold a lot at all since going to Maika's website, they apparently put out new CG for Sailor Knight 2 showcasing the variety of situation in the game.

As for Bladeranger idea, that was me who reported on it initially. I had some idea but apparently great minds think alike since someone else posted something similar.

My idea was a monster who can change the girls' costume akin to cosplaying so that they would be in nurse, bunny girl, etc uniform and be in character while the monster raped them.

I'm thinking on a new idea but nothing good that isn't the same as others is a little hard to come by.

Well, since Sailor Knight 2 is a no-show for now, I'm looking forward to the Hynosis/brainwashing game coming out this week that I posted links to above.
1 Month 1 Week 5 days and still so sign...

My earlier prediction has come true... [140228] [OLE-M] 催眠クラス ~女子全員、知らないうちに妊娠してました~ [H-Game] has been released, I go now to join the mass who wants to hypnotize/ brainwash a school full of big boob girls.... but (Best Arnold imitation:D) I'LL BE BACK :D
1 Month 1 Week 5 days and still so sign...

My earlier prediction has come true... [140228] [OLE-M] 催眠クラス ~女子全員、知らないうちに妊娠してました~ [H-Game] has been released, I go now to join the mass who wants to hypnotize/ brainwash a school full of big boob girls.... but (Best Arnold imitation:D) I'LL BE BACK :D
Here is a link :催眠クラス-~女子全員、知らないうちに妊娠してました~-[h-game]-200988/
To tell the truth, the mind control/hypnosis aspect is a bonus for this game from OLE-M since I have always like their game with this artist's drawing of big boobs girls +Harem.

On other note, this is a good mind control doujin of Hataraku Maou I just read. It contains mind-break,mass-mind control and a corruption if you consider the main male character going evil and turning all the girls in the show into his sex slaves.

Here's the link but I'm not sure if it's still viable or not since doujin links on our board tends to go dead quickly.[青豆腐-ねろましん-]-黒マグロの魔王さま-はたらく魔王さま-[dl版]-198865/
To tell the truth, the mind control/hypnosis aspect is a bonus for this game from OLE-M since I have always like their game with this artist's drawing of big boobs girls +Harem.

On other note, this is a good mind control doujin of Hataraku Maou I just read. It contains mind-break,mass-mind control and a corruption if you consider the main male character going evil and turning all the girls in the show into his sex slaves.

Here's the link but I'm not sure if it's still viable or not since doujin links on our board tends to go dead quickly.[青豆腐-ねろましん-]-黒マグロの魔王さま-はたらく魔王さま-[dl版]-198865/
Read that long time ago when it is still raw. No Corruption doujin will ever escape from my claw :smug:
Not exactly doujin, but Kill Time finally announce Comic Unreal vol48. DATE先生 story look really dark on this one ...look like an abilty to change a woman into a doll. Looking forward to reading this
YAY..... One Month One week six days.... that's gotta be a record for current release MAIKA games. I'll check back here once Bladeranger has a publishing date announced to see if we'll have to wait THIS long to get a torrent or a direct download.

