Count to a million

43551 Disappearing to her own place to rest for the exerted effort while the warriors rushed for the dark lords~ The pair leading the charge and cleansing the creatures they could~ Noticing that the shadows seemed to be much stronger than before~
43552 The pair was moving to the place where the dark lord who had medallion of light was transported. It was really near so they weren't transported there by teleportation magic like others. They ran cleansing dark beasts on their way as they prepared themselves for another tough battle.~

P.S. Hi, Mizu-chan.
43554 The peculiar dark lord who had a slight affinity to light~ Wielding a dark blade lined with light~ Without a weakness against either but able to overpower both~ A fearsome dark lord which they could learn from as they fight~ Yet the dark lords were attempting to gather again as the medallions were all present~ To summon the last which would even rouse their master from the depths~
43555 But the countermeasure for that was already arranged. Using the boys power to create mirrors and the ability of a woman with a medallion of space combined they were able to rip this world from the abyss. That meant that dark lords would not be able to transfer themselves through their mirrors unless they restore the connection between this world and the abyss, and that procedure required a lot of time and concentration.~

P.S. I'm going to college now to take the exam. Bye, Samye.
43556 The manipulator of space protected far from the field as she continually poured massive amounts of energy to keep the world isolated~ Yet the dark lords still laughed as they slaughtered the soldiers~ Their legions of shadows and the controlled creatures continuing to attack the army from all sides~ Calling the creatures from the fields to strike the army from behind~ Fearsome creatures which had to adapt to the harsh conditions of this whimsical planet~ Ever changing weather that ignored logic~
43558 Vibrations flowing through the air as it turned like the evening sky~ A bright light shining in the distance which ended as abruptly as it started~ Then a shade of gray covered the world and suddenly they were under the castle preparing to attack again~ Except the spies reported that some the dark lords had left...
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43560 Confusion among the ranks which thought they might have imagined their battle~ Quickly realizing that it may have been the power of the medallion of time they instead turn towards the point where the light had appeared... Teleporting to a point near the light~ To intercept the dark lords after the last medallion with the rest of the army escaping and heading towards the light as well~ A race to see the first which would get the medal first~ As the dark creatures gather to ambush the army~
#43567. Mmm. Woke up quite early due to my alarm going off in the morning and having awkward dreams with evil spirits and all (for example a possessed dog biting onto my arm like a log). Awaiting the arrival of my new laptop as well. =]
I'll be going out in a few hours so getting up early is somewhat a good thing. ^^

lol that must be a horrible dream. maybe that's why you wake up early.

wow, having new laptop eh? lucky you :P

ah ! almost forgot, #43568
43569 Soldier mentally drained from the battle they had fought and yet it never happened~ Running back through the tunnels with shadows trying to break open the tunnels from above~ Their previous plans in ruins as they tried to escape~
43570 But one question remains. How could the time medallion owner cast such a powerful spell as the time reversal in the midst of the battle.~
43573 Lets just say that the resistance isnt the only ones to prepare for the battle? ;p Pretty sure the dark lords are aware that they will be attacked and if you control time then it shouldnt be hard to simply freeze time for a bit so you could get away and cast it safely~ Time is quite the overpowered ability but more powerful magics = more draining~

The dark lords in the castle moving when the army didnt arrive~ Also heading towards the point of light with the rest of their forces~ Reinforcements which the medallion holders probably wouldnt need~
43574 ?? I was kinda hinting that it was a trap from the start in that post...

The race began. To reach the goal faster, Clay casted another air spell making a strong wind push their back increasing their speed.~

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