Count to a million

He had sure tried feel already perhaps, but allegedly coming on the next januar back...
[MENTION=32153]DaRk_AnGeL_ZoA[/MENTION], Bles had for a longt time lieved us, until next januar>>>>>>>30911
Okay! Let we it this sad theme... Darky! Had you already Mato find?
Okay~ On the last time had i forgot you to ask, whether you in London lived...>>>30915
...You mean, you live in London or near on London...?

Yeah Kimo got it right :) but shi I'll give you a hint

Usain Bolt was training at the University which is 15 mins away from my house before the Olympics :D

Das freut mich... nur ein Frage: Hast du in jeden Montag bis Freitag so wenige Stunden...?>>>30923
30925 Was just doing some other stuff, but I am back now :D

It was good, thanks for asking Zoa :)

Es ist nur in deisem Modul (wir haben zwei Module in jeden Semester/Halbjahr), dass wir so wenige Stunden haben :)

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