44402 The manipulator or space wary of the manipulator of time as she decided to make a move~ Both knowing that a step would mean a battle between the two and both sides having prepared spells to keep the other from using laying a hand on the medallion~
Hmm school... i wonder when mine starts... hopefully not soon...
44419 Too bad... Mad dreams are nice, you know? Also, I like Angel Beats quite much too. One of the best animes on my list... And your pics are repeating, no fun at all...
But even though it stabbed the dark lord the blade was gone in a second along with a wound it made.~
44424 Nah Angel beats on the second line xD third line is a little story~
Yet the lord of time reappeared to slash at her from behind~ Blocked by the blade of the user of space which seemed to tower over him as it slashed down~