I'll let you know some of my impression once I finish this (The hypnosis game from OLE-M goes on the back-burner now that this is out)
Mind control is my favourite fetish, i love almost all forms of MC in eroge: somewhat realistic hypnosis, non realistic hypnosis, magic/sci fi MC, brainwash, body control etc. One thing though - i prefer darker theme so C: Drive games or recently released 催眠クラス ~女子全員、知らないうちに妊娠してました~ from OLE-M are meh for me.
Corruption often coexists peacefully with mind control genre so im cool with it as well.
My top mind control titles:
Studio Jyaren:
Denpa no Dorei - great, creative mind control scenes, decent art quality and somewhat new setting(TV studio instead of overused highschool). It also contains corruption but instead of female heroines it's the male protagonist that starts as a relatively normal nice guy and slowly gets drunk with power to completely lose conscience at the end.
Soushinjutsu 0 Rei - imo the best in the series, worse graphics than Soushinjutsu Mobius but everything else is better especially the idea of protagonist with almost godlike powers, way better than lame MC spray. I like the way he toys with Rei, most of the time shes aware that shes being manipulated but unable to to anything(i love this motif)
Justice Blade 3 - its a typical Maika style brainwash/corruption game but all small things are well done: interesting story(for an eroge), great CGs and scenes...oh and the girls' headgear :)
Sailor Knights 1 - just awesome, one downside - too short or at least it feels a bit short :/
Inka Gakuen Taisen - possibly my favourite Maika game. Wicked dude with hax powers playing with schoolgirls and female teachers in creative ways? Yes, pls.
Saiminjutsu 2 - great dark saimin game with evil douchebag as a protagonist. My favourite heroine(the brown haired classmate) is a total bitch so it makes controlling her(while shes being fully aware but helpless) even more satisfying.

Honourable mentions:
Temptation H, Temptation Naked and Temptation Naked 2 - simple, little story but very erotic
Kangoku Senkan 1 and 2(3 sucks)

Im disapointed with Studio Jyaren, they are making some stupid ass tentacle themed game instead of proper MC eroge... it wouldnt be so bad if they released more than 1 title every 2 years. Oh well, at least there are some good games coming soon.
Currently waiting for:
SaiminRe from Fudegaki
瞳の烙淫4 ~悦辱の操心改造~ from WitchFlame
学園で時間よ止まれ from Waffle - looks like it doesnt have mind control at all but time stop can be fun if done well and so far it looks excellent judging by the CGs.
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hypnosis mind control is my favorite fetish hence my username, i personally love the mind control induction by hypnosis or other methods, also
the eyes and stance of complete obedience the girls take is my ultimate fetish .Vanilla mind control is fun but I like more the aspect of
darker themes and complete control the protagonist has on the girls .

My favorite game is

Blackrainbow 催眠術2 its has everything plot, great protagonist, excellent hypnosis induction ,
incest(ok fetish for me) truly a classic.
(催眠術3 was not very good it lacked many things 催眠術2 had and the artwork i think was worst, maybe 催眠術 Re can do better)

2nd best
two games actually

催眠演舞 and 催眠遊戯 2 excellent games specially the artwork (only complaint it lacked darker scenes)

honorable mentions
by company
#Define good games specially the old ones

STUDIO邪恋 this was my favorite mind control games company the last few years their games went from
excellent to mediocre then to bad games the last one was specially bad, i think something happened to the company with sales or staff and switch genre this
is evident in the new game they will release.

im looking forward to 瞳の烙淫4 ~悦辱の操心改造~ and high hope for 催眠術 Re :)
Soushinjutsu series got really wacky after the third one. Not that I didn't play and enjoy them all, but geez. (Okay, that's a lie, I didn't really enjoy the second one.) Also, as long as we're talking about Studio Jyaren, even though generally I prefer darker themes like you I really enjoyed Gonin. It was pretty silly and lighthearted, but I'm a sucker for "overwriting common sense" type mind control. And it helps that it didn't really bog itself down trying to have a plot.

Looking forward to SaiminRe (though not so much that douchebag Murakoshi butting in on my fun... again.) I swear, he's just awful when he's not the protagonist.
Looking forward to SaiminRe (though not so much that douchebag Murakoshi butting in on my fun... again.) I swear, he's just awful when he's not the protagonist.

I know what you mean. I prefer the biggest asshole's POV, it's more fun that way.
originally BlackRainbow developed the 催眠術 series but i think the
company lost some staff and went to formed fudegaki soft and bought the rights for the series, STUDIO邪恋 former staff also
went on to formed すたじおちゃれん.

