43203 Guards standing nearby were shocked at the sound of explosion, they ran to the gates to check, but the pair were already gone. The pair and the owl hurried to the Grandma's house as beasts continued howling on and on. When the house came into sight, the were simply astounded at what they saw. Tens of beasts swarmed near, inside and even on the house.~
[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ;
43206 Need not to respond to it you, Mizu-chan. I said that I forgot to write continuation, right? So that's it. Or you are about another of my paragraphs?
"You don't need to respond to it Mizu as it's a continuation of a previous paragraph. That's pretty much it. Unless you are referring to one of my other paragraphs?"
I think she felt that her life was being threatened by your response. xD