Corruption games (also brainwashing,mindcontrol)

Just got my first legit copy of TS Nao 1, now that it's available. TS2 is so good I am going to buy a legit copy of that when DL Site English gets it. <3 Crooked Navel!
Please note that I'm not sure how to hide SPOILER in this message if you don't want to be spoiled, please skip this wall of text of a review.

I haven't done review for Corruption game in like forever since the offerings are so meager and what was offered hasn't exactly piqued my interest BUT... Nao 2 is a different matter. I've been waiting for this continuation for 5 years since the firstgame started when this thread was just starting out in 2014 and I consider Nao 1 one of the best all time Corruption / Brainwashing game I liked and Nao 2 is more of that corruption goodness. order to not spoil things for others, the more in-depth part will be hidden away BUT if you frequentJapanese corruption thread and more, it's already fair games.

To start off let me just say that this game is a 13/10, it would have been a 15/10 with some more additions to thestory and some more additional mechanic. (As of this writing,27/5 the CG &Scenario mode have been added to the versionsold but the Torrent is still of the original version, it remains to be seen if we can get an update so I'mnot going to complain of not having the CG &Scenario mode available in the version I played.)

Good/Great (General)

I'd like to say everything. This game took what was great and what I liked in Nao 1 and amped it up.

Considering the drought of corruption game in the last 2 years and the one that DO appear doesn't appeal to memuch (there's always something...the art not being to my liking, the scenario not to my liking ,etc (God I'm picky)Nao 2 felt like eating a really fine high grade steak that you used to have more frequently in the past (what with Maika and HeatSoft still around or not gone for too long back then) while normal corruption game offering these days felt more like
a cheap steak where while it's good it's not as good as you want it because either the material is of a cheaper quality or thecook doesn't know how to bring out the taste of the meat.

The corruption scenarios were perfect,enticing, well acted by the VAs, the artwork and character model (especiallythe corrupted forms of the new corrupted girls and the old one also are refined and increased (a bit)from the meager offering of Nao 1. I spend an entire day playing Nao2 and the day just flew by along with know other things...

Could have been better (General)

While there's an ample of save slot (100), the scenarios were so good that I didn't have enough saves (since I save progress in various parts of the corruption story to more easily rewatch) Even with the added CG/Scenario viewer (if we ever get the updated files for it) I think it still isn't enough for me. I wish we had 200-300 slots.

Also as with the previous game, there doesn't seem to be an option to repeat/ replay the girl's voice even in the storylog of the game which is usually normal in an H-Game OR when you save and load the game at the part where the girl is voiced, it starts the scenario as with the girl having said their parts.

This made saving for scenarios a little annoying since I usually save when I hear them saying something sexy,evil which is when I usually make the decision that I want to hear this part again and save the part.

I don't know if I should hope for a fix on this but if they ever fix it, that would catapult the game to 14/10 for me.

In depth Story spoiler likes & dislikes (Spoilers)

Unlike the last game where the Main Nao part was a cute TS type hentai game of boy turns into girl and so on... the Main Nao part here was a lot more fun & riveting for me because of having played the hidden dark side of the first game and knowing that thereare "wolves" amongst sheep even though the main character Nao doesn't (until the end) This ends up getting me properly paranoid as to wondering whether some of the unturned girls in the Main route (Knight Lapis, Artie Rain and the Rin girl) have already been "turned" when they speak and act in some of the scenario. I sort of got one right (Knight Lapis) as to when she got turned and knowing that and seeing her actions afterward as a hidden corrupted magical girl makes the normal scenario more engaging. (I was wrong about Rain and Rin's being fully turned...since that only happen at the end and not at all)

The corruption of Knight Lapis who started out as a rape victim of Kai and thus deadly afraid of men and always suspicioustowards Kai wanting to get him expel/arrested getting her memory rewrote and turned into a loyal slutty slave ready to serve Kai AND the corruption of Artie Rain who wegot to know both here and in the first game who is characterize more or less as the Big Good, the foundation of justice/purity being corrupted and willing to use her position and authority and eagerly throw away all that shevalued,created to eagerly serve Kai has been done extremely well and extremely erotic. My heart and other thing was pumping while playing through the scenario

It's a pleasure and a strength of the game to see how these girls(starting with Cheri and Ignis at the beginning and adding Lapis and Rain towards the end). behave and act in the game with Cheri and Ignis playing their part and acting innocent while scheming to corrupt the other two. And the other two's behavior and action before and after their corruption is a delight to see.