催眠術 Re is a remake they added 2 new girls to the story, i hope they expand the hypnosis induction scenes they were too short in the original,
i really liked the overwriting common sense aspect but its has to be good not just "hey i can control you have sex with me" for example
the recent OLE-M game 催眠クラス the hypnosis was pretty basic i knew the game was going to be vanilla, i think OLE-M hypnosis plot just had the guy with the lighter control anyone
he wants (didnt have very good scenes only liked the scene with the pink haired girl teacher-parent conference :) the rest was pretty meh). anyway i have high hopes for the fudegaki and witchblade games , C:drive is vanilla and i hope スタッフィング
makes a new announcement for a game their 2 past games were one plus years apart . (does anyone has any recomendations(or reviews) for mind control games )
i'm just finished the SK2. Well compare to the fist one then it got more H scene but plot is meh... less choice than before, the corruption kinda force...
i'm just finished the SK2. Well compare to the fist one then it got more H scene but plot is meh... less choice than before, the corruption kinda force...
I quite like the Gold Heart route though, really good way to use the new ability. Feel a bit too rush though. If they take more time to let Gold Heart build on more 'feeling' then it will be perfect. Yeah, the rest is kinda meh.

You know how those SK has one more costume other than their Sailor Uniform, School Uniform and daily live cloth. The one that look like BDSM cloth, how I wish the have a Hscene with that cloth.
I've only finished the Sapphire & Gold Heart Route so I'm not sure if further play will affect my judgment or not but overall, I do like Sailor Knight 2 and that it was worth the
wait unlike Stellaban where I felt that the scenario wasn't as enticing, but then again maybe it's because it's an Eroge based on Sailor Moon that may colored my judgment.

I agree that there's not much choice in this game (only 1 per route as far as I've found) but we got five route to play through and we obtain pieces to go for a variety of ending. I've gotten three so far (New team corrupted, Old team corrupted, and all Sailor Knight corrupted) so I'm wondering if there's more. Sailor Knight 1 didn't have as much choice also if I remember correctly.

I would have like it if we could have chosen who to corrupt next after the initial target like they did in Patreiser but that's probably a lot more work creating route variation than they want to put in. I also think that we should have more cross team corruption since it seems that whichever member of the old/new team you corrupt, the next target is always the remaining member in the same old/new team instead of targeting the other team.

Also I did read the online review of one Japanese gamer who gave this game a 50/100 and while I think he was a bit harsh, he did have some point in that a lot of stuff was reused, not only HCG but also the way you corrupt the old team member (Sapphire/Emerald) seems to be a rehash of the way you corrupt them in Sailor Knight 1. I really wish that since it's a sequel, they could have varied the method of corruption a bit so that it felt new corrupting those two instead of feeling that you've done the exact same thing with them in the last game.

Lastly, it seems that unless they choose to start a sequel with a route where not all the Sailor Knights are corrupted, this is the end. If there IS a sequel, I guess to conform with Sailor Moon, there should be the four outer senshi-expy to play with, two lesbians, one a tomboy one a rich society girl, (Uranus,Neptune) one mature lady (Pluto) and one little Rei-like little lady (Saturn) and hey we still haven't had the Sailor Mars expy. So now that I've said that...that actually sound like it'd be fun getting to corrupt those four.
Hey Maika updated, we now have full body shot of the three Bladeranger (red, blue, yellow) in a coming soon poster (date TBA so I'm guessing July?) and they seem like a very Sunvulcan/Liveman team. For the next game after Bladeranger, I suggest Bladeranger vs Justice Blade in the vein of Sentai vs series:D
Hey Maika updated, we now have full body shot of the three Bladeranger (red, blue, yellow) in a coming soon poster (date TBA so I'm guessing July?) and they seem like a very Sunvulcan/Liveman team. For the next game after Bladeranger, I suggest Bladeranger vs Justice Blade in the vein of Sentai vs series:D
Yeah great to see update. The uniform for this new game look pretty good....that mini skirt. Like the yellow one and absolutely hate the short hair on the red one.

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Hello, I played the game "大正浪漫ミステリー 石榴の時計 新改盤" that you shared, and it was so much fun!
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