Count to a million

42201~ The Hobbit is what happend b4 the Lord of the rings movies. this part of the hobbit was 2h 40min
@Kimov: Ich hoffe, dass es dir gelingt...~ Aber ein vorahnung hast du...~?
@Euc: Then was not so long, because the Lor. was longer (some was about 3 and more hours)...~
Hmm... Otherwise, how was your day, Euc...~?
42205 Ich glaube, dass es eine gute Aufgabe ist
I have heard, that it should be a pretty good movie, what did you think eucli?
42206~ normal as usual. wake up, school, go home (cinema this time :P), eat, sleep.

and you?
@Euc: Spamming, watch Transformers 3 and etc...~
@Kimov: Und wie weit/lang geht der Exam noch...~?
Also bis Januar geht es...~? Dann bist du noch wohl unter Stress...~
Okay, okay, okay...~ Jetzt wechseln wir das Thema, okay...~? Seid ihr schon gut für Weihnachten vorbereitet...~?

You lurker!!!! What think you...~?! :)

I'm trying not to be lurky....i'm just on Skype+Playing Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (failing miserably lol)
Yo Euc...~
Take a break from some stuff, Darky...~

i really should shi but

Skype - having an important convo
Theatrhythm - trying to get SSS and it's really hard but fun XD
42218 Ich bin nicht gut für Weihnachten vorbereitet, aber ich will ein bisschen Geschenke diesem Wochenende kaufen.

Time to go to bed, see you guys around. :bye:
:bye: ))) G'night Kimov...~
Well, then at least a good tea (or a Red-bull), Darky...~
Combo...~?! This is overkill on oneself slowly...~

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