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[MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ; That's because my status got updated to ASL-Staff.
ohhhh ok. i was just wondering
did you join to be staff? cause that join date says this month

That's my normal join date I started being a member, lol~ It has nothing in common with member status~
and what about the little phrase above the avatars. like mine says "senior member." does it change by actions or what?

nevermind. found it

No, "Junior Member" or "Senior Member" or similar will show cuz the admins told the system to do so~ but you can change it to your liking in your User Settings~
45437 Hmm sure? xD

Absorbing the light around~ Leaving nothing to indicate the battle within~
45446 Tea isnt bad either?

A space of light within the darkness~ Cut off from the other sources of recovery~
45448 Hmm try random teas ;p Some arent bad~

A second source for the manipulator of space where she could obtain energy slightly faster than the dark master~

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