All four's unsincerity and hidden thoughts in their action after being corrupted and filled with evil thoughts and loyalty/gratitude towards their new master and ready to do anything to what they formerly valued (the School and the other student, the Knight hood,those they considered friends) to please Kai and further his goals are what makes the corruption in this game very appealing to me.

In fact hearing them (starting with Cheri and Ignis and later adding the other two) doing great strategy work for Kai in planning stuff while fucking Kai was a highlight showing them as extremely loyal and capable slave.

Most Corruption game don't usually delve into this type of characterization THAT much since they just show the newly corrupt girl going on a rampage and that's mostly all out of them. Here you can see how they've changed, how they'll act as Kai's slave while fooling everyone and so on.

I also like that they hit Nao hard with all the betrayal and revelations twisting the knife at his/her heart with every words.It's everything that I was hoping to see when the truth comes out and when everyone else become Kai's loyal slave and turn against him/her. I also didn't mind that at the end,Nao didn't exactly break from it and manage to at least steel him/herself towards fighting his/her former friends and lovers.

And regarding Nao's best friend( I can't remember his name AND I don't remember if he was in Nao 1 or not) BUT he really was the MVP here who manage to stop the BAD END of Nao's corruption from happening and thus creating the chance for another sequel...and he really looked like someone who I thought would have been cannon fodder sooner or later in the game or the cause of Nao's corruption in the first place.

(In fact I first thought he was somehow a disguised Kai who was able to split himself up as both Kensou and this guy since he was getting so much focus and sex scene with Nao but looking doesn't seem like it since the best friend is just too much of a good guy in all the situation for it to be just an act. (I recognized the disguised Kai as Kenzo right away.)

One thing that I felt was lacking is regarding scenario featuring the new "Slave Doll Yuri". The fact that she was already Kai's eager sex slave meant that you didn't need much to turn her AND the fact that she sort of drops out of mostof the scenario after Kai turned Knight Lapis into his slave (not even appearing in the ending shot) made it felt that she was just a placeholder since they need a third slave for the story before Lapis got turned and couldn't use Ignis and Cheri
since their position in the story just doesn't work.

Also, during the Dark Side portion, the game shift viewpoint constantly to progress the story but sometime they repeat the scenario that we already saw done while adding some new thoughts for some character in and it can be annoying since it's just repetitious. Something like Lapis's meeting with Nao from her point of view and their date should have just been alludedto since it really didn't add too much to the scene to reproduce entirely from her view and I want to skip it as soon as possible to get to the new stuff and advance the story.

However if done right scenes where the repeat of event saw through someone else's viewpoint does adds to the story such as you seeing the battle between Nao and the corrupted girl twice, once from Nao's view and again from Rain's view as she got corrupted makes the story at that point stronger.

There should have been more of the 2nd instance and less of the 1st.

Regarding the Ending + Wishes for how they could have enhanced it & wishes for the sequel.

I really had to think of how I felt about the ending and the possibility of another sequel. I think it was someone on this board that pointed out back in 2014 about Crooked Navel's sequel to another gametaking 5 years to produce and predicted that Nao 2 would take 5 years also. They were completely correct and to think that Nao 3 could probably take another 5 years and releasing into 2024 isn't exactly something to look forward to when I wanted it quickly like at the end of this year.

Hopefully Crooked Navel took this into account when plotting the ending of Nao 2 and have the 3rd game at the idea/story level already so that it can be produced quickly while the interest is high. Having to wait another five year isdefinitely going to be murder with how they left things.

(For a good comparison, Nao 1 felt like Avengers 1 where you were comfortable with waiting for the various sequel since it ended comfortably while setting up a sequel. Nao 2 is like Infinity Wars where it ended with you wanting to see Endgame right awayto see what happens next and how it'll end and that was delivered with just a one year wait.)

