Count to a million


well I did it with my sig

the only thing i don't do is give my siggy's a 3d border, its too much effort for a little bit

you just need to work with layers and bend it. <_<


I refuse to do it..

29553 you must XD me either :3
Hmm.. about rendering object, i've tried it but fail.. --"
Nahh. i'm so lack of designing
29554...... ~

Hmm I see.. sounds complicated :3
Photoshop, y u so big!?

[MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] I'll send you a link of youtube on how to render images!
I use the same technique, really easy and clean renders!
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its hard at first but once you do it becomes easier...

I just don't bother with it..

it takes way too long, and I would have to google it too to get it exactly right <_<

my sigs don't need a 3 bordering even though it looks nice..

all the tools are there if you just experiment with it :p
29558 Hmm hmm will do XD
thank you so much fellas~ :3
/me glomps unown n selva
29561 I would too because I never really bothered with before but I did experiment with a 3d button before, didn't come out exactly right :p

but close enough..

too much effort and time would be wasted..

I believe in simple sigs :D

I can make it more complicated but the size limit will screw me >_>

want a link neko for 3 borders?

I can google it for you if you like?

here's random kanade sig I made

i just used my initials as watermark

but if anybody want to use it I can put there name somewhere on it in my non watermarked copy


Looks nice Selvaria :O
Also by 3D borders, do you mean that the character 'pops' out of the sig or something else? :o

nope that's just called a pop up render sig :D

by 3 border the entire sig pops up at you take at look at the juan's sig in my spoiler

not the cut out portion but shadowy portion.

its not too hard but a real tedious task with alot of trail and error...

lol hey shi that was fast :p

wb 7shi :3


@ Selvaria Oh! that :o Looks really nice but..I think flat sigs are nice enough :3
I'll look it up just to know how you get to do it but..dunno if I'll use it~
29568 Hello nanashi1 :3

Hmm.. i should try it someday XD
Any samples about 3D borders?
29570 Hmm.. i don't get it.
Any idea where is the "3D borders" on selva's sig? (the one juand made)

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