Count to a million

27405............. Finally able to get online, exams are just starting so it is harder to have some spare time.
27409........... Seems we can't stay forever in the bliss of summer. Still it is nice to see old friends, right?
27410 Yeps~ Except im pretty much a loner at my uni... know people but dont hang out with anyone :/

The working of gods~
27411........ Too bad, but each semester is a chance to start anew. I've already done so.
27412 Hmm im planning to transfer to an artsy college~ xD Has random friends there~

Invisible web connecting each star~
27417 i like art its one of my good points i can almost perfectly draw an anime char so long as im looking at a pic of them...or i could 3 months ago at least dont know about now T_T
27418........ You never know, you might have gotten better at it. Keep your spirits up.
27419 ya i remember the first time i did it i hadnt drawn in like 4 years but ive improved since then and at this point its more about working out the kinks and building up knowledge of the best way to do it than just mentality and visualization
27421 i like my patience i get strangely exicted when i slowly do something for hours nonstop
27421............. Well, copying might be easier. However, I started like that and it helps to get some of th basics. Still imagination and practice makes perfection. I've a long way to go yet.
27423 Hmm yes... i could sit for hours on the same drawing too xD

Leaving feathers where they pass~
27424 yea i keep trying to draw more but after a while i just stop and my paper and pencil just sits in a corner forever till i get my next overwhelming surge of inspiration
27425 Hmm the paper and pencil are for when there isnt a laptop around xD

Slender silver feathers cutting through the air~

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