Now about how I feel about the ending...

After much thinking about it since I'm pretty sure me and a whole lot of other players were wanting the game to end with Nao and all of the Maho Shojou turned into Kai's loyal sex slave... This ending with Nao being the only one left along with his best friend/ interest, to oppose Kai and all the now corrupted magical girls and in hiding leaves room for a sequel while leaving Kai and his corrupted harem still able to do his stuff while suffering a minor setback in not getting Nao on his side and ready to stop& discredit Nao with his slaves.

It's as best a "Good" ending as you can give Nao without letting him defeat everyone and restoring the other girls after getting an 11th hourpower up. If THAT had happened, I felt that it would have been a copout for the Kai's side story since let's face it we're more interested in Kai winning and enslaving every girl to be his loyal sex slaves.

Also, we never really saw the gradual corruption of Nao at all like with the other girls so trying to force her to break and become corrupt from just raping her constantly really doesn't flow well . I mean...he/she was raped by Kai and not once did we get the (I'm getting addicted to the pleasure from his cock, I love & worship Kai's cock, I am just a lowly female and must submit to Kai's grand majesty) routine that we get from the other girls when they were corrupted and submit.

Also we had just gotten Rain corrupted and if they corrupted Nao immediately that sort of takes the focus away from scenes afterward with Rain's corrupted in a way I think I agree with the author that corrupting Nao immediately after Rain isn't going to be as satisfying as it should and it should be saved for a sequel that they can make,though since everything is out in the open, what type of sequel this could be is up for debate since I think far too many points were covered already here that the supposed 3rd game may have to differin story & game composition. (More on that later)

As with a lot of people posting on some of the JP corruption game message board, I and a lot of other people felt that maybe there should have been an alternate "BAD END/ What IF Ending" that's unlockable after the normal ending where Nao ends up getting corrupted and joining the others since that's what we've been waiting for AND the fact that the normal end made it a lot harder to visualise Nao getting turned THAT easily since the corrupted girlsdid everything to break her will/ turned her but she still managed to resist and escape.

It's going to take a VERY GOOD AND CONVINCING story to see her turned in Nao 3 if they're leaving her corruption for the finale.
I sincerely hope Sanada Kuro/Crooked Navel pull it off and hopefully doesn't take another 5 years.

IF there had been a what if/Bad end and if it were up to me, I would probably have made it as a simulation or reminsce by Kai as to what he did wrong
failed to account for and change things so that Nao ends up not being able to escape and thus corrupted and resolve to make Nao his next time with all factors (like the best friend) all accounted for. This way we can have the sequel AND see an imaginary corrupted Nao. (of course the third game would have to change the corrupt version design a bit to differentiate)

Regarding the possible Nao 3 (These are just my wishes... it'll probably end up something totally different once it comes out...some day)

I guess this would be the "Endgame" of the series and the big draw would possibly be Nao's corruption...not too sure how they're going to pull it off but there really SHOULD be a total corruption end that we've hoped for in this game even as a Bad End/ What IF ending if they are adamant on maybe also having a good end for Nao where he/she "wins" but I find an ending with him rescuing/ purifying everyone of the girls back to normal and turning things around doesn't really fit the corruption H-Game narrative for me and would probably ruin how I feel about the series as a whole since in these game, I emphatize with Kai who's living the dream in getting to turn powerful and beautiful girls into sex slaves absolutely devoted to him who will do ANYTHING for him.

A Nao Good ending might be that maybe he banish Kai and all the corrupted girls to another world (isekai with knights & elves and so on) filled with girls that Kai can enslaved but with no chance of returning might be a bittersweet but still good ending for Nao AND Kai.

