Initially set in the Edo era - A woman named Kuromitsu is an immortal being that is being persued by a power hungry organisation who seeks her secrets to immortality, She is saved by a man named Kuro Yoshitune and shares her immortality with him with the dream of reaching the end of time together. They both fall in love however its short lived when she is taken from him by this nameless organisation (idk the name yet. supposedly the Red army) Kuro's head is sliced off and he awakens later in a post apocalyptic Tokyo city where he desperately tries to find his love.
its so good :))))
40518 - for him yes because he was killed when his blood was still mixing with hers so his immortality wasn't 100% (they have to drink each others blood to become immortal)
And yeah was a bit of a twist in the first episode when he wakes up and i'm like wth, i prob wouldn't like the show if it was set in the edo period anyway :/
Almost half of my CD that i upload on Mega got reported of copyright by someone in here , Im so sad. How could someone do that ?
Mind you, i bought them myself and share them in here so other people can enjoy them too. To other people who wants to hear the CD, im so sorry to inform you but i could not upload the CD at the moment
Hey Ramori, sorry to keep pokin' at you, but I'm just combing through all your uploads like a coyote sniffin' for snacks. This one here needs a little updating to the November 16, 2023 version. Thanks for all the heavy lifting!