Count to a million

i uno!!! i'm still in the afterglow of getting this awesome sig lol
you guys have awesome jobs.....
49428 I like my job quite a bit. It helps that I have some of the coolest bosses ever (and they actually know how to do just about anything in the restaurant). Like if they come in and there is a bunch of stuff in the dish-pit and we're busy, they will just start doing the dishes/helping us. They are THAT awesome.
49435 You could put me on your resume and see how that goes.
"Yeah... I talked to him online once while we were counting to a million even though it will take 30 years!" hehehe
49437 I think we actually are hiring right now, but we are looking for a guy who already knows his way around the kitchen and can work full-time, I believe. Already have a few potential people to fill the spot (and apparently the guy who successfully does the referral gets $200 as incentive because we need one soon XD).
49439 wait when did I become a "Senior Member"? It has only been 3 months! XD

That changes rather quickly :3
But you can set it something you like as well.
49441 so that explains all the random ones, then. I had been wondering what kind of system this was. :P
49443 I will keep that in mind in case I ever want to be "Old King Boredom" or something.
49447 Bahahahaha. I'll have to make a siggy and picture to match sometime. Who knows what that could end up looking like...

haha i think you guys would freak out a lot if i was just "ok, save the job position, i'll start packing now!!"

and for the senior member thing, i think it goes by how many posts you've done.

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