And since just Nao's corruption alone might not be enough and with how Nao 1 and Nao 2 giving you two magical girl corruption per game...I guess maybe you could have a new Magical Girl or Knight also appear and get corrupted to highlight the fact that Kai now controls both the Knight and the School through his girls and it would make a good scenario to open with. Maybe have Nao try to warn the girl but fail, I don't's up to them but I also want one of the minor girl introduced this game, the best friend's girlfriend/pupil Rin to get a good corruption scene, maybe being turned into a loyal Slave Doll since I'm pretty sure they're going to focus on Nao and the best friend's developing their awkward "relationship" since they fucked each other this game AND having Rin as a loyal soldier on the other side is bound to create lots of good corruption scenario. I also hope that Slave Doll Yuri is also utilized a bit more since as per my thoughts above, she got put into the background after Lapis becomes Kai's slave.

So to conclude, Nao 2 is the best corruption game I've played this year and that's probably not goign to change since there doesn't seem to be anything of its caliber coming up in the remaining half of this year. It'd take something along the line of a Maika's Justice Blade 5 or Sailor Knights 3 or Heat Soft's Tossen 4 all written and illustrated by the one who made the game originally to even match Nao 2 in terms of the magical girl corruption goodness that ooze from almost every scenario of the dark side of the game.

Here's to Nao 3....ASAP!!!
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Please note that I'm not sure how to hide SPOILER in this message if you don't want to be spoiled, please skip this wall of text of a review.

Your in-depth analysis makes me want to try out the series even more...when i improve my Japanese. Also, anyone notice that ordin soft and escude game is releasing on the same day?

Nao is harder to corrupt because she is a GUY to begin with. Perhaps in Nao 3 her personality will be split just like happened to Lapis
looks like we've got alot of nao fanatic and fans here lul, for me its a solid 9/10 , somehow something felt lacking, but nevertheless a great game, good enough to temporary quench the thirst until more stuff comes out at 26/7
looks like we've got alot of nao fanatic and fans here lul, for me its a solid 9/10 , somehow something felt lacking, but nevertheless a great game, good enough to temporary quench the thirst until more stuff comes out at 26/7

Sure it is not the perfect perfect game. But honestly, when is the last time a 9/10 or 10/10 game has come out? A long time I think. And the amount of games keeps decreasing and getting lower in quality overall.

Also what's coming out in July?
Sure it is not the perfect perfect game. But honestly, when is the last time a 9/10 or 10/10 game has come out? A long time I think. And the amount of games keeps decreasing and getting lower in quality overall.

Also what's coming out in July?

Ordin soft and Escude games are coming out on the same day in July. Gonna be busy grinding these two games when they get released.
was digging through my old maika games and i came across this 宇宙刑事ソルディバン, anyone has the nodvd patch? i can't seem to get the game running, kept getting 2100 error

also anyone have this game? 宇宙刑事ステラバン basically the sequel-ish, most of the torrents and links are dead
An interesting note about Maika games is that they mostly use the same launcher file. If you have a working maika game, just replace the .exe for the game that isn't working with a copy from the game that is and it usually works.
was digging through my old maika games and i came across this 宇宙刑事ソルディバン, anyone has the nodvd patch? i can't seem to get the game running, kept getting 2100 error

also anyone have this game? 宇宙刑事ステラバン basically the sequel-ish, most of the torrents and links are dead

I think I have the files for 宇宙刑事ステラバン, I'll upload them later if you still need them
not really related to topic but anyone have a reccomendation for incest and corruption type game?RPG game or VN is fine.
So i read in Nintail block that they do think in backroom and it will soon be a anonce so maybe soon the next game ? Maybe it will be annonce in the bugbug magazine like last time.
Hai, Im still new in this forum and my question is there any Kouyoku Senki games cause most the old link got crash and error alot while I playing it.
oh and I forgot most of time I'm using torrent for downloading =='' and last my question if I buy the games can I play the J-games or can't
Hai, Im still new in this forum and my question is there any Kouyoku Senki games cause most the old link got crash and error alot while I playing it.

Ah, those are tricky, you can play them using Local emulator, or that's what I use, someone suggested other methods here, but I don't remember them.

edit: or was it AppLocale? I'll check as soon as I get to my pc

Ok, i use Local emulator
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ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile. Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance
GhostHD wrote on wretchedegg's profile.
Hi, did you maybe have some work of these creators:

- bttファンクラブ
- skb
- Kiramekuhoshi / 煌めく星

mostly from btt would be my interest.
